Resident Evil: Unbroken Bonds (Rogue and I)



There was a particular mindset in joining the BSAA, and Holly hoped that none of it was money. The pay was okay, the combat pay was twice as good as most places..but the nightmares could get terrifying. You had to go to therapy every so often just to make sure all your screws were still put in nice and tight, but other than that it was a fine enough job. She got to stay in London at least, being part of the Euro branch had it's benefits at least.

If anyone was a fan of sleep, however..perhaps they shouldn't fancy it too much. Holly Elson was used to sleepless nights, it was something her body had adjusted to, she slept when she needed to get rest and anything past that was just a luxury. So here she was, her pixie cut blonde hair matted to her face and her sleeping clothes sticking to her like a second skin as her blue eyes opened up to the soft drone of the TV and the faint light of morning settling in.

She rubbed her face softly, sitting up with a soft yawn. A glance to bright lights on her alarm told her all she needed to know; 5:30 AM. She wasn't going to get any extra sleep. So she slid out of bed, grabbing her phone on a whim to flick her thumb along the contacts.

Well, to be honest she only had a handful of contacts. Her parents, her two brothers and her grandpa, and Dia. Dia was her partner in the BSAA, and someone she had come to rely on in many ways. She was used to being out on the field anyway, and she was generally a solitary creature by nature..but even solitaire needed someone else to play it.

Or something like that.

Regardless, Holly tugged off her sweat streaked clothes as she headed into the bathroom, regarding her worn face in the mirror with a light sigh. She had the body of a track athlete, something she was proud of. Muscle built for speed and endurance, with perky little breasts and legs that could snap a concrete block in two. Her face was often described as 'cute', but right now it looked like she was in the bad end of a hangover.

God, she looked like utter shit. She rubbed her face gently, sending Dia a short text as she decided to run a cold shower.

You awake?
Dia had been sleeping like a baby, but she was infamous for doing so. She was resting on her mattress, sprawled out in nothing more than a pair of skimpy panties and a tight spaghetti strapped shirt. Platinum blonde curls were strewn about her pillow, hints of deep red stretching from the tips of her hair to about mid way. It almost appeared natural, if no one knew any better. But Dia was as infamous for putting color in her hair as she was for starting (and ending) the occasional bar fight. Not anything their boss was particularly fond of, but Dia was not someone skilled in the art of keeping her mouth shut.

She heard the annoying buzz of her cellphone on her bedside table, and groaned. Dear God, this had better be important, and from someone important, or the level of Hell that she planned on raising would be immeasurable. With another groan, she rolled over, slapping her hand over the phone and swiping the screen to unlock it. Upon gendering upon the text message, she eased up a bit.

Rubbing her eyes and sitting up, she shuffled her fingers through her hair before gripping her phone in both of her hands and throwing a text message back in her direction.

‘Yeah, I’m up. Just tossing and turning. What’s up, angel?’

Dia checked the time and rubbed her face, mumbling something incoherent before hoisting up and onto her feet. Holly was, admittedly, one of the only people Dia knew that she had become protective of. There had been a few times where she’d gotten into a scuffle with someone for looking at her wrong. Dia had a fierce loyalty about her.

Tying her hair behind her head, she began her morning routine, brushing her teeth and washing her face. A shower could come later. Plus, she showered before bet last night. Stripping the spaghetti strapped shirt off of her body and tossing it onto the ground.

Dia had the body of a fighter. It was slim, but toned. She had a few tattoos littered about her back and ribcage, and a few scars here and there from unlikely opponents. She had large, relatively perky breasts which rose and fell with the yawn that rippled through her body before she began the droning process of getting dressed.
Holly took her quick shower to wake her up, scrubbing herself down and rinsing her hair out. She was fairly practical when it came to showers, she didn't like standing under the spray or anything deep and contemplative. She simply cleaned and got out, water dripping on the floor as she picked up her phone with a soft smile, thumb brushing over the screen as she grabbed a towel simply to dab herself off. The wonders of living by herself, she had completely lost any sense of personal focus! when she was working she was almost annoyingly organized, but her own apartment was a mess of just about everything.

But who cared? It was just her after all!

Want me to cook you some breakfast? she offered idly, well..she wasn't a social girl by nature. But hey, when she had a friend she'd spoil her rotten. Shit, she had breakfast food..right? She padded out naked to the kitchen to swing the fridge open. For once, she actually remembered to get some eggs and bacon. She'd give her a full English breakfast! Satisfied with her discovery, she figured she could at least make herself some anyway..she was actually feeling rather hungry.
She was dressed shortly after, a pair of practical combat pants and a tight top, almost reminiscent of a catsuit. Hearing her phone go off again, Dia made her way back into the bedroom and looked over the text message. She eyed the word breakfast. This reminded her that she had absolutely nothing in her house. Nothing but stale cereal and sour milk. That was Holly’s fault anyhow, always treating her to meals. She never even bought groceries anymore.

