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Escape From Miami - OOC Chatter

Used the time stamp for Wendy. heee! And I'll continue to use it for all my characters from this point forward. Everyone should start using them now also.
Oh, okay. I will correct that from now one. I am thinking that both of my characters are in their first day, though I am thinking that Diana is at least in the late morning or afternoon of her first day, most likely. I am suggesting that only based on her having been dropped in Miami that far away from, but around the same time as, Evers. If I need to make any time corrections in game, I will be more than happy to, of course.
At this point, Evers is definitely in his first day given he's interacting with both Randy and Lina who are in the first day at night. Diana you have a bit more freedom with given she hasn't interacted with anyone as of yet.


Holy huge red letters batman lol. I will be using the time labels from now on as well once i do my next post. if i end up forgetting which i have a worry i will do like i forgot to put a header a few times when i started doing this group and had to go back and edit posts to add them back in. lol but anyway if i end up forgetting and don't notice it myself feel free to nudge me and be like hey dummy you forgot your time stamp lol.
Well, I wanted to make sure everyone saw them..... lol. But yeah, I'll nudge if people need it. XD I know it can be weird getting used to using these different labels and headers and things. But after a while it does become second nature and then when you do groups later it's like.... HOW DO YOU NOT USE THESE?!?! HOW DO YOU NOT KEEP TRACK WITHOUT THEM!?!?! lolol. XD

Yes, I know I'm a dork. Krys and I discuss this quite often. LOL! XD *does her little dork dance as proof of her dorkiness*
I LOVE Batman :D the Tim Burton films were way better then the new ones in my opinion though....Anyways I agree the headers and time stamps make everything so much easier when I first started using headers I was like O_O how the F**K does that work but now when I RP without them it feels like something's missing lol

And Dorks are awesome just saying :D
*blushes in all her dorkiness*

And yay for the header/tagging craze! I has created a cult following! lolol. I kid, I kid. XD
No need to blush about the dorkiness, Dear. Also... I used them in mine unless I needed to be much more specific.

Also.. That is something I loved in Burton's Batman.. the Joker talking to that electrified corpse!!!

"Rotilli... you are a vicious bastard... and, eh.... I'M GLAD YOU'RE DEAD!!!!"
Hi... I am waiting on posts in the Miami Beach thread. It has been about four days, at least. If there is something wrong with what I posted, let me know and I can work on it.
Also....... I wanted to bring up something regarding Miami Beach since the above post has me thinking on it. Uhhh.... can we sort of get a move on with that whole scene in general? The time discrepancy is really starting to widen there and pretty soon we're going to be coming to a major standstill if it doesn't. So, if those involved in the whole capture process could try and get that going that would be great because Randy et al. is on Day 1, the captors are on Day 2 and everyone else is practically on Day 3. Now yes..... we ARE using time labels. However, unless people want to do some major time skipping (which is fine.... but then people need to start posting in here and discussing that), we need to see some stuff happening. Otherwise we ARE going to end up stuck with nowhere to go very soon. At least with about half of our characters anyway.

If people don't respond to this by the end of the day on Monday or if I don't see posts by the end of the day on Monday, expect to see PMs in your inboxes along with links directing you here to this post. Thanks. :)
I am sorry that is my fault and Ruphhausin your post was great I've just been a little slow with replying and I apologize I will have something up today for sure :)
all ready to go with my character just as soon as those being captured make it to day two i will jump right in and get that going as soon as there up to that time. i'll check back often to this page to see if anything goes on and post whenever i can. :) looking forward to seeing what goes on next. and sure do want to keep this RP keep moving because this and AWOL are the only two RP's i am involved in and the awol one i only have one character so far that isnt really involved in much yet over there making the escape from miami RP my only main rp right now.
Again, remember, with time labels, those being captured can time jump. So, if they want they can forego time linearity and just start posting in Day 2 and play out both Day 1 AND Day 2 simultaneously. That's the whole beauty of using the time labels. You can do that. So, if people could do that, it might be a nice idea.... just a suggestion.
If people aren't just doing it or responding here, you can always PM them (which is what I'd do since quite a bit of time has passed already). Otherwise, we are indeed going to come to a standstill with the one half of the RP. Or even I'll PM them. I have no qualms in doing that, LOL. Plus, I'd like to see that half kind of catch up not to mention get the chance to RP some characters that I haven't been able to for a while because of the hold up.
I get the impression everyone is. The only people who haven't spoken up are San and Angel. San's character is sort of out of the loop and can kind of jump in at any time point given that. Angel's is the only one directly involved, at present, with the multi-time posting. Given that, I'd PM her since she hasn't said anything here. Otherwise, I will eventually when we reach a point when we literally have no choice. And that time is fast approaching.
if the others in the grabbing up the fighter situation would like to write them arriving back at the death games arena with time stamps the are in that right time and then go back and write the meeting up in miami beach once yous make it to day 2 that could work we could talk out the general idea of what went on before getting to arena so we know where to start there . i say that might work best idk if writing there day 2 at miami and there day 1 in miami all in the same section would be easy or good looking to follow even with time stamps just my opinion open to everyones thoughts on it. unless they think they will be up to day 2 soon in which case i'll just continue to wait
I'm good with people jumping to day 2 and getting to the capture because that'll get them out of the Miami Beach area. Then, people can always post in Miami Beach for day 1 as they need and not worry about the time stamps and getting tripped up over what ones are what, if that makes any sense........ That way, day 2 will then be out and over into the Death Games Arena and day 1 can pick back up in Miami Beach. It'll mean a slight hold on day 1, but not for those posting in day 1 since they can all be present for the action of the capture.
Also....... thing is this. I'm hesitant to post for my 'good guys' now because the time gap is widening too much for my liking. They are now soooo close to day 3 it's nutty. As for my other characters, I've got a group waiting for the people to capture Randy so it's like.... lalalalalalalalalala. And then I have another waiting as well that I've barely gotten to use and is sort of waiting on one of the people with the capturer to return. So, again it's like.... lalalalalalalalalala. haha! So, I sort of feel like I cannot post much.
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