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Siblings with Secrets (Ryuzen&Shani)

When their food arrived Zen started to eat then stoped abit to have a conversation with the two. "So Emily, how well is your training going?" He asked while he was taking a drink. "Also Ryu sends his regards and wants to know if your doing ok since he's been unable to see you while he's out of town for the day." He added with a smirk showing he was clever in pointing out what ryu would want to know and say while making it seem like Zen was just being a messanger.
Emily looked over to Zen swallowing what was in her mouth, taking a sip of her juice. "My training is going quite well, it's intense, and I had to deal with that skinhead." Emily smiled with Zen's cleverness. "Would you let him know that I'm fine?" She said then took another drink.
Zen smiled abit since he was having fun with their cleaver way with words. "I'll let him know...Anything you want to add Katrina Dear?" He said with a smile. This would have been abit odd since Katrina would have thought Ryu didn't know, but what she didn't know was at this moment Ryu and Zen were having a converstation with eachother and Zen did tell Ryu about him and Katrina..Ryu would tell them both how he felt about it once he got in control.
"Thank you Zen." She stated smiling this was priceless. Katrina thought for a moment, " Tell him I miss him." She loved Zen but at times she missed her brother. She still figured that Ryu didn't know her and Zen were together, she was still hiding itright moment to talk to Ryu about it.
Zen smiled and finished eating and looked at them. Ryu was planing thoughts since he had nothing to do for the moment. "Ryu says he should have to go through one more night before he can come home...But knowing him he'll probably be back tonight." He said to the girls. This was mostly a guess seeing how their timeline in who takes over is still recovering. "So for the first moment I'm sure he'll want to spend it with Emily seeing how he's been hanging with Katrina alot these past few days, and he said 'it would be unfair' if he didn't take the chance to be around you for the night." He told Emily first then looked to Katrina. "You would be ok with it though right?..With everything your going through body wise." He added hoping she would be atleast ok with Ryu being with emily for the night.
Katrina loved how juicy her burger was it was soft full of blood, she enjoyed. Sipping at her milk. "Alright, I can't wait," she stated missing her goofy little brother, granted things are a little didfferent after he willingly fucked her. Katrina listened but zoned out he was boring, her with how unfair it was to Emily. "Of course I would," She smiled, then glared at him, talking about her issuses with her body.
Zen looked away with an 'oop' Face and then looked at the table. "Well look at the time...My armor should be ready now..Katrina why don't we go get it." He said and got up from the table gently. "Emily we'll see you at the should make sure you have everything you need for the night and pack up the rest, I'm sure Ryu's gonna want ot be ready to go when day comes tomarrow." He said to Emily and gave a reassuring smile.
Katrina finished her milk, and waited for him to be ready. Kat stood up and crossed her arms over her chest, her ears were back which never meant anything good. "I'll see you there, I will," she stated and turned to leave, heading back to the base. Katrina turned and started to walk torward the armor shop.
Zen followed, staying silent since he knew he got himself into trouble. When they have had arrived the blacksmith told Zen to try it on. when he did it was made of Onix steel making it not only tough but black with dragonic design that the blacksmith found in an book and wanted to try it out. Zen looked to Katrina who was probably still mad at him. "..Well..what do you think?" He asked hoping it would lighten her mood.
Katrina uncrossed her arms but her ears still stayed back. She waited for Zen to be ready, "It's very nice." She stated at the moment she really didn't care, granted she really liked it better than what Emily's dad made. Katrina was still upset with him about meantioning her heat
Zen saw how her ears were and the walked out of the shop, after paying her. While they were walking he looked at her. "I know you didn't want me to say anything about it ..and I apologize." He said as he held her hand. "I wanted her to know so if i'm not around or Ryu she would be able to help you.." He said looking into her eyes, and she could see he wanted to make sure she was safe while he wasn't around.
Even as they walked her eas stayed tightly back, she was not a happy camper. She glared over at him, then looked away. she depated whether she was going to pull her hand away. As soon as he said the next part she stopped in her tracks, hissed visiously, and pulled away from him. "I don't need her help I don't want her help...I don't even like her... I went 23 years without having any much as I needed it as a teenager...I can manage just fine.." Katrina snapped, how dare he even suggest any kind of help expecially that kind of help from her. Her eyes were both hurt and angry, as she was started to realize her being a Neko was just who she was she felt like a freak again. plus this was the time she was most emotional.
Zen may not have ears like her, he moved his head abit like he was yeld abit and he would have had his ears held down. He knew all this but he knew that things were different from all those years..this time they were fighting something they've never delt with. He held her hand as best as he could. "I'm sorry.." was all he could say and he looked down to his feet, noticing the armor had sunken into his cloths.
Her ears then went to the sides compared to the back, and her eyes lightened, from being harsh and angry, to more of a sad and sorry. "I didn't mean to yell...Zen I'm sorry...I'm just...nevermind..."
He saw her eyes change in mood and he just held her hand, then gave her a kiss on the cheek to speak softly. "Hey...Its ok..tell me whats on your mind..Your my lover and I want to make sure your happy just as much as Ryu is." hetold her as they walked. He was consern for her more than for Emily seeing how emily was kinder to Katrina than any human given their situations.
