A Forced Future HP Roleplay (Snape & Camryn Draik)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island

"ZACHARY GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE THE DARK LORD WILL BE HERE ANY MOMENT!" ,Antonin's voice boomed out echoing off the walls of Malfoy Manor. When Zachary heard his father's voice he sighed then looked to Draco who had his hand on the door knob. The blonde's face paler then usual, Zach knew Draco hated the meetings just as much as he did, they were both destined for a future they didn't ask for and it was all because of their father's.

Zachary stood up and made his way over to Draco and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Guess it's better to attend then deal with the consequences later we better get down there" ,he stated. Draco let out a sigh before turning the knob slowly and opening the door. The blonde walked out of the room and turned back to make sure Zach was following, Zach gave the young man a reassuring smile and followed him down to the guest room where everyone else sat waiting for Voldemort to arrive.

"Come Draco sit with me" ,Lucius stated patting the chair next to him. A sense of pride was in the man's voice as he spoke, everyone in the room knew exactly what the meeting was for and everyone was smiling ear to ear except for Zach and Draco. Zach took his seat next to his father Antonin and put his head down a bit as he waited for Voldemort to arrive. He felt a hard slap at the back of his head and it made him perk up, "That's better, no slouching boy not in front of the dark lord" ,Antonin growled out angrily. Zach rolled his eyes as soon as he knew his father wasn't looking, his eyes shifted when he felt someone looking at him, it was Snape and the man looked as if he were giving Zach a sort of sympathetic look, no the man was definitely giving him a sympathetic look. Snape was always mysterious and sometimes Zach didn't think the man belonged with such a group like the death eaters.

When Voldemort arrived he looked to both Zachary and Draco, "To your feet, both of you stand before me" ,the dark lord hissed. Both of the young men got up and made their way over to Voldemort and bowed as they were taught too. "Draco you first, hold out your arm" ,Voldemort stated. The blonde did as he was told and held his arm out, Voldemort raised Draco's sleeve and pressed his wand to the blonde's forearm. Zach watched as Draco cringed and he could tell he was holding back a scream from the pain he was experiencing while receiving the dark mark. After he was finished getting his Zach took a deep breath and held out his arm for the dark lord, he gritted his teeth an discreetly sucked in a deep breath as the tip or Voldemort's wand met his skin. The pain was damn near excruciating and when it was over Zach looked Voldemort in the eyes and moved back over to sit with his father who had a look of complete satisfaction on his face, the look on Antonin's face disgusted Zachary.

The next morning Zachary got ready as quickly as possible and made his way out the door to the cars that were going to take him and Draco to King's Cross. The two couldn't wait to get away from the manor and to a place that truly felt like home, Hogwarts.

When the train arrived Draco went to sit with Blaise and Pansy and Zach went to find a compartment to sit in by himself. It wasn't long before he found a seat to sit in, after he took his seat Zachary looked out the window as he ran his fingers over his covered forearm that held the dark mark now. He sighed then placed his head in his hands and leaned forward, he wanted to scream but he knew he couldn't if he didn't want draw attention to himself.

Name: Talya Carver (Tall-ya)
Age: 17
House: Ravenclaw (6th year)
Sexuality: Pansexual

Talya smiled some as she played with her lip ring. Tomorrow she'd be return to Hogwarts for her sixth year. Even though the last few years had been more than alittle odd in some of the things that where happening. Ever since Potter and his friends started. Not that she was complaining. Since she was somewhat on the outskirts of there friendship circle.

She'd enjoyed hanging around the Weasley twins whenever possible. With her nifty little ability, they seemed to enjoy her too. Talya was a metamorphmagus. So she'd taken the term stepping into someone else's shoes literally sometimes. She smirked though thinking about it.

It was actually due to the twins as to how she could keep such a cheery mindset alot of the times. Now that Voldemort was making his reappearances and scaring not only the students but the staff as well. She was starting to think that the only person that wasn't scared of him was Dumbledor. After she finished packing for her eventful day tomorrow she hit the lights and was asleep.


"Talya it's time to get your bum out of bed love." She heard her mother called to her from down stairs. Talya smirked some as she yawned stretching. "Back to school.", she said softly. Her excitement clearly audible in her voice. She threw the blankets off of her and got dressed.

