Resident Evil: Unbroken Bonds (Rogue and I)

“Heh, I’m built for worry.” She said, following after the woman. She heard Holly comment about how she looked in her gear and looked down. “I am a spicy little strumpet, aren’t I?” She mused, apparently satisfied with what she was seeing. “You’re not so hard on the eyes yourself, angel.” Angel, a name that Dia had specifically reserved for Holly and Holly alone a long time ago. Regardless, she was right. Dia had to notice that John was as stressed as she’d ever seen him. But, it wasn’t often that they’d lost agents, either.

She followed the woman all the way back to the man and stood, her arms crossed across her chest. He looked like he was about ready to burst a blood vessel. Now, there weren’t often times where Dia thought to be kind, especially to John, but maybe this once, it’ll be alright. She moved next to him and pressed her hand to his shoulder blade, rubbing affectionately, comfortingly.

“Hey, it’ll be alright, okay? We’ll find him, I’m sure he’s fine and this is all just some retard blowing shit out of his mouth… And even if it’s not, we’ll handle it, alright? Take a deep breath, mate.”
"..Yeah." John finally said, well past surprised a moment before he rubbed his eyes. "Look, just worry about finding out what the bloody fuck he was looking into, yeah? This could be..really bad if we don't catch it in time." Pointless platitudes, maybe..but it did seem to make John relax a little. Who'd have figured a guy so stressful could be so reliable when the situation really got stressed? He seemed to work better in high tension situations.

"Come on, Dia." Holly smiled, walking up the ramp of the plane. It seemed the BSAA was doing more than just sending agents, it looked like plenty of this was humanitarian aid..vaccines and other anti-viral medications as well as food and some weapons stored away here and there, at least they were being practical. "Good old Vonistan, I wonder how it's changed since I last went there." She mused, from the sound of it?

Just about the same shithole.
Dia gave John one last friendly pat before turning and heading up the ramp next to Holly. She was rather surprised when she saw all of the things loaded there. It seemed like they were preparing for the worst. That or they were trying to get into the happy media eye. That was much more likely. It never hurt to be on the better side of the media. She rubbed her face softly before settling down comfortably and securing a seatbelt about her. Certainly not as comfortable as a commercial plane, everything being cold and metal, and the seats being little more than uncomfortable, metal benches with seatbelts. She heard Holly, and couldn’t contain her scoff.

“Looked like a shitstain to me. Sure it’s full of a bunch of wankers and benders.” She mumbled, leaning back against the wall. Dia had only been there once, and she hadn’t had such an easy time with the locals. They were disrespectful and… dirty. Not that Dia minded dirty, but that had really been a stretch for her.
"Probably," she laughed, settling in as she leaned back with her ankles crossing. "Oh well, at least we have a nice relaxing trip ahead of us," Complete with comfortable chairs! Military practicality could mean murder on the ass at times, but she knew the kind of things she'd be doing once she took this job in the first place. Vonistan was only a scant few hours away, plenty of time for Holly to get back into her work spirit.

A civil war was bad, put in B.O.W's and it was just worse. Sadly, there was generally no grand scheme for the most part..they would take what they needed and use what they had to, to control a little shitpost of land for a few years before it all circled over again. Suddenly every petty little conflict had more dangerous consequences and BSAA all over the world to sink their fangs into every random conflict that had even the mention of viruses or anything else.
Dia shook her head at her friend. Their work was everything but relaxing, and the trips there were worse. You’d think that they’d at least provide a cushion or two, but nope. She was thankful that there were only a few hours they had to be on this God forsaken plane. Which, Dia supposed was appropriate, as they were going to a God forsaken place. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, perhaps she would get some rest before they got there, but Dia knew that she’d be able to do anything but sleep. The hours seemed to slug by, but eventually, they did pass and the plane was coming to a stop on the ground now.