‘Ugh, God yes…’ She responded before throwing on her combat boots and tying and lacing them up appropriately. She wet her lips with, what she immediately noted as spoiled orange juice before moving towards the door, making a face that mirrored the taste in her mouth. As if orange juice wasn’t bitter enough.

When she reached her motocycle, she straddled the vehicle and zoomed off, heading to Holly’s apartment. When he reached it, she just let herself right in.

“Strumpet? You around, mate?” Dia called into the apartment. She could already smell breakfast. She purred in satisfaction, licking her lips and tossing her keys onto the already messy table by the door. “Angel?” She called, poking her head into the kitchen to find the woman standing, nude. She recoiled.

“Hello, nurse.” She mused, playfully.
"Well, good morning." She smiled playfully, giving her rear a little shake. "Do you always just trot right in like you own the place?" Well, she pretty much much as she was over at any rate. She rarely cleaned up, but she did a little for Dia at least..since more than one person was sitting here. At least the table was clean for now..because she pushed everything off into the two chairs they wouldn't be setting in.

"I must have lost track of the time," she mused, turning back to the breakfast. Did she love Dia's eyes on every inch of her nudity? Fuck yes she did. Nothing made her feel more cheerful. Besides, breakfast was about the only routine thing on their job anymore..even if sometimes the breakfast could be coming home at three in the morning and dead exhausted. Still, breakfast was breakfast and she wasn't going to break the tradition.

She probably should have gotten dressed though..but now breakfast was being cooked so that would have to wait regardless. Actually, being dressed around Dia was suddenly seeming like a bad way to ruin a morning ego boost..hrm.
Dia shook her head and chuckled as her friend wiggled her bum at her. She sat down in the chair that was offered for her and leaned back, crossing her legs and then crossing her arms over her chest. Holly was definitely an interesting case, but Dia didn’t mind. In fact, one could say that Dia found it endearing. Almost painfully so. Damn her, being adorable.

“Can’t remember the last time I came into your apartment and haven’t been greeted by your little apple-bottom bum.” She said, looking longingly down into the plate that Holly had made for her. A ripple of pleasure seemed to tear through her. “Oh, bloody hell.” She murmured, wasting no time in getting to business and beginning to eat.

There were few things in this world that Dia loved more than eating. One of these things was sleeping. The other was fighting. Otherwise, she didn’t enjoy much. Although she had to admit that Holly was bringing out something different in her. Perhaps even a more open heart…. Yeah, okay. Dia brushed off the mushy thoughts and continued eating before she finally spoke.

“You’re really nude all the time, it’s like you’re asking to be felt up, strumpet. One of these days, it’s not gonna be me bursting through that door. ‘Course, then I’ll have to hunt someone down. It’ll be worth it.” She wiped her mouth before leaning back in her chair, plate empty.
"Oh come now," she sighed, pouring herself some tea and pouring Dia a cup as well. "I forgot to get dressed! You catch me one time and suddenly I'm going to be molested?" She laughed. "I can handle myself just fine, Dia. Not that I don't appreciate some back up," she grinned, sipping her tea before she dug into her plate. "Besides, I didn't exactly hear you complaining about it when you came in, now did you?" She remarked between a few polite bites of sausage. Besides, Dia should know better than anyone that Holly was more than capable..but the fact that Dia did know that and still fussed was..nice.

Yeah, that was the word for it. She was always like that, but it never made her feel any less different about it, who knew a former MI6 needed someone to protect her? Well, she didn't give much of a shit if Dia was the result anyway!
Dia shrugged. She still didn’t like the thought of anyone touching Holly, especially inappropriately without her consent. Holly’s consent. Of course, Dia’s consent could really only help them, but most didn’t even consider the psycho, protective female friend hiding in the closet with a pair of gardening shears prepared to nip the problem in the proverbial blood. At the comment she’d made about having not heard her complaining, a devilish half-smirk pressed onto Dia’s face and the woman offered her friend another shrug.

