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Probabilis Academy IC (Accepting)

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Sep 25, 2012
Probabilis Academy

Ever since thousands of years ago, some humans have discovered how to manipulate their surroundings, and use an invisible energy to do things. At first, these humans were worshipped as gods(and demons), but realized they weren't, for they could die. As the numbers of these special people, called magi, increased, many villages gathered them for many purposes, mainly for war. These villages grew into kingdoms and empires, and they used the mages as weapons of war. Hundreds of years later, only 12 empires stood, as the rest have fallen. Each of these empires had a specialty. They are Pyra, Hidrak, Oeg, Dniw, Cyrek, Gynere, Rumina, Radk, Leah, Shi, Oivd and Uni. After hundreds of years of a stalemate, the empires decided to make a peace treaty.
Every 10 years, Magi who think they are up to the challenge fight eachother in the Probabilis Arena, located in an island far from the main continent, and the winner brings fame and glory not ony to themselves, but to their empire as well. To reinforce this, they made an elite mage school nearby the arena. This school would teach the young magi-in-training that have the potential to become great. You are a new student, who is going to attend this school, whether from scholarship or by simply paying the administrators, and learn the ways of the art. Will you find friend and enemies, or maybe even love?

Aoi Kuroi
I looked at my surroundings. There were trees, buildings and more buildings. And in the east I saw a huge building, probably the arena. To anybody else, this was not very spectacular. But to someone who was stuck inside a mansion for 90% of her like, this is amazing!
I guess should introduce myself. I am Aoi Kuroi. Yes, that Kuroi. One of the most influental families in the world. And I'm also the head. And I'm just 15. But that's a story for another time.

I went into the office building, and met the clerk.
" Excuse me, but I'm a new student. I wish to get my dorm key and books." I said.
"Name?" the clerk asked.
"Aoi Kuroi" I said.
"Wha...? Kuroi! I'm, I'm sorry ma'am for disres-" the clerk said before I cut her off.
"No no no! You don't have to apologize! I may be a noble, but here I'm just a normal student!" I said.
"Uh...very well then ma'am. Here is your dorm key and test books. Oh, and first years have to got to the Entrance Ceremony at the arena." the clerk said while giving me the items. I thanked her and left.

I dragged my bags and books into the room. Now, you might be wondering why a noble is carrying her bags instead of asking a servant to do that. Well unlike other nobles, I'm quite independent. In fact, sometimes I just wish to be reborn as a commoner. You might think being a noble is luxury, but that's incorrect. Just to give you an example, I get 3 assasination attempts a week
I looked at the room. It was quite big for a dorm room. According to what I heard, this was due to the fact that the academy was built on an island, so it could expand without disturbing anything.
The room had 3 beds, 3 cupboards, a sofa, a table for 4, and a bathroom. It was more like an apartment than a dorm room.
I put my stuff into one of the cupboards. Just as I was about to finish, I heard a knock on the door. 'must be my roommate', I thought. I went to the door and opened it.
Mikey was heading to the academy. He was outside and was looking around seeing how beautiful the island was. Everything was covered with beautiful flowers and green trees. Evrything was amazing, where he had lived there wasnt anything like this, there were only poor peaoples and bad looking houses, he was to poor to be allowed to enter the area were the rich peoples lived and he couldnt go there looking like a bum, cuz he had no money to buy nice clothes. There were building all around as well and he thought what will it be like to be rich and to live in a house like this in here.

Mikey walked inside the academy and to the office building as he was instructed to do. He knocked on the door and entered looking at the clerk. He told him his name and everything that he was need to tell and waited for his key's for his dorm room to be given to hm. Mikey grabbed the keys and turned around and walked outside the room. He looked at the number that was written on the key and searched for his room. In few minutes of searching he reached his room and entered with a excited look on his face.

