A Forced Future HP Roleplay (Snape & Camryn Draik)

Talya found a quiet nitch and sat down, cradling her head in her hands. "There has to be a real reason behind why I want to protect him. I just...I just don't know who I can talk to. Dumbledore isn't here anymore. And I don't have any other teachers I can really trust. I don't know if I can bring this up to the twins with out getting him reported." She thought to herself.
As soon as whoever was behind them left the two looked at each other then back out to the lake, "We should should probably get inside and get some sleep I know you didn't get too much last night" ,Draco stated. Zach sighed then nodded in agreement, "You're right mate let's try and relax for a bit and get some well needed sleep" ,Zach stated in response. Both of them stood up and made their way back into the castle. As they walked all Zach could think about was Talya he didn't know why but he wanted to see her again and even though he had told her to stay away he just couldn't let her keep that promise she made. He seen Luna walking and tapped Draco on the shoulder, "Head off without me mate I'll be up later" ,Zach told him. Draco gave him a look of confusion but didn't argue instead he just walked off and left him alone.

"Luna, listen can you tell Talya to meet me on the pitch in a half an hour?" ,he asked quickly but before Luna could answer he gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder, "Thanks" ,he stated before running off. When he returned to the pitch he sat down in the middle of it and waited hoping she would show up. He had no idea what he would say and he wasn't even sure it was a good idea at all but he had already told Luna to have the girl meet him there and he wasn't going to blow her off.
Luna looked at Zach abit wide eyed at first but then nodded. "I'll go look for her." She said with a cheery smile and headed down the halls.

Talya sniffed a bit. Her mind was in a million different place at the moment. Just as she looked up she saw Luna and wiped at her face to make sure no tears were hiding in the corners of her eyes. "Hello Talya. That Zachary fellow asked me to find you. He had a message for you." Talya's eyes widened a little. "He wants you to meet him at the quidditch pitch in a half hour. You've got about twenty minutes." She said with a smile.

Talya looked alittle dumbfounded for a moment then nodded. "Thanks Luna."
"It's no trouble. Just try to get back to the dorms abit earlier tonight. It should help with tomorrow." Luna added before heading off.
Talya followed Luna's example and headed to the quidditch pitch.
Zachary sat and messed with his tie a bit as he waited for Talya to show up. After a little while he heard footsteps and turned around to see Talya in the distance. He got to his feet and began to walk towards her so that they would get to each other quicker, Zach didn't know why he was so eager to get to her but he was it was like the girl drew him to her in a way.
Talya saw Zachary heading towards her. She picked up her pace a bit. She crossed her arms trying to give herself something to do with her body. "Hey..." She started trying not to look at him too much. Every time she did she wanted to get closer to him. "So is this about looking like a girl version of Draco or the shrieking shack thing?" She asked calmly the nervousness very audible in her voice and visible in her stance.
He could tell she was nervous and he couldn't blame her after all he was the one who pushed her away and then he caught her making fun of Draco. "No it's neither of those things, I....I just wanted to see you" ,Zachary stated in response. He bit his bottom lip nervously after making the admission to her. He was lucky it was relatively dark out because he knew his cheeks were pink with embarrassment.
Talya's cheeks lit up brightly and she closed her eyes tight. She let out a sigh from holding her breath. "Thought you wanted to stay away from me?" She asked. Zach seemed to be making this more complicated than it should be. What she had asked the other night was a simple question and it was meant to avoid this. Part of her knew however that this was still the most likely outcome.