Dia unbuckled her seat-belt and stood, stretching until she could feel her bones popping again. She reached behind her, pulling the shotgun off of her back and holding it, poise in her hand, enough to be threatening, but not imposing. When they lowered the ramp, the humidity seemed to strike Dia right in the chest, and she could almost feel her hair turning into a frizzy mess. Not that it ever did, but Dia always assumed that humidity made her hair frizz. It was no matter, it was in a high ponytail anyhow. She marched down and into the rain, making sure that Holly was safe and close behind her before continuing.

The area was relatively beautiful, littered with plantlife and animals, but the people that were among these things were angry and not in the least bit friendly. They seemed unclean, and… violent. That made Dia’s expression tighten in displeasure.
"Ukrainian hospitality blends in well here," Holly said with an easy smile, tapping Dia's back gently to get her moving towards a nearby Humvee, left empty but a man was waiting to give them keys. "Just wait until you see the Den of Devils, lovely sort of place if you're the exact opposite of what we do." she murmured. Guns, name it and it happened there without much pause or concern. Just the kind of place someone would raise a family.

"Chances are things are already bad there, we might blend in fairly well." She chuckled, despite being women at least..armed soldiers were likely getting fairly common by the time they headed south.
When she felt the tapping at her back, she moved forward, being sure to sneer at all of the… aggressive looking men. She made sure to keep a mental tab on her partner and the situation around her. Admittedly, she was glad to be in the Humvee. She hopped behind the driver’s seat and put the keys in the ignition, allowing the thing to roar to life. Dia’s expression remained almost stony. She absolutely just couldn’t wait to get in the nastier parts of this… shitstorm.

“Gee, I can’t wait…” She murmured, dryly. The main thing that was going to make them stand out, would definitely be the tits. Not a lot of the terrorists society employed women, and certainly not women that looked like either of them. She began to move forward, one hand gripping the steering wheel, the other pressed into her temple, elbow poised on the window. It was clear that she had slid into work mode.
"Mm," she murmured, glancing out the window to look at the rolling fields and cratered out surroundings. A humvee around here was nothing but commonplace, the UN was here after all. They had the BSAA logo emblazoned on the side so people knew better, but it could attract the wrong sort of people too. There wasn't much they could do about that regardless, pulling through village after run down village gave a clear view that the war had gotten bad.

But that was war, wasn't it?

"Stop right here, Dia." Holly murmured, she knew a little bit of the dialect around here..but she remembered the look of the city. And she knew that going any deeper than the outskirts would result in some very bad situations. She'd rather have those situations on foot, a suburb of the Den of Devils was better than the center of the city as she unclipped her belt and stepped out, shutting the door behind her. Well..something just smelled awful.
She turned her head towards her partner, watching her as she watched the scenery roll passed them. She hadn’t been driving very long when she’d heard her friend telling her to stop. And so she complied, stopping the vehicle and putting, nestling it away and out of site before parking it and removed the keys from the ignition. She tucked the keys into a pouch on her belt before picking up her gun and opening the door. She recoiled.

“Jesus…” She grumbled, rubbing her face and running her finger long the underside of her nose. “Fucking smells like death…” She finished, coming around the car and standing near her partner. She looked around the area, her face seemingly stuck in the displeased expression due to the stench that was currently offending her. The animals were still, quiet. Even the land around them seemed to follow that. This made her nervous. Wasn’t this part of the continent usually bustling with wildlife?
She took a long, drawn sniff before exhaling and tilting her head with a smile that seemed somewhat muted and focused. "Come on," she murmured, she knew that smell. Gunpowder, blood..nothing really new in this part of the world with a civil war looming around as they kept a casual pace. There were people about, but they were muted and quiet in what they were doing..only the nearby blaring of a radio gave any noise. Most of them were dressed in dirty, beat up clothes; some of them pulled away when Dia and Holly walked past..but that was to be expected.

After all, they were armed. This sort of town it was common.

