Another SoulEater Adventure (Jugger82 and I)

He shook his head. "N-No thanks...Its yours. I don't really eat fish a lot..." He admitted and continued to watch her devour it. "Blair...You said you were a cat...but you have magical abilities. How is this possible? I would have made you out to be a witch this entire time had you not told me...Just the fact you have magical powers, doesn't that technically make you a witch or not? I'm confused about this whole matter actually." Nathan said as he leaned on the side of the booth they were sitting in and watched her. She looked, admittedly, sexy in her normal clothes though she was too much of a temptress and would only cause trouble if he actually did anything.
Blair moved on to devour her fish when he rejected her offer. As she finished her fish she heard him ask her of her magical power.
Looking up at him, she decided to tell him.
"I'm not just a cat. I'm a Bake Neko. Cat monster." She explained.
"And I can do more than incantations. I can manipulate my hat Zwan, and sleeves." she continued standing up after her explination.
"Interesting...Bake Neko huh..." He said as if only believing it if he spoke the words. He had never heard of one, but hell. There were a lot of weird and unexplained things that happened in this world. When she stood up, he expected that she was finished and stood up with her. "Well Blair...I guess for the time being I'll go unless you need me for anything?" He couldn't wait for the day he'd blow her to pieces. He mentally grinned evilly at the thought of blowing her away.
Blair stretched and looked Nathan as he spoke again.
"No not really. " Blair said as she began to walk towards her home.
"Bye Bye Nathan don't be a stranger come play sometime Oookay?" She smirked with her eyes closed as she walked away.
"I'll be back tomorrow...alright?" He called out to her as she walked away. He turned and would head home himself...a home he did not have other than some weapon rack for him to sit in in the DWMA while he waited for someone to take a hand cannon weapon as their partner. Something that wasn't too popular. Sure the charge and power was strong, but the reload and wait time wasn't much of a tactical advantage. The next morning, a knocking would be heard at Blair's door and Nathan would be there once more.
Blair heard him say that he would be back tomorrow and like usuallly she took it as he would come play with her tomorrow. She continued to walk home wondering why Nathan hadn't had a partner yet. But, it wasn't any of her concern so she left it at that. Reaching her home she opened the door and closed it walking upstairs intent on taking a bath. The next moning Blair was up downstairs on the couch. After hearing a knock at the door Blair walked over to it, like always she wore things and didn't care who saw her; she opened the door in her \shirt and underwear.
"Oh, Nathan did come over to play." Blair said as she looked at him.
Blair would wind up killing Nathan's brain if she kept dressing like she did. But, obviously she didn't think of that nore modesty for one.
Upon seeing her in nothing but her underwear pretty much, he would have a small nosebleed that he would plug up with some tissue he 'just so happened' to have on his person. "L-Look Blair...You can't keep dressin' like that. Its indecent around me and people might get the wrong idea." He replied to her as he looked her in the eyes and tried his best to not look at her superb body. "Am I to be invited in? I thought you would take me someplace again today, since really I don't know the city all that well."
Blair saw his nose bleeding and heard him say that she shouldn't dress like that. And in the moment after he said it she was in her normal clothing again.
"Indecent?" she then casted off the subject when he had spoke again.
"come in." she said as she stepped aside and closed the door behind him.
"Hm I would take yo some place else but my job is at night and I don't think you can go there. Its aa grown ups place." She smirked.
Sitting on the sofa she staredat Nathan for a second.
"Why do you not have a partner?"
"Why? Cause I don't look old enough for the king of 'job' you do?" He said as if referencing that she worked at some whorehouse perhaps, though he didn't mean it in a hostile manner but moreover with sarcasm with emphasis on how she dressed on a normal basis. When she brought up the subject about him not having a partner, he got quiet for a few minutes and then spoke. " a personal thing..." He replied silently and a little saddened. "My model of weapon...I was the last of the models that I was, a cannon. They're amazing for taking out anyone who stands in their way, but...the reload and recharge time of the weapon is not a tactical advantage...we are mainly used for groups of Meisters but many seem to prefer to work alone or get close and personal. And model of weapon, more specifically an explosion class weapon, didn't seem to become as popular as the others."
