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The Academy of Sexual Education (Open)

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Dante liked her smile. She was pretty sexy... "Hey, I am almost running late to my next lecture, and I still have a ways to go. This is going to sound like an odd request but... would you be willing to give me a ride?" he asked. The innuendo was dripping from that statement, and he knew it, but he figured he would ask. One way or another things would turn out ok! The car situation he was in was another story entirely... one filled with dead batteries and mechanics who may have gotten their training from a speak and spell, but they were cheap. "Sorry if I seem so forward," he said and shrugged.
Alexandra only laughed. "Forward? Forward, in my books, you would have me pinned against the car, practically tearing my clothes to shreds." She said, then gave him a positive nod. "But sure. I hope you don't mind reckless driving. I'm not one to fallow rules." She said, the vertical suicide doors opening. She glanced back at the professor, laughing a little. "Welcome to illegal." She didn't name the car itself illegal, but the way she drove was illegal, due to the fact she may have quit racing, but she still had the habits of a racer.
Dante laughed. "We can get to that later," he said and winked. When she said her last line, he raised an eyebrow. "Those who usually say that are involved in street racing. By the fact you are alive, I can tell you are good. Thank you for the ride though," he said and got in the car. He looked around it. It was a pretty impressive car inside and out. "Damn, you must have dropped quite the load of cash for this baby," he said and smiled. He buckled up, expecting the worst.
Alexandra glanced at him like he was stupid. "Didn't pay a dime but the gas and ten dollars ante. Raced for pinks." She said, brushing her long dirty blonde hair to either side on her neck. "Where to, stud?" She asked, then noticed his seat belt and undid it. "A wise man once told me you don't live unless you're outside of your comfort zone." She muttered, put the key in the ignition, a soft smile of her face when the car gently purred, like when she was a racer. Immediately, she slapped the gas petal down, rolling her window down in instinct. She laughed a little when gravity pinned her against the seat for a moment, though it didn't affect her rapidly rising speed. What she knew, and he likely didn't, was that he was taking a major risk getting in the passenger seat of her car, though she was an experienced driver. Getting into the seat of any racer's car was a major risk to any non-racer at all. They just didn't give a damn about much, truly.
Andrew sat down on the teacher desk at the front of the room. His phone buzzed seconds later. "Alright!" He smiled, and as he was about to respond Mickey walked in, "Well hey Sexy." He winked at her looking over her excellent body.
Dante was pinned against the seat, and pretty terrified to be honest. "A wise man also said don't die for nothing," he said and laughed to try and take his mind of the fear. He was also very confused as to why she was going this fast not in a race. He wasn't THAT late for class. "Are we racing someone? Or is it impossible for you to take your foot off the gas?" he teased, trying to take his mind off the road ahead. He figured as long as he kept his eyes on her, he would not be as afraid. Luckily, she was very easy on the eyes!
Alexandra only snorted in laughter, looking at him for a solid two seconds. "Well he was wise alright. I'm not going to kill you, god." She said, looking back at the road. "And no, we're not racing anybody. But when I said 'welcome to illegal' I kind of meant 'your likely going to piss your pants because I'm a crazy motherfucker.'" She said. "And no, it's not impossible." Her hand snapped firmly in front of his chest, only a few millimeters to keep him from bashing his head into the dashboard and she slapped the breaks , then slowly inclined back to her speed, recovering her hand.
Dante was now absolutely terrified. "Alright well thanks for the ride. At this speed we'll be there in a second," he said, his heart racing. He wasn't opposed to going fast, but he was concerned his driver must be crazy. "How can I repay you when we get there?" he asked, getting ready to reach for his wallet. He was willing to pay for teh gas and a little extra. Hell, she was faster than any taxi service.
Alexandra thought about it for a minute. "Don't wait outside my window like Jason and try to kill me - that's how you'll repay me." She said, smiling in humor. She slowed down rather quickly, but stably as the school came into view. *Can't be killin' student* was her reason.
Dante shrugged. "Well, I certainly won't do that. Not only that, I feel you could take on anyone yourself," he said with a laugh. She did seem like one of the tougher women he had ever come across. Hell, Jason probably had nightmares of her. As the school came into view. "Are yu going to class now to? Or what are you up to now?" he asked
After class was over, Tanner got out of the room as quickly as possible to go to his next class. He sat with the rest of the students who took this class and wondered who was teaching. He took out his camera and began to watch his former classmate fucking two guys at his old school.
Alexandra shook her head. "Going to a bar or whatever seems interesting enough." She said calmly, still not having decided, though she had decided what drink she wanted. She, in a way, felt bad for the professor. He couldn't skip school as he pleased, but Alexandra had used the fact she could to her advantage numerous of times.