"Hm..friendly place," she mused quietly.
Dia felt a smirk tickling at her features as she heard the sarcastic remark escape her partner. That was quite the understatement. They all seemed ready to cook them a hearty Thanksgiving dinner. Granted, with the smell hanging in the air, Dia had to admit that food was currently the last thing on her mind. She shook her head and walked near her, turning her gaze to anyone who dared to remain close enough to them to touch them. She certainly hoped they weren’t quite dumb enough for that. They continued their trek, the stench seeming to worsen the further in they wandered.

“Got to love third world, hm?” She mused sarcastically, keeping her gun poised and ready in her hand should she need it, not that she did. She kept her gaze stony, intimidating. Or, as intimidating as a woman with a gun in her hand could get.
It wasn't far too long until they came to an intersection, where a man was running past for dear life. Holly had long learned to detach herself from the situation, but that didn't make her an idiot to not pay attention, Holly tensed up when she heard the shots ring out as the body jerked forward, blood spraying in the air as the body collapsed in the road and was followed by a series of heavy boot-steps.

"Dia," Holly said quickly, tapping her side to get her moving right. They couldn't be seen without knowing what the hell they were dealing with, and she could hear more than one voice. They had cover near a blown out house, with some decent sight lines if things got..tense. But they weren't too deep into the city yet, that would cause some serious problems so early.
Dia had absolutely noticed the fleeing man, and her grip on her gun tightened as her brows furrowed. This could be any number of things. He could be running for them, from an animal, or from something far more severe: people. Although it was a sad day when people seemed like more of predators than the animals that surrounded them. Shortly into her thoughts, however, Dia heard shots ringing out, before long the body was spraying blood all over the ground. Finally, it collapsed. She then heard the march of several bootsteps.

Feeling her friend tap her, as well as hearing her name being called encouraged Dia to move, and move she did. She was rather quick, despite her choice of fighting style. She peered over the edge, being sure that she wouldn’t be spotted, although platinum blonde hair sometimes made that… difficult. Good thing she was good at her job.

“Think it’s just a mishap?” Dia whispered, lowly to her friend, watching the scene before them unfold with careful eyes.
Finally coming into view was the men who shot the running man, they were dirty an unkempt, wearing vests that looked like they had seen better days about thirty years ago and carrying AK's that had enough dust and grime to choke a vacuum. Holly's eyes narrowed gently as they walked over the body..and put six more holes in it with a soft laugh, but that voice was nothing normal. It carried a deep echo, and their eyes were a sickly yellow.

Combined with the clammy skin..

"Bloody fucking Christ." Holly cursed near Dia's ear. This was bad...very, very bad..
Dia leaned forward a bit to study the men. There was something… off about them. About their mannerisms. Or… maybe it was just the act that was unfolding in front of her that made her believe something was off. They’d approached the body and began to unload into it. And then Dia heard the laugh. She stiffened, chills rippling across her form, her chest inflating quite a bit with what she knew this meant. She studied them further now. Clammy skin and yellowed eyes. These must have been the men that John had been talking about… They had to be infected with something… she’d never seen a healthy individual look like this. Not even a purely evil one. She was pretty she’d seen healthier looking corpses.

“This is… barking mad…” she murmured, feeling Holly’s curse brushing along the shell of her ear. This was not good. This meant that, likely, the agent they were looking for had long since been… ‘taken care of’. “Oh, God…”
"Stay here, lovey." Holly whispered in her ear, low and husky. For once, it wasn't really was being quiet..but unfortunately she knew how to manipulate Dia properly. She loved the woman with all her heart, but she knew all the right buttons to get her to be a good girl. And sometimes whispering a fond little nickname when Holly was not one to so casually use them was enough to spark out the wiring for a few moments.

She had found it somewhat humorous that glancing back behind them there was a shelled out wall..they were literally hiding in the only intact part at the moment. If the man had gotten much farther, chances are they would have been spotted..or at least in deeper trouble. So Holly gracefully slid herself out with her rifle slung on her back. They didn't have many options, sadly. Being quiet could compromise more than being loud right now, she'd rather take her chances with offense than stealth.