Blair smirked and responded.
"Can you drink? Because if you can't you can't enter." she asked. The place she woked at was where pretty women talk to guys about the gus day and give them drinks. Its like a comfot place, but with drinking.
She looked at him as he got silent at her question and she listened to his story. Thinking she was saddened and tied to come up with and idea that would help him.
"I can know hunt witches. I am stronger than you think." Blair proposed with her usual cat smile.
"You don't think I know that? I've nearly died trying to fight you three or four times." Nathan sighed and shook his head. "No. You cannot even wield me to begin with. And if you kill someone, no soul will appear unless a weapon goes in for the kill." He sighed. "Thank you for the offer, Blair. But I'd rather not. I'll wait for some meister to come and wield me...And yes, I am old enough to drink, mind you. Weapons do not age in appearance but I'm over a few decades old! Though I'm still considered young among weapons. But in the human laws, well...I'm old enough to drink and can hold my liquor if I feel like it." That part, however, was a lie. He had never drank any alcohol before, despite the fact he was able and allowed to.
Blair brushed off his sarcasm and listened to his declined explpanation.
"Good then you can come by my job then tonight." Blair spoke up.
Wearing her cat smile she yawned. Blair hasn't been sleeping lately since the fish guy stopped giving fish, and she had to fins a new sorce of food.
"Tonight? Then what will I do to pass the time?" He questioned and looked around her house. It really didn't look like much he could do within these walls but with Blair, she would always find something that had the two of them doing something. For one, if it wasn't killing him, it would apparently be taking him out to get some fish and nothing else...from what he's seen and heard from her ever since he started to try to kill her to the point where he began to try to 'befriend' her. "I guess if I'm not needed here, I can return when it gets dark then..." He shrugged, not really knowing what to do other than to head back to the storage closet and turn into his hand cannon form to wait for the time being.
Blair looked at him and answered his question.
"I'm not sure I would introduce you to Maka and the others but they are out hunting witches." Blair admitted.
"I guess you can leave and return at night time." Blair responded before she yawned.
And laid on the couch fully intending to go to sleep.
"Nigh((yawn)) Night....come and play again later." Blair yawned out as she fell asleep on the couch with a cat smile.
Leaving him to let himself out of the house. She really had to find a new fish place or convince the fish man to give her more fish so she can get more food, and sleep.
Nathan frowned when she suddenly just dismissed him but shrugged, turning to leave and closed the door behind him once he walked out. Several hours later, he would come back when nightfall had struck and he would be holding a container holding some stuff for her. He began to knock on the door and hoped that the fish he had gotten for her would be to her liking. 'Anything to hurry this up already...' He thought in his head.
Blair woke up from her nap and sat up rubbing her eyes. She was sitting there for a little while then she heard her door being knocked on so she went to check it. Opening it she saw Nathan...and this time she was in her usual attire.
"Nathan! Came back to play!" She smiled the cat smile as she looked at him again and noticed something in his hand.
"What's that?" she asked out of curiosity.
She then walked out of her home and closed the door. Looking back at Nathan she grabbed his arm and started to walk through the path surrounded by woods to get to Death City.
"You can tell me on the way there." Blair said as she began to lead him to the place she decided to work at.
"W-Wait...this needs to be refridgerated..." Nathan replied as she continued to drag him out toward the 'comfort zone' and he subconsciously thought of it as such. He soon opened the container and showed her the three fish he had bought. "I don't know if its as good as the free stuff you got before but...Yeah...Take it I guess. I figured I still don't owe you enough for trying to kill you all those times so I bought you some fish."
By Time Blair stopped they were at the door of her work place. She turned to look at Nathan, and gratefully accepted the fish.
