Siblings with Secrets (Ryuzen&Shani)

He smiled and held her close. "Well we seem to have plenty of time..why don't we go around town and see if we can help people in any way they may need it." He said with a smile. "And if we see an ally we could go into it so i will tease you." He said with a chuckle, wanting to tease her. Her being in heat would be fun but he wanted to make sure her mind wasn't on it too much.
"Okay Zen let's go try and help them. So much blood was spilt, lives lost, homes destroyed, it's the least we can do." Katrina stated feeling bad for the people. Katrina smiled at the thought of him teasing her. She was trying not to think about it but Zen continued to bring it up. She giggled in response. Katrina hoped that the humans wouldn't stare or be cruel to her while not hiding under her layers going out as herself.
He held her hands and walked to the exit, making them in sight of the he walked the people looked at him with abit of caution but with graditude mostly. As with Katrina they looked with amazed, giving a look that showed they thought she was pretty, beautiful and cute, but not fully in that order. Zen held her hand and had his tail out, wrapping it around hers. "So where should we go first?" He asked her, seeing how so many people needed help, buildings down, stores were amess and people were injured.
Katrina had forgotten they had been underground, it was very light out. Katrina walked out of her safety to go with him to the human village to try and help them. Katrina saw as people stared at them as they walked into the town, with both caution and with gradituted. She saw them switch from him to her feeling like she was getting checked out. Her hand was holding tight to his, while watching this Katrina thought. "Probably start with the injuryed people..."
He smiled and lead her to the hostpital where there were many people injured. Some had great wounds, others were having broken bones, and only a small few were close to death. Doctors and nurses were doing what they could with the major but their knowledge wasn't enough to help those who had lost limbs, have huge cuts and stab wounds. Zen looked over all this and even saw that some kids were greatly injured as well..thankfully none seemed to have been injured from the battle but rather from building peaces. Some of the doctors and nurses were looking at Zen and Katrina, but only to see if they were hurt, and whne they saw no injuries they went back to attend to the patients. Zen looked around showing signs that he had felt bad for everyone here...Suddenly he had a huge amount of pain in his head but he put his hand onto his forehead as though it was a headache. He could see in his mind seals, symbols and ways to help everyone. When the pain stoped he immidiately went to a man who had his arm cut off when he put up a fight to protect his wife, who was standing next to him worried for what was to come. When they both saw Zen next to them they showed fear for abit, until he said "Be not afraid...I'm here to help." The wife didn't trust him cause of his tail but the man didn't care at this rate of pain from his missing arm. Zen started making a seal on a circled disk of metal he found nearby which they were gonna use to stop the man's bleeding. No one except for Zen knew that the symbol in the middle of the seal was a dragon word for 'regenerate'. So when he started to heat it up and use it on the sliced area of the arm everyone who saw paniced for abit. Then suddenly the burnt muscle and skin showed the seal. They waited for a moment and the seal glew. Then the arm started to grow back; It was painful but it took only afew minutes for the man's arm to be good as new. The man and wifed thanked him and the doctors asked him to do the same with others who have lost their arms that night.
Katrina went along to the hospital with him, still watching the stares people gave to them. It was extremely depressing to see so many injured people it was worse than seeing the dead, they were in pain and saddened from the loss of neighbours and loved ones. Katrina's ears went to the sides, and her tail fell down, unwrapping from Zen's. Katrina saw Zen and he looked pained. "Zen what's a matter?" she asked softly and curiously he was just fine. Katrina watched as Zen healed them fixing arms and other wounds.  Katrina moved away and went to see the hurt children. She sat by a little girl petting the Child's soft hair. The little girl began to wake up, she looked at Katrina and smiled, 'Kitty.' Katrina smiled back at her, 'Kitty where's my Mommy? And my Daddy ?' asked the young one sweetly. Katrina swallowed, "I don't know baby. I'm sure they'll be here soon if they're not already here." Katrina spoke softly and kindly to the girl. The little girl raised her hands wanting to be held. Katrina instinctively picked the child up and cradled her in her arms others that were awake and saw who weren't too injured, started to get up wanting to be around the cat person. When Katrina saw she moved with the girl to were some of the children couldn't get up so they were included. One found a book and brought it to her, while others began to pet her hair and tail, making her purr, then stopped to see the book. "You all want to hear a story?" she asked and the kids confirmed, another child climbed into her lap. "Alright. Once upon a time in a far away kingdom a baby was born a beautiful princess was born her name was Aurora, everyone came to see her kings and queens and their children bringing gifts. Three good fairies Flora Fauna and  Marywether, show up to give the babe  a gift.  They wore three different colors flora was pink , fauna was green and Mary was blue. One gives the gift of beauty, another thoughtfulness, and before the third fairy could give her gift an evil witch who wasn't invited crashed the ceremony she was upset and angry not to be invited she gave the child A gift but hers was bad on the princesses 16th birthday she would prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die, the witch left the king and queen begged the fairies to do something. But it was hard for the evil witches magic was too strong. The blue fairy changed part of the curse so instead of dying she would sleep. The baby was given to them for safe keeping....." she told the story and continued on changing the part about the dragon that the witch turns into. 
