Siblings with Secrets (Ryuzen&Shani)

He smiled when she ate and continued to feed her until she was full. "There we go...and you ate it all too." He said with a smile. "Guess I'll return the plate later..." He told her then when she told him about her not wanting people to think of him as strange he just smiled. "Sis...Our home village thought of me as strange...I'm used to it if people think it..I only care about those who care about me...Like you and Emily and anyone who can accept me andyou no matter what happens." He said with a smile. He didn't care about being thought as a freak..He was called one once when he was home, and that person tried to knock him out, only causing Zen to kick his ass for insulting Ryu. "Well sis..I guess its Sleep time huh? After all I'm sure I did alot." He said with a slow yawn.
Katrina ate all that he fed her, after all she was hungry, but now had a full belly. Katrina streched, and listened to his reasoning about being called a freak. Yeah I know the village did, as they did to me, but I don't want you to be called strange based on your look Ryu. One day I hope we can be accepted, but the time hasn't come yet, so until then I will continue to hide what isn't normal to most to try to fit in."Katrina explained. "Yes it's time for sleep, we had a long busy day, people were healed, and houses were rebuilt. you nearly worked non-stop to day besides when it was time to go 'home' and to eat something." She stated then yawned curling up on her side of the bed, normally she was in Zen's arms but this time it was Ryu so it was kinda different. Her tail lightly hit the bed in contentment.
Ryu gave a pout when she said about hiding. "Fine sis...Then I'll just have my tail out when we're mating." He said so cute that he wasn't sure how she would reaction. After she curled up he layed down and went to sleep. Afternoon had arose and Zen was awake and had made her brunch..but sine she wouldn't wake he grined and made her naked, if she wasn't already, and started to eat her out slowly but deeply. And if she didn't wake he would just mate with her in her sleep. He wasn't sure why he wanted to ..maybe instint?
Katrina thought about what he said, about them 'mating' She didn't mean to mate with him, she found it a bit strange, him being her little brother and all, granted she was adopted, and that she was dating the spirit that lived in his body. At the same time she had no idea who she was mating with in the first place. "Ryuzen.." she said, "Goodnight." Katrina stated softly not wanting to hurt his feelings. She drifted off to sleep. Morning came and went and noon was here, Katrina was still fast asleep, not smelling the brunch that was made for her, nor did she feel when Zen removed her nighty. Katrina though asleep did feel him slowly and deeply eat her out. She sighed and moved slightly in her sleep, digging at her sheets with her hands. She figured she was having a good dream...until she woke up, seeing Zen between her legs. "Zen? What are you doing?" She asked half a sleep, yet turned on.
Zen continued to eat her out. "Well I'm getting you up...and taking care of my desire." He told her with a smile and kissed her neck. "And besides..I'm sure you don't mind me doing this too much." He said with a small grin and continued to eat her out this time abit slowly to not wake her too faster. "Mmm..besides nothing better than tasting sweet Katrina Juices in the afternoon." He siad with a chuckle.
Katrina sighed as he continued to eat her out. "What time is it?" She asked curiously. "Oh I see...while waking my sleeping desire?" she teased. Katrina smiled as he kissed her neck. "No not really, besides the fact I was fine until now." She stated, her heat hadn't bothered her until he started working her up. Katrina moaned softly as he now went slower, she felt rather relaxed. Kat rolled her eyes at his last comment, "If you say so." she replied with a smile.
Zen stoped only to answer her, but he rubbed her clit as he did so. "Its afternoon from what I can tell..which means this body is getting back to normal....And It doesn't hurt since i'm here, your here, and we're in a nice bed." He then started to continue to eat her out. "I don't just say so..I know so." He said with a chuckle and continued to eat her out. It took afew hours before he stoped and looekd at her. "Well are you ready for me yet?..I would've had you but I wanted you fully awake." He told her with a smile. He loved her so it was natural that he wanted to have her fully aware what he was doing with her.
Katrina whined softly as he rubbed her clit. "True very true, no one here to inturpt us." She replied. As he continued, she became wetter and wetter. "Yes...I'm awake now. So you can have me, not that you'll lose me." She smiled she was glad that she was aware to her surroundingsat least for the time being.
He smiled and got on top of her. Normally he would have her on her fours but he figured this time would be different and he held her. "Well then...Here I love." He said before he thrusted deep into her. Each thrust showed dominance but love as well, and in a perfect balance of speed and dept he knew she was enjoying it and they were gonna go for a long while. And if any woman tried to interupt them odds were he would just force them to watch.
Katrina smiled, and watched as he climbed on top of her. this was different, they only time they had sex like this was when he 'raped' her. Katrina nuzzled him lightly. Katrina meowed out as he deeply thrusted into her. She wrapped her arms around his neck lightly. Katrina couldn't believe that she had been living with the love of her life without realising it. She still couldn't figure out how they fell in love, it was so strange, a kiss, then sex, leading into an adventure of a lifetime. Katrina was enjoying every minute of it, Kat stretched her neck slightly up to his lips kissing him softly. 
He smiled and continued to to thrust deep into her lovingly. He thought about the first time he had her in this position then smiled and was glad things were better. He kissed her softly each thrust he gave, and wraped her arms around her without moving her too much then with a soft whisper he spoke into her ear. "Will you look at me this time?" He said with a smile, abit to refer to the first time and then he used that time to suck on her neck softly. When they're Eyes made contact he gave a warm smile and kissed her deeply. "I love you my beloved Katrina." He said after he broke the kiss gently.
Katrina moaned softly as he continued to thrust deeply and lovingly into her. Katrina saw his smile and smiled back at him, she could actually look at him this time. Katrina wasn't scared anymore, she loved Zen with all of her heart. As he wrapped his arms around her she had a better hold on him. "I won't look away, I promise." She whispered back, she sighed as he sucked on her neck. Katrina kissed him back as his lips met hers. Katrina stated to purr, "I love you too Zen." she stated happily smiling at him, kneading his back gently as they made love.