"Thank you." Blair said .
She started to eat the three fishes as she stood by the door of her job. After finishing her fishes she turned and entered the building saying hi to her boss and coworkers. She then sat on the coach next to the red head that was complaining on the couch.
Nathan felt uneasy. He wasn't always as places like this, actually he had never been to a place like this. He felt he stood out from the crowd, and simply followed Blair as he tried to get the feeling of eyes leering into his back away from him. " what is it exactly that you do here?" He questioned as he sat down beside her, trying to ignore the complaining red head. He thought this place was supposed to be 'fun' but so far he's just seeing a stuck up girl.
Blair sat down and continued to look at him as he continued to gulp down his drink.
"Maka is so much like her mother you know." he said in his normal voice.
"Don't worry mister Death Scythe she will come around eventually, Maka is your Daughter you know, all you have to do is try." Blair encouraged.
"You know your right Blair. Thanks . I will talk to Maka tomorrow."
"There you go you can do it!" Blair cheered on.
"Well thank you ladies I will be on my way now." he said as he got up and left.
"By Bye MisterrDeath Scyth." Blair said as she looked at Nathan again.
"My job is a host." she answered.
"The guy looked like he could be very funny but he could also be a very very sad character..." He said in response to seeing the death scythe begin to walk out. Turning to Blair, he frowned and shook his head. "I guess if you enjoy this job I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be doing this. From what you told me before, or made it sound like, it made it seem like you were...well...Nevermind." He shook his head and yawned as he began to feel light headed. The smoke in the air from the others was starting to get to him and the strong stench of liquor was also getting to him. "I feel like I'm rusty..."
Blair listened to him and gave a cat smile like she always did. But, when he stopped in the middle of his sentence he made curious as to what he was going to say.
And then she began to notice something. He was shaking his head and nodding. Then he said he felt like he was rusty. Blair stood up and walked over to Nathan.
"Nathan are you okay." she said.
Helping him up she decided to move him out to fresh air.
"Sorry Mr. but, I have to get him some fresh air.
"Do what you have to do Blair." as she heard this she moved Nathan outside and set he leaning against the wall.
"Nathan?" she said curiously.
"What happened back there?"
"It...It is true that I am of age and such to this world's laws...though...urp...uh..." He shook his head. "I feel sick..." He seemed to lean against Blair some more and had his head leaning on her head. "I'm really really...urp...really...not used to the smell of cigarettes or alcohol. It makes me feel really woozy cause this one time a few years back, I got seriously fucked up and just quit everything cold turkey. Now whenever I smell that stuff again...OoOo..." He seemed to be feeling a bit more weaker.
Blair listened as she let him lean on her. She then grabbed him again, she had a choice of shibusen or her home. And technically climbing the steps to shibusen and getting to the nurse room would take some time. After, all how was she going to explain this to them. He would probably get in trouble so she chose her home.
"You'll be fine all you need is some fresh air and some nice that would get those smells out of your nose." she encouraged.
She started to walk to her home it taking long for her to carry him so she used one of her pumpkins and sat both him and her on it as she headed to her house. Occasionally, she would check on him to see if he was fine and when she landed she carefully let both of them off. And walked up to the door unlocking it and laid him on the couch.
Going back to the door she closed it and went to get some water and something that smelt nice to put up to his nose.
As he laid on the couch, he still felt somewhat sick even though they were not in the 'comfort zone' anymore. His stomach made him feel like he could vomit but he knew he wouldn't. When Blair put some of the flowers he had given her to his nose, Nathan sniffed it and smiled gently, holding back a sneeze that was on the edge of coming out. "Thank you...Blair." He said with a smile as he closed his eyes and took a deep sigh of relaxation. "I...Feel a little better, thank you...Urp...If you're going to go to work, go ahead...I'll just stay here...or leave...whatever, its up" He felt like he could at least make it back to the armory but he didn't really feel like making the trip.
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