Siblings with Secrets (Ryuzen&Shani)

He blinked afew times but smiled. "Of course I do sis...Doesn't everyone?" He asked as he rolled abit to where his back was on the mattress and his eyes looked to the celing. "I have good dreams, i get strange dreams...then bad dreams...and some dreams are mostly me talking to this man who seems to give a feeling like I know him but yet i couldn't see him." He said unknowningly telling her that on days where the moments were beyond the capabilities of switching, Zen would talk with him about things.
"I know....yes most do but they don't tend to remember." she stated it was true all people dream but most can't remember them. "What do you dream about? Besides the man you can't see? " She asked with wonderment her head tilted to the side slightly and her tail gently hit the bed.
"Well.....One night I dreamt we found a place both of us felt safe and could live there forever...Then this one time..before I got you the picture..I dreamt i was with someone.....looking on it now it seemed abit like emily....but she was older..and had a calmness that i feel when im around you...she was holding a child...and seemed to had another one in her....there were kids playing...some were like you sis, but they were boys and girls...and one was human.....then there were afew kids witht hem too..not alot but some with wings ive never seen before....and you were holding a baby too...and next to you was a man i've never seen before...But he gave a feeling that I approved of him and that he was the father of the winged had this beautiful smile about you..." He said then blushed remembering the look on his sisters face in his dream.. "I..don't want to say the bad ones sis....they might worry you.......and there are....some i don't wanna say." He said having a bright blush on him, for those were the dreams of somewhat perversion but had passion and love to them.
Katrina smiled listening to his dreams. "I hope such a place exists, a safe accepting place. The picture of the Neko family? The one in my bag? Do you feel a calmness about Emily, or a similar one to the one you feel with me?" She asked him curiously. 'so Emily is going to be a mommy...?' She thought according to Sonya his dreams told the future. "You dreamed I was with someone and you actually approved of him?" she joked slightly. 'I'm gonna be a mommy too?!?!!!!' she thought her tail moved from side to side happily. "What kind of smile? A happy one or a glowing one?" She asked with a smile seeing him blush. "Ryuzen...please tell the bad ones too, I won't worry...I's only a dream, right. Some you don't wanna say? Okay you don't have to tell me those ones if you dint want too." 
Ryuzen looked at her when she made her comments. "I feel there is one sis, we just gotta look for it...The neko family picture was after my was why i wanted to get you it so much. To remind me that a good dream could come true." He said, and when she asked about the calmness he thought for amoment. "I'm not sure...She doesn't give it off right away but I feel that its starting to grow within her...But the calmness I feel with you is very..special to me." He laughed abit when she joked about the approving of a man. "Yeah yeah, you may laugh but the guy...he gave off the feeling that i've known him all my life..It was strange.....As for your smile...It was both...Happy and glowing.." He wasn't sure what the Glowing meant but it sounded nice. He then looked serious abit. "Well..there was this othre man..who wasn't like the one i've normally seen...He was evil, and he had hurt people I knew...and people I don't know..then he stabed me......I felt pain but when I looked at the man he showed joy of a mad man..and..then...the other man stoped him from hurting you and Emily...but then everything went in flames...I..can't remember all the details..But there were some others like that...having bad people and scary demons...sometimes though the man would save the day but ...Others seem to have me wake before the ending could show.." He said then blushed when she said about hte ones he didn't have to say. "I-its not that i don't want to...its just...I don't want you to hate me for them...or think im a pervert..." He said blushing. He loved his sister and didn't want her to hate him or think ill of him.. I'll say them..but please..don't think differently of me?" He asked.
"I hope we find it soon, that would be nice. I'm sure many good dreams come true." she stated, she was someone who hardly remembers her dreams. "Maybe it's because we've been together forever. So that's why your so calm, with me. And yes I laugh for though you don't recall any potential boyfriend walked in and ran out the door. Hehe" she chuckled a bit. Her face quickly became serious, "Ryuzen...when you have bad dreams I want you to tell me in detail okay?" She stated then thought as he spoke about the others. "I could never hate you Ryu. I promise I won't think differently of you for them."
