Siblings with Secrets (Ryuzen&Shani)

Ryu gave a smile that showed he had no full way to say the situation. "Um..Well its a long story, but when I get some time I promise to explain it all to you since your being cute." He said with a soft smile. "I'm good, and its ok I like listening." He told her and gave her a reassuring pet. When she gave him the pills he put them in his pocket. "Thank you very much." He told her before Krissy came in. "Its alright. I don't mind people being that way." He told her, then when she talked about the red ones he took them and put them into his pokects as well but woundered why she would want him to have them, blushing at her wink. "T-thank you...Well how have you been?" He asked. He did remember to his sister something to eat but he felt like he would be rude if he just took the pills and left.
Nathalie listened, nodding her head to his response, She blushed when he said she was being cute. She purred as he pet her, before she walked offf to do what Krissy said to. "You're welcome, I've been good thanks,just working, I'm better with medicatio, Nat reads it and I create it, Izzy's knocked out, she can be lazy at times. Not loike theres much going on at the moment. How have you been?" She asked curiously.
Ryu smiled and replied with "I've been good thank you very much." He then thought for a moment. "Well since I did say hello to you and Nat it should only be fair I do the same to Izzy."He said and gave a small bow, showing he didn't want to be rude as he walked over to the Inu. As she appeared to be sleeping he pet her softly. Then when she showed no signs of waking he gently rubed her pussy and massaged her breast, hoping to wake her so he could say hi to her.
It being late Izzy was passed out and the other two still wide awake trying to restock supplies. Krissy nodded her head going back to what she was doing before as he went to see Izzy. Izzy twisted as she felt her pussy and breast being rubbed, she sighed and whined slightly as she woke up. Wondering who was playing with her thinkinjg it was Nat at first. Realizing who it was She jumped up and wrapped her arms around him. "Hey how are you?" she asked happily her tail wagging.
Ryu smiled greatly when she jumped up and wraped her arms around him. "I'm good..How are you lazy puppy?" He said with a chuckle and gave her a pet. Her tail wagging was cute, but it made it hard to keep focus on her face when he felt her breast on him. "Now why are you making the other two do work alone?" He asked with a somewhat tone that showed he was mostly being silly with her.
She smiled at him seeing his smile. "I'm good, "She stated followed by a yawn.She tilted her head at his question her tail still wagging away, as he pet her, she was happy to see him again. Isabella being a dog was more energenic, and playful then a cat and not as sexy as a fox. Nat like to sleep in the warm sun, as did Krissy, both were more night owls while she liked to play and run and be up during the sunny day, and sleep at night. Izzy was also youngest of the three. "I was tired, plus Krissy says I get in the wayy sometimes so when she's messing with meds I leave her be and Nat normally helps her." Izzy stated cutely, she knew he was being silly with her.
Ryu chuckled abit and kissed her forehead. "True but what if they needed your help while your asleep..As a nurse you have to be ready." he told her then came up with a small idea. "Well if your up and about now I would like you to either help me see if i can get my sister lunch around here or in town..Or I tease you and you have to help your fellow nurses with anything they need." He said having this 'Either way I win by having you help me.' look on his face. While she would think he started to massage her breast abit, gently and slowly dry thrusting. "Well what do you deside Izzy?"He asked her with a smile.
"If they needed me they'd wake me up." She stated. Izzy thought about it, "Sure I'd love to help you find something for your sister to eat, though the other part sounds good too." she stated smiling noticing his look either way he wins. She whined still being in heat he was starting to turn her on by rubbing her tit and dry thrusting. "If I help you with your sister...will you reward me?" she asked all well for bargining
Ryu smiled when she said she would help him and he stoped. "Yes..I promise I will reward you..So.."He said as he found a way to get up. "Will you show me where I can get her something to eat..Then when we get it you can tell me what you want for a reward." He told her then wispered into her ear so only she would ear it. Granted Nat and Krissy where of great hearing but he wanted to only reward her this time. "I'll even cum in your pussy after a good mating." He said with a blush and rubed her pussy hoping to help persuade more to help. he knew she would help anyway but he liked hearing the whines she was giving. So he wispered once more. "Your whines are so sexy and cute..its hard not to tease you just to hear them." He said with a greater blush.
"Yeah come's late so the towns asleep, and the shops are probably closed but we have a kitchen downstairs a bit." She stated then listened as he whispered into her ear. just as he was whispering Nat dropped something getting Krissy's attenton she walked over to help her. Izzy blushed brightly and her ears moved slightly when he said he'd cum inside her this time. Izzy whined softly as he started to rub her pussy again. "Well let's go get your Sissy some food so you can hear more more of my whines." She teased and blushed brightly starting to move away from him going to the door.
He smiled then walked to the door, when she was close enough he held her hand since he was still a gentlemen after all. "Alright then, would you please lead the way." He said as he tired hard not to tease her more.
Izzy held his hand as he took hers, "Yeah come on this way." she said leading him down stairs into the kitchen. "Here we are, there should be left overs in the frigde."
