Siblings with Secrets (Ryuzen&Shani)

Katrina's breathing turned into pants, as he continued to dominate her. Katrina cried out again, hearing other cats mating as well, it was odd but kinda a turn on, plus they were in public so if someone happened to be out and hear something they might see them and the thrill was amazing. Though she heard the other cats she couldn't see them, but she heard them. Katrina moaned more as he thrusted into her harder and deeper. "Tes Zen I love when you fuck me this way." she answered him. Loving it rough it felt so natural to let her animalistic side go.
Zen's thrust only got wilder and more dominant, enjoying the fact that if they were caught they could easily escape or be joined in depending on who caught them. He continued to thrust into her, reaching into her womb, and he could feel his cock twitching inside her. "Mmmm...Does my sexy kitty want her alpha's seeds?" He asked in a growlish tone, going abit rougher but mostly keeping to the wild nature they both seemed to have.
Katrina's human moans turned into cat cries, as he became rougher with her, wilder, and mote dominant. Katrina shuddered as he hit her womb going into it. Katrina's walls began to contract and squeeze his member. "Yes...yes...ooh oh yes Kitty...wants..Alpha's seed..." She panted, and whined. Katrina nearly roared as he went even harder both wild beings. 
He couldn't hold it in anymore and made a deep thrust into her, cumming into her womb and filling it greatly. Thankfully she couldn't get pregnate this time with the remains of the last little prevention seal still in effect on her body. Once he had regain breath he started cleaning her up and helping her with her dress, after all he would just need to put on his boxers and pants. The cats in the alley were still matting with one another but most of them went away as though they were only there because of a leader's presence.
Katrina was about to burst, but she wanted to wait wanting to cum with him. As soon as she felt his, her juices, started to flow mixing together. Katrina was panting, her heart was pounding, and she was sweating. Right now she both loved and hated being in heat. Katrina was exhausted, working all day and now spent. Katrina really didn't want to move, but she knew she had to. Katrina pulled herself up to a standing position. She leaned on the wall as he helped her get cleaned and re-dressed. Katrina paid no mind to the cats and waited for him to dress since he had an easier time with his pants and boxes, remembering he took his shirt off earlier. "Zen where's your shirt?" she asked finally calming down. She took ahold of his hand and got closer to him starting to walk back to the order her tail moved happily and freely. 
"I don't need it right now..its feels good with the cool wind on me since im abit sweaty from a long rewarding day." He said with a chuckle, smiling that she was closer to him. By the time it was night fall they had returned to their rooms and Zen was already start to feel drained. "Heh..Well your brother's coming....If he asked what we did just insure him that the buildings got fixed, people got healed and it had been a good day." He told her before falling back. His back thankfully was facing the bed and so he rested. Making it to where Ryu was taking over his body.
"I see...As am I, I prefer to keep my clothing on...for the most part." She joked smiling. Once in their room she laid on the bed kinda tired, from the long day and the rough sex which should satify her till tomorrow. "If I'm still cohearent at that time I will." She stated with her eyes closed feeling him fall onto the bed, it was his turn to sleep, her brother would return shortly, she just rested her body and her eyes.
Ryu woke up slowly, yawning abit feeling like he had done alot but didn't know it. He saw his sister asleep and he gently kissed her on the forehead, and then went to shower wanting to get the smell of sweat out of him.
Katrina was tired, she wasn't used to working like that. Granted Zen did much more than she but he was also stronger than her. When he kissed her forehead, she smiled. Opening her eyes and yawning watching him go take a shower. She was too tired to care what she smelt like. As she laid on the bed she was now having a difficult time getting comfortable, tossing and turning, getting hot and then chills. After a bit her body started to twist and attempting to contort in various ways. Then she realized, "Damn it!" her heat was acting up, even though she and Zen had just had sex a little more than half n hour ago. She hated being in heat, now it seemed worse that she was having sex, instead of suffering through it.
Ryu was drying when he saw his sister twist and turn. He couldn't just stand there and watch her twist and turn to control her body. So he went to her and gave her a kiss softly so she wouldn't fully realize it then he moved his head to her pussy, giving it a kiss as well. Before she could realize it he started to lick her pussy, going from lightly licking to eating her out gradually. His hands started massaging her breast softly, wanting her to be confurtable as possible.
Katrina kissed him back zoning in and out between herself and her insticts. Katrina gasped as he started to lick and suck on her pussy, it felt so good as her nails went into the sheets. Katrina started to purr, she still didn't realize it was her brother thinking Zen regained control.
He continued to eat her out, and with her not stoping him he knew her heat was getting bad. Thankfully he was hard from seeing her this way. He went over her; his penis inlined to her entrance, and he started thrusting into her deep, halfway into her womb and went slow so she would enjoy each thrust, going abit hard though so she could feel every inch he was putting into her.
Katrina's back arched as he continued and her breathing increased. She whined as he was at her opening, Katrina gasped as he entered into her, she was enjoying it very much, moaning as he thrusted deep into her. She then really looked at him, and realized it was Ryuzen, she was in slight shock but she didn't care at the moment he was helping her. "Ryuzen...." she sighed.
Ryu continued thrusting into her, pumping his entire cock into her pussy, nearly kissing the womb. "Mm..Sis.." He moaned as he was thrusting faster into her. He started massaging her breast more and sucked on her left nipple while rubbing the right. "This..feels so good...D-does.m...It feel good to you sis?" He asked while he was giving her pleasure.
