A Forced Future HP Roleplay (Snape & Camryn Draik)

She nodded, showing that she believed him. When the other side opened up she climbed out herself. She didn't want to chance hanging onto his hand for 'too long' again. "I know we just ate but are you still up for going to the cafe?" She asked. The least they could do is get drinks and talk some more. She wasn't too sure what else he'd be interested in Hogsmead so she was hesitant to bring up anyplace else.
"Sure we can go there still that was are original plan right? Then we can go visit some other places if you're game" ,he stated with a smile. Zach led the way out of the cellar of the shop then out the front door. He made his way towards the cafe at a slow pace to make sure Talya was still with him. So far he was already enjoying the night and everything happening was starting to take his mind off of his father.
She grinned. "That works for me. So Draco wonder where you were at earlier?" She asked. She was seriously curious about how close they really were though. Thankfully the cafe wasn't too far out. She didn't think that they would get into trouble with any adults out here either. Over the years they'd grown to expect them to sneak out and visit.
"Draco didn't care as much as Pansy did really she's so nosy they're having a sort of party over at the three broomsticks later on and asked me if I wanted to go but I said no, I don't really like hanging out with Pansy and you seemed like more fun then the same old party" ,he stated in response to her question. When they got to the cafe he opened the door and held it for her before going in himself and finding a table to sit at.
She smirked, happy to know that there were people in slytherin that weren't too fond of Pansy either. She laughed alittle to herself. "Nice to know you thing I'm fun." She said with a grin and followed him to a vacant table. When asked for their order she asked for a pumpkin juice.

"So what do you want to talk about?" She asked with a grin. "There's got to be a reason why you agreed so quickly to coming out here with me."
When the waiter came over Zach ordered a peach iced tea. He smiled at her comment about it being nice he thought she was fun. "I dunno what I want to talk about really the reason I agreed so quickly was I needed to get away from the usual ya know and you....you gave me a way out plus you're kinda cute if I say so myself" ,he said in response to her question. His face turned a bit red after he admitted that he thought she was cute but he had no shame.
"Ha! You're funny." Talya said as she turned a bright shade of pink. She was never one to take compliments. She turned some and looked at the floor. Unable to look at him. "Plus I'm pretty sure you have girls chasing you all over the quidditch field and back." She said attempting to be serious.
"What's so funny? You're prettier then any of the girls I've dated and so what if I've got girls chasing me all around the quidditch pitch all of them have slept with nearly the whole team so I'm not really interested in them" ,he told her in response. He could tell she didn't like taking compliments but he didn't understand why.
Talya smirked and shrugged. Her face finally going back to a normal shade. "Well you also call abit more attention to yourself than you think. I can guarantee that." She said softly. "It's just with things that have been going on for the past few years I don't think I need to get too close to someone. Sorry if that doesn't make sense. I just....Nevermind." She shook her head. "I shouldn't be saying anything about that."
"I understand I shouldn't get to close to anyone either with how my life is turning out, hell I don't even know if I'll see 18 at this point" ,he stated in response. The last part wasn't meant to come out but again he had been thinking out loud, he wiped the corners of his eyes before the tears fell from them hopinf Talya didn't notice. After a few more moments the waiter came back with their orders and Zach quickly put his focus on drinking his tea.
Talya nodded in silent agreement. When her drink got to the table she started to drink it. "I know what you mean.", She muttered softly. "I think we both have a better clue about what the other is going through than we think.", she said looking at him until he made eye contact. He seemed sweet enough but she had a feeling that he was on the wrong side of the playing field. If her assumptions were right this could make the year very complicated.
"I don't know if you truly know or would understand if I told you, listen maybe it's just better if I leave now, save both of us any heartbreak Merlin knows I don't need anymore" ,he stated as he stood up. He looked down into her eyes, a single tear falling from his right eye uncontrollably. Zach grabbed his tea and made his way out of the cafe as quickly as he could, when he got outside he put his hood up and let himself cry for a bit as he nearly ran towards the shrieking shack. Most people found the place creepy but Zach would often be found there sleeping when he went missing for days the place felt more like home then Malfoy Manor ever did.
Talya watched him cautiously and was soon telling herself to something. Anything. She couldn't get her body to move though. Not even a centimeter. Before she could say anything Zachary was gone. After he left she could move again. She sighed, irritated with herself and downed her juice, left a tip, and headed out the door.

She looked around. 'Where did he go?', she thought to herself. There's going back to Hogwarts but most people wouldn't be caught dead heading back in tears. There were the shops but the same issue came up... There was also the shrieking shack. She hoped that he wouldn't have gone there but for that reason alone she knew she had to check.