He gave a smile when she hoped for the good dreams to come true, and when she told him to tell her about any bad dreams he gave a nod. "I promise I'll tell you the next time I have one." He said with a serious look. When she made her promise he gave off a blushed. "Well....Before we met emily I had these dreams....where we were in a were acting like a cute cat..but you were moaning out, and you had this look of pain about you...It worried me...then you looked at me with your beautiful eyes and asked me to help you....I didn't know what you meant..until you.." He then blushed abit brighter. "W-well when you presented yourself to me." He said then scooted back incase she was to slap him for even mentioning such a thing. "I-i know were siblings but I couldn't stand to see you like were crying for release.....So...w-we made love.....It wasn't like we were doing it just to help you...though I felt glad i was making you feel looked at me..with this loving and passionate eyes.." He said then got redder in his face. "Then when we met emily things got abit...different." he added unsure what his sister wuld say or do to him.
Katrina smiled and listened to Ryuzen happy that he promised to tell her about the bad dreams. "You had them more than once?" she asked curiously then continued to listen as she did her ears went to the sides and she blushed. "You think my eyes are beautiful?" She blushed even more when he said she presented herself to him and made love. As he told the story her heat started to act up plus had reawaken, she moved some to try and make herself comfortable. At one point she winced. "I need to have a serious talk, that I didn't think I'd have to give you..." She stated trying to think of a way to say what she needed to. Katrina sighed softly and sat up. "Okay Ryuzen, please don't be mad or hurt or upset...promise?" She asked not really waiting to long for the answer. "Ryuzen No matter what I'm always going to be there, I'm always going to be your sister. But I regret to tell you...I am not your sister...I was adopted when I was five mom and dad found me taking shelter from a bad rainstorm, I was separated from my family, covered in mud scared and alone mom and Dad walked by with a bundle in one of their arms that was you." Katrina paused a minute. "Also Granted I did play around with magic when I was younger my ears and tail are real, I was born this way born as a Neko. I know what you described to me in your 'other' dream, that is when and animal/half humanoid animal goes into heat, basically saying they are most fertile then, and it's an annoying fact of life, it's like if you get urges down there you need to act upon them it makes females really 'playful' and men lustful around that time and it can become painful lasting from a week to two every couple months..." she explained what she felt most necessary to tell him though her face is bright red, making her warmer and her heat feeling worse. She scooted away afraid he'd be mad or upset for never telling him these things. 
When she sat up so did he, since this was going to be a serious converstation. He listened to her and the moment she said she wasn't his sister and that she was adopted his heart pounded abit. When she told him she was a real neko he blushed abit. He listened as she explained the situation of going into heat would be for a half human and animal. He saw her face get bright red and before she could scoot completely away he huged her close and abit tight, showing love and care like his hugs normally would. "..I see....It makes sence..why I felt certain things..why Mom and Dad's hair color never added to yours..but...I'm not mad...nor am I hurt...Infact I'm kinda glad." he said and looked at her with a smile. "It tells me my dreams arn't bad or strange...But..You'll always be my sister in my heart and mind...So ...if you'll let me...I want to keep calling you sis." He said with a light blush....."When I first..had the dream of you..being in heat." He started, indicating there were more than one time dreams. "I had another one...involving the man..and asked him if it was weird.....he gave this feeling of calm warmth and told me 'no...Its normal and natural child. You can give her the pleasure if your doing it for the sake of love...' ..Then he added 'But I do plan to be her first, you can be sure of that.' right before the dream ended...." He said to her holding her in his arms. "I'm thankful you told me the truth though.....Cause I still love you as my sister..." He said softly, gently petting her so she knew he was ok about all this.
Though she loved her brothers hugs she squirmed slightly, being in heat tends to give certain moments of irritation. She was hot granted their underground wearing  her black night and her panties. "Yeah I didn't hurt you knowing I was your sister, which I'll always be just not by blood. Of coarse you can call me sis." when he said he was glad she tiled her head. She listened to one of his other dreams this one with Zen in it. Her ears went to the side for it did happen he was her first as she had been their first. Katrina then cuddled in his arms. She began to purr as he pet her, she felt better no longer hiding secrets. 
