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Probabilis Academy IC (Accepting)

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Levitation, Hastening, and other such 'useless spells' were not only the only spells that Synna could perform reliably bar a few offensive magics but the spells that she found most useful at times. "I wouldn't necessarily knock those spells, they can be pretty useful int he right situation..." She gave a cryptic smile. If you ever see me fight I suspect it'll be pretty obvious...

"Physical Combat." She replied to the second question without thinking, realizing that the secret she'd worked so carefully these past minutes to protect was out she clapped her hands over her mouth and then gave a sigh of regret, letting her shoulders slump a little. "Oh slag... I'm terrible at keeping secrets aren't I..."
Heh, I guess she was right about those spells. Any spell could be pretty useful when used in the right moments. I've heard a story about a guy who used a Push spell to make his opponent fall into a pit of lava.

Huh, she must have wanted to keep her physical abilities a secret. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, Synna. I'm not like those girls who gossip about everything." I said. I already guessed hat she was a fighter, considering her physique.

" You know, you could be a great Spellsword If you didn't know, spellswords are magi who also use physical combat. Basically they are a cross between warriors, or rouges, with a magi. Besides, you have a great adavantage againts most magi, sice you can still fight even after depleting your mana." I said.
Synna couldn't help it this time, she just outright gawped at Aoi in disbelief. "There are people who do that? Since when?" She had never heard of any mage who had done anything similar. Her own training in the physical had been done to supplement her magic but... "I guess it would be a bit vain to think I'm the first actually... I suppose there must have been others in the past." She gave a grin. "You'd know all about that wouldn't you, being a history person and all that?"

The question was a rhetorical one and Synna carried on talking without waiting for a response. "I have next to no mana, and I've had to work hard for what little I do have... I barely belong here as is since my spellcasting is so weak. I just don't really have anywhere else to go at this point." A more pertinent question occurred to her. "Come to think of it you never did answer me. Do we have uniforms or not?"
"Of course there is. This is a private school, after all." I stated. I went over to my cupboard, and pulled out the uniform*. I showed it to Synna. It was red and its skirt was black. "It's quite convenient actually. It is enhanced so it can fit all sizes, its resistant to low-leveled magic and repairs itself. Well, unless its serious of course. Go check your cupboard." I saidwhile pointing to her cupboard.

(Note: It looks like Japanese school uniforms)
Synna opened her own cupboard to find a number of similar uniforms. "Well That's convenient..." She commented at Aoi's listing of the various features of the outfit in front of her. "Looks like it would be pretty mobile too." She added at the end of her roommate's little speech.

Another few slow looks wandering up and down the clothes and Synna nodded appreciatively. "I like it! I should probably wear it to the Opening Ceremonies come to think of it..." Thinking nothing of the implications since she was wearing underwear after all, the Radkite slipped her own shirt over her head and tossed it to the bottom of the cupboard, exchanging it for one of the uniform tops within that she began to put her arms through.
I watched as Synna put on the uniform. I blushed when I saw Synna's well developed body. I turned away to give her some privacy. I turned around a minute later. I smiled when looking at Synna in the uniform. She looked much better in it compared to before.
"You look great in that!" I said. I then looked at my own uniform. "Hmmmm, I think I want to wear it as well! Please wait for a moment." I said as I entered the bathroom. I liked my privacy when changing.

A few minutes later, I came out of the bathroom, wearing the uniform. "So, what do you think?" I asked her for an opinion.
Synna gave a sidelong glance at the obvious blush and the hurried turn away as she changed. Sliding her pants off and The skirt on as well. Looking at herself in the mirror she had to agree with her roomate's assessment of her look, It did suit her better than the worn clothes she had been wearing before and although it was a little stiff about the shoulders it would serve her just as well for most purposes.

