Resident Evil: Unbroken Bonds (Rogue and I)

"If they wanted us dead, they would have already shot us." Holly said, dropping her pistol out of the holster. Not that it measured much regardless as she felt clammy hands grab her wrists to yank them back and tie them, with someone following suit for Dia. Still, they were keeping them alive? For what? Guess the leader of this whole situation was a little smarter than it seemed at first guess..the unfortunate issue of BSAA..they sometimes went in blind and on speculation. Well, at least they were right in this regard.

Interrogation? She hadn't been tortured in quite a few years, it brought back some lovely memories of her time in Pakistan. Or something worse than that? Still, they were was clear once they were finally shoved forward to walk that any resistance in this town was gruesomely displayed. From the looks of it all, this hadn't happened overnight..this was something that was brewing for some time. Well, that was lovely..but this place was such a shithole from the start..who would notice a few extra decorations?
Holly had a point, and Dia couldn’t deny it. Although she genuinely couldn’t think of a reason that they would keep them alive. It was irrelevant, really. Whether or not she couldn’t think of it, it was happening. And just like that, only thirty minutes in, they were already Prisoner’s of War. Her expression twisted into something that couldn’t be anything more than disgust and rage as they gripped at her, yanking her arms behind her and tying them with some of the most annoying feeling rope she’d ever felt in her life. It was rough and frayed, and it did little more than irritate her.

As they moved along, she glanced around at this proverbial Hell. She was stumbling as they occasionally took the time to stop and shove her, because for some reason, her pace just wasn’t quick enough for her, and it was clear that each move and sound they made cut her fuse shorter and shorter. But, this was no time to lose her cool, especially since she didn’t know what to do with them in the first place.
The closer they got to a worn down warehouse, the worse the smell was starting to persist. She supposed it wasn't surprising, since these men were infected with plagas and the smell of those..things was enough to make anyone feel sick to their stomach. Once you got used to it, it was more like a bad taste in the mouth...but this smell was different and Holly guessed it was from the thick, bloody looking tar that was stuck to the inside once they were shoved in. There wasn't much, but enough here and there that made it look like tracks..bullet casings littered the floor and there was an occasional body that looked like it had been dunked in tar.

A few of the men inside didn't have the glassy look in their eyes, but they still smelled just as bad. Guess working with bioweapons was just a smelly business regardless.

"Ah..lovely," a voice said, thick in a eastern European accent. He was an unassuming looking man, minus his military uniform, with dark hair and eyes that seemed to shine with something like arrogance or insanity. A little bit of both, maybe?

"It seems the BSAA is snooping a little deeper..that will simply not do, but such lovely ladies.." He grinned, stepping closer to examine them both. His eyes settling on Dia a moment before shifting to Holly. "My men have been getting bored lately.."
Dia found herself turning her head away from the huge masses of what looked like corpses and tar. The stench was overwhelming, and it was taking every fiber in her being to keep from gagging or worse, vomiting. But, she’d been trained to handle delicate situations, and even though she didn’t always do so with flying colors, it was safe to say that this particular mission was going to call for a level of cooperation that Dia did not normally possess. And though, in the grand scheme of things, this was likely to aggravate the short fused blonde, she was going to handle it with as much grace and dignity as she could possibly stand. She was just hoping that’d be enough…

She noted a few of the workers in the nasty building didn’t quite look as sickly as the men behind them, pushing her partner and her along. Each time she watched them press their hands into Holly’s shoulders and push, she felt the rage in the pit of her stomach lighting hotter and hotter, until she was finally to the point that all she wanted to do was strangle them all with cordless phones. And then a voice snapped her out of her white hot rage fit.

