Resident Evil: Unbroken Bonds (Rogue and I)

Dia could only chuckle at her partner’s response. Holly was more than welcome to give her a smack for her words, it isn’t like she’d feel it. Well, she’d feel it, but she’d like the proper response. She could only chuckle more when she brought up naked breakfast. Dia had to admit that she enjoyed naked breakfast. No one knew that, and it was likely that no one ever would. She heard the noise of the helicopter buzzing nearby, and she turned her head towards it, grimacing at Holly’s words.

“I’m still breathing, Strumpet, I’m fine… you keep worrying like this all of your hair is going to fall off.”
"You keep being so bloody stupid and reckless and you're going to have more to worry about than me being bald, Dia." She grumbled, reluctantly shifting off her to help her back up. They had to get moving, even with the chopper nearby she wasn't taking any chances. She'd meet them half way, thankfully it was an actual BSAA chopper..and not some liaison with the nearby government. She hated that. Holly could only imagine the thoughts when they saw a naked, dirty woman carrying out someone who looked like she had bled out everywhere, and Holly was the shorter of the two. Clothes were less important when Dia was in danger.

They had to stabilize her first of course, so they laid her down across the helicopter floor, cutting her shirt and opening holes in the legs of her pants to get to her wounds, with Holly holding Dia's hand all the while.

"You're going to be fine, Dia." She promised. Because if she didn't, she'd probably kill all the people here later.

She was joking, of course.

Kind of joking.

Not really.
She chuckled at Holly’s statement before responding with: ‘What, you’re going to kill me?’ Of course, at the time, Dia didn’t realize how incredibly insensitive what she had just said might have been, and it was likely that she’d be feeling it in the morning. And feeling it HARD. Or maybe not, who knew? She could feel Holly lifting her, and she was notably lighter than she should have been, but Holly was notably stronger as well, so not noticing a difference was possible, although currently, it felt like she was just carrying air.

She felt the cold floor of the helicopter on her back and cooed for a moment before she felt them ripping and tearing away at her clothing. And then they began their work, Dia’s grip on Holly’s hand tightening considerably. It was uncomfortable, and it was clear that the area was red and, not just irritated, but would probably get infected. She felt them jabbing a shot into her arm, likely tetnus, and she arched her back, gritted her teeth, and allowing her eyes to roll back softly.

“Oh, God in heaven…” it was likely that she wouldn’t have felt so bad if she hadn’t pushed her body so hard. She was going to be fine, without a doubt. However, her body had a lot of stress placed on it and she’d lost a substantial amount of blood. She turned her head towards Holly and smiled softly. “I feel like shit, mate…” She murmured.
"You'll be fine," She smiled, ignoring them putting a blanket over her nudity as she stroked her hair. "Come on, a few bullets and wayward machete wounds and you're suddenly you're a little sissy girl?" Well, Dia was durable..but not any more durable than the normal human. Still, at least she was talking..and at least her wounds were looking somewhat better now that they cleaned it. However much better a machete cut across her torso could look, at any rate..

They had a long flight ahead of them, and even more questions to be answered. Questions Holly wasn't sure she was going to be able to properly answer, let alone understand..this..wasn't how those viruses worked, was it?
“I never said I wasn’t fine, Strumpet. I said I felt like shit…” Which was natural, although Dia had already endured quite a bit more than she should have been able to do consciously, she wasn’t one to brag about it. As she saw it, this was what she got paid to do. It was what she was good at. And injuries? Well, those just came in the job description. She let out a few heaves before growling aggressively and lifting her head to look at the medic.

“Do you even bloody know what you’re doing or are you just jabbing me senselessly with a needle? I’ll give you three guesses, and the first two don’t count.” She roared. It wasn’t unheard of for Dia to be aggressive when hurt. In fact, most of the medical staff at the BSAA had been subjected to her verbal abuse one time or another. But, her griping was a sure sign that things were looking up, and were only going to go uphill from there.
'Uphill' could be a subjective word regardless, but complaining meant Dia was okay. And Holly was fine with toning everyone down, Dia was stable and the medics insisted on checking on Holly. While she was wary to do so, saying no would make it even more suspicious. So she had to them check her over and make sure everything was fine and dandy, even though Holly knew it actually wasn't.