Giving Aoi a look once she came out of the bathroom, Synna found herself nodding appreciatively again. Wow... She actually looks really pretty... It was the first time Synna had really been looking at her roomate's appearance and she had to admit the girl was awfully attractive. "You look good." It didn't quite capture how Synna felt about Aoi's looks but it would suffice for the moment. "How long till the ceremony?"
Nicky said:
Mickey was a little depresed right now, he wanted a new life cuz he couldnt have his old life, not that he wanted to. His father kicked him out of home and he really missed his family, he never get alonge with his father and sometimes he hated him, but he still loved him even if his father didnt acceted him like a son. He really wanted to see his entire family, his mother and his sisters he missed them, he was upset not knowing if he will be able to see them again.

Mickey looked up seeing Felix staying up and pulled Mickey up as well, he smiled seeing that Feliz tryed to make him feel better, he liked this, he never had someone like Feliz in his life... He had his sisters that cheered him up all of the times, but he had no true friend in his life and he knew that he will get alonge with Felixe and become friends. Mickey chuckled quietly as he heard what Felix said "Who said that I won't bit your ear if you bit mine" He said joking, but not really "Ok lets go... I wanna see everything here" He said and walked to his room to get his keys, he came back with a smile on his face "Come on lets go" He said and exit and placed the key in the lock waiting for Felix to walk out so that he can lock the room.

Felix nod his head and exits the dorm with Mickey. This was going to be a heck of an experience. Two newbies, not knowing where the heck they're going, and trying not to cause any trouble. As he explores the halls with his new roommate, the merman read over his sechdule. "I gotta tell you Mickey, I'm really looking forward to Alchemy and Magic Combat." he told him. His physical combat is a bit shakey. The only positive he has is his speed, but only when he's in the water. "What about you? Any class you think you can shine in?" he asked his new friend.

As the tour continued, Felix began to wonder. Where are the girls? he kneew the school was for both gender, but there wasn't a single lady so far. He let it slide, knowing there would be plenty at the welcome ceremony. Glancing back at the papers while touring, he came to a complete hault seeing a word that was manditory at the academy. "Uniforms?" Felix said reading once over. "This is rare, normally I wear what i want to wear. I wonder what they look like." he said to Mickey.
I suppressed a blush after hearing Synna's compliment. Of course, I have been complimented before. Plenty of times actually. But those were either the biased compliments of my siblings, or the forced compliments of my servants. I never have been complimented by someone who isn't biased or forced to compliment.

"Thanks for the compliment." I said. Then I remembered Synna's question. I took a glance at my watch. "Hmmmm, about half an hour left. What should we do in the time being?" I asked Synna. "Ah, I know, let's explore this place! You don't have any problems now that you are wearing the uniform, right?" I asked Synna. I wanted to wait for out third roomate, but it might take a long time until she arrives, time that we don't have. Besides, I really wanted to see what the library looks like.
Mickey walked around with Felix, he glanced at him seeing that he was reading something, he wondered what was he reading, it was probably schdule. Mickey thought of what he is best at, when Felix asked him, well he was only good at Magical combat, cuz he wasnt that edjucated cuz he was poor and had nomoney for school, and he wasnt really good at the history stuff and everything else "Magical combat.... I think" He said with a smile looking at Felix.

Mickey yawned feeling a little tired, the trip to here was very long and he was getting sleepy now, but he will sleep after the ceremony... he hoped that the ceremony will pass fast. Mickey looked at Felix with tired eyes as he heard the word uniforms... "Uniforms? I didnt knew we will have uniforms... From where should we get one?" He asked a little confused. He hoped that the uniforms looked good.
"It's probably back in the dorms. We havent looked inside the closets nor drawers in our dorm. I can oly hope that they'll be in our size." he told Mickey. Continuing on he stopped him hearing something. "I hear other people. And i soulds like ladies." Felix said with a smile. He took his tired friend's hand and followed the sound. Once at the point where he herd the noise, he saw two girls. One with long orange hair and another with purple hair. He noticed the way they dressed. That must be the female virsion of the school uniforms. Well no that he sees them, he should greet them. "Hello." he said to them.
"Yeah probably" He said to Felix, he really wanted the uniforms to look good and fit them of course. Mickey yawned again and then he heard Felix saying that he hear ladies. Mickey could see how excited Felix was when he heard girls close to them. Well Mickey didnt like girls, he liked guys and that sometimes is a problem for other peoples, he hoped that his roomate wouldnt have a problem that he is gay, but for now he won't tell him.