Everything was so expensive he wondered how much everything everything cost in here, he had to be very cearful not to break anything. Mikey was wearing a nice white shirt that was almost open and a little of his chest was exposed. He weard grey pants and some shoes. But he had a dark robe on top of his body hiding his white clothes. He had money for clothes now, cuz he was a prostitute, he wasnt proud of it and he didnt want to do this, but he needed money for the school and for nice looking clothes so he needed to. He didnt want to think of this right now cuz it made him sad knowing that his father kicked him out when he founf out what he was doing. Mikey shook his head and dragged his bags to one of the bed's that he had chose and left it there, he didnt want to unpack right now so he just left them there. Mikey rememberd that he had to go to the arena for the Entrance Ceremoney. Mikey thought who will his roomate, be... he hoped that it will be some hot dude that he will have fun with.
Felix was by the pier, completely tried from all that swimming. He did it for one reason. He ran away from his expensive home. Besides, he was suppose to go to this location anyways. It was the quikest route to the academy. He simply relaxed in the warm sun waiting for his tail to dry off and convert to human legs. Why? Well where he's from, Hidrak, the citizens were merpeople. And his family, the Surfton Clan, were one of the most richest nobles in the empire.

His life was dull and boring back there. He couldn't let loose and be himself. It was always act like this and act like that. He had no free time to do what he wanted and it drove him mad. Once accepted to Probabilis Academy, his parents refused. It was the last strw for him. he needs to prove he could hang on his own, so at the edge of night, he grabbed his things and left his home.

Once his legs appeared he got up streched. He messed with his blue hair making it go from stylish to messy. He chuckled seeing his hair style from the reflection in the water. He had on a white shirt with differnt ocean patterns and shorts. He grabbed his bags along with his personal surfboard and heads to the academy.

"Felix Surfton" he said to the clerk. The clerk was amazed hearing he was here knowing all about his family. He simply shrugged it off and took hold of his dorm key and books. He was allso informed that his roommate was already here. That got the merman curious wondering who he is and would they become friends. He shrugged it off for now and heads over to his dorm. Along the way he read where the Entrance Ceremony would take place. He'll have to find the arena soon. He unlocks the door and sees then other guy there. Taking a breath he smiled. "Hey there," he replied to his new roommate.
Mikey waited for his roomate for a while and he was getting bored waiting for so long time he didnt knew what to do. Mikey was sitting on his bed with his robe off of his body revealing his clothes. He wasnt sure what to do waiting, he didnt want to go alone to the arena so he thought that he will wait as much as possible and heck he had time till the ceremony starts, but he hoped that this guy will be here soon.

Mikey stood up and grabbed his bag and started unpacking throwing everything on his bed. He didnt want to unpack yet cuz he was too lazy, but he had to do something while he is waiting. Mikey placed his clothes in the dresser and his underwear as well. He sighed and started streatching feeling a little sleepy, well he will definatly will fall a sleep if he had to wait more. Mikeytook a deep breath and decided to go to the ceremonye alone, but then when he was about to head to the door and unlock it he heard the door being unlocked from outside. He wondered what kind of person will his roomate will be, he hoped that he will be a nice person.

Mikey saw the door beeing opened and he moved closer looking at the guy that entered. He looked good very nice muscular with blue hair. Mikey was preatty handsom as well with his nice looking face and body, and his purple eyes that were shining in the dark and with his dark hair that had some hair that had turned purple as well. "Hey" He said with a smile on his face "Im Malakai Parkks. But you can call me Mickey... And whats your name?" He asked still smiling at the man in front of him.
Even with the cynicism she typically favoured, Synna couldn't help but find herself a little awed by the sprawling grounds of the academy. With a number of austere and official looking buildings, all of the labeled with grand names inscribed by their entrances on plaques or carved into the stones themselves. She felt a little out of place with so many students garbed in official looking robes around her, her own loose cotton shirt and breeches drawing many passing pairs of eyes to her. She had little magical aptitude and now the stares only reinforced the sensation of not belonging in her mind, prompting to hurry towards her dormitory. She wanted to hide away until classes could start, until she could fade away into the background and learn quietly, become strong...