“I like plump bottoms.” She murmured, taking a healthy swallow of the milk in the glass in front of her. Some people assumed that Dia sent out the wrong message, but Dia was simply the type of person who did not care and did not bullshit. She said it like it was. Who didn’t like a nice plump bottom anyhow? “Now, go get dressed before I’m forced to take advantage of you… and put pictures on the internet.” She teased playfully before standing and putting her plate into the sink and rinsing it off. Dia had a habit of cleaning up after herself.
"You're supposed to motivate me to get dressed, not motivate me to stay still." She purred, but regardless she rose up and moved to get dressed. But, their job didn't really consider any sort of normal time frame. Naturally, they wouldn't have assumed to call just one or the both of their phones went off almost in unison as Holly smiled easily, flicking her phone on speaker. There was a few good benefits to working with the BSAA..namely the employee phones were pretty nice for military grade.

"Agent Elson," came the always pleasant voice of their communication's officer, John. He was kinda handsome for a guy, friendly enough too. "You need to come down, now. We're currently in the process of contacting Dia as we speak."

"Already got her, John." Holly smiled, giving a soft stretch. "What's the situation?"

"Nothing I can talk about over the phone," John said seriously. "Get your shit and get here, as soon as possible." Well..that was nothing good to hear in the slightest, but then again..when did they hear good news? The only good news they had was no work at all.
The sound of panic meant two things to Dia. And the most predominant thing was excitement. She was always roaring for a fight, ready to get her hands dirty and get active. It was one of her faults, quite actually. But, it was where she got a lot of her attention from. And it easily determined that she was not fucked with. She stood, licking her lips.

“Bam, work. Pllleeeaaasse let there be some heads for me to knock together…” She mused. Admittedly, Dia was oblivious to Holly’s attraction to her. Not intentionally, it was merely that Dia’s head was often elsewhere. Usually in where her next fight would be, or when the next nap would be, or even where the next meal was coming from. It was strange that, with some of her mannerisms, that sex wasn’t on her list of important things.

“I’ve got the bike downstairs, Poppet, we can just take it.” She mused, stretching her hands above her head until she could feel her back popping. She groaned in pleasure before straightening up and leaning in the door frame, waiting patiently.
Holly hung up before John could actually voice his usual complaint, Holly never had any issues with it. But Holly was a little bit of a different person when they were in the field, regardless she quickly dressed into a shirt and some jeans. They'd be in better gear when they headed out anyway, so she wasn't worrying about being fashionable as she plucked her phone back up and locked her door behind her.

"I do love your motorcycle," Holly grinned easily. Well, she loved that she had to press herself to Dia's back..but that still counts, doesn't it?
“And it loves you. Can’t imagine a thing that wouldn’t purr between your thighs though. BAM, I am on a roll. Let’s go, Strumpet.” She said, grinning and snatching her keys up off of the table. She headed out the door quickly, climbing onto the bike and waiting for Holly to climb on behind her. Once she had, she looked back at her an handed her the singular helmet. “Here, Angel, pop this over that pretty little head of yours, yeah?” Once she had done so, Dia took off.

Dia drove relatively recklessly, swerving in and out of traffic and speeding. However, it was also very clear that she was very aware of what she was doing and how to do it. It was almost as if the vehicle was an extension of herself. Holly, of all people, knew how Dia loved her bike. Almost as much as she loved a fist fight.

Before long, they were at the intended meeting place, and Dia brought the bike to a halt, kicking down the kickstand and turning it off. Riding always got her blood pumping. It was the single most arousing hobby she had. Except for… well, it’d been reiterated enough. Dia was, without a doubt, a street rat.
Holly trusted her, but..well..when you're used to ducking bullets and hoping your partner covers those people so you can get the hell out of danger, she really had no cause to not trust her. And after all, she was snuggled quite contently against Dia with a content sigh. Well, if she could feel her at however fast they were going..she couldn't complain too much. Even if her jokes were always terrible-in a good way- and her intent seemed completely ignored.

Oh well, they had more important things to worry about as Holly tugged off the helmet with a soft sigh. BSAA worked out they could, generally organized but in desperate situations they took more drastic measures. The fact that they were meeting at the security gate of an airport hanger was enough to make her think something slipped through their fingers this time. She sat the helmet down on the bike and flashed her ID with a smile to the guard that was also BSAA.

"Make sure the bike gets properly taken care of," she said cheerfully. "Or I'll make sure this is the last job you ever have." The man blinked a little at that, scratching his chin as he opened the fence. "Y..Yes Ma'am." He murmured softly.
Dia could only grin as she watched the two of them interact. She knew exactly where her heart was. Dia had poured a lot of time and money into that bike, it was currently her prized possession, at least, the inanimate one. She dismounted and followed after her, tossing the man the keys and pointing a finger at him.

