The Academy of Sexual Education (Open)

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Joshua was enjoying his room very well. He was laying down in his bed, taking a long, rather peaceful power nap. The events of the last few days had been very trying the young man and had him beaten down. He dreamed and awoke a few hours later, stretching and changing out his clothes into new ones.
Alexandra, as the bell rang, picked up her bag and stalked out of the room rather quickly, but slow enough so she didn't run anyone else down. "Bar, study? Bar? Study?" She muttered to herself. "Nope. A drink is due." She smiled - settling with bar. She paced back to her room, closing the door this time and turned to music up loud as she scanned her suitcases for her favorite dress - a sky blue clubbing dress. When she found it she wiggled out of her unusual 'whore uniform' and into a more proper one.

Staring at herself in the body mirror on her door, Alexandra smiled a bit flirtatiously, then fluttered around the room, putting everything away.
Joshua exited his dorm room. He was planning on going to the store to pick a few things up and come back and enjoy the rest of the night to himself until he passed out. He walked for a little, listening to the noises of people but the music that was coming from of the rooms. It was loud and obnoxious, though he had no issue with music, when it was to loud he was greatly annoyed by it. He walk to the door and knocked on it.

"Hey! Minding turning it down?" He asked, knocking more.
Alexandra snorted, hearing a pounding on a door. Her door or someone else's? "I'd much rather listen to this than a million sex moans." She hissed, opened the door as she said it to see if it was her own or a neighbor's door. Her accent was much affected by her Russian decent and her hair was once more in a sloppy bun, illuminated by her dress. Her face was flattened from it's usual perky, smiling manner into a much rather annoyed fashion, but to be polite to whoever she had a possibility of facing, she relaxed, no emotion registering. College, in Alexandra's books, was made up of total parties, drinking, and sleeping with people you wont remember in the morning. *And now someone was complaining about loud music? Rather ironic.* She thought, laughing a little at the thought.
Joshua looked at Alexandra, he knew she was right about the music and sighed a little. "I just don't like loud music, I'm sorry." He said, standing his ground as he spoke. He could hear some kind of accent in her voice and knew it was of Eastern European.

(shitty posting, sorry)
Dante left his office and stretched. He walked outside to see what was going on. He didn't see many students out, assuming they were all off doing either "homework" or "extra assignments". Dante laughed, as he was really loving this school now. He walked to the nearest restaurant and ordered some food. He took it to and open table and began to chow down. He just finished and then opened up a book and began to read.
Alexandra leaned into the corridor of her door, bobbing her head as Harder Than You Know by Escape The Fate strummed from her room. "Are you stalking me now?" She asked playfully, but whipped around grabbing the remote swaying a little and turned it down before turning on her heels again. "But if it makes you feel any better, stud." She said, turning the music down a little more. Every guy here was officially labeled stud - a male sex addict was her definition for the label. She gave Joshua a once over, but cupped her mouth, her hazel eyes lighting up in embarrassment.
*I just looked at his balls!* She gossiped to herself in her head, realizing she'd kept her eyes on his pants for a split second longer than the rest of him. *Well, that would be the side effect of a Sex College.* She added, trying to calm herself down. This was going to be a very interesting year.
"Um..." Joshua was confused at first why Alexandra was cupping her mouth and looking embarrassed. Had he done something weird? However he suddenly realized why and blushed, looking down the hall as to avoid eye contact. He smiled a little, rubbing his neck in nervousness. He couldn't help but feel a little proud of the events that were transpiring but still stayed a deep red.

"Hey, its, its alright. I'll just be, um. Going now. Sorry for annoying you." He said, forgetting about his errand run and leaving for his dorm room which was only a few down from her.
Sandy was working his cock when she heard what he wanted. She moved so that her pussy was on his face . She then went back to work to working on his cock.