Mickey felt his roomate grabbing his arm and he smiled and followed hi to the girls. Mickey observed both of the girls when they reached them noticing that they were with uniforms, well that was the femae version "Hey" He said to them and smiled. "Um do we have to wear the uniforms at the ceremony?" He asked the girls.
"You're welcome..." The silence that followed Synna's reply was an awkward one, even with the secrets revealed between her and her roommate it seemed there were still no small number of bridges to cross before they would truly know each other. Aoi was first to break the silence with her suggestion and Synna was grateful for it, finding the uncertainty between them almost painful in that moment. "Explore?" Trepidation showed in her voice but as she recalled the uniform she now wore the memory of the stares she had received before seemed faded enough that it provided nothing beyond a feeble protest before giving up the ghost.

"Alright... Let's explore." Synna was more curious about the gyms and the arena itself, to know the land she might someday have to do battle upon. Setting out, the pair made their way down the stairs towards the front entrance of the building again to emerge into the sunlit afternoon. Of course they didn't get far before a pair of boys hailed them, one of them dark haired with tan skin while another had a mop of deep blue atop his head to contrast with his much fairer colouration.

"Hello..." Synna wasn't really sure what else to say beyond an awkward response to the greeting the taller boy delivered and she latched on to the question that the other asked. "Actually I don't know... I just put this on since it seemed like the thing to do..." She gave a questioning look to Aoi. "Do we need the uniforms for the ceremony?" It wasn't like Synna planned to switch back to her old clothes but she felt a little guilty at being unable to answer the question.
I followed Synna out of the room, and we emerged into the sunlit afternoon. We didn't get very far until two boys approached us, one of them had blue hair with a tan skin and another deep blue hair. The first one greeted us, and the second asked us about the uniforms.

"Hello! And yes, you do need to wear the uniforms for the Entrance Ceremony. You can find it in the closet, and don't worry about the sizes, they are enhanced to fit everyone!" I answered the question. "Oh, and my name is Aoi Kuroi and she is Synora Kuralen, what are yours?" I asked them, then realizing I once again included my last name. Damn it all.
A sigh came to him knowing that he had to wear uniforms. It wasn't really his thing since he had his own style to wear. Maybe he could modify it a bit so he could represent his homeland. Either way, he and his new friend had to hurry back to their rooms and put it on, with seldom time remaining. He listened to the orange haired girl introduce herself and her friend. That last name of hers perked up his ears.

"Kuroi?" Felix said raising a brow. He never thought such high society would be on display here. If anything, most nobles knew that name. Felix simply smiled and nod out of respect. "Nice to me you both, I'm Felix Surfton and he is Malakai Parkks." he told both Aoi and Synora. It was nice to know they were both freshmen as well as them.
I realized the first boy, who had blue hair, named Felix, recognized my name. Well not a surprise since the Surftons were also nobles too. They were not as high-ranking as the Kuroi, but still a noble is a noble. "I see you noticed my name. But you don't have to treat me like I'm some sort of princess, here we are all simple students." I told him.

"Oh, and you two better get dressed up. The ceremony is about half an hour away, and you can't control time, can you? Unless you are one of those fabled Chronomancers, of course." I said. "Bye! See you later during the classes!" I told Felix and Malakai while leaving with Synna.
Mickey stayed quiet as he listened to what they were speaking. He didnt want to wear the uniforms, but what can he do when he has to wear it. Mickey was just looking at Synora, that name was familier to him... She is from Radk... He can see it with those purple close to pink colored eyes and with a that hair of hers she was deffinatly from Radk like him. But before he could ask her the girls had left and he smiled looking at them as they were leaving. Mickey glanced at Felix "Lets go back to the room" He said and started walking with Felix back to their room.