The agent was probably long past dead, and they were likely looking for more anyway. Holly was long accustomed to stalking behind people-and really, Dia honestly needed to go to a higher class of place to get drinks- so it was just another day to move smoothly and steadily behind one of the men, yanking him back as her combat knife plunged into his kidney, arm like a tight vice around his mouth as he kicked his feet in shock, his AK clattering to the ground as the other men turned in surprise.

Oh my..did she just alert the rest of them? How very reckless of her!
Dia turned her head towards her partner as she heard her speaking, the mere tone of voice being enough to send a shock of electricity to her, but business was business, and Dia had to be professional. She nodded mutely to her partner before turning her attention back to the two obviously infected males before them. Or perhaps they were just very sick… regardless of the situation, it was clear that those men were going to be a problem and would be better off dead. One of the many benefits of the BSAA. As if there were some sort of list.

She remained still and unmoving as her partner moved away from her, even if the distance caused her great discomfort and likely, equal emotional strain. Dia had become something of a… gargoyle for the smaller female. No, it wasn’t as if Holly needed Dia’s special attention, but she didn’t have to. Dia was fiercely protective of her, and would like my until the day that she died. She found herself wishing that she’d gone in her place. She didn’t like the idea of something potentially going wrong and her angel getting hurt… That was odd… she’d never thought of it like that before.

Before long, Dia could see Holly creeping up behind one of the infected men, and she could feel her eyes widen considerably. Didn’t Holly know that no matter what she did, she was going to end up alerting the other male to her presence?! What was she doing?! Her grip on her M3 tightened and she felt the muscles in her legs tense. Something told her to move, to move right then and there, but her one command to stay was ringing in her ears louder than her pulse. “What are you doing, strumpet…?” She purred quietly, impatiently. And there it was, she’d taken out one of the men, but at the cost of attracting the attention of the others.

Welp, that was it. Re-wired.

Samantha propelled herself over the barrier she’d been hiding behind and raised the M3, firing off one shot, two, then three. Her aim was surprisingly impeccable for a girl who is usually so brash and adamant about hand to hand. She moved forward, prepared to empty a few more shots into the first three victims, making sure that she’s hit her mark. She had the walk of a predator, almost stalked towards them with a fierceness and determination that could never be properly described with words. To her surprise, a fourth male had caught her off guard, rushing forward and swinging a hunting knife in her direction. Well, it was a hunting knife, right now it was nothing more than a dull, rusty piece of metal.

She ducked back, taking a step back with her left foot before bringing the butt of the shotgun up to knock the knife away, and forward into the character’s throat. Once he’d dropped the knife and grasped his throat, she pressed the barrel into his forehead and, with no hesitation at all, pulled the trigger. The blood that sprayed out was black, and smelled vile. Regardless, she’d gag and vomit once the rest of them were taken care of. She turned her attention to the men she’d shot before.
Holly moved up next to her easily, rifle raised as she put the wounded men down with well placed shots to their lifted heads; darkened blood arcing the air as they finally collapsed dead. Holly patted her back with a soft breath. "Come on," she said. "Just we rang the bell doesn't mean we stay for the butlers, eh?" They had to get deeper into the city, and there was only one way to do that..straight in.

Look into the abyss, and it will look back as they say..Holly had looked enough for her to know they needed to move right now.
Dia had been nearly transfixed on the strangeness of the blood splattered across the ground and along her hands. She certainly hoped that touching infected blood didn’t have any adverse effects. It wasn’t long before the voice of her partner caused her to jump and snap out of whatever thoughts she’d previously been in. She turned her head towards Holly.

“Yeah… let’s go…” Dia murmured quietly, stepping in front of her partner again and moving off of the dirt road. Or path. It was really subjective. This whole fucking place smelled like death, deception, infection, and hopelessness. Fucking… hopelessness.
"You alright, lovey?" Holly asked, keeping their back and sides covered with careful sweeps of the new environment as they moved in. They had a few moments of safety, but only just that. She could hear the dark rumbles of Ukrainian and Russian, as well as the frantic panting and rough footsteps around them. Bloody fuck, the entire town seemed cursed..but they had to find the agent regardless..even if it was just a bloody splat. The remains had to be somewhere.

