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Escape From Miami - OOC Chatter

Looks like Kevin will at least have something to occupy his time while trying to find someone to assist him in capturing the big guy. lol..... >.>
Just a quick announcement..... those of you with NPCs. If you are going to post for your NPCs in a post WITHOUT one of your main characters, the use of a mini-header and avatar is needed. However, if you are posting for them in a post along with one of your main characters, it is not necessary. :)
question about NPC's do they have to be written all the time by the person who created them ? for example say down the line i added one for a a boat guy for Vincent to take people back and forth from his safehouse and to make sure that no one tries to get to his safehouse without permission and like say someone comes along looking to get to the safehouse and needs that character to get them there or in the case of someone without permission turn them away could they just write it in for themselves i ask because i was thinking about writing up a NPC for that exact purpose and figured it would be something that would make sense for anyone to just write up the interaction as needed as long as it didn't kill the npc off without permission or like have the NPC do a major character switch without permission like turning on Vincent or something along those lines. just curious overall how the use of NPC's works as you know still learning about all this RP type stuff.
If you want your NPC to be controlled solely by you, you can have that. Just submit a mini profile for it for approval and then once approved it'll get put up in the 'finalized character' thread in the NPC post. Those are NPCs that YOU control and no one else unless you give explicit permission. All others are sort of joe-whoevers that roam around and are free-for-alls to help keep the game going. Most people will respect those others create with specific purposes and not do anything over the top with them, but not always. So best to submit something just in case if you want to ensure it. :)

I hope that helped in answering your question. >.<
Lots of stuff!!! Be sure to read all the posts! XD

Also, announcement! Those of you with NPCs.... be sure to post the mini profiles in the NPC Request thread. I've added in templates for them now. :)

EDIT: Those of you who've already submitted approved NPCs, if you don't want to dig through your PMs and such, just make a blank post in the NPC Request thread and I'll add them for you since I can, lol. XD
Just wondering if any bad guys wanted to cross paths with the good guys. I'm writing in a drop of crates that have supplies in them like food, soap, etc. things that people need and pretty much everyone without connections to get the things they need go to these crates to grab whatever they can. It could definitely get messy and dangerous and there will most likely be some kill offs involved just wondering if anyone wanted to cross paths.

Hopefully I wrote that well ha ha
I know that I have been mostly quite since creating my two characters and having them dropped in the prison, but I am hoping that my ideas for the two of them may interest some of you.

Evers and Diana (my two characters) are a bit of something that I felt was not really touched on in the movies. An obvious resistance (however informal it was) must have existed to try and either throw wrenches into the works or to help people out and out disappear and escape the US. They are both criminals, no doubt, but what I am thinking is perhaps some of their deeds come back to pay them back (perhaps good.. perhaps bad...) inside Miami.

Evers would be the person with connections and a above board history, while Diana would be the one whose handle is whispered about, but there are all those little misconceptions and out and out lies about her (some that she is a he, for example) I am thinking that both of them could be fruitful for many plot and subplot ideas, especially with Diana having what she has.

Just a few ideas I wanted to post here and to run by the group at large. Let me know if anyone is interested please.
I'm interested I have characters both good and bad so which ever way your characters go I'd be willing to have my characters help out your characters :)
If anyone's characters (Good guys or Bad) want to cross paths with some of mine and others characters there are a lot on Miami beach right now :) Just throwing that out there in case anyone was interested.
Indeed. Right now mine and Krys' are travelling together so some crossing of paths with hers would mean crossing of paths with mine, lol. XD
Have him attend the Death Games Arena show that will be coming up in the nearish future. That's something that should be up his alley in terms of something he'd attend. I mean, he can't just stay at the diner all the time. He's got to go out and about and move around to other locations too. After all, the guy has lackeys and what not that can watch the place for him. So....... have him move about and interact.

Although, Melanie is still there. I think she's the only one still there. So, there is that for now. But even still... have the guy move around. Plus... POST!!!!! That will help too, silly.
@darkangel and Krys had a thought / question about the trip to meet up with Randy on Miami beach just trying to figure this one out continuity wise from reading posts i feel like we are at a different time / maybe even day writing wise from where Vincent is to what is going on over at Miami as they left death games arena during the earlier parts of the day with the plan of getting back before it got to late to meet back up with kevin and them yet it seems to already be night time or at least close to night time at Miami beach judging by the story of the crazy and stuff being out and all that stuff going on so should we basically wait on bringing Vincent and them around to meet with Randy until the story on Miami beach comes back around to mid day the following day and then go on from there i mean it might mean having to wait a bit to make those posts but i'd rather wait and make it make sense time wise what do you guys think i mean my thought is maybe we were just a day ahead write wise in the world of escape from Miami over in death games town then what was going on elsewhere. or something like that idk lol. that's one thing that seems to be confusing me a little bit is figuring out what day/time everyone is at as some characters have written parts about going to sleep and getting to the next day while in other sections people have only wrote about 1 day .LOL sorry just getting little lost on that hope my question/confusion makes sense lol
One way to handle times if people are worried about keeping track is time labeling. We do this in another group game I'm in/run so we can most certainly do that here. We handle that by using parenthetical notations in the one, but we can do that however is easiest here as it doesn't necessarily have to be parenthetical notation. I will say for me, I felt like all my characters were at approximately the same time frame, give or take some hours or so. But just because I felt that doesn't mean everyone else does. lol. So, we can always say, to help with this (at least for now, because after what people are feeling might be a time hiccup, we can just move forward from there) that some characters are perhaps at a different time point and then 'merge' them. We can discuss that here and then note them and move on.

Thoughts??? Suggestions???

And we can wait for Krys' input on this too. XD
I think we should do the same thing we're doing in the other group I do feel that some characters are on the next day or later in the night on the same day so I think the time tags would be a good thing in my opinion I think they work great in the other group so they may help in this group
Yep. Also, the beauty of time tags is that you can do multi posting of your character at various times. What this means is that you can post for your character at one time and then again at another time if you want to be able do various scenes at various times and not worry about when people can post in a day and all at the same time. Because a real day =/= game day. So, if you'd to do a scene with your character in one location that is taking place at one time point during the RP game time, but are held up for whatever reason (this can be because someone else is unable to be on to post or because a sequence is taking longer to get through, etc etc etc sooo many reasons here), you can then just jump your character to a different time point (using time tags/labels) and complete the later scene if you'd like. Later on you can always merge things time wise and/or go back and finish up the earlier scene when you can.

Hopefully this makes sense. >.<
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