They seemed at least satisfied for now, and that was good enough for Holly to dote on Dia the entire time. Regardless, they weren't going anywhere that Holly liked..because of the unique conditions of both of them they were being sent right to one of the BSAA's biohazard containment units in London. They needed to run more tests, wonderful..bloody fucking wonderful..if she got Dia infected somehow, she'd never forgive herself.

But at the moment, Dia was too hazed out on drugs to really notice. So Holly decided it was best to play along anyway with their tests, the worst thing that could happen was what? She die a horrible infected death? Ugh..that wasn't very funny..
Dia was out dopey, rolling her head back and forth and back and forth, mumbling certain thing. The medication always made her sweaty. She arched her back again and exhaled, reaching up to barely touch Holly’s wrist, as if she were reassuring her of her presence. Once she confirmed that she was indeed there, she relaxed considerably.

After a few hours, they touched down and were roughly transported through the biohazard area. Dia groaned unhappily, although they seemed to have no patience for her want to take her time. They gave her another urgent push, although it wasn’t violent. She stumbled a bit and pressed her hand into her shoulder mumbling softly. She ground her teeth together as they separated them.

They cornered her in a room and began drawing blood and spraying her down, causing all of her wounds to burn and sting. She cried out again, and a string of profanity spilled from her lips quite proudly.
Holly had the similar treatment, unfortunately..and there wasn't much they could do about it regardless. She couldn't help but chuckle when she heard the eloquent string of words three rooms down, but it was just how things were going to be for the moment. Her tests were a little more extensive, but nonetheless based on the possibility of infection. There was one thing she refused to budge on, and even though it was an annoying process for everyone involved. The doors eventually hissed open to Dia's room, spraying a santization mist everywhere as Holly walked in with a wry grin, the doors quickly snapping shut behind them. From everything they could find at the moment, it was good. She was different, different enough to cause headaches for people if she couldn't share the same room with Dia.

Holly was hoping that meant she wasn't..really infected..but she could feel it, no matter how hard she tried to ignore it. She felt..different.

"Hey, Lovey. You look cheerful." She smirked, hands on her hips. "You're not causing problems, are you?"
Dia’s eyes darted to the door. She was patched up, sitting hunched over on a table in a gray sports bra and the same pants she was wearing on the helicopter. Her hair was pulled back against her head and her expression clearly screamed murder. She leaned back on her hands and parted her lips in a bit of a snarl to speak.

“If one more motherfucker pokes me with one more needle, they’re going to have to strap me down to a psycho chair and inject me with enough sedatives to put down a tyrannosaurus Rex, which is ironic, because that is what they will see me as if this stone cold bullshit continues!” She cried out, clearly a warning to the anyone who was still thinking about coming in and violating her personal space again. She looked towards Holly and examined her for a moment.

She wasn’t sure how to go about asking her about what she’d been injected with, or how it was affecting her, or if they could even figure out that she had been injected, she certainly looked fine. She was sweating lightly, and it caused a light sheen of sweat to make her glisten.
"Relax," Holly chuckled, heading closer to sit next to her. "They're doing it for your health, don't want to be caught with anything, do you? It's good to be careful." She smiled, arm around her waist gently. "How are your wounds holding up? Everything okay on that end?"

She missed Dia for that little bit she was gone, then was just the sense of normalcy Dia being around and complaining brought too. She could forget that she was probably a freak now when Dia was around, she made her feel normal. She appreciate that quite a bit.
Dia rolled her eyes and leaned into her partner, wincing softly when the area around her wound was touched. She licked her lips and shrugged a bit. They were doing as well as to be expected, and she was enjoying Holly’s extra care. She crossed her legs comfortably, letting her ankle rest on her knee before a certain thing came to mind. She turned her head towards her partner.