He smiled when she cuddled and purred, knowning she felt better having no secrets. He then thought for a moment though noticing her slight squirming and irritations. "Sis....There is something I notice so I must ask." He said and before she could answer he asked with a blush on his face. "Are you...In heat right now?...I noticed you were irritated when we got to the town..and you wiggled abit which you don't normally do in hugs." He said. It was an amazement that he was able to notice and remember these things, but then again if it was something involving her he would take care in remembering things.
Katrina Calmed her squirming now that she was cuddling. Her ear twitched slightly, "Hm?" she sat up some pulling away a bit. When he asked her his question her ears went to the side and a bright blush appeared on her face. She turned her face away trying to hide it. "...Y..yes...I am.." she whispered meekly, not wanting to admit to it, due to a force of nature that happens every month or so making her uncomfortable. 
He blushed when she said she was but gave a sigh of relief. "I'm glad its just that then...You had emily worried about you and me conserned as well....H-how bad is it for you right now?" He said with a consern look on his face...He did enjoy the dreams of him and his sister but didn't like the fact she had to alwasy be in a state where she needed it so much it hurt her. "If there is anything I can do to help you..You know i'll do it sis...even if it means to give you love in that way." He said blushing wanting to confurt her and not fully knowing about zen.
"She needn't worry about me...I never meant for you to worry....right now..? Um it's mainly annoying at the moment, though not in pain..." She stated this was odd to talk about, she's never had to explain herself to anyone before. "I know...Ryuzen, you've never backed down when someone needs help..." she stated then blushed even more when he said he could give her love in that way. Granted they've already have on multiple occasions, though it wasn't his mind and he was disguised. She wasn't sure what to a sense if her urges got the best of her it would be like cheating on Zen, they have separate spirits and brains. "I see..."
When she told him both about it being annoying right now and how he never backed down he just smiled. "If its only being annoying then it should be ok for you for while..Right?" He asked mostly wanting to know. He wasn't tired yet and he did have something planed but he wanted to make sure his sister was gonna be ok. "Sis...If you want to go back to bed I'll join you in abit..there is something I want to do." He said, having a smile but eyes showed he was going to do something.
"Yeah Ryu I'm fine...for now ...thanks. Trust me I'll be alright." Katrina stated she was fine, it wouldn't be the first time She's gone without and she was used to the pain, if it occurred though it still hurt. Katrina yawned slightly, "What are you up to...?" she smiled and asked curiously seeing the look in his eyes. 
He smiled and kissed her softly on her forehead. "Its nothing to worry about I promise..I just need to have a talk with someone." He told her then went out after she had closed her eyes in sleep. He walked to where they were keeping the boy he showed that he was older than Ryuzen and gave him a stern look. "I know you...You were with the one I saw with the Devil man." Ryuzen said to the boy who showed no signs of fear even though he saw what Ryuzen could do. "So? Are you planing to do anything about it?" He asked Ryu both keeping eye contact. Ryuzen was silent for a moment then spoke. "I want to know why...Why would you want innocent people killed? The blood slain were unable to defend themselves and you let them be slaughtered like cattle." Ryuzen said with rage filling his eyes. The Boy simply said. "It was our 'master's ' idea...He wants all humans killed no matter what they do....." This made Ryuzen angry...not because of the devil man being the one having the ideas but the fact the boy was following such a person. The Boy look at Ryuzen with curiosity and asked "What do you plan on doing? I know the guards won't care weither I live or die so you could kill me right here...I know you want to..after all I was allowed to harm your sister...So what will you do?" Ryuzen thought hard; true he would want to kill him..but something about the boy said no...he may have looked older but something told him they appeared to be same he turned around and spoke, making it to where the boy couldn't see his eyes. "Weither you live or die is up to them.....I will not be your judge...I don't see you as a evil soul..." He said then walked back to his sister with a yawn and a calm face, and with her being currently asleep he closed his eyes and rest, still feeling drained.