Then again... Synna knew she had one advantage over most of these students. Magi who focused on their spells left little time to train their bodies and with as little study as she could manage Synna had often spent more time on the physical over the mystical. Maybe I don't fit in... But maybe I can still hold a place here... By the time the purple-haired girl snapped out of her introspection and brooding nature she had left many of the other students behind, wandering up the steps towards the dormitory she'd been assigned by the somewhat snobbish man at the school office. Inside the complex she wandered, appraising the layout as she slowly ascended. 101... 201... 301... 302... 303... 304! That's it. Spying upon her destination Synna quickly strode over, raising her hand to knock softly on the wooden door and being surprised as she heard footsteps inside the room approach.

The door opened and Synna found herself suddenly confronted by an orange haired girl. "Um... This is a double room? Are you my roommate?" Synna really hoped the clerk hadn't sent her on a fool's quest to a single that was already occupied but she had no intention of giving up now, not after she'd spent all of her parents' legacy just to get this far...
I looked at the purple haired girl weirdly. She must have been expecting a private room for everyone.
"No, it's not a double's a triple room." I said. I saw her face become lit with a misture of anger and dissapointment. Why is she so sad? Isn't it better if people shared rooms? After all, they could do their homework to together, and the responsibilities are equal.

I looked at the girl. She had purple hair tied up in bangs, and a quite muscular body. I wonder how they would feel.....No, what am I thinking? I'm a noble for god's sake, and a clan head too! If the elders were to ever find out that I'm thinking about such things, they would definitely use it as propaganda against me!

"C'mon, get inside. It isn't that bad." I let her inside.
"My name's Aoi. Aoi Kuroi. What's yours?" I asked her, then wanting to hit myself due to the fact that I included my last name. Now she would think I'm some arrogant prick.
Felix looked at his new roommate. He was cheerful. Proably because he had arrived, but none the less, he was glad that his new roommate is a nice guy. Not to mention okay looking. He dropped his bags and placed his surfboard against the wall before extending his hand to Mickey. "Felix, Felix Surfton. Nice to meet you." he said to him. Judging on looks alone, he figured he was the oldest of the two. It didn't bothered him at all. He had no siblings back home, so this could be a positive experience.

Gazing upon the room, Felix could already tell this place had some expensive taste. The living space was enough for three people to live in and the rooms weren't cramp at all. "Have you claimed a room Mikey?" he asked as he gathered his stuff the room he chose was a great view of the pool. he was completely positive he would spend time there. He didn't unpacked yet, he wanted to see more of this place. Exiting his room, he chatted with his new roommate. "So you have any idea when the ceremony will start?" he said patting his shoulder.
Synna wanted to slap herself when she heard the words triple room. Of course... I was just being paranoid after all... She sighed. "Sorry... My name's Synora Kuralen..." The name of the girl sounded oddly familiar to her, like she had heard something of it before, but she was very disconnected even from the Radk Nobility let alone the nobility of other countries so there was no immediate familiarity to her mind.

Waiting for the girl to step aside, Synna entered the room and looked about the space. It was a little lacking in privacy besides the one bathroom but it seemed quite luxurious compared to the house she had once lived in, even moreso when one could consider that she'd been on the road for some time. Scanning over the beds, Synna picked one that looked unoccupied and dropped the pack she carried, rolling her shoulders and stretching as soon as the weight had lifted from her body, glad to be free of the weight.
I felt relieved. The girl, Synora, didn't seem to recognize my name. That's good. I watched as she went inside and sat on of the unoccupied beds. I wondered which Empire she came from. Then I remembered about the Entrance Ceremony, and looked at my watch. The Entrance Ceremony would start in 1 hour, so we have plenty of time.

Remembering about the school, I took out the Class Schedule that the clerk gave me. It was as followed:

Basic Magic (Theory)---> Basic Magic (Practical)-----> Lunch Break----> History of Magic----->Alchemy---->Free Break-----> Physical Combat------> Magical Combat

I nodded and put it back in.
"So Synora, which Empire are you in?" I asked Synora.

(Note: Everyone would be using that same schedule.)
"It's just Synna please... I come from Radk..." She spotted the piece of parchment in the girl's hands and rummaged in the little introductory packet she'd been given, finding a similar schedule of her own. She recited the classes to herself before looking up at Aoi again. "What about you?"