Zen continued this act of passion with her and smiled when she promised never to look away and when she said she loved him as well he continued to make love to her and kissed her passionately then moved to where she could ride him just as much as he thrusted into her. He started to rub her nipples and massage her breast gently and lovingly enjoying her soft breast and the feelings they were sharing to eachother.
Katrina both purred and moaned as Zen continued to make love to her. She kept her word besides closing her eyes due to pleasure she didn't look away from him. She met his kiss and kissed him back just as passionately. As he adjusted himself so she could ride him as he thrusted into her. Both of them moving together like the parts of a machine. Katrina was panting lightly as her purred. Her purring grew as he rubbed her breasts, loving the touch of his hands. Her tail swayed from side to side.
He continued but was nearing his limit; which surprised him but then again this was a slower and more loving moment so this body was probably not used to the change of pace. He continued anyway and felt her breast more, then started to suck on her right nipple.. It took nearly an hour before the limit was finally reached and he looked into her eyes, having his squent abit. "Well...Looks like I've reached my limit..But..If you're not there yet ..this time...mmnng...I'll endure." He told her as he started to rub her clit.
Katrina was so used to the other pace it being so much faster she would have already hit her limit, but this look longer but she enjoyed this it was passionate, and loving, unlike having sex or just going at it to mate. Katrina whined softly as he sucked upon her breast. She was getting close her walls started to squeeze at his member, She then felt him fill her with his seed, she didn't have her realse at the same time for once. But not long after he started plating with her clit with his dick still up inside, she came, then rested there a moment.
Zen had unleashed into her womb and when she came he held her close and pet her softly looking into her eyes and giving a warm smile. "You're an amazing woman..You know that?" He told her and kissed her softly. "And we probably need to move about so this room doesn't have the smell of sex staying init."He added after abit with a chuckle. Besides it was afternoone which meant that Ryuzen would wake in the morning and he would have the Evening like they did before. "We'll probably have to get you some armor....Thankfully I bet you the blacksmith could let me have a go at crafting something to suit your mobility." He said with a smile.
Katrina was panting softly, purring as he held her close and pet her. She was smiling at him."No, but if you say so it must be true.."She stated she had nevert thought of herself as amazing before, strange, and interesting yes, but not amazing. She kissed him back just as soft. "True..." she agreed it was kinda musty in there probably due to lack of windows and only having the door really. Kat nodded, "Yes armor, would help...I don't want to be broken again Zen... it hurt soo much." She stated she had never felt so much pain in her live until she broke most of her body. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind."
He held her when she mentioned about her hurting so much from the fight he held. "I promise when I find out how to make it to where Ryu and I are sepreate I'll make sure you're never hurt like that again." He told her with a serious tone...It hurt him a great deal to have been unable to help her that night and shockedh im at how much it affected Ryu. "Well lets get dressed so we can get some armor.." He told her with a kiss.
Katrina cuddled into him purring as he held her he felt so warm. "Zen don't worry about it I'm okay now, everything's okay. We'll find out how to seperate you two eventually." She stated softly, She knew he felt bad, about it but it wasn't his fault if the demon hadn't swung at her she would have been fine. "Okay love," she kissed him back then climbed out of his arms, and went to get dressed. She put on her bra and panties. then a red short sleeved form fit shirt, then a long black skirt hiding her tail for the most part still not used to leaving it out. She then put on a white body belt.
As she was getting dressed so was he; putting on black jeans, dark blue shirt with a black vest. When he was done he watched her get dressed. After she finished he had a smile, enjoying the sight of her infront of him more or less. "Well ready to go my love?" He asked as he offered her a hand.
Katrina smiled at him he looked dashing. "Yes dear I'm ready when you are." She stated then took hold of his hand. She didn't really want armor, since she wouldn't be able to move as well in it. But Katrina needed something to protect her just in case the evil man brought back another demon.
She looked as beautiful as ever and when she held his hand he lead her to the blacksmith who was working on armor. "Good day sir..We're here for some armor." He told the blacksmith. The man looked at the loving couple and smiled. "Well we got a good deal going for the two who helped us rebuild our city." He told Zen who looked to katrina with a smile. "Well then good sir would you kindly let me work on my love's armor? She's ..very flexible and I don't want it to feel any different." Zen asked the man. The Blasmith scanned Katrina, then started writing things down. "Here you go, you'll need to know these if your making armor for her." He said with a smile. Zen had a surprised looked on his face; what the man had wrote were all the measurements Zen needed inorder to make the armor. "Thank you.." Zen said and started crafting an armor. The way Zen was doing so was surprising to the blackmith for it was a very old way of doing so.
Katrina still had her soft smile on her face, she was happy and content. She smiled more so as he said that he had a good deal for them since thet helped heal and rebuild. Katrina looked at Zen as he looked at her, she purred softly. She laid her head gently on Zen's shoulder as they waited for the blacksmith's response. Katrina became a little freaked as the man scanned her, his eyes all over her then she looked at the paper see her measurments. Katrina sat on a stool and watched as Zen started to craft her armor it looked different compared to what she normally saw when a black smith did it.
Zen finished with the amor which was a breastplate that was tougher than steel but had chain mail going down to her legs, as though to be somewhat of full body, the chainmail was sowed into a cloth that not only breathed in heat but allowed movement. "There we go..Now.." He started as he etched in symbols and designs onto the breast plate part of the armor. The symbols faded into the steel but the designs stayed as though to add beauty to it. "There. Finished."He looked over to Katrina and showed her the armor. "What do you think?" He asked with a smile.
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