As she got closer she started to call out to him, hoping for a response. "Zach?!....Zachary?! I'm not leaving till you come out!"
When he got to the shrieking shack he ran into one of the rooms and sat down on the bed by a window and looked out it as he cried. Everything was going to shit for him and he hated it his father was a total prick and ruined his life, Zach hated the man and wished someone would just off him already. He heard Talya's voice but didn't answer instead he just looked out the window at her the pale light from the moon lighting up his face just slightly, he sighed then let himself fall back onto the bed as he wiped his tears away staying there for the night was seeming more and more like a good idea as his thoughts over took him.
Talya bounced on the balls of her feet some. She knew this had to be where he was. But she still needed to find him. She couldn't go back to the school without him. They'd do a check soon to see if all students were in their dorms. After a few minutes hesitation she decided to try to go into the shack. The thought itself made her nervous but this wasn't about her. "Hello? Zach? Are you in here?....Please talk to me..." She frowned trying to watch her step she didn't want to fall through a hole in the floor or something.
HE laid there for a while thinking that the girl had finally given up after not hearing her voice for a bit, then he heard her voice again only this time it was definitely coming from inside the shack. Zachary sighed then put his hands onto his head, "What? I'm fine, gonna stay here tonight go back to the school so you don't get into trouble" ,he shouted. He began to cry again knowing she had followed him there, the last thing he wanted was for her to get into trouble or hurt.
She heard his voice coming from one of the upper levels of the house, if you could call it that. She just wasn't sure which one. "No you're going to talk to me...When I find you... You can't just avoid me. I've got some trick up my sleeve. I'll get an answer out of you. Make this easy and come talk. No one is here but us." She said knowing that the last statement should help convince him. The only people that would know would be him, her, and the walls. She continued to try to make her way up the shack. Stumbling past a large hole in the floor.
"I'm not leaving my room! Just go back I don't want to talk people like me aren't allowed to fucking talk!" ,he shouted in response. He didn't mean to sound harsh nor did he mean to call the room he was in his but he did kinda fix it up and make it his own over the years while at school. Zach slammed his fists down on the bed and just laid there refusing to move an inch he figured she'd give up eventually if he ignored her long enough.
Talya growled slightly out of frustration and eventually found her way up to the room he was in. She gently cracked the door. "Fine don't talk to me but I'm not letting you stay here by yourself.", she said with a sigh and slowly walked in. After seeing that he wasn't going to cast at her she walked closer. "Now look either we can stay here for the night or we can go back to the school. It's your choice. But you aren't staying here alone."
Zach sighed again and punched the wall, "Why do you care you said yourself you didn't want to get attached so just go I'm not someone you want to be around anyway" ,he stated in response to her. His arm covered his eyes as he spoke not wanting to look at the girl seeing he had been crying. "Trust me I'll be fine here I don't want you doing something you'll regret like get to know me besides if you fully knew who I was you'd run and get the aurors, hell maybe you should let them just figure out what to do with me because I sure as fuck don't have any control over my life" ,he stated angrily before hitting the wall again.
Talya shook her head and sat next to him. She wasn't sure what to say so she chose a different approach and said nothing. She didn't want to set him off any more than he already was and obviously he needed someone to talk to. Even if he shouldn't say anything. She got closer and wrapped him in her embrace. She wasn't going to move away from him and she wasn't going to let him get out of her arms.
Zach tensed up when he felt her wrap her arms around him he wasn't used to this kind of attention and it made him slightly nervous. After a few seconds he let his body relax and even leaned into her embrace. He had to admit it was nice even though it was different then what he was used to. "Why do you care so much?" ,he asked curiously. He sighed then rolled over so he could face her as he waited for her answer.
Talya slowly let go of him when he seemed to calm down some, and seemed more stable. She shrugged some playing with her lip ring. "I don't know. I just do. And what ever your going through, I don't know what, but I do know that you don't deserve to go through it alone." Her face was a bright pink both from the cold and being slightly embarrassed.
"I may not deserve it but I have no choice but to go through it alone" ,he told her. "If anyone found out about me there would be hell and I don't want to go through any of that" ,he stated his voice a little shaky. He remembered the dementors being at Hogwarts and how it felt to be around them and he couldn't imagine having to deal with them all day everyday in azkaban prison.
Talya's expression changed as if she was trying to figure out what situation he could be in. Her eyes never leaving him. "Whatever you're part of there has to be a way out." She said softly. "There's only one thing that doesn't have a way out and I'd hope that you aren't...." Her voice trailed off. "Let me try to help you."
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