The entrance ceremony was an hour from now but Synna didn't exactly feel like going out into that crowd of coldly disapproving robed students. Choosing instead to lay back on the bed and hoping that perhaps her roommate might feel similar. Then at least she would have someone to talk to...
"So you from Radk? I'm from Uni." I said to her. I saw Synna lay on the bed, probably very tired. "I'm guessing that you don't want to go to the Entrance Ceremony?" I said to her. "Well, sorry to dissapoint you, but we have to go to the Ceremony. I can tell from your clothing that you aren't a noble, but there are plenty of people who come here that are just simple commoners. Hell, there are even some people who come here who have been beggars before! Besides, I heard they are going to show a real Mage Duel during the Ceremony! Aren't you curious to as what a Mage Duel looks like?" I said.
Synna had to laugh for slight reprimand at the idea she might want to miss the opening ceremonies. Aoi's enthusiasm was cute in a way although that cynical side of her suspected it might grate a little as time passed. "No no I don't plan to miss the ceremonies... I just... Don't really want to go out there right now..." Though some of the people may be commoners like herself, all of them seemed to be more magically apt than her and it made her feel weak, a feeling she did not particularly enjoy when she has spent so much of her life trying to become strong.

Rolling over on the bed, Synna sat back up and rummaged in her pack, filling the silence with rustling as she produced her few items of clothing and then rose, walking about to store them in the cupboard at the foot of her bed. That done she continued to unpack, placing a few basic books on Magic at the head of the bed and then tossing the rest of her pack in the cupboard with her clothes. There was more to unpack but the light armour and the array of knives and their concealed sheathes felt sort of strange to own here. She would need them to fight the way she preferred in the arena but she didn't want to necessarily reveal them so she left them in the bag, to be unpacked and hidden away later.
Mickey smiled hearing the guy's name "Nice to meet you Felix" He said and saw the guy walking to a room and placing his things there "Yeah my room is the one next to your's" He said waiting for the guy next to the door of Felix's room. He heard Felix asking him when the ceremony was and Mickey took out a paper, on the paper was writen where and when the ceremony will be. He took it from the clerk and he thought that Felix didnt recived one "Yeah an hour latter, we still have time" Mickey said and walked away looking around the rooms.

Wel it was only their rooms a living room and a bathroom, it wasnt much, but everything looked amazing, he never had a place to live that was so expensive and he really liked it. He just hated the way how he had to get here, to be fucked for money, it wasnt right. Mickey shook his head and turned around looking at his roomate "So where are you from?" He asked curious.
If anything, Felix was relieve he hasn't herd of the Surfton family. It found it safe to tell about where he hailed from. "Hidrak, the Water empire. Our home is actually under the ocean." he told Mickey. He took out his form and read through the sechdule. It all looked like basic classes. Not a real suprise since he was a freshman. "What about you, Mickey? What's your homeland?" he asked in retun. It was a good thing they have time before the ceremony. They could get to know one another and become friends.

Felix could make a good guess at where he's from. If anything he could guess his status. He could see him too cautious around the finer items in the room. he chuckled and pats his shoulder. "Relax, my friend. Nothing will break. Unless we horseplay too much." he said in a joking tone. Hopefully that would lossen the guy up. "Now back to the subject at hand. If i were to predict, I would say....Oeg." he said guessing he was from the earth empire.
Mickey felt the hand on his shoulder and he smiled and looked at him. Mickey laughed as he hear Felix guessing tha he was from Oeg. No he was Radk, did he looked like one of the earth kingdom. Well maybe it was cuz of his clothes, cuz everyone in the dark dark kingdom had dark eyes and black or usually dark hair. Mickey stopped laughing and brushed his eyes with his hands "No Im fromt Radk" He said.

