A Forced Future HP Roleplay (Snape & Camryn Draik)

Zach watched as Draco walked off and sighed, he was a good guy he just had some issues that he couldn't get past. When Talya raised her wand and pointed it at Draco Zach's eyes widened but before he could say anything she lowered it. He let out a breath then fell backwards onto the grass, "Fucking ay" ,he stated as he looked up to the stars. "Can't anything just go right for once?"
Talya sighed and made sure that Draco was gone then looked down at Zach. She smiled then sat next to him. "If I could get some Slytherin robes I could look like a slytherin." She suggested playfully. She knew that wouldn't be the real answer to their issue but she hoped it would at least brighten his mood.
Zach let out a laugh at Talya's comment then looked at her, "I think that would be rather fun actually I may have to snag you some" ,he stated in response with a smirk. He placed his hands behind his head then looked back up at the sky,Talya really knew how to cheer him up when he was upset and he liked that not many people had that affect on him.
She laughed. "You know we really should be heading back to our dorms." She said softly, not really wanting to leave yet. They had about an hour till the professors went around to make sure all the students were accounted for. "You ready?"
"Yeah we should probably head back now before we get ourselves into trouble" ,Zach stated in agreement. He got to his feet then nodded to let her know he was ready before he began to walk towards the castle. "I swear if I get bombarded with questions I'm going to hex everyone in the Slytherin house" ,he stated jokingly as he walked.
Talya followed Zach as they headed back up to the castle, laughing abit. "If you don't I might." She said, a darker undertone in her voice suggested that she might. "I'm pretty sure that Luna is going to want to know what that was about. Same with the twins if they find out." She said as they entered one of the outer halls. It didn't take long for them to reach there destination where they'd have to go separate ways. She looked down a bit not wanting to go.
Zach laughed at Talya's comment as they walked up to the castle, "Well at least Luna will probably support you in whatever decisions you make, she won't care if you like a snake such as myself" ,he joked. He looked at her when it came time to go their separate ways and smiled, "I'll see you tomorrow ok? I promise" ,Zach said right before leaning in and kissing her on the cheek, not caring who saw.
Talya shrugged some. "That's also just how Luna is though." She said with a soft laugh. As Zach leaned in and kissed her cheek she touched a hand to his cheek and turned his head some. If she had to wait until tomorrow to see him again she was at least going to get a real kiss from him. They were almost adults after all. She grinned and kissed his lips. "I'll see you tomorrow."


Talya changed and headed up to her bed. She couldn't wait to see her newly acquired love in the morning. Plus love was one of the strongest types of magic there was. If that didn't account for something to help them with this war against the dark lord she wasn't sure what would. She just hoped that Malfoy wouldn't lay into him to much when he returned to the dorm.
Zach smiled when Talya kissed his lips, "I'll see you tomorrow too" ,he stated in response to her. He made his way to the dungeons and into the Slytherin common room where he came face to face with Pansy and Draco. Both of them looked livid, "So Zach got a new girlfriend eh?" ,Pansy asked with a nasty tone. Zach just shook his head and began to walk off in an attempt to ignore her, "Draco said he caught you snogging some Ravenclaw girl, you could've had me you know" ,Pansy continued. "Pansy everyone can have you so why would that be anything special?" ,Zach snapped back. Draco just shook his head and glared at Zach, "Draco lighten the fuck up if you were a true friend you'd support the decisions I made, I'm going to bed if anyone tries to bother me I'll fucking crucio them" ,Zach threatened before storming off to the dorm. He was pissed and it showed Draco knew better not to bug him when he was like this and he stayed away.
The next morning Talya woke up with a start more odd dreams. This one included Zach. She had a cold chill go up her spine. She got up and got herself dressed. Her hair still sporting the slytherin green and ravenclaw's blue. It didn't take her too long and she headed to class early hoping that maybe Zach would do the same.
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