“Not a single fucking scratch, you got me?” She didn’t wait for the answer. Instead, she moved passed the gate and into the Airport Hanger. This was bizarre, meeting in this place, and so it was clear that something was wrong, and to a large extent. This has caused the previous smirk and excitement to fade. Dia had the ability to be serious if she needed to be. And she had a strange feeling in her chest that this was going to be one of those times. She licked her lips before parting them to speak to her.

“Looks like this is some heavy shit, yeah?” She mused, voicing her concern out loud. This must mean that anything could go wrong. She frowned and sped up to move ahead of the woman, slowing down to close a bit of the distance between them before beginning to move forward again. “Stay close, Angel.” She mused in her typical, protective fashion. She remained ahead of her, in tune with the area around her until they finally entered the building and met with John.
"Anything you say, Dia." Holly replied cheerfully, hands behind her back. She was more than happy to let Dia take the lead if she so chose, it made Holly all the more intimidating when it was her turn to get something done. Make them fear the dog so they can't fear the owner, her old instructor used to say. Normally she'd mean that in a cold, callous manner..but Dia was her dog in a more..affectionate manner to say the least.

What they came into was a fully stocked C-130J Super Hercules and a completely haggard looking support staff, but it was easy enough to find John amongst it all regardless. Holly tapped Dia's back for her to go, since she knew it was easier just letting her walk first instead of walking ahead. She found it kind of..cute, actually.

John was a fairly tall man, and scrawny to boot. There wasn't many times that they had seen him when he didn't look half tired and half stressed, he thought Dia was a pain in the ass..and..well, sometimes they got at it. But John was immensely reliable, just very sharply opinionated and irritable. Regardless, he seemed to be short on the remarks today.

"I got your gear in the Humvee," John murmured. "You're supposed to be in Vonistan yesterday."
A dog was a good way to describe Dia’s demeanor when it came to Holly. She was fiercely loyal and protective. She wouldn’t ever let any harm come to her as long as she was in the way. She didn’t care how many times they told her Holly could handle herself, or that she didn’t need to be coddled. If Dia wanted to coddle her, she was going to fucking coddle her.

Once they made it inside, it didn’t take her long to feel the tap on her back. Ope, there John was, almost like Magic. She moved towards John, holding her hand behind her tenderly pressing it to Holly’s abdomen to accomplish two things. One: her arm was there for Holly to grab should they nearly get separated, and Two: to confirm that Holly is behind her and hasn’t gotten separated.

Finally, they approached them male, and he’d hopped straight to business spitting out that they equipment was ready and that they should have been somewhere else yesterday. Her brows furrowed. She and John had never really gotten along well, although for the sake of work, they tolerated one another, and it was clear that this mission was going to be one of those cases.

“Vonistan? That ruddy stain? The bloody Hell is going on, John?” Her accent was thickest when she was upset.
"Nothing good," John muttered, finally sitting down with a sigh. He was at a hastily constructed desk, with even more hastily placed electronics. But regardless of that, he tilted one of the screens towards them. It displayed the region of Vonistan in general, it was a tiny little shithole in Eastern Europe, one of the many places that broke away from the Soviet Union. John settled back in the chair with a rub of his eyes.

"Alright, here's the deal." He muttered. "Civil war has broken out between the current government head and the rebels demanding him to step down, one of our agents has been following the situation closely because the rebels have been known to deal with ex-umbrella researchers and black market trails for bioweapons. Well, something happened." John murmured, Holly frowned in thought as overlay of the biohazard settled firmly in, most of it was mild until the border between it and Ukraine. Right where a border city was located.

"This is Mykyta, also known as the Den of Devils." He murmured. "Someone got a little too touchy with the merchandise, it seems..we lost one of our agents here."
Dia’s brow quirked and furrowed shortly after. Two things she didn’t like being in the same sentence, was ‘Biohazard’ and ‘Umbrella’. Umbrella was always up to no good, and yet there was never really anything that they could do about it, other than suffer. And watch all of this crap unfold. Dia was intelligent enough to put two and two together here. There was some kind of outbreak… or there was going to be. She ran her tongue along her teeth and kept quiet, a sure fire sign that not only was she listening, but she was taking the situation seriously. A rare sight indeed.

She examined the information he offered, being sure to examine the screen thoroughly. It was almost as if she were mapping out the areas she could see. She could be strategic, when the time called for it, however there was very little planning she could do in this situation. She rubbed the area under her nose a bit before finally getting it up in her gut to part her lips and speak again on the situation.

