the cursed one's love (rp w/ XxMoonlightRomancexX)

"Savage did something to you.." She said softly, looking into his eyes with sorrow. "From what he said you'll face some kind of decision soon, between life and death." Roxy explained, by the look in her eyes it was clear something else was bothering her but she seemed to be refusing to say what it was.
Roxanne moved away from him and went to sit on the couch, it was as if she was scared of what she might do to him. As she sat there she stared at the floor, looking about ready to cry.
As he watched you walk to the couch and saw your teary expression he walked over and kisses your cheek wordlessly.
Roxanne pulled away from him when she could feel his lips on her cheek, looking up at him with tear filled eyes. "'I'm sorry I did this to you... If I would have just turned you like he wanted..."
"No, it's not okay. How can you say that when for all we know you could have to choose between my life and yours?" Roxanne asked, tears beginning to run down her face as spoke.
He knows what savage meant now. "He..........he....wants me to kill my brother!" He says in hardly a whisper.
"Actually that spell you did it somehow banished him from MY part of the bloodline but not my brother's." He says calmly.
"Sort of he wants me to end his rein or have his rein go on forever till my brothers bloodline ends." He says trying not to burst out in anger.
His statement confused her even more this time. "What does he have against your brother?" She asked, hoping her question didn't cause him to snap at her.
"My brother is stronger than most people should so in tern he would be the perfect host against me." He says hiding his anger at savage.
"He is already hosting him he can only try to fight him..." He sounds grim.
"Correct no matter how much he tries he cant. Thanks to you." He says still sounding grim.
As she said this he leaned in kissing your cheek. "Okay...." He says wandering if he could come. He wanted to come fore some reason he felt more drawn to her than ever.
"You can come with, if you want." She said with a shrug as she headed for the stairs. Faith and Anderson followed her. "They'll follow us up but they'll sleep on the floor." She explained to him, her tone showing something was bothering her but she seemed afraid to tell Perice what was on her mind.
He makes a cat like leap landing on the railing then jumping onto the step in front of you. "Is something wrong?" He asks worriedly.
Roxanne watched as he moved from the railing hopping onto the step in front of her. She looked into his eyes for a moment before shaking her head. "Don't worry about it. It's nothing." She said, her eyes showing she was lying.
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