The 'X'


The original Valkyrie
Apr 27, 2012
The Void
Ander Azazel groaned and hit the annoying buzz that was going off. He sat up in bed his blond hair now had streaks of red in it. He got off his bed and went to his private bathroom he flexed how hand long metal claws much like his maternal grandfather wolverine came out. He unflexed and pulled his hair up and threw on some clothes. He grinned and teleported himself in a cloud of red some like his father azazel. He had to be up early to greet the new mutants.
Storm saw the school before her, as she was holding onto her suit case. She blushed a fierce red and taking a deep breath she stepped up to the door, and knocked lightly, wondering if she had gotten the right address. She bit her bottom lip as she waited quietly.
She nodded quietly and murmured, "Yes I am, is this it." She made a gesture around the place with her free hand and looked back to him, as she blushed fiercely again and got a bit nervous. As she got nervous the wind picked up speed, she grimaced, trying to stop the wind, but it only picked up more speed.
Ander blinked his eyes going from green to black then back rp green "youre at the right place just take a deep calming breath storm" he said to her. He them turned and yelled into the hallway "professor how many times have I told you to stay out of my head?" He asked (forgot to say Ander is also a professor as well as a student)
She bit her bottom lip and she nodded as she took in a deep breath feeling the wind slow down to a slight breeze, she smiled a bit uncertainly. "Sorry about that, ummmm, I'm well............" She shrugged and nodded as she looked in the doorway, peering around the lobby or what she could see of it anyway.
Ander smiled and stepped aside "come in" he said. Proffessor Xavier came in his wheel chair "dont be afraid you one know one here is going to hurt you" he smiled at her and in her head he said 'my names Charles Xavier I'm the headmaster here at mutant x academy you're safe here and among freinds'
She stepped in as she smiled and nodded to Xavier, suddenly she heard him in his head, and she jumped back, startled as her nerves rise again, with it a new thing happened. Since it was nerves of fear of what just happened instead of the wind picking up speed, big black storm clouds rolled through as it threatened to rain. " did you...............? She asked, still slightly backing up.
"im a telepath storm" Xavier told her. Ander looked at sotrm "its okay he means know harm he's just being a ass" Ander said looking back at Xavier. Ander held put his hand to her "youre safe.....let me show you around"
"Oh ok," She nodded as she took Ander's hand and picked up her suit case, looking back once again at Xavier.
Ander led her to the room hallway and to a empty room. He opened the door "this is your room storm mine is just down the hall and on the left if you need anything I'm usually in there or outside" he told her he waited for her to put down her suitcase so he could show her the rest of the academy
She smiles and nodded as she put the suitcase down by her bed. She was still slightly nervous, but the clouds had lost their thickness to them, and only a light drizzle had started now. She didn't know who else she would meet here which caused her to be slightly nervous, but even then her nerves were slowly dissipating.
Ander smiled and teleported to the large bay window in the puff of red smoke and opened the curtains and window. "grandpa goes easy on them" he yelled out to wolverine whom was teaching one on one combat with some teens
Storm gasped as she was still not used to everything here, and the rain lashed down harder, quickly turning the dirt into soft pliable mud. She smiled sheepishly, glancing down. "mmhmm sorry it's just I can't really.......................well don't know how to....................well you know."
Ander turned to her "lets try this breath and think of a happy scared and don't know right know so let's try a happy thought can you do that for me?" Ander asked as students whould say he was going into professor mode
She bit her bottom lip, and looked around, she felt slightly pressured and as she did, lightning flashed through the sky. She shook her head slightly shrugging. "Ummmm..........I don't know if I can do that."
Storm nodded and sighed, as she closed her eyes and thought back to a happy time as the rain outside, returned to a light drizzle.
Storm opened her eyes as she peered out the window and saw that the down pour had stopped and she smiled in relief as she nodded, "yes I did it!" She said excitedly
"good job storm you just have to control your abilities always rember this when you start your training 'you control your ability it does not control you' this helped me along the way of controling mine" he told her
Storm nodded, as she looked around and said, "Could I freshen up perhaps and just rest for a bit?" She walked over to the window, looking outside.
"sure when your ready to continue the tour or need someone to talk to you can find me just say my name three times and click tour heals and ill be there..." He laughed "im just joking just say my name" he smiled and popped out and popped behind his grandfather wolverine that was on the ground. Ander grinned and smacked him in the back of the head and popped in front of him when he turned to face who did it "miss me grandpa?" He asked "like a hole in my head" wolverine replyed
Storm nodded and laid down on her bed as she closed her eyes, yawning slightly and then she felt something odd. She shivered, as goosebumps rose up on her arms, and a seemingly innocent looking girl walked into her room to greet her.

(( ohh Could I add a small twist. ))
Ander smiled and started fighting his grandfather. He was equally matched in hand to hand and speed but had the upper advantage with teleportation.
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