The 'X'

"But what's so special about that?" She asked, she had seen storms like hurricane Katrina but she thought nothing of it. She didn't remember it but she was actually the one to cause those storms, each time she caused a storm, her eyes would go white aNd she would lapse into a anger filled daze. When she awakened she wouldn't remember it.
"Oh? But I only create rain and wind, don't I?" She asked again, shrugging slightly.
"not today storm that will be tommorrow your first day today you learn the mansion and know everyone here" Ander said standing up
Storm sighed and looked down as she saw out of the corner of her eye him standing, "no please don't leave me alone............I've been having a hard time with that Magneto man and I can't sleep...please stay with me?"
Ander nodded "if you want you can come with me to my room I have some papers to grade you can sleep on my bed its way comfortable then these know so I can keep a eye on you if you want" he told her
He nodded and held out his hand to her "my room only allows me to enter with someone else through my teleportation other wise you can knock but can't enter"
Storm smiled and nodded as she took his hand. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, she was tired.
((BTW I created at the market for your character, the rp is a 1x1 in the taboo section and its for the boo roleplay :) just thought id let you know I have posted))
(ok thank for letting me know) Ander poofed them into his room which was larger then hers his bed was a double king four posters red canopy bed. "one second" he said and shook a little revealing his true form, which was exactly like his father. "sorry I didn't know how you would react seeing me answering the door like this I take on my other form around new people and outside" he told her
Storm smiled and nodded as she looked around the room, then yawning again she made her way to the bed as she lay down, curling up.
Soon she was fast asleep as she pulled the blankets around her. A quiet breeze blew outside signaling she was calm as she slept.
Storm heard a deep voice seeping into her head. "The good mutants just want to control you. Think of how powerful you cab become if you join me." Storm rolled over in her sleep, shaking her head back and forth.
Storm heard his voice and the other one seem to fade away as she fell back to sleep, sighing in relief.
Ander heard Charles in his mind 'whatsoever happened?' "its magneto again charles" he said aloud "sues asleep now when she wakes all ask her if she will let you help her"
Storm slept for another hour and then woke up and looked around yawning and stretching.
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