A Forced Future HP Roleplay (Snape & Camryn Draik)

"The only way out is death" ,he told her. Tears falling from his eyes as the thought crossed his mind, he was pretty sure she had figured it out by now but he wasn't going to risk telling her in case she didn't know and he was just hoping. "You can't help me no one can what's done is done I'm his now and there's nothing that can change that" ,Zachary stated. He hinted towards the issue but didn't out right say it.
Talya gently took his arm to confirm or deny what she thought that he was hinting at and slowly pulled up his sleeve. The second that she saw even a split centimeter of the dark mark she let out a squeak and fell back.
Zach didn't know why he hadn't pulled his arm away from her when she had grabbed it but he didn't and the way she reacted to what she had seen made him sigh. "See I told you, go ahead and tell someone I don't care not like it matters if you do I'm dead anyways" ,he stated right before he rolled over to face the wall.
Talya instantly moved back to him. "Zach I'm sorry. I just didn't want that to be true. It doesn't even seem to fit. Your so sweet...and..." She trailed off. "This doesn't make any sense." She repeated softly. "Look I want to help. I don't know what it is about you but I can't let anything bad happen to you." Her cheeks flushed as she looked down at his back.
"There's nothing you can do to help me it's already done" ,he said in response. His back still facing her, "My father is Antonin Dolohov and he's not in azkaban anymore so naturally he came looking for me when he broke out he killed my mother then took me make sense now" ,he told her.
She sighed and hugged him, laying with him. "Then I'll protect you." She said softly. She couldn't understand what was urging her to be so protective of someone that she was just getting to know. It made no sense to her. She took in a deep breath. "If I have to I'll find a way to guarantee it.", she mumbled.
"Please don't, I don't want you getting hurt and if you try to interfere they'll kill you, I've seen what they do to people" ,he stated in response. He was practically begging her Zachary didn't want anyone to get hurt for him especially not someone as nice as Talya. "You're safest bet is to stay as far away from me as possible".
Talya frowned a bit, not saying anything but sitting in the silence. Her mind going a thousand miles a minute. She didn't want him hurt. He hadn't done anything wrong. Well as far as she knew anyway. She wanted him safe. But at the same time. His allegiance was with 'He Who Shall Not Be Named' that in itself made things more complicated. At last she said, "Fine. I'll do my best... Are you sure you want this?"
Zachary had to think for a moment, of course he didn't want this but it had to happen if he didn't want anyone to get hurt. After being silent for a few moments Zach finally spoke, "Yes I do" ,he stated quietly. He continued to stare blankly at the wall not wanting to look at the girl knowing it would just make things harder and he may change his mind and that was something he couldn't do.
Talya bit her lip and let out a sad sigh. "I'll do my best." And with that she was gone.

Talya didn't take too long to get back to her dorm room. She somehow managed to sneak back in without getting caught. That in itself still amazed her. At the moment though she chose not to look into it. She was still thinking about Zach. He was her age and had already been marked by the dark lord. Obviously this was beating him up inside something fierce. She wanted to help him. She new she needed to. It was all a matter of how.


Talya awoke roughly. Her dreams had been taunting her and she's surprised that she hadn't woken up screaming. She did however wake up with her wand drawn. She looked at it alittle wide eyed for a moment then realized the others in the dorm were gone. It was the first day of classes and she was already late. "Bloody hell!" She cursed under her breath and quickly got into her robes. Hoping that she wasn't terribly late.

Talya walked into Herbology and immediately started to apologize. Professor Sprout looks over at her and asks if she has a reason for being late. Knowing that she can't admit to sneaking off grounds or her night terrors she shakes her head.
When she left Zach laid there for a few hours before finally closing his eyes, falling into a very unsatisfying sleep. He was haunted by his dreams and woke up a few times throughout the night after about the fifth time waking up Zach gave up on trying to sleep and hopped out of the bed and made his way out of the Shrieking Shack and towards the castle. He snuck onto the grounds rather easily seeing it was still dark out. As he reached the castle he decided to use the passageway to the dungeons to lessen his chances of running into anyone.