When they reached it, he unlocked the door and entered. He started searching for his uniform and soon he found it. It was like the girl's uniform's, well close to their. They had pants instead of skirts, and it was different colour and the style was a little different. "I guess that's our uniform" He said looking at Felix. Mickey left the uniform on the couch cuz he was in the living room. He took his clothes off, first his shirt and then his pants staying only with boxers. He left his clothes on the couch and bent down to grabb the uniform and then he dressed. He looked down it stayed nice on him, but he preffered his clothes.
"Chronomancers?" Synna raised one eyebrow at Aoi as the pair walked away from the boys. "That'd be a bit advanced if those two were as new here as us..." Now that she was outside and not receiving dirty looks from everyone around she felt much more charitable to the suggestion that they go out here. With the sun shining and a gentle breeze ruffling her hair as they walked it was hard not to enjoy the day.

"Come to think of it..." Synna muttered to herself while reaching up to undo the ties that held her hair back so that her purple tresses hung loose upon her head. "That's better..." The wind now caught her hair, cool touches running through the strands and caressing her scalp, making her sigh in satisfaction at the sensation. She kept her hair back so that it wouldn't get in her eyes and she'd had it that way for so long she had almost forgotten what it was like to let it out. "So... A princess?" She asked Aoi as she opened her eyes again. "You're Unian nobility I suppose?"
Felix folloed Mickey back to their dorm room. He still couldn't get use to the fact that they had to wear uniforms. He searched with his friend until they found them. Already, he stuck out his toungue seeing it. "Not use to his at all." he chuckled grabbing his set. Like him, he got dressed in the living room as well. He removed his pattern shirt and shorts being only in his boxer shorts. He streched out a bit, flexing his body so he could stay limber.

With one more sigh, he grabbed the uniform and puts it on. Pants, belt, undershirt and finally school jacket. If he had to wear a tie, he probably would've flipped. With his school uniform on, he looked at himself and shrugged. "Okay Mickey, what do you think: buttoned or un-buttoned?" he asked him referring to the jacket. He unbuttons it and exposed some of his undershirt.
Mickey watched as Felix dressed. His eyes was observing his half naked body... he looked so good without clothes, with his muscular body that he wanted to touch so badly. Mickey shook his head knowing that it wasnt the time for this, nor he knew if his roomate was like him. Mickey lookedas he saw Felix dressing and asking him if his jacket should be unbuttened or buttoned. Mickey walked closer to Felix and moved his hands on his chest, feeling his warm skinn even yhrough his clothes. "You look great" He said with a smile and buttoned the jacket. He looked at him and decided to unbotten it again, his hands on Felix's stomach as he did so "Unbuttened" He said looking at Felix's eyes with a little blush on his face.

"Umm... So lets go" He said and moved away from Felix as he walked to the door, feeling his heart racing and his entire body hot, feeling sweat falling from his forehead. Mickey brushed the sweat from his forehead and took a deep vreath as he exit their room and waited for Felix... He didnt knew what was happening to him, but he felt something weird for Felix "Come on Im not waiting the entire day for you" He shouted at Felix seeing that he was still inside.
"Actually, it would be almost impossible for them to be Chronomancers. Although about 5 people have claimed to be them in the past, no one knows if they were lying or not. Well, the physics of Chronomancy does say it is possible, but you would need impossibly large amounts of mana to do it. So the closest anyone can get is slowing down time, or making it faster. " I stated. It was true, Chronomancy is almost impossible, since the estimated amount of mana needed is about that of 100 magi. So unless they make an entire machine made for time-travelling,it would be impossible.