By afternoon Ryu had became Zen again, making Zen wake up abit confused. 'It must be because he used alot of magic powers that his body and energy couldn't I guess our switching will be mixed up for awhile..' he thought then smiled as he saw katrina's sleeping face. Knowing she was in heat he gave her a small kiss on her lips, soft but having passion, then gently held her in a way that wouldn't make her move from irritation. He wanted to wake her up in a certain way but he figured since she wouldn't expect him too much he would just wake her up with soft kisses and a hug, though like normal people he had abit of morning wood too. Either way she was gonna be surprise.
Katrina yawned again, "Okay..I believe you...I'll see you when you get back." she stated thinking she'd be awake, but being more tired then she thought she snuggled back into her pillow under the covers and fell fast asleep. Katrina had slept through the rest of the night not feeling Ryuzen come back to the bed. 

As Zen held Katrina she cuddled into him smiling softly, still asleep. She was dreaming about what Ryu told her about family and Zen and him and Emily.  Her dream was starting to become Intimate..but then she felt an outside force having her wake to Zen Kissing and hugging her, she was surprised to see Zen. She smiled and pulled away a bit "Morning Zen..." she stated rubbing her eyes. 
Zen smiled when she spoke gave her another kiss after she rubed her eyes. "Heh I'm guessing you slept well from the look on your face as you were sleeping." He said with this grin of guessing what it was she was possibly dreaming then he spoke again. "Well Its nearly lunch time but if you want I can see if we can get you some breakfast...Or is there something you want to do before that?" He gave a wink to see her reaction. He wanted her to think it was something intimate that would help with her heat but in actuality he wanted to give her a shower. They both probably needed one and he did with no doubt.
Katrina accepted the kiss after her eyes were clear. Katrina smiled "Yes I slept well thank you." she stated then yawned slightly. "How long have you been holding onto me?" she asked curiously knowing she didn't fall asleep there. "Either or...lunch would be fine..." she stated then cocked her head to the side looking at him seeing him wink, figuring he meant to become intimate. "I've just woken up and that's what you're thinking about?" she asked Sweetly yet with slight annoyance, just because she goes into heat doesn't mean she wants it all the time. "I'm merely irritated...right now..." she stated with a blush. 
Zen chuckled abit and smiled. "Only for afew minutes, I just woke myself..." He said then when she though he was wanting to be intiment he chuckled abit more trying not to laugh. "I knew you would think thats what I would want...No dear." he started and gave her another kiss. "I was actually thinking about you and I having a shower...This room's got a private shower for us so you and I can bathe together." He said and petted her softly. "You're cute when you blush you know."
Katrina smiled, "Okay just making sure you weren't being a creeper while I slept." she stated with a chuckle. Katrina's assumption was wrong, it's not like she could look at the text differently she was in heat and everything could be taken to becoming intimate. " need to be a little more specific during this things get very confusing other wise." she pouted embarrassed for mistaking his words.  "As much as I don't want to get wet I need a one a shower sounds lovely." she stated and started purring softly as he pet her. She blushed even more at his comment about about her being cute when she blushes. 
He smiled, seeing her blush even more and got up, stretching abit and looked at her. "Well then lets have a nice, warm shower..I'll wash your back..and more...and you can wash me if you want." he said smiling while he offered his hand to her. He found it abit odd how she would see it being creepy if he held her the way a love would while she slept but payed no mind to it for now since she was in heat.
Katrina watched him stand and stretch making her feel the need to stretch. "Hmm. Alright let's go then." she replied a nice warm shower would feel nice, and the water might help her heat mello out a bit. Katrina took his hand and stood up, kissing his lips softly. 
He kissed her back softly and guided her to the shower, turning it on to where it would be nice and warm and allowed her to enter first. He was a gentlemen for her, and as soon as she was in he followed, having the soap in his hands. "Alright. Lets wash this back of yours." He said with a kind tone as he started to wash her back from neck to tail. He first started slowly and kept that way for abit then made sure he got her back that was connecting her tail.
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