"What are you wanting to do? Like I said I can try to find a way to help you..." Her voice trailed of and she added. "I know I can." Dispite her words being confident it still sounded like she doubted herself.
"I don't want to I just don't want you to get hurt and if you hang around me then you're at risk and you know why" ,he stated in response. When she mentioned helping him he sighed Zach really didn't know how she could help or what she was thinking, "Guess it can't hurt to hear your ideas but if things get nasty then we'll have to stop talking to each other for good even if I don't want that" ,he continued. Zachary sat back down on the grass then brushed some hair out of his face and looked up at Talya waiting for her answer.
Talya sighed softly and fell back on the grass laying there. "Well...You know my secret now and I know yours. With my ability I can watch over you alittle more. Maybe....I don't know. I guess just try to make sure nothing too bad happens to you." She shrugged. She wasn't sure how to say what she wanted to him. She couldn't offer herself to the dark lord but she wasn't going to let someone die that she had a connection with if she could help it either. She sat up and looked at him. "And plus did you ever think that maybe you're worth it?" She asked with a sly smile.
She did make a pretty good point and back up was always a good thing to have Merlin knows the other death eaters only think about themselves usually. When she mentioned him being worth it he looked at her then laid beside her and returned the smile, "If you say so but in my opinion no one, not even me is worth you getting hurt" ,he stated in response.
Talya smiled when he laid next to her, blushing a bit. She turned on her side and looked at him. "If you think so mate." She said and continued to watch him. She changed her hair, consciously this time, to black with her streaked bangs being Ravenclaw's blue and Slytherin's green. "So what's this make us now? If we both are intent on trying to stick this out." She asked, her eyes never leaving him but resisting the urge to lay on him.
When her hair changed it made Zachary smile even brighter, "Those colors look pretty good together if I say so myself" ,he stated. Zach moved himself a little closer to her and looked directly into her eyes, "As for what this makes us I say it's up to you all I can say is that I'm honestly glad I decided not to stay away" ,he admitted with another smile.
She blushed brightly at the commentary on her hair but laughed softly. She bit her lip a bit as he moved closer, this made her a bit more nervous. The only guys she'd let stay this close to her were the twins. And that was only because of how close they were. She took the opportunity to get closer and lay on his chest some. She still couldn't think of what to say to him. He was leaving the choice up to her. This was a great time to not have anything to say. She thought chiding herself. "Um...how distant do we have to be?" She asked. That was a good question. She didn't want this to make things complicated for him but at the same time she knew they couldn't just keep sneaking off to see each other.
"Well I know we can't exactly be around each other 24/7 but maybe we can just figure the distance thing out as we go along, I think for right now in this very moment though I'd like to be as close to you as possible because I don't know when we'll be able to get this close again" ,he told her in response. His hand made it's way up to caress the side of her face gently as he continued to look into her eyes.
Talya nodded some in agreement. She closed her eyes and leaned into his hand. "I know. With this war going on it's going to be hard. We need to figure this out." She said softly, her hand caressing his chest. "For tonight I think we're okay to relax alittle though." She said softly and nuzzled into him.
When she leaned into his hand Zachary just continued to caress her face gently, his heart was starting to beat fast and the way she was caressing his chest felt good. "I agree we're okay to relax for now and things will be hard but I'm willing to work with you to figure things out" ,he told her in response. He moved himself in even closer to where his body was nearly pressing against hers he stared directly into her eyes before leaning in and kissing her quickly after he pulled away he bit his bottom lip nervously as he waited for her response.
Talya looked up at him again. "One can only hope that it'll get easier one day." She said softly. Just as she finished saying it she was greeted by his warm lips. She smiled as he pulled back away. His expression was cute and he looked almost timid. She pulled him back to her and kissed him back. She smiled as their lips met again.
When she pulled him back in and kissed him a sigh of content escaped his lips and he deepened the kiss a bit as his arms wrapped around her body. He held her close to him not wanting to let go or for this moment to ever end, for once he was completely content and happy he had no worries in his mind and he wished that it could stay that way.
Talya laughed abit into the kiss as she gently tugged him to get on top of her as they laid in the grass. She watched him some occasionally pulling back from him. It felt natural to her, being like this with him. She couldn't help but smile to herself. In that moment all thoughts of getting caught snogging and the thoughts of the dark lord had vanished. Nothing but her and him existed.
When she tugged him he rolled over so that he was on top of her everything felt so right. He moved on of his hands to her leg and ran his fingers over her skin gently. Zach didn't care about getting caught he never did but this time the thought of someone walking up on them hadn't even crossed his mind.
Talya sat up alittle and watched him. There was something different about him. He wasn't a typical slytherin arse. He actually had some real substance to him. Just as she was starting to think more she heard foot steps and immediately started to look around. "Zach, someone's here." She said quietly still not seeing anyone.
"Are you kidding me?" ,Draco's voice came from behind Talya. Zach sat up and looked at the blonde who looked rather upset at what he saw, "So when you didn't come back to the dorms last night you were with....with her" ,he hissed. "Yeah I was so what? Why does it matter to you?" ,Zach snapped back. He didn't like the tone in Draco's voice and he wasn't going to tolerate his attitude, everyone else in Slytherin may fear him but Zach knew the real him and knew he wasn't as tough as he acted. ""Why can't you just fuck around with someone from Slytherin? Who knows she might be a half blood or worse a mud blood" ,Draco snapped back. "Shut the fuck up Draco this is none of your business I'll see who I want whether you like it or not you're not my father" ,Zach snapped right back.
Talya nudged Zach off of her so they both stood at the sound of Draco's voice. "Bloody damnit." She muttered irritated. After listening to the two going back and forth she rolled her eyes. "It's not any of your concern so why don't you bugger off ya git?" She replied unamused. She was a pure blood and didn't mind those that weren't she just didn't appreciate having her blood line being questioned. Though with it being Draco she wasn't surprised.
"Don't talk to me like that" ,Draco snapped back at her. "Drop the attitude Draco" ,Zach demanded. He was completely irritated, for once in a long time he was actually having fun and someone had to come along and fuck it up. It was the story of his life, "You know what Zach I'll meet you in the dorms later then we can discuss this alone unless of course you run off to that run down old shack in Hogsmeade again like you usually do when you get all pissy" ,Draco hissed before turning to walk off. Zach just shook his head then looked at Talya, "I'm sorry" ,he said quietly.
Talya let out a low growl as she watched. She kept her mouth shut though. She contemplated reaching for her wand, her eyes flicking back from Draco to Zach. As Draco turned to leave and Zach apologized she reached for her wand in her boot, "Oh, he's going to be sorry." She said fully extending her wand. Just as she went to open her mouth she got a nagging sense that there would be another time and lowered her arm.
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