Before too long her mother was kissing her on the forehead and her father was rushing her through the entrance to platform nine and three quarters. She grinned as she rushed threw the pillar. It always gave her a rush. "Be good. Don't hassle your professors too much like last year. And stay away from those pranksters. They're the reason why you keep getting punished." Her father said clucking like a mother hen.
"Alright I got it Dad!", She said hurriedly. "I promise I'll be good and not raise any hell. Alright?", She smirked. "Now can I go? If you keep me here much longer the train'll leave without me."
Her father patted her head and smiled. "Alright, alright go."

Talya waved as she stepped up on the train. She almost looked like she was glowing she was so happy. Making her way down the aisle she saw multiple people she new. Namely Luna Lovegood and Cho Chang. She nodded an acknowledgement but left to find another seat. Preferably one that was empty. Or at least that was the goal until she saw Zach...
Thoughts ran through Zach's head as he sat there alone he was afraid of what he would have to do, afraid of what Voldemort would want from him, who he'd have to torture or kill. Zach knew exactly how the dark lord was and he also knew if you were against him you were as good as dead and if you turned on him you'd be even worse off. A sigh escaped his lips as he tried to let himself breath but the calmness only lasted so long before he kicked the bench across from him as hard as he could, "FUCKING ASSHOLE!" ,he shouted making a few first years who were walking by jump. "S-sorry guys, just keep walking will ya" ,he said to the two frightened students. He found himself rubbing the dark mark through his sleeve again, tears beginning to form at the corners of his eyes. The young man quickly wiped them away, he was always known for being decently happy and was never seen crying or upset unless he was really pushed and if someone seen him like this they'd definitely ask some questions.

After a few moments and some breathing he opened his back pack and grabbed out a journal and began to write, he didn't exactly have an idea of what he wanted to write he just let the pen move and whatever came out, came out. It was something he did often when he needed to clear his head and it normally worked. When the page was about halfway full Zach could feel someone looking at him and he lifted his head slowly, shaking some of his hair from his face. "Hey" ,he stated quietly to the Ravenclaw girl who must've noticed him in the compartment. He wondered just how long she had been there and if she seen him freak out at all.
Talya raised a brow. She'd missed seeing his act of rage or frustration but had heard the thud. She gave a slightly cautious smile. She'd seen him around before and knew they were year mates but this would be the first time she'd actually talked to him. "Hey yourself...Um, was that you that thudded?", She asked still trying to keep a smile. May not be the best way to start a conversation but she figured it was as good a place as any. "You wouldn't mind if I joined you, would you? Train's getting alittle full." She offered hoping that he would say she could ride with him. "Oh and I'm Talya by the way.", she added quickly extending a hand.
When she asked if it was him that thudded he let out a small laugh, "Yeah it was no big deal though" ,he told her in response. "You can sit with me I don't mind". He leaned back and put his journal back into his backpack, when the girl introduced herself he extended his hand and shook hers, "Zachary or Zach whichever you prefer" ,he stated in response to her. When the train began to move Zach let out a sigh of content knowing he was getting further and further away from his father and wouldn't have to deal with him until the holidays. His eyes wandered around the compartment for a bit until he heard the snack trolley woman's voice come through the door asking if they wanted anything, Zach nodded then got up and reached into his pocket to grab some money to buy a few things. When he was finished making his purchases he sat back down and looked at Tayla, "You want anything?" ,he asked her as he opened the bottle of butterbeer he had in his hand.
Her smile widened and the slightly worried undertone to her expression disappeared. "Nice to finally...er officially meet you." She said softly her cheeks blushing a bit as she tossed her bags up into the designated area. Then sat down, stumbling some as the train started to move.

As they heard the snack trolley pulling up Talya started to dig around for some cash. To Zach's offer she smirked, "I've got it. Thanks." and asked for a few cauldron cakes, chocolate frogs, and two bags of Bertie Bott's. "We can share though if you like." She said with a grin.