Katrina took a better hold of his hand. "There's always things on my mind Zen you know that..." She stated it was true Katrina hardly ever stopped thinking. "I know...and I love you...I just really wish you didn't tell her about's you know how hard it is to be a Neko in a normal, or mostly normal world? I grew up differently than others of my kind...raised as a human...trying to adapt to things...expecailly heat...which is similar to a humans period but they last ony for seven days, While I can be in heat form anywhere to a week to a's harder to deal know that. I just don't need a human, who doesn't understand...I wanna be normal...I don't wanna be a freak..I don't need her judge me..."
Zen let go of her hand only to wrap his arm around her waist. "Thats what you're worried about?..Katrina my sweet...your normal as far as 'we' are conserned...the only reason the village was so cruel to your looks was because for miles no ani-beings ever came and tought them about your kind...Emily works with didn't knotice how some of those who were fighting were of certain animal traites?" He asked. Zen noticed some of the guards were of Wolf descent which made since with their pack instincts they would protect everyone inside human or non. "And not only that my dear but Ryu informed me that the nurses in the base are neko, inu and Kitsune...And emily probably works with them just fine..." He told her with a smile and kissed her softly on the cheek. "So never worry about being judged by her...After all she finds you to be beautiful and abit amazing...and if anyone else says otherwise 'we' will punch them in the face." He said as he made a determined fist pose showing that RyuZen were being silly but serious.
Katrina looked at him curiously. "You don't understand either..." She stated sadly and softly, her ears at the sides. "But that's because you both are weird too...that's why I'm normal in your eyes...the reason why they weren't around was probably cause they had been chased out." She stated realizing she was the only ani-person there in their village. "I know she does, and I don't care..." She just didn't like the girl. "No, Zen I didn't notice, I was more concerned about you, not everyone else." She snapped she didn't care about the others, she wanted her brother and Zen, and because of it she had been serverely hurt. "Good for them...I don't care if she helps them or not I don't need help, and I can prove it. They are used to her, they are part of the same thing. " She was a bit annoyed, Katrina just didn't like 'normal' people much. "That's the only good thing about her she has eyes.." it was both a complment and an insult Kat knew she was pretty always had been. She smiled a little at their funny poses.
Zen listened and smiled when she smiled. "Well now that we have armor we'll be ok ..right? "he said hoping to help ease the tension there was. He held her hand and walked to the base, and as night started to wobble in his walk. "Huh...Looks like times going quicker than I thought..We should probably head to the room..that way if I fall i'll land somewhere soft...Besides your breast of course." He added with a chuckle at the end wanting to make sure noone worried about the whole switching of the body. But now that Ryu could communicate with Zen while he was unconsious, what would change? Would Ryu be able to see things he normally couldn't while unconsious or would it just be a connection of thought? Zen pondered abit as he and Katrina started to go for the room.
"I hope so...I hope we'll be finished with all of this soon..." She stated, she never signed up for epic battles, death, and double 'brother/lover.' She went along to protect her brother, to watch over him. Katrina held onto his hand, as they walked. She could tell that night was falling, and within a few hours she would be alone. "So it is...yeah I guess we should.. Really?" she stated smiling playfully as he said besides falling into her soft breasts, knowing that the boys changed back and forth.
Zen smiled and got them into the room he moved himself to where he was laying down on the bed. "" He said as he closed his eyes, and Ryu took over; Ryu then stretched his arms and looked to Katrina. "Hey Sis..I feel heavy..." He said to her which he looked at his body. "What happend to the armor Zen bought? Is that why I feel heavy?" He asked looking puzzled at his hands.
Katrina looked over at Zen as he climbed onto the bed, curiously then realized Ryu was waking up. "Hey sleepy head." She smiled, then another confused look came to her face, "Heavy?" She asked, then remember Zen was wearing his new armor. "I would assume so Ryu," She said and put her armor down, since she hadn't been wearing hers.
Ryu stretched abit more and looked to his sister, then gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Ok, I'm gonna go spend some time with Emily now...Is there anything you want me to bring back for you while I'm out?" He asked. After hearing her request of weither or not she wanted anything he went to emily's dorm, and hoped she was ready. He figured he would probably have to tell her about the acts he had done with Izzy but he figured to wait...well Until Zen said otherwise. 'Its best you tell her now..and bring Izzy with you..That way you know what will happen.' Zen said and Ryu nodded abit. So he went to the Nurses office to quicky see Izzy.
Katrina smiled when he kissed her forehead, then her ears went down as he said he was going to Emily. "No thanks, I think I'm just gonna get some rest." Katrina stated She stood and packed her things after grabbing her night gown and clothes for the next day. She changed into her nighty and took her dirty clothes to be washed. She told the person there where to return the garments to, before heading to her room. Katrina didn't like being alone, granted some alone time was good but, in heat she was clingy.
Izzy smelt him before she saw him and went to the door. "Hiya..." She barked happily, her tail wagging.
Ryu smiled when Izzy greeted her and gave her a hug. "Hey Izzy. How are you?" He asked and pet her gently. "I'm going to go see Emily and I was woundering if you were avalible to come with me.." He said with a small blush. He hoped Emily would be ok with what had happend though Zen knew it would be ok. Both Ryu and Zen were consern for Katrina so Ryu wanted to make sure the women that cared for him and he cared for were satisfied this night before travel would begin.
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