“So… is this a thread of an outbreak, or has shit already hit the fan?” She questioned, eyeing the screen intently, looking for something odd.
"For all we know, it's both." John grumbled. "The last data we have is from weeks ago, our agent hasn't responded since. And with the war starting to pick the readings we're getting..I'd assume the shit is hitting the fan as we speak." He trailed off as Holly nodded easily, patting Dia's back.

"We'll see what we can find, John. Come on, Dia. He said our gear was in the Humvee." There was one benefit to going to war torn zones, it was easier to walk around in full kit without much problem as opposed to scouting around. They had to do what they could to protect themselves, after all. "You'll be a dear and watch my back while I dress, hm?"
Dia made a face as John’s proclamation. She genuinely didn’t hope so. But, Umbrella was sneaky and manipulative. They knew how to get what they want. She rubbed her face and turned her head towards Holly as she felt her hand pressed into her back. She rubbed her finger beneath her nose and turned around.

“I’m coming… stay behind me…” Dia spoke, the same protective partner she’d always been, and would likely always be. When she heard Holly’s request to watch her back, she nodded and gaze around them. Admittedly, Dia could see herself being attracted to Holly. Any time her back was bare, she could never seem to keep her eyes from trailing, drinking in her image. Holly was adorable. Holly was hers.

Admittedly, she’d never had such an intense possessive thought before, but she realized that she’d been ready to fight someone who blinked at Holly the wrong way. She couldn’t determine whether that was attraction… or loyalty.

“This is some shit, isn’t it?” She mused, breaking herself free from her thoughts.
"Whatever we do is shit, Dia." she grinned, slipping on her thermal shirt and pants. Then her combat pants and gloves, followed by her harness that held all her extra equipment. She tightened her gloves easily.

"Besides..shit is how we get're not nervous, are you?" she teased innocently.
Dia chuckled at her partners comment. That was true. They never did seem to get the cushy jobs. Nothing as simple as creating a levee to avoid a flood or rescuing a family of puppies. No, it was always something had blown up, something had blown through, biohazard weapons, terrorists. The shitty end of the proverbial stick. She shrugged at this point, beginning to undress and redress in the proper equipment. She recoiled from Holly’s ‘nervous’ question.

“Me? Nervous?” She questioned, blinking a bit pulling the pants up over wide hips. “Have we met?” She responded coyly. Turning towards her friend as she picked up the shirt and tugged it over her head.
"Uh huh," Holly replied dryly, more than happy to get a wonderful view as she racked the slide on her Beretta a few times before feeding in a magazine and chambering it in satisfaction, flicking the safety on. "Going in hot to a warzone with potential B.O.W's doesn't make you bat an eye, huh?" she smirked, rummaging around her harness for her combat knife in a mental sweep. Satisfied with that, she reached inside the Humvee to pluck one of the SIG 556's out of the padded case.

Never hurt to be too well armed when going into a civil war zone, one that could be filled with worse things than men with guns.
“Nope.“ She secured her belt around her waist and her gloves over her fingers now, as she responded. She checked over her two handguns, Berettas as well. She secured a belt across her torso, running from her shoulder to her him, and secured her go to Shotgun, the 12 gauge M3, to her back. She loaded up on the appropriate Ammo and then parted her lips to speak again. “I wouldn’t have been hired if I did… Although… truthfully?” She made sure everything on her person was straight, including the hunting knife attached to her thigh. “I’m scared shitless.”

She turned around and leaned against the wall of the Humvee. Umbrella made her skin crawl, the thought that they might be involved got her heart pounding. And not in the way she’d been looking forward to. She was… unsure, worried even. But, she was always taught fear was a good thing. The person on the battlefield to be afraid of wasn’t the strongest, it was the one afraid to die. That willpower had gotten her through quite a few terrible situations. Perhaps that was why they tagged her with Holly.

“I don’t know… You know how I get with Umbrella. Ever since that shit went down a few years back, that big scare with some… parasite virus.” She shuddered, “I don’t know. But don’t worry, I got you. I’ll go before you do, be sure of that.”
"I wouldn't worry about it," Holly replied easily, slinging her rifle casually against her as she rested her arms on it to walk past her with a grin. "Besides, you look good in military fatigues. So you can stay in front of me any time." she purred. "You ready to get going, Dia? I think John might have an anxiety attack if we delay any longer." John had them anyway, at least it sure felt like it. He needed to find a girlfriend..or maybe pick up a hobby other than paranoid worry.

Suppose being a communicator did bring a lot of stress regardless, who wanted to hear agents die in real time?
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