She jerked her gaze to the man speaking, taking in his features and everything he said with the utmost contempt and disdain that any woman could possibly display in her eyes. His accent, even though it seemed to mimic her own, seemed to annoy her. His uniform annoyed her, and that crazed, satisfied look in his eyes made her want to kick puppies. His two cents about what was going and his comment about the BSAA didn’t seem to bother her, but there was one thing that certainly did bother her. She watched as his gaze seemed to pointedly shift to her partner, and listened as the phrase struck her in the chest. ”My men have been getting bored lately…”

Without even realizing it, Dia had jerked one of her arms, causing a pretty stern whack in the back of the head with the butt of a gun. She’d calmed herself instantly, taking a few deep breaths as her head was bowed. Finally, she lifted her head, noting that Karma would soon come to these men in the form of an overwhelming parasite. She imagined it was going to be painful, as a matter of fact, she hoped it was. And, despite the fact that she had several things she wanted to say to this man, these were one of the many times they'd encountered where it was going to be best that she just kept her mouth shut.
Holly looked indifferent to the whole affair, since that was the whole point of this. He wanted to scare them, to make them feel like they weren't in control even when they were. She had dealt with threats of her womanhood being sealed up with hot coals, and the coal was right in her face. She had been called a whore, a heathen and they were going to burn her alive if they didn't tell her what they wanted to know. The bioweapons were simply the method of intimidation this time around, and she'd rather die with her nose in the air than begging for death..regardless of what it was.

"Your friend is very..spunky," The man smirked, tilting his head in thought. "Like a...wild dog of sorts, it's quite funny. Do all Americans at this way?" He mused, scratching his chin in thought as Holly snorted.

"We're British, you bloody cunt." Holly replied none too dryly. The man paid it no mind for a moment, glancing between the two of them in mild thought. "Well..your manners are worse than hers, blondie." He purred, waving his hand off to his glazed eyed guards. "Take her away, I will use this one..her friend will be a good subject for later." Well, that..didn't sound good..but Holly wasn't going to show it either. Use her for what? And more importantly at the moment, where in the fuck were they taking Dia?
A wild dog. He had no idea how incredibly accurate that description was. She was going to show him. In all of three hours, she’d be ripping this guy’s throat out with her teeth, assuming that Holly hadn’t already done away with him. She felt a little heady, but it did nothing to quell the murder in her eyes. And murder was truly the only word that could be used. She hadn’t been bothered by the American remark. She certainly did mimic the social visual of an American her age. What could she say? Fat as they could be, they were fashionable bastards.

Her gaze shifted to Holly as she spoke. She straightened herself up, tilting her head to the side to crack it and straightening it. Holly knew, better than anyone, that this was a build-up. Dia’s expression calmed nearly a hundred percent. Things were going to be fine. Now, Dia was never very good at hiding things. And his words didn’t scare her by any means. But they sure as Hell pissed her right the fuck off. ”I will use this one…” it rang in her ears with the annoying persistence of a tambourine.

“Like Hell.” She murmured, although it was more of a possessive growl under her breath. But, she didn’t bother fighting. She would have her time soon, and she was sure that she’d make it in time. She had to. It would be a cold day in Hell before she let anything happen to Holly. An extremely cold day. It didn’t take long for the sickly men to listen to their boss, shoving her rather roughly to the left, mumbling something in their awkward, weird little language. She allowed her fingers to rub together in anticipation. They’d walked a good bit before they shoved her into a cell, fully prepared to leave her there. Now it was time to deploy.

“The bloody hell are you dirty bastards going. Always doing what daddy asks of you? What, scared of a little girl? Just like your type. Dirty, incoherent and dumb. As bricks. Nothing but a bunch of benders and wankers.” This aggravated the men, and they soon turned back around to give her what they assumed was going to be a heavy boot. She smirked and stood patiently. As one of the men dove forward, she shifted out of the way and jumped in the air, pulling her knees up to her chest and swinging her arms underneath them so that the tie was now in the front.