“I seem to barely recall you telling me that you were going to… fuck me until I couldn’t think…?” Dia said, quirking her brow playfully and waiting for her partner’s response, a grin barely resting on her lips. It must have been the heat coupled with blood loss that made her so groggy before.
"Mmhm," she replied innocently, glancing at her with a soft smile. "Why do you ask, sweetheart?" She purred huskily, her voice taking an entirely different tone of pure and utter hunger as she leaned closer. Seemingly innocent enough at least, but the hand on her waist had retreated against her back..and was currently slipping slowly down her spine.
Dia shifted under her hand, clearly surprised in the change in personality and tone. She lifted both of her eyebrows and she could feel chill bumps running along her skin. She swallowed and looked up at the cameras before reaching up and placing her hand on Holly’s shoulder. Although the camera being there wasn’t really a problem for her, she wasn’t sure how happy she was about anyone else seeing Holly nude. The fact that she was just recalling the situation they’d been in previously made her blood boil. She had half a mind to kick the asses of anyone who saw.
She grinned cheekily at that, not that it stopped her hand from roaming as low as it could go before she leaned up to kiss her cheek. Her lips mouthing the words that the camera could never pick up, if they felt like reading it. Holly didn't care.

'When we get out of're not getting out of bed for a week.' she mouthed against her skin with a soft smile before settling back. Well, there wasn't much they could really do since they were still having the tests see what was going on. And besides, if anyone saw her Dia naked, besides her..there would be problems. Although, she wasn't entirely sure where this new string of possessiveness came in..maybe the fact that she saw Dia become a bloody mess.

That would probably do it, Holly'd never call Dia vulnerable..but seeing her protector a little beaten and bruised certainly made her remember her place.
She turned her head into Holly’s kiss the same way that she always did before she could feel her lips moving against her cheek. She had take a moment to gather herself, as she’d honestly never seen Holly act that way. She wasn’t entirely sure that she disliked the change. She turned her head into the whispers and she could feel her eyes closing, almost to sensual slits before pressing a soft kiss to the joint of Holly’s jaw before leaning back again. She could wait.

Her gaze was cast around the room before she looked down at herself and shook her head. Admittedly, she was a little upset at herself for allowing herself to get hurt so badly, but there wasn’t much else that could be said for it. She could remember a time when she was without a weapon in a room with six or seven of them. Realistically, she shouldn’t even be here, and admittedly she liked how her body looked all patched up. But, aside from that, it was time to ask the most awkward question of them all.

“Did… they find anything?” It was genuine concern, maybe even a little bit of disappointment. Dia had a lot to be disappointed about. She hadn’t made it to Holly in time before she’d been injected with something terrible (regardless if it were turning out to be a good thing) and she’d allowed herself to get banged up so bad she nearly passed out.
"Nothing they wish to share yet," Holly replied easily in turn, fingers curling as she watched them. "..But it's nothing I don't already know anyway, Dia." She murmured. "I don't..understand, though..I know I got hit with something..I feel different." She murmured. "But I don't feel bad, I feel..better than I ever felt before..but, not in the way I would have imagined." She sighed. "..Not..normal." Which is all it came down to, not normal. She knew she wouldn't feel normal..not after what happened.
Dia felt sympathy for her partner running rampant in her mind, and it should have been clear by the expression on her face. There were a number of things she should have said, but Dia wasn’t even sure how to word them at this point. She couldn’t say that she could relate to the situation, because nothing like this had ever happened to her. What should she even say?

“You’re fine babe… Maybe you’ve got just the right goods in your system that the virus isn’t even a virus at all. Or, maybe they didn’t inject you with the same thing…?” She let her fingers strum awkwardly on the metal table before she was speaking. “But, I think the ‘not normal’ feeling I can relate to… We always feel this way when we know something bad’s happened to us, strumpet. Remember my stepfather I told you about? Beat me every day of my life from the time I was four years old until I ran away at seventeen. Thirteen years. After I got away from that… I just… felt awkward. Like I wasn’t normal… Like somehow, what I’d gone through made me less human… You know? And I know it’s probably nothing like what you’re going through, I doubt it even compares. But even if you mutated right before my eyes right this fucking second. Nothing’s going to change. You have always been, and will always be my Holly.” Wordy, but she hoped it was inspirational and comforting none-the-less.
"Well..thank you," Holly smiled, however halfheartedly it seemed. "I appreciate that, Dia...but I suppose we'll find out one way or another when the tests come back." She knew she was hit with..something, she remembered the feeling of dread..and all the pain. The pain that she could still vaguely feel even in her heartbeat, like her entire body had pulled itself and it was trying to recover. Still, she'd take some solace in that..for whatever it meant now.

