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Probabilis Academy IC (Accepting)

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"Indeed," Felix said and got back on his feet. So this is what having a group of friends was like. They were different, diverse, and had their own lifestyle. In other words, this felt amazing to to Hidrak noble. "Think we could get a seat in the back. Could help us not to get caught if one of us sleeps through any speeches." he joked. Although, the thought of it did sound nice. He did swim for three days just to get to the academy. If anything, he would've fell right to sleep if there wasn't a ceremony.
I shook my head. "Nah, don't worry, it's okay." I said before looking at the sky. "I got over it. It was hard, but I had to. If I didn't, I would never progress. I would probably be crying in my room or something. People die all the time, and my parents were nobles. They knew something like this would happen to them. And since I'm the head now, I'll probably get killed some time in the future. Contrary to popular belief, being a noble is not all about luxury." I said with a sigh. "Well, lets go already. Kiki is already at the entrance." said while pointing at the entrance of the arena, where Kiki was.
Suji nodded and looked to see Kiki already at the entrance. This made him smile widely as he thought about his new group of friends. He hoped he could call them friends, it was what he wanted by coming here. He looked over to Felix, "And miss out on the presentation of the mage battle? You have got to be kidding." He made mock motions with his hands, pretending to be casting against some invisible foe. "Oh to be in the midst of battle, danger all around you and you hold the power to turn the tides. Ah that would be the most amazing feeling in the world." Suji went on more talking to himself than anything.
"Meanwhile, back in reality." Felix joked as he made to the entrence with his friends. "It's a welcome freshmen ceremony, Suji. I'm betting pearls that said that all we'll do is learn the basics of combat and knowledge. The only time wi'll have such a seneriowould most likely be in our final exams." Felix told. "But I'll confess, that situation would be pretty sweet if this happens. Defeat the monster, save the world, and get the girl." he chuckled.
I chuckled at Felix's comment. "Felix, this isn't some stupid Shounen Anime. We're not going to go to some adventure to defeat a villain, were here to learn magic." I said. "Besides, there's 6 of us, not the usual 5. And we would probably be arguing who's 'the hero' of this story. Hell, we don't even know who's the villain!" I said. "Anyways, let's just find some seats. Can't wait until the mage battle starts.
"I know, I know Aoi." Felix smiled. "I too can't wait for them," he added as he looked around the arena. No doubt the new students were coming in. All of them from different walks of life and elements. Never seen such a crowd in his life. Although, he's never been outside the water empire. A shiver ran down his spine, one of nervousness and excitement. Now I'm positive that running away was the best idea... he thought to himself.
Kiki watched as her friends caught up to her and she teased them "what nervous now watching a blaze of fire coming your way and having to explain to your parents who started it now that would be nervous ". she then went in and found a seat and watched as all the other students found a place to sit as well. she hugged her staff and books close to her in hopes she could learn to control her fire and maybe use it once in battle that way when she got home she could be more help to her family.
Synna found a seat with the rest of the group, still silently contemplating until Kiki's comment finally made her take notice of her surroundings again. She shook her head before looking around the arena over the throng of students, sitting straight up as she took in the immensity of the space around her and the number of peers around her before slouching into her seat a little bit with a sigh and watching events unfold.
I waited for the ceremony to start. It wasn't long until we heard a loud voice coming from the stage.

"Good morning, first years. Welcome to our school, where only the best can go, where you will learn how to use what you have been gifted by the Lords. I am Elkar Fanson, and I'll be your host. To start this ceremony, our headmaster, Edward Adolf Yamamoto, will give you all a speech." he said. There were gasps everywhere. Everyone has heard of Edward Yamamoto, the oldest man alive, the strongest mage alive, and the only person still alive who have participated in the 4th Mage War 200 years ago.

An old man came out of the stage.He has the appearance of an old man with red eyes a very long white beard, and long eyebrows. There are many scars on his torso and head, the two most prominent being a pair of long, perpendicular scars above his right eye, suggesting numerous battles in his past. "Welcome, students, to this Academy that I created 50 years ago. Now, I know you are all excited to learn, but this school is not like most schools. Our ways are much tougher, and if you don't have the guts to learn then leave! I don't have time nor the patience to teach a mere infant like you how to breathe! Oh, and becoming magi is more that learning how to cast spells........A true magi fights. Dying to exterminate great evil. That is the will of us magi." he said. He left the stage.

"Okay, now that is done, now comes the time you allhave been waiting for......the mage battle! Usually we show first years a battle between 2 senior students, but this year is special. We will be celebrating the 200th aniverserry of the end of the 4th Mage War, 50th aniversarry of the end of the 5th Mage War and the 50th Aniverserry of this school's creation! In celebration, we will have 2 teachers fight!" he said. Everyone clapped their hands out of excitement. 2 gates, opposite of eachother, opened. 2 figures came out. One was a woman, who had long red hair, a petite body, wearing armor, with a sword by her side. The other was an orange-haired man, wearing a a long-sleeved, ankle-length black coat with red lining that is closed at his chest, then left to flare out into ragged ends, and he was holding an onyx black sword. " First years, I introduce you.....Erza Scarlet, teacher of First Year Physical Combat, and Ichigo Kurosaki, teacher of Fifth-Year Physical Combat and Third-Year Speed Combat." he said.

(Note: Yes, I did just added anime characters as NPC's)
Synna watched the speech in fascination, brief as it was. Even someone who had cut themselves off from society like she had knew of Sensei Yamamoto and she was somewhat in awe of the magical force the man represented. If Yamamoto had made her attentive though, the teachers who came out following the brief and foreboding introduction were an even greater excitement to her. Both of them were physical combat teachers and one would likely be teaching for her in the coming year of schooling, the anticipation making Synna sit up straight and lean forward a little to watch as both of them readied to fight.
Felix had his legs up in a reclining position, listen to the first guy speak. It was when he announced Sensei Yamamoto as the Headmaster of the school that his intress spiked. "So he's still breathing, I see." he said as he listened to his speech. His fingers started trembling, not from fear, but from pure excitement. To see two teachers spar was something else. He got up from his seat and tried to get a closer look on the action that was about to take place.
Kiki had been bored with the whole speach even if it was this old Sensei Yamamoto being out in the farm she had only heard a little bit about him but she was one for action not talk. She had been playing with a fireball and put out real fast when she heard about teachers fighting. Now that got her attention real fast a battle now that was more her style. She got on the edge of her seat and looked down below at the two teachers and said in a loud voice "oh sweet a battle who is gonna win".
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