Putting her sketchbook aside after a while she looked over at her companion. "So....", She started. "Tell me about yourself. I know you're in Slytherin but past that I don't really know you. I've seen you hang around with Draco abit though... Humor me. Is he that much of an ass to everyone or just Potter?" Talya smirked. She was half kidding but the other part of her really wanted to know.
"Alright sounds good I don't mind sharing" ,he stated with a smile. He took a sip from his bottle then set it down on the window sill, when she told him to tell her about himself he looked at her briefly before answering. What would he say? His life, his choices, were controlled by his father and he had kinda forgot who he was over time. He took a deep breath then gave the girl another smile, "Well I do hang around with Draco a lot in fact we spend vacations in the same place, the guy's my best friend and he's really a good guy he's just misunderstood" ,he stated simply in response. It wasn't that Draco necessarily hated Potter he was pretty much raised not to like him, Zach thought it was ridiculous but it was just one of those things you didn't speak up about. Zach grabbed his bottle from the window sill and took another sip, "So your turn tell me about yourself" ,he stated.
Talya gave him a look of disbelief for a moment when he said that Draco was his best friend. It was odd. She didn't figure that anyone would really say anything like that about him. She wasn't sure why. She could never get over that feeling though. Then again there were alot of Slytherin's that she couldn't stand but she wasn't one to blame the house they were sorted into. "Um....", She let out a nervous laugh. "Lets see. I doodle alot in class and have a hard time believing that I was sorted into the 'studious Ravenclaw' alot of the time. But then again. I look at some like Luna and know there couldn't be a mistake." She said with a grin. "I'm not really sure what else to say. That seems to be my defining feature at the moment."
He laughed at the comment about Luna Zach liked the odd girl, she was weird but a decent person in his eyes the two first met when Luna had gotten her shoes stolen by a student who hung them up near the quidditch pitch. Zach had flown up to where they were during practice and gotten them down for her. "I write a lot in class and not notes just random stuff into my journal so you're not alone there and I'm sure there's plenty of other defining features to you" ,he stated in response. He gave the girl another smile as he opened a chocolate frog, "So what are your plans this year?" ,he asked curiously.
Talya blushed and laughed softly at his comment towards her. Her smile quickly slipped away though when he asked about her plans for the year. She shook her head. "Honestly I'm not sure it's safe to talk about." She said shaking her head slightly. "This year is already going to be kind of bitter sweet for me. It's my best friends last year here." She shrugged slightly. She knew she shouldn't say anything else past that. But there was the possibility that she'd already said too much.
"Ah I'm sorry to hear that" ,he stated in response to her comment about it being her friends last year. "My year hasn't started off too great but I'm sure as soon as I get out onto the quidditch pitch things will get a bit better, that and the food". Zach let out a small laugh after the last part, "I don't really have the greatest 'home life' if you know what I mean so just being away from my family makes me happy" ,he stated out loud not meaning to. He looked at Talya and let out a nervous laugh, "Sorry was thinking out loud". He took another sip from his bottle then set it back down on the window sill.
Talya smiled sympathetical0ly. "It's fine I understand, granted I never thought that I'd hear a statement like that coming from a pure blood." She said with a slight shrug. "Hopefully you have a good year though. Maybe....um make a few new friends?" She offered. While Talya didn't have problems with her family she still new that sometimes having a family of friends was all you could do to keep you sane.
Zachary couldn't help but laugh at her statement about pure bloods, "Shit pure blood families are usually the ones with the most problems unless of course their a Weasley they seem to have the perfect life, they're not the richest or most liked in the wizarding world but at least they care about each other, I'd kill for that" ,he admitted. "Do me a favor and don't tell anyone I said that, last thing I need is for Draco or one of my other Slytherin pals to think I'm jealous of the Weasley's" ,he continued. In all reality he was slightly jealous of what they had and he wished he had a family that supported him no matter what he chose to do but instead he was stuck with his death eater father and all his friends.
Talya nearly fell off her seat from laughing so hard. "You can't be serious?" She said huffing and shaking her head. After she caught her breath again and looked at him she could tell that he was. Her eyes widened a bit. "I suppose you wouldn't want any of the Weasley's to find out about this either then." She nodded to herself. She could understand where jealousy may come into play. Especially if you wanted a close nit family like them. They were some of the best people she knew of in the wizarding world.

"So you think Draco would mind if we hung out sometime around campus?" She asked. She didn't want this train ride to be the only time that she got to talk to him. She may even be able to help him get over some of his personal issues but then again she didn't know many Slytherin's that hung out with other houses.
A look of shock came over Zach's face when Talya started laughing he couldn't believe she thought it was a joke, then again he couldn't really blame her for thinking that way. Slytherins always bragged about their families and how great it was to be pure blood and that pissed Zach off as well. She didn't know just how nasty his father was, how he beat the living shot out of him for no reason, how he killed his mother after escaping azkaban, so Zachary couldn't blame her for thinking he was joking. "I'm my own person it doesn't matter if Draco would mind or not so we can hang out whenever you want" ,he told her with a smile.
She smiled. "Alright cool. So when do you want to try to meet up next then? Getting out of class isn't too hard for me. Thanks to the twins anyway." She said with a grin. Mischievousness written clear as day on her face as she ate one of the cauldron cakes.
Zach thought for a moment then looked at her with a grin, "How about after dinner tonight? We can sneak into Hogsmeade that's if you're up for it" ,he stated in response. He knew he shouldn't be doing things like sneaking out of the school but he needed to do something to take his mind off of things and what better way then to go out and have some fun maybe get into a little trouble along the way.
She smirked as she heard the train stop. "Sounds like a plan. I'll meet you at Brews and Stews." She said with a grin and got up handing him alittle more than half the sweets that were left. "See you then." She said grabbing her bags from the over head and heading off the train to unpack.