Lilly never moved but with one hand she went and started grabbing at Sandy's breasts where she could reach. she was also taking a finger or two and masturbating herself while sucking away at his balls.
Andrew was bored sitting around in his dorm. He hadn't had a good time in a couple nights so he got up and got dressed in a nice pair of jeans and a plaid button up. He put on his work boots and left his dorm. He knew just what to do. He went to the art department and into Mickey's classroom he looked around, class had been out for the day for a couple hours but she was gone. He thought about the last time he'd seen her, to good to miss so he texted her, Hey Mickey, It's Andrew I'm in your classroom and kinda bored. Could you come fix that. Maybe we could get that round two we didn't get last time? He smiled and awaited a response.
Mickey had watched the boy leave his dorm well pooh. she wanted some fun. She was on her way back to her dorm when she got the text. she was quick to respond . she text ed back "on my way now". she then made her way to her class room.
Alexandra whipped around, laughing hysterically and slid to the ground, head up. "Way to make a situation awkward." She muttered to herself, but pushed herself up and off of the door, applying a light layer of make-up to herself and slid into her heels, and walked out of her room, closing the door behind her. Slowly, she made her way down the hall, contemplating which bar she would go to tonight.
Tanner was making his way down the hallways and into his class, Social Studies. He remembered in his childhood life, he thought Social Studies was to learn how to be social, nope it isn't.
Dante walked down the hallway holding some papers and his coffee. It had been quite the day for him, him stressing out. It actually had also been a long time since had sex. Being in porn he got used to it all the time, but now, even at this college, he had gotten less. He felt the need for release, and was hoping it would come soon. He was not paying attention as he read through one of the papers he was holding.
As Tanner was walking he stopped and forgot his camera, he never leaves any room without it. He turned and ran, he bumpped in Dante but quickly regained his balance and ran right to his dorm room but not before hitting his head on his own door.
Alexandra, without quite deciding which bar, felt like being spontaneous. She adjusted her dress and fixed her bra, laughing at a thought. This is a better whore uniform. She flickered her eyes up for a moment, before staring at the ceiling, biting her lip, trying to remember the name of the drink her cousin had showed her before she left California. Seabreeze? "Yeah that's it." She muttered under me breath, eyes closed as she sung slightly under her breath. It wouldn't be a lie to say she was different from every other girl here.
Dante, after being bumped into, dropped his coffee without seeing who did it. "Noooooo," he said and bowed his head. He picked up his mug and looked around. "Ah shit," he said noticing some had gotten on his pants. He started to walk over towards the restroom, hoping no one would notice. "What a day," he said and washed his mug out in the drinking fountain. While he was doing that, some of his papers fell on to the ground without him noticing.
After Tanner got his camera from his room, he now has a noticable brusie and a bit of blood. He reached up and touched his forehead and winced. "dammit" he rushed towards the restroom, his hand covering his slight bleeding head. He went inside and rinsed the blood out, he didn't notice anyone there "dammit, I hate doors now"
Dante looked over. "Oh hey thanks," he said and walked over. "Its been a rough day," he said. "Heading to class? Or?" Dante asked trying to collect his thoughts. "I'm off to go teach in a few minutes and I couldn't have done it without these. Thanks again man," he said.
Tanner looked over and stopped, it was Dante, crap, oh crap "oh um, no prob. Uh, yeah. Oh hey sorry I bumpped into you earlier."
Dante laughed. "Don't worry about it. I understand if you had somewhere to be, or some girl to be with," he said. "I need to get on that too. I'm surprised I haven't been called by the administration for lack of sex. Listen, I need to get going to class. I don't want it to turn into a full orgy there.. yet," he said and laughed. "Catch you later. Good luck," he said and started to walk off, still sad about his coffee.
Tanner laughed awkwardly "haha, yeah...girl...well see you as well" he walked out of the restroom after Dante and towards his class.
Alexandra quickened her pace. She'd been deprived of a good drink and felt like screwing around tonight, but hey, what are the odds? She did in fact go to a sex-based college. It shouldn't be a shock. Her hands ran through her hair as she made her way to her Nissan Skyline, and immediately brought her to a smile. Alexandra, at one point in time, was a street racer, and this was her car. She let a happy sigh out, realizing she shouldn't have left racing. Not only was she a respected racer, but she could get laid every night, considering there was a ton of guys at the races because it was considered more of a man's sport. Illegal sport.
As Dante was walking, he noticed Alexandra staring at a car. He had seen this girl before once or twice, but didn't know her name. He knew she went to the school. "Hello there," he said to her and approached, smiling. He looked at the car. "Nice car. Yours?" he asked. "The name is Dante, I'm a professor at the Academy. I believe I have seen you around campus before, but I never said hello. In fact, you might have had a class with me before," he said.
Alexandra whipped her head around, giving him a once over before looking in his eyes. The had professional sex addicts...? oh, riight. Porn stars. "I'm Alexandra." She said softly, giving him a gentle smile. *Maybe I could get an A..* She thought deviously, a little smirk slightly forming on her face at the thought. *Stop that.* She scolded herself, looking back at her car. *But he is kind of cute,* She debated with herself. "Thanks," She added gently about his comment on the car.
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