"But we're still stuck here for a bit," she sighed, stretching out contently. "Lucky us, eh?"
Honestly, lucky wasn’t the first word that came to mind when Holly said they were stuck. The gushy moment seemed to have passed. Dia was mostly glad for this, as admittedly she wasn’t always sure how to handle sensitive situations and had a habit of putting her foot into her mouth, and doing so often. It was a wonder she hadn’t already said something to make the situation worse. But, being satisfied with her half hearted response, Dia moved along.

“Eh, I guess. I don’t mind in all honesty. In here is bloody better than that fucking Hell hole we had to be airlifted from…” she said, leaning forward on her thigh now, even though it caused a bit of discomfort to the wound on her side.
"I'd rather be out there than here," Holly mumbled. She was never one for..normalcy, which is why she found the whole situation kind of funny in that cosmic kind of way. She had issues interacting, her psyche reports back at MI6 considered her anti-social which made her great for undercover work. She felt like she was actually accomplishing something out here she was doing nothing but twiddle her fucking thumbs while they figured out what kind of freak she was turning into. If she'd turn into one at all, that was anyone's guess..but not one she liked to mull over at any rate.

"They pretty much watch you do everything here, and they keep prodding and poking you to see if some kind of infected ooze leeks out."
Dia shrugged. She supposed she could see as to why Holly wouldn’t want to be in here as opposed to out there. But, frankly, Dia thought they both sucked. You either die at the hands of the grotesquely infected, or you get poked and poked and poked until there aren’t any more viens left for them to draw blood from. That seemed like that would be her luck, having those two decisions. But, at least she was here with Holly. Holly made most things more bearable.

“This’ll all be done soon… Did they say that John came over with them? I don’t remember anything from the helicopter, honestly. Other than the fact that it was cold… Who the Hell are we supposed to report to?”
"Dunno," she admitted, rising up with a stretch. Clad in little more than a medical gown and a pair of panties, it seemed like whatever had effected Holly had made her far more toned than before. She prided herself on her good shape, but everything felt..different. In a good way, and that bothered her immensely. She felt strong, more..alive than ever before, she could hear Dia's heartbeat as smooth as a clock and she admittedly found the noise quite soothing before she turned to regard her with an easy smile. She shouldn't be feeling anything like this, as bad as the situation was..but then again..there wasn't much to do about it, was there?

"..Wanna do me a favor, Dia?" She purred, flexing her fingers curiously.
Holly seemed… different. There was something about her that… Dia couldn’t tell if her eyes were playing tricks on her, or if something had really gone down, but Holly looked… fit. As a fiddle, even. More so than she had that morning when they’d had breakfast together. Or… maybe Dia had just taken a hard enough hit to the head that she had forgotten what Holly looked like originally. No… couldn’t have been that. As Dia bounced back and forth in her head whether or not she had actually lost her mind, Holly spoke, snapping her out of her thoughts and causing her to look at the woman.

“A favor…?” She questioned. Well, what else did she have to do. “Yeah, sure, babe.”
"Great," She said cheerfully, offering her hand with a genuinely innocent smile. But it was, like usual with innocent trap. The people watching the security camera's probably thought something serious was happening as fast as Dia's position shifted, as Holly lifted her over her head and settled her firmly on her shoulders with a laugh, her hand resting quite lazily on her inner thigh. Wow, she knew she had felt strong..but that was almost like Dia weighed nothing at all!

Incredible, but terrifying in a way. What did this mean for her? Other than the fact that it meant Dia was going to have lots of problems keeping clothing on the moment they didn't have a security camera?
Now, as many times as Dia had been caught in one of these innocent little traps, she should have been more than aware of what she was walking into, but alas. She trusted the woman wholly, and while it was a trap and something that she would likely not normally allow, she knew that it certainly was going to put her anywhere near harms way.

“Oh, crap!” She took the girl’s hand and before she knew it, with a flash of motion that even Dia was unable to recollect and she had been involved, she was resting on her partner’s shoulders. Now, had she been in a hospital gown as well, this may have been a little more than inappropriate. However, the quick motions had rather startled her. Her heart was pounding in her chest right now, threatening to tear from her rib cage.

So… she had been infected…. But… It wasn’t effecting her the way it had effected the people they’d fought against. In fact… She seemed perfectly fine, merely stronger and faster. And only got knew what else had enhanced.

“Wow…” She said, pressing her hand to her hips before looking around. “Well, I’m sure that will come in handy…”
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