Zach took a shower as soon as he got to the dorms and when he was finished he got dressed into his school uniform and sat down on his bed until the sun finally made it's way into the sky. As soon as he knew it was alright to head to the great hall he did and grabbed a quick breakfast before making his way to the greenhouses. He was the first student there and Mrs.Sprout nearly fainted seeing him walk in so early he stood at his station his head hanging tiredly as he waited for the rest of the students to walk in.

When Talya walked in Zach lifted his head briefly then let it fall again, it just felt too heavy to keep up at the moment. He just hoped that the lesson wasn't too hard to get through so he didn't have to work so much.
Talya glanced at Zach but tried to keep her focus on the lesson when she was permitted to join the rest of the class. Unfortunately it wouldn't be too easy to ignore him since she was sitting about three chairs away on the opposite side. So anytime that she looked up to make eye contact with Professor Sprout she had to see him.

The rest of the day went by a bit smoother. Thankfully he wasn't in all of her classes. He was still in roughly four of them though. Those classes she could already she her grade dropping in them if she didn't figure out how to ignore him.
After Herbology Zach's day didn't get any better, during defense against the dark arts he fell asleep and Snape gave him hell for it, then in potions he ended up spilling a half brewed potion all over his chest and ended up in the hospital wing for nearly the whole afternoon. By the time dinner rolled around Zach was nearly dead on his feet, he made his way into the great hall slowly then made his way over to the Slytherin table and sat down. Draco looked at him as if he were about to say something but decided against it after Zachary put his hand up to quiet him.
Talya kept her head down for most of dinner in the great hall. Thankfully she didn't know too many other students so she was pretty much left alone to pick at her food. Or at least she though. Luna had been down the row abit and found a way to come to her. "Hello Talya. Are you okay?" Luna asked tilting her head slightly.

Talya gave a slight shrug and continued to poke at the roast that was on her plate. "Kinda." She said softly, catching her hair from the corner of her eye as it changed from green and blue streaks to solid dark green, almost black.
"Is this about Zachary? The one you were with on the train?" Luna asked again. Talya nodded.
"I'm not sure I should say anything."
Luna gave a gentle smile. "Alright then. If you need to talk I'm here."
Zachary ate the normal amount of food he usually did, even though he was upset his appetite never went away and that was probably a good thing. When he was finished with his food he stood up and made his way out of the great hall, he figured he could go and fly around the pitch for a little bit to take his mind off of things.

As he walked on to the pitch he mounted his broom then lifted into the sky and hovered for a moment before speeding forward making a circle around the pitch. He was right flying was taking his mind off of things the only thing he was thinking about was the broom and the sky and keeping himself safe from falling.
As everyone was finishing and exiting the great hall the twins had approached her again. "Hey Talya!" George yelled.
"You want to go harass Peeves?" Fred asked.
"We've got some new stuff we've been working on." George finished. Talya shrugged slightly it couldn't hurt and plus they always new how to make her smile and brighten her mood.

"Sure why not?", she said with a grin. She followed them out her arms around their waists and theirs around her shoulders. Only part she didn't like was how short she was compared to them. She laughed alittle to herself.

The twins escorted her to a deserted area not too far from the quidditch pitch. This wasn't where Peeves usually hung around so she figured they would show her what they were working on first. She let herself fall a few paces behind them and started to alter her features. Her hair got longer and turned platinum blond. Her facial features started to warp and look very similar to that of Draco's. "Hey guys do you think I look like a girl version of Draco?" She asked with a smirk as the twins turned to look.
After a while Zach flew further away from the pitch and around the grounds of the castle it was good to be back no doubt and flying around made Zach remember just how much he loved quidditch. As he began to make his way back towards the pitch he spotted the Weasley twins with some blonde girl. He slowed his broom until it was just hovering about ten feet above the two and their friend. "Oy what you two doing down there? Not causing any trouble are you?" ,Zach yelled down. He never really talked to the twins before and was unsure of how they would react to him, his tone told them he was only joking with what he said but still he was a Slytherin and they were Gryffindors, two houses that don't mix too well.
Fred and George busted into laughter. She continued to go with it, "Don't laugh at me o-or my father will hear about this!", that really got the twins going. She couldn't help but laugh to. Draco made it so easy to make fun of him with what he said. Most people just didn't bother or were too chicken to do it though. Just as she started to catch her breath again Zach showed up on his broom. She blushed and mentally lost her hold on the look. The disguise of Draco's features melted away and she couldn't help but stare up at him.

