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Forbidden Temple of the Great Falls

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"Thank you-" he should have added more, more like that he should watch over her more than anything else, that he would personally punish him if he failed to protect her from the dark gods themselves if they wished harm upon an innocent. Instead, he just turned his back to her, called onto his last reserves, and made his way out- away from her.
Leonard slowly enters the room, sword held at the ready.

"From the Reliquary, you say?" Leonard asks, redundantly, crouching besides the fallen Monk. He checks for a pulse, thankfully finding him simply unconcious. He was bleeding, rather badly actually, but that needed to wait. First, and most importantly...

Leonard stands and takes stock of the Mirror, grunting in discomfort. He could feel the vile energies of this thing, the way it called to him. His experience with such demonic constructs was enough for him to give it a wide berth.

"Call up Master Zato, tell him Sir Leonard requires his veteran expertise to deal with a-" Leonard is interrupted by a crippling, thunderous cough, blood soaking through the headwrap and dripping onto the floor, "... To deal with an Artifact."

Leonard kneels down and begins seeing to Master Thomas, stabilizing him as best he can. As an after-thought, he pulls a medallion out of his headwrap and wraps it with the bandages he was applying. If it worked for him, maybe he could help out Master Thomas a little better.
Jacob snap out of his reverie as the man called Nerrik asks him about his latest request.

"ah, forgive my lapse of thought. I . . I was preoccupied."
"about the ducks, a man requested for a batch of duck carcasses. I am demanded as abutler to carry it out, unless someone higher stops me."
"may i ask your assisstance?"
Zato had walked into the inner sanctum. Opening the door, he called out.
"Mary? Are you in here?" he called.
".......Mary?" He started to worry. Surely Mary wouldn't play hide and seek at a time like this?
"You can come out now!"
Korsarro shakes his head before rubbing his temples, smearing mud into them with his small fingers "Just... Nevermind. I... I am going to my tannery. I am going to sleep. And by the Beessiah if I wake up to things getting even worse... I am going to skin you all while you sleep. You will be my masterpiece." Korsarro growls his words and spits to the side again, clomping mud through the already ruined halls. Damn that Janitor, was his job not to keep this from happening? He was probably drunk again. The idea of a man other than Korsarro being drunk filled him with rage once again. He stomps mud into every carpet he can find, deftly leaping over a small balcony into the garden where his precious Tannery was located. His beautiful home. He sniffed. What in seven hells was that. Korsarro found himself once again cursing Valetni. He stomped out to the hallway, following the sounds of commotion. He would have answers. And so much flesh.
Arngeirr follows Mary as Morr goes about his business elsewhere. Upon entering the kitchen, he sees a frightened family of ducks huddled beneath a table.

Again he thinks that a butler would be better suited at taking care of stray ducklings. But another look at Mary's precious face, her brow knitted and her eyes watery, and he is compelled to rescue the tiny creatures from whatever danger might be befall them in the kitchen.

Arngeirr strides over to the trembling ducklings and kneels down beside them. The mother quacks menacingly at him, but he simply laughs as he gently scoops up the avian family in his arms and carries them away, pressing them tight against his beard.

"The ducks are safe, young Mary," he says, "Where to now?"
Jacob delves deeper into the building, thinking the smoke might have scared the ducks into the rooms
"Thank you good sir. Unfortunately I do not know where they are. Do you know of any rooms that may feel safe to the ducks? a storage room, or the kitchen perhaps?"
"We should probably go back to the inner sanctum...I'm supposed to stay there when the alarm rings until someone comes to get me..."
she fidgets and runs over to grab the large mans arm
"we should hurry back, or I'll get in trouble"
Nerrik follows the butler, looking for feathery fowl animals. "That would make sense I guess. Kitchens normally have ventilation and such,"
Having secured the ducks, Arngeirr continues with his sworn duty to protect Mary, as given to him by Sir Morr. "Of course young miss," he says, "Lead the way."
"ah yes, an excellent suggestion, my good man"
Jacob begins to follow the smell of food, tracing it to its origin which he hopes to be the kitchen
Zato became solemn. Mary was close to the entire monastery. If something happened......
"Maarrrryyyy" he called out, though his old voice could not get very loud.
Thinking that to find his way a point of orientation would be best, Morr decided to return to the library, perhaps someone he found on the way, if he found said way there, would be able to direct him to where he was- needed.

Needed. Perhaps, he was yet overestimating his own worth? All that, the current situation, should have been a fine distraction, if he had been able to concentrate.

His reaction to- to her had been extreme, to say the least, and he feared it was barely even fading now, this hate that he felt for himself whenever he had to realize that he- he was barely even human. His purpose was to protect the innocent, stand for those that cannot stand for themselves, always stand tall against any evil that may befall any undeserving of it.

He was alive, thus the purpose was his life, but he could not believe in it any longer, only that ever present apathy, now coupled with an unwavering self-hate. However, if he followed his purpose truly then someone who could not believe in that purpose could not follow the purpose.

His purpose was untrue, thus was his life. He had to realize: The purpose, his life, would see him as a mistake. He was a mistake that should not be. A mistake that should have never occurred, a paradox whose existence was unjustified!
Worse even, if he was such a mistake, then mere existence bore the danger of perpetrating this mistake, of perpetrating that taint of being such a mistake.

And he could infect anyone with this taint by his mere presence...

He was a monster. An abomination.
"OK, let's hurry"
She runs ahead leading the large man through the twisting corridors to one again arrive at the inner sanctum.
As he strolls along he looks at the butler and thinks of himself "This monastery is home to many interesting people, is it not?"
Arngeirr follows a long, jogging behind his young charge, and they are soon far away from the kitchen. Before long they arrive at the doors of the inner sanctum again. Arngeirr smiles down at young Mary and asks, "When can we expect someone to come for you?"
The Guard who followed him, Sir Yorick he said his name was in passing, quickly leaves the room as Sir Leonard moves in to investigate to go find Brother Zato. Leonard's reflection is dull and glossy as he moves past the mirror to the collapsed Monk, finding something else in the room beneath him. A small metal cage twisted into a ball of gore and steel, the ruined remains of a small animal within. Dark realization dawns on Leonard at the squirrel corpse as a pair of footsteps echo off the floor behind him. As he turns the sound of steel being bared rings,followed by a coughing laugh as his own face stares back at him, albeit twisted and with a burning third eye.

"Draw. I want to see you," a violent cough splits as he speaks, blood oozing down his face. "I want to see you squirm before you die, mortal."

Mary runs up and grabs the monk around the waist from behind

"S-Sorry I wasn't here, We went to get the Quacks..."
The butler smiles at this
"aye sir, it is. One of my intentions where to serve here actually, until such time I find my one true charge. Wish I knew about her, but my memory is a bit foggy"

As they arrive in the kitchen, they see that it is devoid of any people or ducks. Jacob quickly notices mud tracks the shape of ducks feet which stops at the clomp of human foot prints, making an easy to follow trail.

"It seems that someone else is taking care of killing the ducks. But let us be sure and follow them shall we?"
Zato almost said something, but then sighed and put a hand on her shoulder.
"It is good to see you safe" he said with a small smile.
"Ah, I apologize if I have intruded on your monastery," Arngeirr says, bowing as low as he can while keeping a solid hold on the ducks, "My name is Anrgeirr. I came here in search of information only to find the temple in a time of crisis. I came across young Mary here and a noble night named Morr. I rendered what aid I could and followed Mary to retrieve... the Quacks, as it were."
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