Katrina continued to moan and whine as he pumped into her. As he nearly hit at her womb she let out a cat cry. Katrina's back arched as he massaged and sucked her breasts. "Oooh does..." Though she had never done anything with her brother, well at least his spirit this was a nice change.
He continued, enjoying her moans and whines, along wher her cat cries. "mm..good." was all he could say before he went abit faster, he started to rub her clit abit to give her more pleasure. Even though they weren't really brother and sister he felt really good about having incest with her. He blushed though as different thoughts were going into his head, but he just stuck with thrusting into her for now.
Katrina got louder as he move faster and started rubbing her clit. Katrina was panting, "Ry...Ryu...Ryuzen...I'm gonna cum..." She whined she was still sensitive from earlier. Her walls started to squeeze the boy she knew as her brother.
Ryu was almost there but she could feel it her that he was close too, and if he didn't stop soon he would cum in the woman she knew has his sister. "Mmm sis...if your gonna cum then cum...but..w-where do you want me to cum?" He asked blushing abit, thrusting more into her then sucked on her nipple while he waited for an answer.
Katrina could tell he was nearly there as well. Katrina whined as he continued pumping into her. "I don't care Ryu if you want to cum in me go ahead it's fine..." She stated it was a bit awkward saying where he should cum at it was different with Zen. Katrina gently dug her nails into Ryu's back.
He would have pulled out but she was too tight for him to do so. He made a huge thrust and cam inside her pussy. When she duged her claws into him he clinced his eyes. They didn't hurt, infact it was a familiar feeling to his body, but it was so sudden that it caused him to react. When he was done cumming he kissed his sister and looked into her eyes. "Do you feel better now sis?" He asked with a look that showed joy that they mated and consern that she may not have felt satisfied.
Katrina's back arched for the last time feeling him cum she did as well, there juices mixing together. Her claws scratched down his back. Katrina fell flat on the bed, Katrina kissed her brother back. She was still panting, "Much...yes...thank you..." She whispered smiling.
He smiled and gave her a kiss and got dressed. "I-i'm gonna walk around sis...Do you want me to look for anything or get you something?" He asked wanting to help her in any other way he could. After she said if she wanted anything or not he walked around for abit seeing guards who were of all either on guard or in training. He figured emily was in training too so he went to Sofia (if i remember correctly) to ask her afew things. She told him most of what he 'knew' but was more or reminded him then he asked her. 'Will..I have to worry..about the other nightmares?" She smiled and looked into his eyes. "Do you care for her?..Do you care for them both?" She had asked him. Ryu closed his eyes and gave a nod with a smile. "Then you have nothing to worry about...You won't harm them no matter what the cause will be.." He smiled then has this look of uncerntain. "And...Who is the man I see in my dreams?" He asked Sophia(I think thats how i spelt it before). Ryu wanted to meet this man and see why he felt ok with things he had told him. Sophia looked at him then said "Well..The truth is He is a sort...He dwells within you..Someday He will become strong enough to come out and walk with you....I know not all of what you may be wanting to know..But when you feel the time is right ask your sister..And worry not. Things will be well when the time comes for you to have the full truth." Ryu thought about it for a moment, because while he wanted to know. He didn't want to have his sister worry about such things while she was in heat...'Heat! Thats right!' He thought remembering what he needed to know. "U-um...Is there a way to help a Neko with her heat when she can't have sex?" He asked blushing since this was abit embarrassing topic. But Sophia giggled abit and told him "Go back to the nurses, and ask them for a pill case that has green pills in it..It will help you on your travels." Ryu smiled and went to the nurses office, thankfully they were satisfied with what they had done with him and should be able to consentrate more. When he entered the Office he waited for either or to greet him.
" to eat?" She asked all this mating worked up an appitite. Once he was gone she sat up, she couldn't believe she had just had sex with her brother. She then thought Ryuzen may be conflicted so he might have gone to see Sonya(her name is Sonya) like she had before. Katrina stood up and went to take a shower grabbing her nighty. She felt dirty and sweaty from having sex twice with two different yet similar people. Once she was done, clean, and dry she climbed back into bed, on the opposite side.

Izzy was napping, Krissy was making medicine, and Nathalie was reading. Nat smelt a familar sent and went to find it. She then found the source it was the boy from before. Nathalie quickly went over to him, "Hey your back," her tail moved happily, she didn't think the boy would return then again most don't. "So what can we do you for?" the Neko asked him smiling.
Ryu smiled when he saw Nat he smiled. "Hello Nat, Miss Sonya (Thank you ^w^) said I could come here and get some green pills for my sister?" He said not sure if she knew what he was talking about. "How have you three been?" He also asked to see how she was doing. They were nice to him after all so it was only fair he treated kindness, regardless of action, with kindness.
(No Problem) "Hey... green pills? green pills...? Oh the green pills! Really? Your sister is a half breed too? What is she? How come your not?" She asked curiously normally if a sibling is then so is the other, she thought it strange, The nurses weren't completely told of who or what he was so she assumed him to be normal."Oh we've been good, Isabella's sleeping, Krissy is making some sort of medicine, and I was reading, another slow day thankfully. How are you? I'm sorry I'm really talkitive today." She stated She was normally the quite one, Nat then grabbed the pills "Well here you go." She stated. Krissy over heard their conversation, and walked over with another pill bottle. "Hello again, Nat could you do me a favor? can you go seperate and organize the pill cabinet." Krissy asked and Nat went to do what she was told. "Don't mind her we needed to test a new medication and it made her like that, anyway if you're taking the Green ones here you're gonna want these red ones, They do the exact opposite of what the green ones do they increase and intensify it She explained with a wink hading them over.
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