I stopped walking when I heard Synna's 2nd question. I bit my lip. I really shouldn't have talked about my nobility out loud. I sighed. It seems I have to tell her.Just hope her views on me doesn't change. "Yes, I am Unian nobility. My entire family is. One of the most important families in the world. We even had our ow kingdom a couple hundred years ago, but then we joined Uni through marriage. But don't let that change your views about me. Here, in this school, we're all equal. Besides, being a noble sucks. I get an average of 3 assasinations per week. It's why I want to become a powerful mage, So I can protect me and my siblings." I told Synna. I looked at Synna, who had let her hair out. She looked...prettier. "You look much better with your hair down." I told Synna with a slight blush.
"Thanks..." Synna noticed the blush in Aoi's cheeks and felt a flush rising on her own face as the attraction between the two of them reared it's head once again. Do something about it! Her mind was screaming at her.

"So nobility right? That must be why your name sounded familiar..." Her tone was forced and she knew how obvious it must be that she was avoiding the whole subject. Coward. She ignored the voice in her head as it berated her. She didn't have time to be distracted by something like this right now. Quit lying to yourself.

A sigh... "Three assassinations... That doesn't sound like a pleasant existence... I've always been a little focused on myself so I can't say I know of your family really but..." A shrug. "Well if you get attacked around me I won't hesitate to help." She proclaimed. How sweet. Just kiss her and promise to protect her forevermore already. Synna couldn't help it, her face was crimson by now at the images her mind was supplying to her. "Let's just find the library or something." She mumbled. So you can make out. "Shut up."
Felix simply smiled at his actions. His hands were soft for a guy as he lets him explores his upper body. It was scaley afterall. When he gave his answer to his question, he nod his head and chuckled. "I had a feeling you said that." he replied and miled. He looked at him heading to the door and stuck out his tongue when he told him to hurry. "Relax, Mickey. It takes time to dress to impress." he told him before caressing his blushing cheek and winked in a teasing manner.

He walked with him outside the dorm. Now the question was simple. Where to since they have a few minutes left. He wanted to head to the area now so he could get the best seats. And to avoid the crowd of freshmen that would pile on inside. Of course, the library wouldn't be too bad either. Espicially if they had books on Alchemy. With another strech, he draped his arm around his roommate and pulled him in close. "So buddy, where to? I'll follow." he told him with a chuckle.
Mickey smiled at the wink that he reacived form Felix and the soft touch on his lushed cheek. He shook his head and calmed down his blush disappearing... what was happening to him, he never felt like this... he felt different when he is close to Felix and he liked it, but didnt knew what to do with his feelings. Mickey took a deep breath, he locked the door and started walking with Felix, looking at his with a big smile.

Mickey felt Felix wrapping an arm around him and he raised his head looking at his roomate. Felix was taller then him, but it didnt mattered to Mickey. Mickey thought for a while "Hmm" He paused as he looked in font of him seeing many peoples passing them "Dont know... Where do you wat to go?" Mickey asked and looked back at Felix. He moved his arm slowly to his roommate's back and placed it there. In few secound latter he slid his hand dwon to Felix's waist and started massaging him gently... Mickey just couldnt stop himself, he wanted to touch Felix so he did so, not caring for anything right now.
Felix felt his hand once more. Looking at himhe had a feeling what was up. The way he looked and decided to touch his body on a whim. It all lead to one answer, Mickey had a thing for the Surfton noble. Flattered, but was a bit unsure. Yes, he was curious, but having a woman to snuggle with was a sweet deal in his opinion. Who knows, Felix just might give in to that temptation. He gently took his hand and removed it from his body. In return, he removed his arm from around him.

"To the library then. I have to admit I'm alittle weak on physical combat on land. I hope to get some books on it to study up on." he suggested. With another smile, he playfully messed with his hair and jogged over to where the library is. He soon jogged back to his roommate with a chuckle. "That is if I knew where the library is of course." he added.
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