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Escape From Miami - OOC Chatter

If I may make a suggestion seeing this is an Escape From Miami group should there be an actual escape from the prison if so do the characters agree to disagree or do some fall during a war before escaping just wondering so I know if I should pick one or more of my characters to get seriously injured or killed
We could do that if people want. Perhaps we could throw in a plot device where something from the current government falls into Miami (similar to the movies) and someone in the RP gets a hold of it..... we can decide that or it can be random or whatever. From there we can figure out if it's a means to cause any of our characters to WANT to escape or not and if so, why. Or perhaps whatever it is they may plan to do something to fight back against the government. Could be anything. We have sooo many possibilities.
That's what I'm thinking like is there gonna be an actual Escape from Miami and if so are people from both sides gonna put their resources together to get out and fight the government or are they gonna fight to get out themselves and fight others for resources there's so many possibilities we can go with lol
I think what we can do is sort of establish characters for now and once they've settled a bit we can throw in a wrench, so to speak. We'll see where 'loyalties lie', for lack of a better term. Meaning, you'll get who is 'good' vs who is 'bad' vs who is just 'other'. Then with a 'wrench' perhaps we can figure out maybe who wants to fight back against the government vs who wants to preserve the life that's perhaps been established in Miami. That way you'll have some wanting to escape while others will want to stay and preserve how things are. I see those wanting to preserve the way maybe wanting to prevent those wanting to escape from succeeding. Maybe not all of them, but some of them anyway. And it can even get more complex than that too since it's not really a black and white thing if you think about it.
NOTE: Just a reminder to everyone that since this is a 'group RP', not an 'open RP', that certain things do need to be approved by the GM first. Thanks. :)
Don't you hate it when you wish to post, but you're mind is literally going through a clutterfuck, resulting in an inability to produce a post ?

As you can guess I am suffering through that at this very moment. Usually this will mean no posting til I regain my train of thought.
I'll try to arrange a post today, yesterday was quite the busy day for me.

edit: Apparently people can't hold their horses and wait. Now it will be harder to get a post in. Why must my place be popular -.-
That okay I'm just whining because now I need to put more effort now and knowing my luck by the time I'm free to post more posts will arrive. In all seriousness at least everyone having a good time.
Yeah that's a good thing I'll slow down my posts a bit so you can catch up I'm probably having Kevin go on the lookout for my big guy to bring him to the Arena eventually
Well, it's good that people are having fun. I know I'm having fun reading the posts and seeing the characters develop. Seriously, we have an awesome group of people involved here..... and San... be glad your little place of establishment is popular! LOLOL! You has lots o' clientele! XD But damnit, Alex wants her water! LOLOL!!!!
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