She waited for them to come again, favoring a rather promising looking hunting knife. She licked her lips and waited for him to dive forward again before she took the risky opportunity. She slid her wrists over the knife and yanked both of her hands forward. Shink Success! Now, with her hands free, she clasped the knife between two flat palms and twisted, wrenching the thing from the man’s grasp. She used his disorientation to toss the thing in the air, swing her body around with a graceful round-house kick that landed in his temple, and turn and face the second character. He growled and lunged in just enough time for Dia to snatch the knife out of the air and jab it into his jugular, impeding his ability to speak and insuring that he’d be unable to scream. At this time, the other male was righting himself. She turned and looked at him before shoving the knife up through his chin and twisting it, despite the issue the bone gave her. She jerked it out and watched the body crumble before lifting her gaze to the door. As she moved forward, an odd sound reached her ears.

She turned and looked down at the two bodies, now suddenly a bubbling mass of the tar that they’d seen coming into the building. This… was what they turned into when they died…? That was… horrible. But she had other things to think about, and sympathy was not an emotion that she was good with. She turned around and started moving forward, the hunt was likely going to be exhausting.

“I’m coming, Kitten.”
Holly was shoved rather unceremoniously into a chair that smelled like death, it was old and metal..and it was stuck with..something that Holly didn't want to think about. She thought about getting up, but the clear eyed men pointing AKs at her made her think otherwise as they clamped her hands and feet down into worn iron clamps. She glanced around a moment, finding nothing really out of place or..odd, other than a silver suitcase that was imperceptibly clean.

" are getting help," Holly replied causally as the man chuckled, picking up the clear syringe. Inside of it was a swirling black..mass? She wasn't sure, but she found it reasonable to feel some panic now as she started to shift with a minor exhale.

Dammit, fuck..shit. This was bad.

"You've got a cute mouth, and your friend is equally so..I'm sure we'll all have some fun with her together." He smirked, she had no choice. No matter how she kicked and trashed, her head was yanked to the side like an iron vice as she spit and curse, feeling the needle sink in was like feeling every memory flash over her head and realizing it was all useless, when the plunger was pressed she felt a numbness pass through her.

This was it..she was going to turn into a mindless freak of a creature. Her vison already started getting blurry as the man grinned, pulling back. "We have more guests coming," he explained. "And I want them to have a proper welcome to see what happens when they fuck with me.." By then, she could barely understand him as she felt her body spread out in a cold sweat. She heard every footstep like a harsh echo..and then she screamed in pain.

Her muscles twitched violently, her body jerked as if it was rejecting every single part of her. She felt..pain in places she didn't know exist, her vision darkened and flashed like violent strobe lights as she somehow managed to hit the floor. Bones were snapping, her heart felt like it was about to tear out of her chest and she was sobbing somewhere between pure insanity and hoping death was really coming. Nothing could have been worse than this, she heard banging and thrashing..her body almost moving on it's own as she writhed in pain, her clothes ripping and tearing as the table went flying against the wall and shattered into splinters.

..and then..after so many moments of stopped. Holly collapsed finally, wheezing and panting in utter pain as her entire body glistened with sweat, her clothes all together torn and useless as her vision returned, as did her breathing. ..All around her, there was nothing but chaos..but everything hurt so much. But..she could hear shouting, gunfire..almost like it was right next to her. But looking over there was nothing but a door from where it was coming from.


Her fingers curled, and almost instantly she regretted as she choked down her pain and hoisted herself up on shaking arms with a heavy breath. She just realized she was naked..and that she wasn't feeling pain anymore..she was feeling sore. She could deal with sore, it took another breath..but she managed to get herself up on shaky feet. Her heart was..pounding so fast, she could barely hear anything more than the sounds of combat and the sputtering of mutated Ukrainian.