Upon going to her dormatory she came across Luna and was greet with a question. It always seemed to be a question. "Talya? I saw you with Zachary. The Slytherin boy?"
Talya nodded. "Yeah. What about him Luna?"
Luna shrugged slightly, "Oh nothing. I just thought that it was nice you sit with him so he wouldn't be alone. Everyone needs a friend sometimes."
Talya smiled to herself and nodded. "I know. So how was your train ride?" The two continued to talk as they dropped their stuff and got ready for supper.
Zachary put the sweets into his backpack then said goodbye to Talya, when he got off the train he was nearly tackled by Pansy Parkinson and Draco. "Where in the hell were you mate we missed you on the train ride" ,Pansy stated. "I wanted to sit alone for once is that alright with you?" ,he stated in response. Draco snickered at how he said it and Pansy just gave him a glare, "Well we've all made plans to throw a party over at the Three Broomsticks tonight are you coming" ,Pansy asked. "Nope I got plans later and don't nag me about it or I'll hex you" ,Zachary told her. He picked up his pace to get to the castle quicker and to get away from Pansy but he wouldn't tell her that only because he thought Draco fancied her.

When dinner came around Zachary took a seat next to Draco and Blaise and made a plate as Dumbledore did his beginning of the year speech. He ate nearly four plates and dessert before finally getting up and walking out of the great hall, as he passed the Ravenclaw table he gave Talya a look then made his way out the door and into the hallway where he leaned up against the wall and waited.
Talya sat between a few people that she'd remembered from the past year. Not anyone too familiar. She sat through the speech and filled her plate a few times. Just as she was getting up she caught Zach's glance and smirked. Her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. To her misfortune the Fred and George caught the whole thing.

"Who was that?" Fred asked. A slightly amused undertone to his voice the way that only him and his brother could do. "I think she fancies him. What say you Fred?" George chimed in. "I think you're right. I think she does." Fred replied as she blushed deeper.

"Would you two brutes shut it? Ya can harass me later." She said playfully punching them as they walked out the doors of the great hall. She hadn't notice Zach standing outside it.
When Zach seen Talya walk out of the great hall he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, "Hey sweetheart what's the rush?" ,he asked playfully. "Come on let's get out of here before anyone notices eh?" ,he continued. Before the girl could answer he began to pull her in the direction of a rather large painting of a troll, when they got to the painting Zach took his finger and traced the shape of a triangle in the middle of the painting making it open. "Come on" ,he whispered as he stepped inside it.
Talya's face lit up at Zach's commentary as she unconsciously lace her fingers between his. She followed him and let out a sigh of relief when she knew they were safely alone. Her face still bright pink. Her highlights changing from blue and pink/purple to light blue and green. She looked at Zach and played with her lip ring for a moment.
"Sweetheart? Really?", She asked teasingly. "I'm guessing you caught most of that conversation then?", She asked quickly letting go of his hand when she realized she was still holding it, and cleared her throat nervously.
"What conversation?" ,he asked curiously. Zach had called her sweetheart because he thought she was a sweetheart and he himself kind of fancied her, no....not kind of, he did fancy her. "Is sweetheart not an ok thing to call you?" ,he asked. Before she could answer he motioned for her to follow him down a narrow path that led to a shop in Hogsmeade. "I'm still paying attention to you we just gotta move quick ya know" ,he stated letting her know he wasn't ignoring her.
She tried to stop blushing and picked up her pace. "I guess you can call me that...?" She said alittle unsure of herself. "Are you sure you didn't catch watch Fred and George said?" She asked knowing that they had to be getting close to the other side of the tunnel.
"No I didn't hear anything they said" ,he told her in response. By the look on his face anyone could tell he was being honest. As they reached the end of the tunnel he opened a hatchway then climbed out of it, he then reached his hand out to help Talya out as well. "We're almost there and we don't have to worry about anyone seeing us now" ,he told her.
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