If she was a terrorist force holding an agent
Dia almost didn’t hear Holly speaking to her, asking her if she was alright. She was grossly lost in thought. About the enviromnemt, about the possible whereabouts of the agents, and about the oddness of the blood they’d just seen. She began to wonder if they should have grabbed a small sample of the goopy gunk. Now, Dia had done some research on viruses that Umbrella was rumored to have a hand in, and nothing seemed quite as intensive as this was. None of the symptoms seemed to match up, and quite usually all of Umbrella’s viruses seemed to have one thing in common: eventual mutation. It didn’t seem like there was anything fairly similar to Umbrella’s previous engagements.

However, her mind slipped and her body finally provided her the energy to respond to her partner. “Yeah, strumpet, I’m fine.” She murmured softly, even though her tone alone gave away to the fact that she was grossly lost in thought. The agent was what they needed to worry about right now. She had to remember that.
"Then tighten up your ass," Holly reminded firmly, butting her rifle stock against Dia's back. "I don't want to have to drag your ass out of trouble because you're spaced out, focus." Last thing they needed right now, especially with them being knee deep in terrorists and bio weapons. The Den of Devils was as much of a dump as Holly remembered, even worse now that it was currently dealing with terrorism. The smell of death was even worse inside, and even more so as they moved deeper into the city. The deeper they got in, the worse the degradation seemed to be.

Well...they had found their agent, haven't they? On a pile of burning scrap, like some..odd place of worship, surrounded by bodies, skulls and the stench of organs. Sure enough, there was a man at the top, burned to a bloody crisp with the remainder of an agent uniform on him. This place was turning into a madhouse, and apparently he figured that out the hard way. Well..that complicated things just a bit.
Dia shifted forward and grunted softly as her partner jabbed her in the back with her rifle. She took the chastising and mumbled a response. “Gonna be hard to do that if you break my spine.” She fired back, obviously irritated by the smell around her coupled with the brief friendly assault. Holly was right, though, the situation at hand the last thing that she needed to be was distracted. She kept her eyes in front of her, her nose scrunching a bit as the smell around them got considerably worse, which was quite the statement for the Hellhole they were in.

As they moved further, they’d finally happened upon the mound of bodies. Dia gagged and coughed, covering her mouth with her hand and leaning over for a second before leaning up and looking at the clusterfuck that was in front of them. This was the worst she’d ever seen a situation.

“Christ…” She murmured softly.
Holly supposed it was inevitable, even if her choice of tactics was a bit off. It became clear that they would have been found regardless of what they were doing, there was no way they'd be able to fight them all off. Every intersection was filled to the brim with glassy eyed majini, they knew what they were doing..they spoke with intelligence and a purpose. Surrounded by all sides, staring at the burning body..well. The only method of communication was rapid shouting in Ukrainian, which she was picking up faintly when they kept motioning down with their AKs.

Bloody fucking Christ.

"..Time to drop our weapons, lovey." Holly mumbled, shouldering the rifle off to let it drop to the ground. "I'd rather not get shot."
Dia wasn’t sure exactly how they’d managed to get surrounded, but what she did know is that it was aggravating. Her eyebrows were curled inward in aggravation, but the motions of their guns weren’t lost on her. They wanted them to put their guns down. Half of her was refusing to do such, but the other half knew that, even armed, it wasn’t going to turn out in their favor. Then she heard Holly tell her to drop her weapons, and she felt a scoff in her chest.

“Like dropping our weapons is going to stop these two-bit barbarians from blowing us away…” She growled under her breath, but regardless, Dia snapped the safety on and tossed the gun to the ground. Her skin was tingling. There were so many of them, and unarmed or armed, there wasn’t going to be much that she could do. It didn’t help that each of these intelligent bastards had glassy eyes that just screamed infected.
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