Everything...was sore, it even felt like her heart was killing her from beating so fast..
Dia had been systematically destroying every living thing in her path, unless it was smart enough to run, and it was safe to say by the shouting outside the door that she was being pretty affective. Granted, when they’d actually started firing guns, it became a little more difficult, and she felt the piping hot lead parting the flesh on her arm and barely nicking her love handle. Well, she assumed it had barely nicked her, but it sure felt like there was a lot of blood. However, when a scream tore through the air that she knew belonged to her partner, she saw a flash of white and barely comprehended what she was doing.

The next thing she knew, there was standing in front of a door with a few wounds she couldn’t account for. Her breath was labored, but she shouldered open the door roughly to reveal her partner panting around on the ground, half naked and covered in a thin sheen of sweat. The sight alone made this Hell hole easier to deal with, and despite the nagging pain she was feeling in several different places. She had no time to think.

She rushed her way over and grasped one of Holly’s arms, hoisting her over her shoulder. Once she was sure the woman had her arms over her shoulders, she gripped her thighs softly.

“Hold on, kitten, alright? We’re getting out of here.” She murmured softly and comfortingly before she darted out the door. She needed to get her out of here and out of this war zone. She fussed with her equipment before pressing something into her ear.

“John. Are you hearing me? John?!” She wasn’t even sure she was getting through.
"..Dia..?" Holly barely registered, her voice was hoarse from so much screaming before her vision shifted almost painfully. Everything still hurt..but..she..didn't understand, this wasn't how things were supposed to work. A small curl of her hands and toes confirmed that she was intact in all places, everything felt..normal. And the fact that Dia just lifted her up and went told her that she at least looked human. So..what was going on? Before she could even think, she felt the doors creak open and more mutated Ukrainian behind them..Dia was..running?

She had to move! But her body was so sore..

Dia? John said after a moment. I hear you loud and clear, Dia..what's your status? . Well, Dia freaking out..Holly not saying anything, this sounded like a bad job already. Did you find the agent?
Dia barely heard Holly rasping her name, and she lovingly stroked her thumb along the woman’s thigh to let her know without speaking that everything is okay. She was running, as fast as her legs could carry her with a woman on her back. And, despite the strain that it was putting on her body, she pushed forward, listening to John. She swallowed and took in a deep breath before she finally parted her lips again.

“Yeah, not so good. The situation here is bad. Very bad. Yeah… we found the agent. Or what was left of him. Nice and over-cooked. Listen, we need to get the fuck out of here.” She took a breath, ducking into a field and continued running. “I think they’ve injected her with something. She seems fine, but she’s sweating. And before you say anything I dislike, I want to let you know that in my current moment of stress, I am very likely to be much more unpleasant. I have been shot, I am bleeding, I am sore, she is naked, and she is sick. Get us out of here John!”
Jesus... John exhaled, and there was a flurry of keystrokes. Alright, Dia..listen carefully, okay? I know where you're at, there should be a farmhouse..somewhere in front of you, stay there. I'm pulling some strings with the BSAA branch around there. It's going to be a while, but that's the best I can do right now. Holly heard bullets howl past them, and was..acutely aware of the finger against her thigh. A soft exhale..and while her body ached, it..felt better.

..It felt much better. What was going on with her? Where were they?

"..Dia?" She said, her voice clearing.
Dia listened to his words and inwardly, she felt herself cursing. A farmhouse. Really? It couldn’t have been a tanker or anything, it had to be some dinky farmhouse? When all of these fucking infected bastards are hot on their heels like starved dogs chasing bacon. She, admittedly, didn’t have very high hopes for this mission, but she could honestly say that she had been surprised by the severity of the situation that now surrounded her. She cleared her throat for a moment before speaking up again.

“Fuck… Alright. Just… hurry.” The hopelessness latent in the blonde’s voice would certainly be a tone that John had never heard from her before. However, with the situation at hand, the urgency at which Dia needed to get over herself had been made perfectly clear and it seemed like she was more than well on her way. She heard Holly cooing again.

