I know that I have been mostly quite since creating my two characters and having them dropped in the prison, but I am hoping that my ideas for the two of them may interest some of you.
Evers and Diana (my two characters) are a bit of something that I felt was not really touched on in the movies. An obvious resistance (however informal it was) must have existed to try and either throw wrenches into the works or to help people out and out disappear and escape the US. They are both criminals, no doubt, but what I am thinking is perhaps some of their deeds come back to pay them back (perhaps good.. perhaps bad...) inside Miami.
Evers would be the person with connections and a above board history, while Diana would be the one whose handle is whispered about, but there are all those little misconceptions and out and out lies about her (some that she is a he, for example) I am thinking that both of them could be fruitful for many plot and subplot ideas, especially with Diana having what she has.
Just a few ideas I wanted to post here and to run by the group at large. Let me know if anyone is interested please.