He hoped that he wouldnt be asked if he was poor or rich, cuz he didnt want to lie, but he guessed he will hide that he was a prostitute, but he really wanted to know was Felix a noble or not, cuz he looked like one, well with his fine clothes "Im guessing you are a noble right?" He asked not really sure. Michey walked to the couch and sat there and waited for Felix to sit next to him "Um I think I heard that peoples from Hidrak can turn into fish?" He asked not really sure how that was possible and he never seen it so he thought that they fully looked like fish and not that only their legs turn into a fish tail.
I watched as Synna unpacked her items. I raised an eyebrow when I noticed she had not fully unpacked. I saw a shine in there, maybe something metal?Hmmm, maybe something that was private?

I'm not a busybody, so I didn't ask her. It's not exactly polite to ask someone about private stuff.
She seemed hesitanat about going to the Entrance Ceremony. I wonder why?
"So, do you not like being in crowds or something?" I said, guessing that was the reason that she did not want to go the the ceremony early.
Felix listened to him and streched. Radk eh? The merman herd alot of things from that kingdom, some good and bad. "Radk, haven't been there, but I cand see the rumors about it is false. I can tell you're a nice guy." he said and sat beside him. Accoriding to some citizens, mostly his parents, People from Radk were mean-sprited brutes, that bullies everyone. Felix didn't believe that for a second. Mickey was proof of that. When he was asked about him being a noble, he wanted to lie so badly. He sighed and nod his head.

"Yeah, I'm a noble. But don't be fooled. It absolutely sucks." he said and explained all that he gone through. Sutdying and training 24/7, No time for fun or surfing, always under constant watch. It drove him crazy. The on;y thing he didn't tell Mickey is that he actually ranaway. "As for your second question, yes. 90% of the citizens in Hidrak are merpeople. The other ten are fish, whales, sharks, and other sea creatures." he told him. "How about you, Mickey? Are you a noble and what's it like in Radk? It's only fair since I answered your questions." he said to him.
"I don't like crowds? I guess you could say that but it's not all of the truth of it..." Synna taps a finger against her temple in thought as she closes the cupboard doors and turns back towards Aoi. "It's more like the looks I get... I mean..." She gestures at her clothing, tugging gently at the light cotton garments. "I look like a servant or something, and everyone else wears these robes... Do we have a uniform that I don't know about?" She was a little scared at the idea of being confined to such restrictive looking garments but she recovered and spoke again after a moment. "I just don't like how they look down at me. Like I don't belong..."

The last part of her sentence was in a bitter tone that slipped out before she even knew it and Synna realized she'd left a massive opening in what she'd said. Still she did her best to hide the nervousness, taking a neutral expression as she began to pace about the room idly. She didn't feel like sitting down again, she had too much energy for that.
I looked at Synna as she began to pace around the room with a neutral expression on her face. But after living with arrogant pricks for 15 years of my life, I could see that she was nervous.
" you don't belong here?" I said. I have faced with those kind of situations way too many times. I remember the many times when I was forced to go to places where I have to meet with complete strangers. Did I mention they were arrogant pricks too?

"I know how you feel. That feeling that you just don't fit sucks. And those looks that people give you...." I said, remembering the looks people gave her at the thought of her being a clan head at an early age, filled with pity, envy, and the thought that I would not be strong enough to handle it.

" just have to endure it. Just get stronger, and show them that you're better. And when you're at the top, and they are down crying about their failures, they would finally see that you're mush better!" I said.
"Oh, and about your clothes problem, I can give you some clothes if you want."
I looked at Synna as she began to pace around the room with a neutral expression on her face. But after living with arrogant pricks for 15 years of my life, I could see that she was nervous.
" you don't belong here?" I said. I have faced with those kind of situations way too many times. I remember the many times when I was forced to go to places where I have to meet with complete strangers. Did I mention they were arrogant pricks too?

"I know how you feel. That feeling that you just don't fit sucks. And those looks that people give you...." I said, remembering the looks people gave her at the thought of her being a clan head at an early age, filled with pity, envy, and the thought that I would not be strong enough to handle it.

" just have to endure it. Just get stronger, and show them that you're better. And when you're at the top, and they are down crying about their failures, they would finally see that you're mush better!" I said.
"Oh, and about your clothes problem, I can give you some clothes if you want."
Synna turned to give an ill disguised look of shock towards her roommate. She wasn't sure what she'd expected from the orange-haired girl whom she suspected was a noble but she hadn't expected sympathy of any variety, nor a mentality that seemed to echo her own rather eerily.

