The 'X'

(( cool :p ))

Suddenly the girl's skin seemed to take on a blueish glow and her skin seemed to flake off, giving way to blue scales as she slammed the door shut and the windows shut, as if by mere force. "Well, well, Storm is it, you would come in handy for our group, why don't you come join us, we could use you. Magneto and our group, we are far above the humans and you are powerful and together we can rule the world." She advanced towards Storm her skin now entirely made of blue scales as she gets closer, storm let out a shriek of fear as she scrambled back towards the window.

"Ummm............umm................wait Magneto, who is he?" She asked a bit intrigued but still wary, as wind picked up speed and blew up a fierce wind storm.
Ander looked up at storms window and looked up at the skies. He popped outside her door "storm? Are you okay?" He tried turning the doorknob
The blue, scaled girl snapped her head towards the sound, and knew she didn't have much longer to act, she lunged a Storm, wrestling with her before she put a dagger up to her throat and over her mouth as she mimicked her voice. "Yes, Yes, I am just fine." Her tone was a bit off key, and she hoped he didn't notice.

"Mhmmm." Storm felt her anger rising as she tried to struggle, then she felt a cold steel against her neck, as she stopped stuggling, but she was still boiling over as huge, thunderous black clouds gathered in the sky, her eyes flickered between pure white, and ice blue, She knew that if they went pure white she would lose control of her anger completely and she would create a superstorm or storm.
Ander found that off key tone and slashed the door opened "raven! Let her go!" He yelled before she could respond her popped behind her grabbed ravens arms and wrenched it free of the knife and to the ground "storm get out of here know!" He yelled
Raven struggled as she tried to get out of his grasp. Storm flipped around, now angered as her eyes kept flickered from white to blue. "Why should I?" She snapped, her voice tone changing as more storm clouds rolled through. Her voice took on a calm and yet deadly tone to it, a calm before the storm. A funnel was beginning to form at the center of the gathering clouds, marking the start of a tornado. Raven laughed hysterically, "Yes, score one for us, she's gonna destroy you now."
"storm I'm not your enemy I'm your freind she works for magneto, he wants to destroy humans storm" Ander looked at raven "really is this what you come down to mystic" he said to her
She was getting more anxious, no angry as she didn't understand who Magneto was or why he wanted to destroy humans, they never did him wrong. She was geting more frustrated and more angry as the funnel and the wind picked up speed, tearing at trees along the way.

Meanwhile Raven shrugged and says. "It's cheap entertainment for me."
Ander looked at the door as wolverine and Charles came in wolverine grabbed raven and made her stand up "hello raven" Charles told her he them looked at storm "miss if you would calm down please I will explain who and what magneto is"
Storm was now stubborn and angry[/align], she didn't like being told what to do, suddenly her eyes flashed white and stopped becoming just a vacant white stare. The air around them seemed to go still, seconds before the tornado hit ground bottom as it tore around them causing severe damage.

Raven struggled against the wolverine as she grimaced finding his grip as hard as steel. "Hello wolverine and Charles!"
"storm please" Ander said stepping in front or her "please I'm asking you as a freind please I'm not forcing you to I'm asking" he asked her
Storm heard a small voice in the back of her head as here eyes flicked to blue again. She felt warm blood rushing down her nose and a slight migraine as she managed to focus on Ander, "what happened?" She askef looking from him to Charles to wolverine then to raven.
"youre got mad cause I asked you to run cause I thought you where in danger" Ander said Charles looked at raven and shook his head "my dear raven I hope your happy" wolverine led her put of the room and to the holding rooms Charles looked at storm "youre quite powerful storm"
Storm "oh I am sorry and I am?" She murmurs keeping a hand against her still bleeding nose.

Meanwhile Raven was doing everything she could to try to escape.
"magneto is someone who wants to enslave all human kind so us mutants can rule and also he wants to kill humans as well" Charles told her
"Oh, but my parents are humans.........that wouldn't be good at all." Storms eyes widened as she looked to Charles, shaking her head.
Ander looked at her "ill leave you bee so you can get some rest" he said and walked out and pushed Charles out ad well "rember if you need anything just callx he reminded her
valkeryiefirestorm said:
Ander looked at her "ill leave you bee so you can get some rest" he said and walked out and pushed Charles out ad well "rember if you need anything just callx he reminded her

She sighed and nodded as she flopped back down onto her bed and fell fast asleep, she was weak from the big storm she almost created.
Storm slept soundly as she heard a voice penetrating her dreams and shifting her dreams around.

"You can be the top of the world." The dream depicted storm being waited on hand and foot by humans. She tossed and turned in her sleep as the voice pushed further into her mind. "Your human parents thought you were a freak, your human friends stabbed you in the back. Why care about them when they don't care about you." Suddenly storm let out a piercing scream that echoed down the corridors as she bolted upright and awake.
All the students and professors paused. Ander immediately ported into her room "storm are you alright?" He asked going to her worried
Storm looked and saw him and shook her head trembling, "is it true that my parents and friends thought me a freak?"
"im don't know storm I never knew your freinds put i know that parents love there children even if they are different" he said to her
Storm nodded and still trembled, "I heard a voice, in my dreams, what was that? A voice that was trying to tell me that I could rule over humans. Something that manipulated my dreams to make it so I was seeing humans wait on me hand and foot. Is that good? Who was it." She wrapped her arms around her legs as she tried to stop the trembling
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