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Card Captors Sakura's first love.

"good now also know this to expose and capture the card you must do the sexual act that the card is about....take the Blow-Job card for exaple if it was a wild card and it took over some woman you would have to make the woman, or cast a spell on her, to make her give you a blow job and right after climax you seal the card, returning it to card form. do you get it?"
"oh she was a very old friend of Sakura in fact dont tell her this but Tomoyo Have a secret crush on Sakura and in fact helped her capture all the Clow cards by making her suits the would protect her from the powers of the Clow cards sometimes making Sakura look like a neko-girl.....she also taped each fight Sakura went thou." Cerberus said almost bostingly "but dont worry about her she left for America almost 5 years ago to go study there. i wonder when Sakura will wake up....i guess its a side affect of the new powers of the Clow."
"Yeah," Hikari said as she stood up. "Perhaps we should put her on the bed and let her sleep?"
"that would be best and then we can go looking for the Clow cards together Sakura will have to sit this first one out." he said nodding his head.
Hikari set Sakura on the bed and kissed her on the lips before she went out into the night with Cerberus.
"this way.." Cerberus said leading her to a local park were Sakura and Hikari meet.

a woman was on the swings playing a stuffed rabbit that was for a age way younger then she was she looked up at both Cerberus and Hikari. "well i see two fine looking things for my enjoyment how would you like to eat poor me out? or i could do it to you."

"that's got to be the 'eating-out card'.....remember what i said you have to do the acts to capture the card."
"the woman walked up to Hikari smiling her clothes somehow disappearing her puss was right in-front of her face. "go on little one, make me cum."

"ya well what ever....just capture the card..." he said floating a bit around them to get a better look at the action.
Hikari began with the woman's clit, circling it slowly with her tongue and then began to suck on it like a tiny dick.
she moaned even harder she started to move her hips against Hikari's face wanting even more. "ahh...keep almost there...."
the woman came hard and fast she fel to the ground unable to get up for a moment.

"now your chance! unlock the wand and capture the card! to capture it say "my sexual deed id done now return to loves first sight!' "
Hikari nodded and stood up repeating the chant. "My Sexual deed is done now return to loves first sight!" She struck the woman with her wand.
the engery left the woamn returning her clothes and bacame a card infront of the wand it the floated into Hikari's hand.

"wow you were right its the Cunnilingus card...your good at sex stuff arnt you...lucky girl..."
"cerbares turned around. "all humans are isnt a option for us Clow born we dont get to have sex seeing we are just animals and other things..." he said sadly "well im going home to Sakura when your done come to sakura's as well....its best if you live with us from now on." and he left her there.
"Oh! Okay..." Hikari said as she stayed around long enough for the woman to rouse before running off after Cereberus.
Sakura was awake by then watching some TV when both of them got back. she looked up from the couch when they stepped into the room."have fun out there?"

"not me....she did....we got a Clow Card!"

"realy which one?"
"Cunnilingus!" Hikari smiled as she held up the card with a picture of a woman licking another woman's puss.
Sakura became slightly aroused as she looked at the card. "wow so the cards have become sexual?" she was kinda weirded out by this but curios at the same time.

"ya that have...." he began to give the same speech to Sakura as he did to Hikari. after he was done it was late in the night. "well that's about it."

"hmmm i see well im going to bed night cerbares...Hikari come with me please...." she asked lightly she wanted to finish what they started earlier that day.
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