"Well." She finally said after a long pause. "I think we'll actually get along very well." She declared with a smile, offering a handshake to Aoi and waiting for her to reciprocate the offer before sitting back on the bed. She sat like that for a moment, smile still on her face and a faraway look in her eyes before the last thing the girl had said permeated into her awareness. "Wait, Clothes problem? What's wrong with my Clothes?" Then she recalled her earlier thought about uniforms. "I mean if we don't have a dress code I'd rather keep wearing these if it's all the same. They make it easier for me to..." She trailed off, realizing she'd been about to say 'fight' and shatter the one secret she held against the rest of these mages. "I just prefer them okay?"

Trying to change the subject, Synna gave a throwaway shrug and sought frantically for another topic. "So um... What sorts of magic do you know?"
Mickey looked at Felix as he spoke and he blushed when he heard Felix sayig that he was a nice guy, but there rumors and they were true, the life was hard there, most of the people were poor, there are robbers, killers, slave sellers and more bad persons... Mickey looked at him with his smile fadding "The rumors are true, everything you heard was true, life is hard there" He said and looked down at the ground.

And then he heard his roomate asking him if he was a noble, he knew he shouldnt ask Felix in the first place and now he has to answer, he was thinking of lying Felix, but it wasnt fair, he was a nice guy. Mickey took a deep breath and looked down at the floor "Im not a noble... I am poor" He said with a sad look, he realy hoped that Felix wouldnt ask him how he got the money to enter this place, it was sad though, when Felix explained him what he had Mickey got even sader. Felix didnt apreciate what he had in his kingdom, Felix had a nice home, with normal parents and he was edjucated, a rich guy that wouldnt undersant how much he had, it was different for Mickey and he knew that he can only wish for the life that Felix had.
Felix listen to Mickey and nod his head. He could tell that he wanted a better life, if not his life. In return, Felix wouldn't mind at all having Mickey's life. There he could work hard to survive instead of having everything handed to him on a silver platter. When he saw the frown he sighed and playfully messes with his hair. "Buck up bud. No more talking about the past. Let's live for the here and now. We're here at a great school and will be stronger by the end." he said and smile.

With still time before the ceremony, Felix leaped up from his seat and pulled his roommate up as well. "Come on, since time is still on our side, let's take the cheap tour around the place. Who knows, we might meet up with more freshmen like us." he said hoping to cheer him up. "And no more frowning. Otherwise I'll bit your ear." he joked and made chomping noises. If anything, he likes seeing poeple smile.
Mickey was a little depresed right now, he wanted a new life cuz he couldnt have his old life, not that he wanted to. His father kicked him out of home and he really missed his family, he never get alonge with his father and sometimes he hated him, but he still loved him even if his father didnt acceted him like a son. He really wanted to see his entire family, his mother and his sisters he missed them, he was upset not knowing if he will be able to see them again.

Mickey looked up seeing Felix staying up and pulled Mickey up as well, he smiled seeing that Feliz tryed to make him feel better, he liked this, he never had someone like Feliz in his life... He had his sisters that cheered him up all of the times, but he had no true friend in his life and he knew that he will get alonge with Felixe and become friends. Mickey chuckled quietly as he heard what Felix said "Who said that I won't bit your ear if you bit mine" He said joking, but not really "Ok lets go... I wanna see everything here" He said and walked to his room to get his keys, he came back with a smile on his face "Come on lets go" He said and exit and placed the key in the lock waiting for Felix to walk out so that he can lock the room.
I looked at Synna with a raised eyebrow. It was obvious she was trying to change the subject. I decided to play along. "Well we Uni mages are okay at evrything except Void, so I was aught the most simplest spells, ones that are generally useless, like levitation and the likes. I tried usin the spells that are taught here, but I had a hard time controlling them. Something about too much mana or something." I said.

"So, which subject are you looking forward to the most? For me it's History." I said. Unlike most people, I look forward to learning the History of this world. I have always been interested in History.
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