Zen was working on the limb-losses but every now and then he looked over to her and smiled. Thankfully there were only afew who were greatly injured then he started helping healing the people and some of the kids. "Alright..thats the last of them." He said after while in which everyone who had been injured were healed and some kids here happy to see their mothers and fathers, others couldn't find theirs and were adopted by those who didn't have a chid to begin with. Zen went to Katrina and pulled her gently into a hug and smiled. "You did a good job with the kids...." He said in a wisper tone, gently petting her in a 'good job' mannor.
Katrina saw happy, worried, scared and joyful faces as she read the tale of Sleeping Beauty. The two in her lap snuggled in close to her while the others crowded around. All well behaved children. "...And they lived happily ever after. the end." I kids smiled and cheered. Hugging Katrina petting her. Katrina was happy she liked children, plus she helped care for Ryuzen when he was little. The kids continued to cuddle, and pet her, until now well parents or those who came to visit saw happy, healthy, playful, children. 'Bye bye Kitty thank you.' one said waving as they went. 'yeah bye bye.' ' good bye' ' thanks for the story.' various others said as they left. "Good bye kiddies." Katrina said kinda sad that she had to give them all back to parents or family. Katrina smiled and stood up as as Zen came over, wrapping her arms around  him as he hugged her. "Thank you, I love I helped raised you and Ryu." she replied. Purring softly as he pet her. Her tail swayed slightly. 
A nurse came over seeing the two, "Excuse me...I wanted to thank you both for helping out around here healing and making the children happy, such a tragic disaster that happened yester night. A lot more people could have died, again I thank you." She stated with a soft smile. 
Zen smiled when she mentioned about loving kids and the fact that she raised him and ryu was abit funny considering how it all played out. When the nurse talked to them he looked to her and gave a small bow. "Well we couldn't just watch so many people suffer at the hands of someone else...but you are welcome. It was..intresting to help everyone." He said looking to katrina with a smile. He then looked to the nurse. "Well we'll be going now unless you need any more help." He asked with kindness and consern with his voice.
Granted Zen was hundreds of years old he was in Ryu's body, so she cared for both of them. Plus in that body he was a meer 18, younger than her. Katrina looked at him when he spoke to the nurse and it was interesting to help them all. "You can say that again." Katrina said softly smiling. The nurse smiled and nodded, "We still thank you, on behave of the hospital and the lives saved. No we have no more patients, I just wanted to thank you." she stated turning and walking away. "You ready to Zen?" Katrina asked. 
Zen smiled "Yeah...Lets go see if we can help rebuild afew things in town." He said and held her hand walking her to where most of the damage was. Before they went there however he quickly pulled her to an alley and smiled. "I did say I would tease you abit." He said with a grin and gently nibbled on her ear in a way that would tease her, his right hand held hers and his left stroke her tail. He did this for afew moments but wouldn't be enough to greatly flare up the heat. He stoped and licked her lips. "If we do really good I may tease you more...or if you want just have you right here and now in this alley..after we help..or before..all of it is your choice since I get to have you either way." He added, oviously being playful with her.
"Okay." She said smiling walking hand and hand with him. Katrina became confused when she was suddenly pulled into the alley. She had forgot he said he was going to tease her. She smiled as he started to nibble on her ear, and stroked her tail. She purred softly as he teased her playing with her, but not enough to set her off, fully. Katrina thought for a moment, "I may be useless if you get me going now...and if we do anything here now I maybe useless afterwards...Hm Best things come to those who wait. Plus after helping would be more rewarding, besides a simple thank you...true either way you seem to win." She giggled knowing he was playing she decided to wait. 
Zen was glad to wait and held her hand to lead her to the shopping distract. This area mostly had rubble in the roads, building that were from minor scraps to so destroied they didn't bother repairing. Zen had nothing to help when it came to building things magic wise but he took off his shirt and started helping those who need strength to lift up a part of a roof with a pulley system. Those who couldn't lift much were either helping those who could cook or cleaning up the stores that had their items scared all over the place. In the group of cooking Zen and Katrina could see the Inn Keeper and his wife cooking a stew. Knights from the older were helping in construction as well.
Katrina held his hand walking with him, this place was a disaster. It was fine just the other night, and now buildings were missing, and places destroyed. Katrina couldn't build anything besides a tent but wood work wasn't her thing. She looked around to see what she could help with. Katrina saw the inn Keeper and his wife cooking she figured she would help them since she was a good cook. Plus they let them stay at the inn so it was the least she could do. 