"That actually sounds like so much fun..." he said and sighed. "Wish I could join actually. I'll probably head out after class. Wonder if I will be criticized for not having sex in a while," he said and laughed. "Been too busy, even though I teach at this school. Ah oh well," he said and shrugged. "It will change soon"
Alexandra couldn't help but feel that, in some way, was direct at her, also the feeling was backed up by his previous comment while they were outside the car. She bit her lip, the thought had recurred. *Maybe I could get an A...* "So sure?" She asked, raising an eyebrow in a teasing manner at his last comment 'It will change soon.'
At those words, Dante smirked. Bingo. "Oh really? How can you be so sure, Alexandra?" he asked and looked over. He winked at her. "I do still owe you," he said. "So tell me, anything a professor can do for you?" he teased and laughed. She was very sexy. He was impressed. It had been a while too... Why not?
Soon enough Tanner was waiting for the teacher when he was given beer. He was a heavy drunker. With one bottle he's high. Right in front of the student body, he began fucking one of them as the rest, drunk as well cheered them on.
Alexandra smiled. He was right up her alley now. She parked without any sign of interest, got out and opened his door, sitting in his lap, facing him. "Well, there's a lot of things you can do, and I like the best. So what's the specialty?" She asked flirtatiously, tilting her head to the side. Teasing was one thing she was inevitably good at.
Dante put one of his hands on her ass and another hand ran through her hair. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Well, over the years I learned a variety of techniques to please bad girls like you," he said and spanked her. "We can call this a sort of exam for you if you'd want," he said and kissed her neck. "I can guess you like it rough,"
Alexandra smiled just a little lustfully, determined to make sure Dante was undeniably wanting it before she gave herself away for the night. "Your good," Indeed Alexandra wasn't one for the I-love-you kind of sex but more of the I'm-horny-as-fuck kind of sex, so he'd gotten it right. "Exam?" She said softly, as if thinking about it. "Well, I want to make a good grade, so I think I better study," She whispered in his ear, placing her hands on the button of his pants - not undoing it, just placed her hands as if about to.
Even as one who has more control over what lies benieth his pants, there was a stiring. Her words, and the way she said it, reminded him of some of the... dirtier porn stars he had been with. To be honest, those were some of the most fun scenes he had ever done. "Come now, you expect me to believe you need to study?" he said and winked. "But I suppose I do need to see if you are ready. Go ahead and lets go over anatomy," he said and rubbed her ass.
"Yes sir." She kissed his neck tenderly, undoing his pants slowly. She wasn't shy - hell, she was a model, one of the types of models who dressed down to practically heels and skin. Still didn't mean she didn't want to take it slower. There was thing she'd learned over her experience she wont forget - the hornier the guy is, the harder he fucks. The harder he fucks, the better it is overall. Simple. Still keeping her movement relatively slow, like a virgin would undressing for her first fucking, she undid his pants, pulling this boxers down to the base of his penis and slowly worked her hands towards it, massaging his thighs lightly, advancing towards his dick until she was giving him a gentle blow job. He was taking this faster then she'd originally intended, but at the sight of his porn-ready body, she was getting wet.
Dante's cock had now grown to his full length as Alexandra began to suck it. "Oh nice," he said and ran his hand through her dirty blonde hair. He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, showing off his well toned body. Even though he had been out of the porn industry for a while now, he still exercised almost every day, keeping him in great shape. "That feels good baby," he said as he watched his cock slowly disappearing into her mouth. He liked how she was getting into this, and was happy she was obliging, even in her nice car.
Alexandra had another objective in mind, working his cock for just a little while longer. Given another scene she could give more than what she liked to consider a demo. She came up again, lust lingering in her eyes. *Well damn,* She thought. *I may be the one begging for it before he does. That's not how it works.* "Mm, well if you like that, maybe I could give you a little more." She said, kissing down his chest and to the head of his cock before looking up at him. "But I can only do that if this," She twirled her hand in the air, referring to the fact they were in a car - her car - rather than his place or her dorm or somewhere besides here. "changes." She said, coming off her knees and kissed him gently. "So just tell me where you want to go." Another thing she had learned: Most men she'd been with like power. Unless they were virgins, of course. But he was far from a virgin, so he got his taste in power over her.
"Mmmm" he mumbled as she played with his member a bit more. She said that she wanted to go to a new place. He nodded. "I understand baby. Well, let's see... how would you feel about going to the staff parking lot? No one else should be around. Not only that, I always loved the public scenes a bit better. That is, if you think you are ready," he said with a wink to tease her, his cock still stiff and sticking up between his legs. It throbbed at the thought of her pussy, which he could only imagine as perfect.
Alexandra only gave him a devious smile. "Driving or walking?" It was more a question to see how daring he was - just to see how far she could go. Then again, she'd rather screw on the hood or trunk than the cement, considering if she was picturing this to go down the same way he was, she'd be on her back and he'd be thrusting hard, so she'd get a shit load of back-scratches from the rocky cement, which would be unattractive to the next man she fucked, slowing down her sex drive for a two or three weeks, which was almost equivalent to death.
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