“Hey, strumpet. You’re looking particularly bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning…” She said, although the cheer in her voice was certainly a mask. “We’ll be fine. John says there’s a farm house up ahead… Maybe I can take them out if they’re all crowded in one spot…” She murmured, although with her injuries she wasn’t exactly running at a hundred percent.
"Dia, put me down." Holly murmured, swallowing. Her voice was firm and unwavering, even as the roar of engines behind them was starting to pick up. "You're wounded, let me help you." No, she felt..good. She felt really good, she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth right now. Dia needed help and Holly would bleed herself empty to see her out of this. It was her turn to protect Dia..and she felt like..she felt like she could do that.

No, she felt alive.
Dia wasn’t particularly read to do such, but there was a firmness in Holly’s voice that urged her to let the woman down. She felt her adrenaline wearing off, and although she had plenty of gumption and a Hell of a lot of ‘Get up and go’ left in her, it was no longer dulling out the pain. She honestly hadn’t realized how much she’d gotten shot or cut… or whatever caused these injuries, and she inwardly chastised herself for not paying the proper attention to detail.

“Listen, strumpet, you weren’t looking so good when I found you, yeah? So please, please tell me if you’re not feeling well. I’m not going to leave you behind…” She was beginning to find that there was a deeper connection with Holly, one that had always been there, if only dormant.
Holly didn't reply outright, simply put her arm around her waist with an easy smile to lead her towards the farmhouse. It wasn't exactly the ideal defensive position, but even the majini that had guns weren't too smart. The only issue is, could they last? Regardless, it seemed more than a little too easy for Holly to move her inside and settle her down. It was hard to say where was she put her somewhere that she could shoot them if they came in.

"We're not going anywhere," she smiled, kneeling down in front of her. She..did look like hell, maybe this was just her running on adrenaline. For all she knew she was about to do something incredibly stupid..but she felt like she could do it regardless as she settled her hands on Dia's legs. "You die, and I'm going go be pissed." Taking a page out of Dia's vernacular, but mashing her lips against Dia? Mm, no..that was all Holly.
She took Holly’s help, even though her personal Vendetta was to accept help from no one unless she was dying. Well, admittedly, this could very well be her dying. When she felt Holly settling her down, her chest felt heavy. She reached over and pressed her hand into the wound in her side. She exhaled, shuddering a bit before leaning her head back and swallowing. And then she heard Holly talking to her, she turned her head towards her partner to provide Holly her full attention.

She was going to die here, great. She could tell by the expression on Holly’s face how terrible she looked, and she groaned in the hest of it. She thought to say something, although she wasn’t sure what it would be. She turned her back towards Holly as she felt her hands on her legs, and just as she moved to speak, she felt their lips crashing together.

At first, her eyes widened, but in the mouth of the situation they were in, Dia didn’t bother fighting it. She mumbled something, almost urgently before allowing her eyes to flutter closed and pressing forward into the kiss. She moved her free hand, gripping the back of Holly’s neck and hold her there, if only for a moment. It only took a moment for Dia to nip, almost playfully at her lower lip. If she were going to die, this was how she wanted to do it.
Holly moaned in reply, her mouth parting to let her tongue plunge into her mouth like a woman thirsty for water as her hands slid around her neck, body mashing against hers. She didn't care that the timing was bad. She didn't really care about anything other than the years long frustration that being around Dia had built up. Hell, if they were dead then she was going to die with the taste of Dia on her lips.

Eventually, she slowly pulled back with a lick of her lips. Forehead resting against hers a moment, they were getting closer..she could hear the trucks rumble very nearby and the more ramble of Ukrainian.

"We get out of this, Dia.." she murmured softly. "And I am going to fuck you until you can't think...can I have your pistol, lovey?"
The sensation taking over her body helped to dull the pain. When Dia felt Holly’s body pushing into her own, she inhaled sharply through her nose indicating the sharp pain she felt. Although this was certainly not a request for the woman to stop. As a matter of fact, Dia’d almost forgotten about the hoard of murderous barbarians chasing after them with machine guns.

