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Probabilis Academy IC (Accepting)

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Mickey heard the others saying to get going, cuz the ceremony will start soon. He waited for Felix to walk closer to him and he stood there beside him, walking with Felix out with the others as well. But on the way back he noticed a girl aproching them and saying hi to them. Mickey smiled and reached his hand waiting for her to shake it seeing that Felix did the same "Nice to meet you Kiki... Im Mickey" He said with a smile at her, but then he glanced at Felix one last time and looked back at the new girl that they met."Oh and me and Synna are from Radk if you are wondering" He said to her.
Synna elbowed Mickey in the side. "I can introduce myself you know..." Turning to Kiki as they approached Synna confirmed she was the same girl who she'd seen earlier. "Synora. Synora Kuralen. And as you by now already know, I am Radkite." Having given her own account of herself, Synna moved towards Aoi. "Uhm... Which way to the ceremony?" She asked in a hushed voice. "We should probably get moving."
I nodded. "Oh, that's easy. We just head towards the arena." I said while pointing to the huge building in the distance. The Probabilis Arena is the biggest in the world, made to fit over a million people. After all, that is the place where the Great Tournament happens every 10 years. As we head there, I wondered if I would ever get strong enough to enter the tournament, much less win it. I shook my head. I will enter and win it. Then I'll show my family not to mess with me.
Kiki nodded and said "I only want to win to help my family out the more the poeple that know me the better for my fathers farm and my mothers cloths". She moved to be walking with the other two girls . She liked where she was standing even she did not get to be with felix one of these two girls would do nicely . she kept those thought to herself as she walked to the arena.
"To the Arena it is then. Wait up." Felix said and follows. He pats Mickey on the shoulder and smiled. "Come on, the shows about to start." he joked and exits the library with his acquired books. He wondered how long the ceremony would be. Hopefully, it won't put him to sleep. As he walked he gazed upon Kiki from behind. He couldn't say out loud that she was beautiful, It could caused friction with Mickey. Nevertheless, this thoughts about the Pyro student were spot on in his opinion.
"Ok ok Im coming" He said to Felix with a smile. He followed him and soon they reached the three girls. Mickey was jelous from the other girls espacially the new girl Kiki. He could see how Felix was looking at her and that caused him pain in his chest and all around his body... But he could understand Felix, knowing that he isnt like him, he could get him liking girls, but he didnt kenw why he felt such a big pain, he never felt so hurt before... Mickey shook his head and a fake smile appeard on his face as he was looking at Felix.
Suji walked onto the grounds and the first thing he thought was how many people there were around. Growing up on the outskirts of town with two cranky old alchemists was a lonely life. He found it different that there was less static in the air, as the sun was up and the sky was clear. In his home you saw lightning almost as often as you saw the sun. He sighed and realized that all the people, were in a rush to go somewhere. "Shit I am late." He exclaimed as he made his way through the grounds.

Once he had arrived at the main office, out of breath, he showed his paperwork and had gotten everything he was going to need. The woman at the counter informed him that he had little time to get dressed and head to the arena. Suji gave a disgruntled sigh before he headed out towards his room in yet another dead run. "First day and I am already having to run around everywhere. At least the place looks nice." He spoke to himself as he arrived at his dorm. He unlocked the door and took a quick glance of his surroundings. There seemed to be two packs already in the room, his roommates no doubt. This excited him as it ment he would be around people everyday.