Fred and George looked up at Zach and smirked at one another. "There's room for one more," Fred started and George followed up with, "If you're not too chicken too..." George paused and Fred finished with him. "Slither in." They laughed and elbowed each other. They knew the joke was lame but it was a good way to tell if Zach was going to get huffy over it or not.
Talya froze for a second. "Uh...I think I ought to go." She muttered still unable to take her eyes off of Zach.
Zach's eyes widened when he seen that it was Talya in disguise, not wanting to give the twins the wrong idea he let out a laugh at their joke then lowered his broom despite the agreement to stay away from Talya. A few minutes couldn't hurt could they? The young man wasn't exactly thinking to straight as he joined the three. "So what exactly are you all doing out here?" ,he asked curiously still hovering on his broom a few feet above the ground.
Fred and George smiled as Zach came down to their level. "Just working on some new material." Fred said with a grin. George turned and looked at Talya. "You sure you want to go?"
Talya nodded and started to back away from them she looked at Zach. "You can't tell anyone about that." She said making sure that he caught her eyes.
"Ah interesting I'm glad I came by then" ,Zach stated with a grin. He knew of the twins antics and thought them to be damn amusing at times but he had never got to see anything up close. When Talya backed away and looked at him Zach looked back directly into her eyes and nodded when she mentioned not telling anyone showing her he agreed.
Talya blushed brightly. "Sorry guys.", she said looking to the twins. "I've got a promise to keep." She said trying to give a smile and failing. George looked at her alittle worried.
"Alright if you gotta go." Fred said.
"You owe us next time though." George said after.

Fred looked at Zach. "Ay. Aren't you the one that was trying to get her attention yesterday?" He asked. George nodded in agreement. They were both fairly sure they recognized him now.
He frowned hearing her words he hated the fact he was ruining a good time for her, when the two asked about him getting her attention yesterday he nodded. "Hey listen guys I still have a few more laps to do maybe we can hang out some other time if you want that is" ,he stated. Before he could get an answer he flew by Talya and motioned for her to go back to the twins before he sped off into the sky once more.
Fred and George nodded. "Yeah. Sounds good to us mate." They said and continued with their own thing once being left alone.

Talya wiped at her face some. She didn't want to go crying down the halls. That was the last thing she needed. When she looked up she saw Zach motioning her back to the twins. She shook her head, no, but figured he'd probably missed it since he sped of right afterwards. "Shite! This is bloody stupid! Before long the twins are going to be asking me about him. And I can't say a bloody thing about it."
After Zach had finished flying for the night he brought his broom back to his dorm then made his way back outside and down to the lake. When he got to the lake he sat down and looked into the sky as the sun began to set, "Ay Zach what are you up to?" ,Draco's voice came from behind him. Zach turned to look at him, "I'm just sitting here thinking about things" ,he told Draco in response. The blonde sat down next to him and sighed, "Yeah I've been thinking a lot too, mainly....mainly about the mission I've been given" ,Draco began. "I don't think I can do it mate, I mean I dunno if I'm a killer" ,Draco continued. Zach sighed, "You're not a killer Draco neither am I but we're stuck and there's nothing we can do about it" ,Zach stated. He was just about to say something else when he heard someone behind them, he brought hid finger to his lips to let Draco know they had to be quiet for the moment.
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