She felt her pulling away and she could almost feel the pressure lingering. Her eyes took a moment before they fluttered open. It was then that she could hear the relentless growling that were their assaulters. Or, their would be assaulters. She turned her head towards the noise, her chest rising and falling with labored breaths. Half of it was due to injuries, the other half due to pure, sexual tension.

And then her comment reached her ears, and she recoiled. Whereas this wasn’t particularly unlike Holly, but it certainly wasn’t something she expected. However, she certainly had to admit that it was… exciting. She reached down, bloody fingers grasping her pistol and holding it up for her.

“Be good to it, strumpet.” She said, breathlessly.
She smiled brilliantly at that, taking the pistol and plucking a magazine or two for her to hold in her hand from Dia's belt. "Don't worry,'s my turn to protect you." she purred, rising up. Not exactly the most glorious moment, being nude. But why not? She wasn't going to be worried about that when she was probably a freak now. If she died, then it wouldn't matter. But at least Dia would get out okay. They didn't have much time, however..

Because the door creaked open, and before Holly thought she even moved to react she spun around and pulled the trigger. The majini's head jerking back instantly as Ukranian roared out and more poured in. She didn't think she was running that fast, two, three steps she was already at the door and her borrowed pistol was barking the whole way there as they all stumbled back in pain, the magazine dropped and Holly spun around in a straight kick that slammed into a majini's throat with a sickening snap as the entire body went limp as Holly slapped a fresh mag into ther pistol, the slide snapping forward. Just in time for a machete armed majini to rush her as she caught his wrist almost effortlessly and pressed the pistol to his head and pulling the trigger.

His head exploded in a shower of gore, splattering Holly with blood. But it wasn't done yet as the parasite rared up with a shrill screech. Holly did the first thing she could think of..which was something she thought was utterly crazy regardless. But she grabbed the nasty little bugger by it's disgusting mouth and gripped it tightly, her pistol swinging on either side of the majini to put down the others.

Which left the little worm left..she sunk her hand against the lips as it still squirmed uselessly before her arm tightened and she pulled..and almost as easily as tearing a band-aid, the parasite was ripped out in a shower of gore and yellow, sickly fluid as the body jerked forward and fell as the parasite went limp. She dropped the worm in genuine surprise, fingers curling as she glanced at herself. the fuck did she just do!?
Dia wasn’t entirely sure what it was she was seeing, if she was seeing time slowed down or sped up, or if a certain level of blood loss was causing her to hallucinate wild, lucid things. But she watched in nothing but awe as Holly zipped back and forth from Majini ro Majini, ripping them asunder. She didn’t believe she had ever seen Holly operate that way before. Was this something she was always capable of, or was that injection beginning to work? And if it was the latter, exactly what had she been injected with?

And before long, her first question was answered. As she watched her partner wretch the parasite free from it’s bed, she also watched the pixie cut blonde face twist in something that Dia could only describe as surprise. This was both a good and a bad thing, and she would have focused more on it if she weren’t becoming so heady. She swallowed and licked her dry, chapped lips before speaking.

“I hate to kill your high, mate. You are amazing and all, but… starting to feel a little light over here… Mind coming over and putting some pressure on some wounds for me, Lovey?” Of course, had Dia been in her proper and normal state of mind, she would already be stumbling over her words asking for reasons as to why Holly was so strong and fast, or coming up with reasons in her head. But right now, the only thing she had left in her body was acceptance. She chuckled, listlessly.

“Oy, John… Holly here just ripped a majini apart bare handed. Like a three year old tearing into a package of fruit gushers…” She chuckled more. “Little tanker strumpet.”
Uh..come again? John said in awkward surprise as Holly fed the last magazine to the pistol and racked the slide before she came over with a concerned frown. Well, this was just about her luck wasn't it? She knelt down again, lifting up her shirt to a wound on her stomach. It..was bad, looked like a glancing blow from a blade of some kind..probably a machete.