He smiled as she lead him to the kitchen, and when she pointed to the fridge he looked and found her favorite food in the left overs. 'Perfect! I can warm these up when I get back. He then looked to Izzy and smiled. "Well A promise a promise...So where and how would you like to be rewared?" He asked and and brought her close, noticing that because it was late noone was around making it easier for him to tease her. So he grabed her breast abit firmly but softly, showing he was ready, willing and wanting to be her alpha again.
Izzy watched as he pulled out left overs for his sister. "Well there are many rooms or we can stay here or go someplace else... she stated unsure of where would be best to go. "I think you already know how," she blushed cutely wanting a treat. Her tail wagged as he brought her close to him. She wined as he grabbed at her breast.
"This is your reward." He started as he rubbed her pussy, then slowly fingered her. "So you have to tell me where and how to give it to you....I don't mind going to a room..or here...or somewhere you feel more natural for it....I know the position but I want to hear it from you." He said and gently kissed her neck. He felt like he was also in heat with all this teasing and mentally chuckled about it but continued to focus on Izzy.
Izzy whiened then gasped feeling his finger inside her, "Um lets move into a room, so we don't get caught." She stated Izzy shifted from side to side a bit. 'Doggy style," she whispered playfully she strated to try to move toward the door but it was difficult with his figer in her.
He smiled and lead her to a nearby room, luckly it was empty and had carpet so when she was inside he gently striped her and teased her more. "Well since you want it doggy..does that mean I shall be your alpha again? I'll try my best to dominate you like I did before.." He said with a blush and then spoke. "A..and I will want to try to talk dirty abit more...f-for practice." He said. He wanted to learn everything he could for the future and it kinda felt good to talk abit dirty, especially when the women seem to enjoy it too.
She followed along as they went into a room. Once the door was closed, he removed her clothes, she whined as he teased her. "Yes we could do mercinary if you wanna, either way is fine...okay" she stated she liked eith position. "That's fine I don't mind." she stated she like when a man talked dirty to her.
He blushed abit and nodded. Ryu put the cute and sexy Inu onto her fours, then he went behind her, prodding her ass then her pussy. "well..if you want it you're gonna have to tell me which hole to give it to you...and your have to beg." He said blushing. He was going to be dominant with her. He wasn't sure why he fully wanted to; apart of him liked it and another part saw it as a Natural Instict to do so. And while he was waiting he started to stroke her tail and lick her neck.
Izzy went down on her fours when he put her like that, she whined as he prodded both of her holes. She listened as he told her he would start after she told him the hole and after she begged, she was a dog begging was her thing. "In my pussy please...pwease take my pussy..." she whined like a dog begging for table scraps. "Pwease I want you to take me pweasse" she said cutely, getting more turned on as he licked her neck and stroked her tail.
Ryu blushed, 'man she's so cute' he thought as he prodded her pussy. Then he thrusted into her pussy hard and rough;showing full dominance to her, and making sure she knew he was her alpha and she was his bitch for now. "mmm...So tight...I really am glad I'm doing htis with you." He said then thrusting faster. As he thrusted wilder he suddenly had a Dragonic Tail that swayed and wraped around hers every now and then.."Mm..D-don't forget to be greatful for your reward you sexy bitch." He said blushing, and giving her a spank.
She whined as he prodded her pussy, she was starting to get antsy with all the teasing he had done before hand. Izzy barked as he thrusted hard into her not expecting it to be that forcefully at first. SHe was indeed his bitch at the moment, he seemed like he had become more skilled at having sex since the last time. "You' ..big..." she whined as he continued to ram her pussy. Izzy was confused his hands were on her body so what was grabbing at her tail. Her tail wasn't as flexable as the others The kitsune and the neko the two had similar bone structures, Izzy's was different she could wag it from sisde to side, ans move it up or down that was about it. She looked under her surprised to see another tail swaying and grabing hers. 'Since when did he get a tail?' she wondered not seeing it the last time. "I'm extremely grateful sir, for my treat." She stated she yelped as he spanked her ass. She'd tell him about the tail afterward.
He smiled and continued dominationg the cute Inu, slowly rubbing her nipples wich each thrust he did. "Mm..good.." Was all he could say for that moment as he started to go wild and more like an animal, every now and hten he stired her pussy by moving his hips in a circle then thrusting more into her, gently pinching her nipples. "Mm..So..whose..Bitch..are you?" He said with a blush and started to pound into her pussy as he enjoyed it. "Who do you enjoy fucking you like the horny bitch you are?" He asked as he gave her a spank. His stamina was suprisingly strong this time.
Izzy moaned as he fucked her, whining as he rubbed her nipples. Izzy's breathing increased as her heart was pounding nearly as hard as he was. She whined as he stired her pussy she loved it. "Yours...I'm your...Bitch..." She replied as he continued to pound into her womanhood. "You...I love...being...fucked like a horny you." she whined enjoying every second of this. He was so strong and domineering she loved it. She was starting to get close.
Ryu continued, he gently bit into her neck, not drawing blood or anything since his mouth was human but he thrusted into her like a wild animal. "Mmm..Good..then don't cum until you ask your alpha." He told her in a commanding growl, trying abit as he never done that before. He was loving how she was enjoying this and thankful he wasn't over doing it or harming her. "Tell me how you like my cock filling your bitch pussy and how good it makes you feel being my bitch." He somewhat commanded acting as any dominant alpha would.
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