Zen continued to help build. The day was long and abit hard for the rest, but for Zen this was not all bad. He saw it as training for the body since it was still Ryu's. The day had started to set and everyone had finished for the most part; There were afew needing patch ups but the weather was fine for awhile. Zen wiped the sweat from his brows and everyone told one another that they did a good job. It was amazing to Zen how people can act after nearly having a town destroied but he smiled for it. He walked over to Katrina, not having any food during the time even when everyone else did. So when he was close to both her and food his stomach gave a growl to where everyone could hear it.
Katrina helped keep everyone feed through the day, she was working by keeping everyone fed so they could continue work. Every now and again she would lance at Zen she couldn't help it she was in heat and his shirt was off, and he was handsome. Zen hadn't cone to her all day, figuring he went to someone else for food so he wouldn't get distracted. Katrina smiled as he walked over to her then heard his stomach and by the looks of it so did everyone else. "You didn't eat today..did you?" She asked a bit harsh but concerned, he shouldn't do things like that she fixed him a bowl of stew. 
He lowered his head slightly when she had the harsh tone then looked at her. "Well I wanted to keep myself from doing something to you..and wanted to make sure it was easier for everyone else." He said with a smile. Then when she was done making his bowl he ate it slowly and started to have his tail wag abit. "Mm..As good as always Katrina." He said once he was done, in which afterwards he cleaned up the bowls to help out abit more.
Katrina felt bad for speaking harshly she couldn't help being moody plus she cared too much. Katrina laid her hand on his cheek caressing it gently. "That's no excuse you could have gone to someone else for food. And you're only one person since the other is asleep you can't do everything Zen." She spoke softly her ears dipped to the sides. Once he took the bowl she dished a few more for others in line. When her lime was gone she made herself a bowl sitting down to eat. Hearing his complement her ears picked up. "Thank you. Glad you like it." she said before finishing her meal. Once done she brought it over to be cleaned. Then started to help clean the dishes as others finished. 
Once everyone headed home Zen looked at her with a smile. "Well, we did what we could here..Is there anything you want to do?" He asked her, holding her close and pets her. "Cause if not then I want to claim my reward before this body goes back to your brother." He added as he gently fiddled with her tail.
Katrina said good bye to all she had worked with and some that she helped feed. "Yes we've done all that we could do here. It's getting late. No I'm done for the rest of the day," She stated cuddling into him purring as he pet her. "As do I, though he offered to help me earlier. So in this case either way I win. " She joked playfully she was a one person cat for the most part unless it was that back she wouldn't give in. "Where should we go? I don't think we have time to make it back to the order. While having play time before you switch...Back to the alley?"
He chuckled abit then replied "True, but if I have you then he give you pleasure then we all win." He said then kissed her lips. "Well then if you really want to lets go to an alley." He told her as he held her hand and lead her to a nearby alley that had noone around, his tail moves about freely as he started to lower his pants and kept his shirt off. When she was close he started stripping her slowly teasing her by nibbling her ears as he made her pants and panties drop and rubbed her pussy rapidly wanting her to beg for it.
"True but whose to say by the time we get back we won't pass out...we've had a long day, plus your teasing earlier gas me excited." She stated, it's not just wanting to it was needing to, if she wanted she'd be able to wait but she needed it. Katrina untied her dress, she doesn't wear pants, being a female, girls don't wear pants and pants hurt her making her uncomfortable. Katrina purred as he nippled her ear and began to whine as he vigiriously rubbed her pussy. She squirmed a bit, her tail waging about. "Oh mmm Zen stop teasing...pwease give it to me... Let me have it....pwease...I needs it. " Katrina begged, for him as her heat was rising.
Zen continued til she begged then he put her to where she was on her fours. The alley was surprisingly clean he prodded her pussy with his cock once he was pin position. "Well since you've asked me so cutely I might as well."He said with a grin and thrusted into her pussy deep and somewhat wild. Wanting to be like animals he thrusted into her with dominance. "Mmm...Yes...thats it my pretty kitty, take my dick." He said and thrusted more rubbing her nipples.
Once she was in position she moved her tail out of the way. Katrina whined as he prodded her opening her nails dug into the ground and she was already panting from him teasing. Katrina wailed like a cat in heat, as he thrusted into her deeply and wild. Katrina loved him dominating her it was wild and deep and animalistic. Katrina cried out again taking his cock like a good pussy. "ooh mmmmm." her breathing increased
He continued to dominate his lovely neko. Thrusting into her wildly and enjoying her moans, his growls of dominance mixing into it as well. He played with her breast abit rough but to where it didn't hurt. "mmm my sweet katrina." He added before thrusting more into her. "You love it when i fuck you like this don't you?" He said then looked abit outward into the ally and saw that afew cats were watching and mating as well. He chuckled abit tohimself thinking that they had attracted an audience that were in heat just as much as she was but he continued to focus on the only pussy that mattered.
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