"Dammit, Dia." Holly grumbled, much like a parent who was scolding a child. "What did I tell you about being stupid?" She said, finding her touch needed to be feather light to put any pressure on her. It made her spirit sink even lower, she..wasn't human anymore..was she? Was she..hallucinating? Was she really some freak creature and she was crushing Dia with her bare, mutated hands or something?

It was only when she was putting pressure on Dia's wounds when she realized that her shoulder and hand had taken a stray shot..but it didn't hurt, nor did it seem anything more than superficial at best. Evidenced best by when she flexed her hand..and nothing really seemed wrong. What in the hell..?
Dia heard John, but she didn’t bother responding, because soon after this she felt Holly lifting her shirt. She looked down at it, but it was safe to say that she couldn’t get a good view of it. So, instead of persisting and attempting to continue to catch a glance of a wound that she knew was bad, she merely rested her head back against the wall behind her. Although it could be loosely referred to as such, because it sure felt as though it were going to cave any minute… Or was that the blood loss as well? And then she heard her partner chastising her.

“I had bigger things to worry about… I had to make it to you before they did something horrible… Guess I was too late, huh?” She murmured, looking over her. She winced a bit at the pressure, but it was admittedly necessary. And so, after swallowing and taking a deep breath, she continued. “You really don’t look so bad, strumpet. Stronger, faster, more durable… maybe it’s not all bad, huh?” Granted, Dia couldn’t even fathom what it must have felt like to know in your heart that the last bit of you that was human was no longer the fragile mortality you’d gotten so used to.

She reached up and brushed her fingers softly across her shoulder. “You got pinged, love…” She murmured, much more quietly then before. It didn’t seem to be bothering Holly much, and Dia didn’t know if that bothered or relieved her. In any case, she didn’t say anything else after that. And decided to focus her attentions on being and staying comfortable and still.
"..I know," She said, hand still tight against her wound. More were coming, she knew that was just a question of who got to them first and what else she'd have to deal with in the meantime. But until then, she settled herself next to Dia protectively with her arm around her to nuzzle against her side, leg slipping over hers with a weary sigh. Now wasn't the time for a breakdown, was the time to sit and think about what was going to happen.

Well..logic time, Holly. She was injected with something, something that had hurt quite a bit..but..she was here now. As far as she knew she was completely here, she could still remember things..she could still talk. She seemed..faster, more resistant...she wasn't quite sure she was understanding what was going on. But right now she just felt so goddamn tired.

The helicopter is on-route, Dia. Just hang on! John said quickly.
“That’s a funny word… route… Route, route, route.” She seemed more and more amused by the word the more she said it. It was clear that she, at this point in time, was a little delirious. She felt Holly moving in close, and she didn’t seem to mind it one bit. Her skin was a little cold, although not very clammy, and her breathing was a tad shallow. This was more likely to the pain training Dia had enacted on herself.

It was something she’d done a while back, when she was still the attractive body-guard of a well developed douche bag. She found that the more shallow her breathing, the less pain that she felt. Granted, she was also prone to getting light-headed and passing out if she did so for too long. Granted, she’d never had to extend it to that pint, but she was finding, given her current situation, that this may be the one time that it happens. She exhaled loudly for a minute and scoffed a bit.

“I don’t have a living will… don’t suppose you’d want to fly my lawyer over?” She said, jokingly.
"I should smack you for that," she cut in dryly, but not that it stopped her from moving a single inch away from Dia. "Because you're getting out of here alive, Dia. Who is going to watch my back if you end up bleeding out, mm? You feel comfortable knowing someone else is going to come into my apartment and eat my cooked breakfast?" she stated sharply. "Because I fucking won't, so you keep your eyes open." she warned, thankfully hearing the rumble of the helicopter.

"And you don't stop breathing, you understand?"
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