He glanced at the welcoming paper and saw he was to dress in the uniform provided and head to the arena for an opening ceremony. He nodded and looked through the closet. He noticed one last uniform for him and hoped it fit him well. Almost tearing his clothes off of his body he replaced them with his uniform which he could feel start to form to him as he put them on. "Well no one said magic was unimpressive." He laughed as he gave himself one last look in the mirror, running his hand through his hair. He soon regreted this as his natural static caused it to go haywire and stand in every which way. "Well shit, no time to try and fix this." He said as he hurried out of the door, locking it behind him. He hoped that this last run to the arena would be the last running he would need to do today, he was already starting to become worn out.
Synna followed the group as they made their way towards the Arena, quietly thinking on what she had discovered thus far as the quintet merged with the student throng that was beginning to move in the same direction as them. This must be what having friends is like... Impromptu friends... Contrary to all she had trained, the young girl was lost in thought as they walked through the crowd, not even alert for strange faces or other people around them and muttering the occasional "sorry" as she accidentally bumped against someone or other in the throng.
Suji seemed to finally catch up to the mass of people that were making their way to the arena. Out of breath and not entirely paying attention to what was in front of him he came across of five people, two guys and three girls. He was intending to just jog past them, making sure he was in the front of the crowd. "Excu....." He barely got the word out when he kicked the back of his own foot and fell straight to the ground. He hit the ground hard and he was sure that he had made an amazing show now sprawled on the dirt. He sighed into the ground one last time before he started to move and get off the ground.
kiki saw the boy go down and ran over to him and held out her hand as he was getting up . "are you okay that looked like it hurt a bit " she said smiling at him. she was trying to be friendly for she herself had been in a hurry and tripped over something or anther at her farm . she also knew she had a tendcy to have butter fingers and set things on fire.
Suji was glad to know that someone came over to help him. He grabbed her hand and allowed her to help him up. "Oh it is no big thing, the ground broke most of my fall." He joked as he rubbed hi sore nose. "Sorry to have startled you guys, I have just got here and was in a rush not to be late to this big ceremony they are having." He said with a smiled.
Felix was relaxing until he herd a voice and then a fall/ He turned to see another guy there. Glad to see he was okay, he smiled and shrugged. "It happens, just glad to see you're alright." he said and pats his shoulder. He felt strange from the contact. As his his body was in a bit of a shock. He quickly let go and shook the feeling off. "Anyways, it nice to see a new face. I'm Felix." he said to the new guy.
Suji dusted himself off as a guy came up and tapped him on the shoulder. When he introduced himself as Felix he nodded. "I am Suji Mahara, but please just call me Suji." He looked across the group and smiled. "Interesting weather we are having huh? Is is always this bright out here?"
Kiki smiled and said "yea i come from a farm pretty sunny with a side of everyday normal fires but sense our kingdom is used to them and knows how to control them well besides me i still have a ways to go before i can learn to control mine". she then chuckled saying "sorry were are my manners my name is Kiki yoshi just call me Kiki nice to meet you Suji.
Suji ran his hand through his hair nervously. He still wasn't used to talking to many people, but he maintain his smile. "So you must come for the land of Pyra. It must be pretty warm over there. I am from a small little hamlet in Gynere. It is almost always cloudy, if not storming out. The few days we do get sun shine, we celebrate it."
Kiki smiled and said "warm yes blazing fires seem so normal we do not fear them like some people but rather kinda we made use of them ". she then gave him her sweetist smile trying to welcome him into the group. She wanted to make lots of freind's and him and Felix were two hot guys first on her list then if one of them did not work out she would go for one of the girls next.
I smiled at the boy in front me, named Suji. He was quite good-looking. Suppressing a blush, I held my hand out to shake hands with him. "My name's Aoi Kuroi, of Uni. Nice to meet you Suji." I said,hoping he doesn't realize I'm a noble. I was making more friends today than I had made in an entire year before. "So you're from Gynere, huh. How is it there at Gynere?" I asked
Suji smiled at Kiki, thinking she looked awfully cute, and then turned to look at Aoi. He gripped her hand and shook it. "Kuroi? As in the famous Kuroi clan that had just lost both of their heads?" He asked. He would sometimes hear news of the realms from the cryers in the town when he would be able to go and get supplies for his parents. Anyone who was close to news, had heard about the devastation that had happened to them.
Kiki looked from Aoi to Suji then said in a rather loud and happy voice "great that makes six of us great the more the better three boys and three girls " she let out a soft giggle then twirled her staff making light flames flicker off. she was getting bored and excited all at the same time. she could not help herself from showing off a little after all she was surrounded by cute girls and boys.
Suji was caught off guard by the fire mage's show. Shaking the surprise, he gave a little giggle. This girl seemed hyper and fun, which was exactly what he was hoping for in friends. He hoped the rest were just as happy go lucky. "Wow, nice fire. I wish I knew some little tricks. I can brew you a potion to change your hair, or maybe wake you breathe under water for a little bit, but that is about all the magic I can do. Well that, and I can dodge a lightning bolt from the sky." He said with a little pride. The one thing he liked about his natural affinity with electricity was that he can feel the static build before it has time to strike.
"You can keep the under water part." Felix chuckled. As he walked with his new friends, be begans walking on his hands. "Those born in Hidrak, like myself, can breathe under water." he told him with a smile. "Althogh, I can tell that you were from the lightning empire when I touched your shoulder. I felt a big jot from it. My hair was about to be messier than now." he told him.
"Well as they say, water and electricity doesn't mix well." Suji chuckled as he turned his head upside down trying to look at Felix while he was walking on his hands. "This is why I have never tried to fix my hair up." He took this moment to run his fingers through his hair, pushing his hair down for a mere moment. When suddenly he looked like a white dandelion. "If I spend a couple hours on it I can take the static out of it and have it lay down, but that is just too long to wait.
I frowned when I heard Suji talked about my family. I sighed. "Yes, that Kuroi clan. Those people that died...were my parents. Since I'm their eldest child, I'm now the head of that family." I said. I looked at my watch. "Oh my, the Ceremony's starting in 5 minutes, let's go before the arena gets full." I said. I smiled at the thought of the other 5, I didn't think I would get this many friends in my first day.
Suji suddenly got a pang of guilt for how he spoke about her family. He turned his head back straight when she mentioned about them only having 5 minutes. "I am so sorry to hear that. I didn't know they were your parents." He said in a soft voice. He berated himself for sounding so cold. Way to go sparky, way to start a friendship, he thought to himself. He used his old nickname that he picked up from some of his distant family.
kiki smiled at the group and said "well we better hurry then do not want to be late ". she twirled around excited for the show to start and gave all of her five friends a happy smile. she never thought she could make friends this easily but she did. she was walking and twirling and skipping and ahead of everyone else but would stop to wait for them. She got to the entrance of the place where the ceremony was held for the others.
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