Siblings with Secrets (Ryuzen&Shani)

Katrina watched him as he made the armor. She was patient and sat there and observed things. She did become distracted once when a butterfly flew around her, her cat instincts wanted to play with it, and she batted her clawlike hands at it. She heard Zen speak turning back to him watching him. Her eyes widened, "Zen it's beautiful, I love it." She smiled brightly, she knew those symbols ment something she just wasn't sure of what though.
He smiled when she told him that she loved the armor an dthen looked over to the blacksmith. "With my armor you can make it of any sort..." He told him and he gave a nod and started working on his armor. "It'll be awhile before its done..if you two want to do something or go somehwere in town go right ahead." He told them. Zen gave Katrina a smile. "Well what do you want to do my love?" He asked her.
Katrina smiled at him, staying in the same spot waiting for him to be finished. Katrina nodded to the blacksmith, then looked at Zen. "I don't know love what do you wanna do?" She asked not knowing really what to do. As much as she wanted to be social back in her town she was so used to hiding she really didn't know what to do.
Zen thought for a moment then kissed her. "Why don't we visit emily..I'm sure she'll want to know you're fully better and that Ryu and I are becoming normal inn our timing." He said with a smile and held her hand.
Katrina kissed him back, her smile faded. Katrina still didn't like Emily, still having issues with the girl. "She's probably trianing Zen..." she stated, holding his hand as well.
"Katrina...Are you trying to avoid her? I know you don't like her because she's been with Ryu but we'll be traveling with her still, and besides she's not evil...." He told her and stroked her hair. "Come on..Lets go say hi to her...and train with her until my armor is ready.." He added then kissed her.
Katrina looked away and didn't say anything, about her avoiding Emily. That was the main reason why Katrina didn't like her, was she had slepted with Ryuzen, the first day that they met, though techincally he was Katrina's before she came along, she had been with both of them, being given their virginity while losing hers. "Just because we're traveling together doesn't mean I have to like her...I don't care if she's evil or not..." she stated a little harshly, she didn't think she would ever like Emily. She sighed softly, and her tail went down. "Fine..." she stated defeatedly, kissing him. granted she probably watch the two train she wasn't going to train with her.
Zen gave a mental sigh, beause he knew why she was acting this way but it wasn't something he could do for it. He then held her hand abit tight. " I really hope you two get along..and start liking one another.." He started with this look as though he was foreseeing something. "Cause I know Ryu's not the only one who started to dream of you both and us living close and having children." He finished. He really did start dreaming and they were of the ones where Ryu and Emily were having kids along with Him and Katrina..but his was somehow..Different..He didn't see two houses..He noticed there was only one..and that it was a huge one.. So he did hope for that future. 'IT would be alot of fun no matter how you try to see it.' he thought tohimself in the way of how their kids would grow.
Katrina's face looked indifferent, uncaring, cold, she looked down to there hands. Katrina really didn't care, she just didn't like her and that was that. She really didn't want to like her either, there really wasn't anything to like the girl for. "Now you're dreaming too..." She stated, Katrina was certain the girl would be in her future now that Zen was seeing it and she didn't like it. She liked the idea of her brother happy, and she was with Zen happy with kids but she just wanted to write Emily out, and to her it would be fine.
He looked at her, seeing her face and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Make a face like that and you'll get alot of wrinckles." He told her with a small smile wanting to see her smile. They reached the training room all sorts of cadets and knights were training. Emily was one of them as well, along witha knight who had a high rank that was having his spar more like a fight.
Her face remained the same, looking into his eyes. Then walking with him to the training area. She saw Emily fighting another guy, she had gotten better ssince the last time she had seen her fight. "She's busy..."
The knight saw Katrina and Zen and walked up to them. "Would you like to spar?" The knight asked zen; which confused him since the knight just asked outta nowhere. "Sure I guess.." Zen told him. "Good...Oh but so you know...If I win I get some time with your cute friend." The Knight said. "And what ...Makes you think she would want that?" Zen said with a growl in his troat. The Knight said with a vain tone. "Because all the women want me...Except for that Emily..But that would change once I prove I'm unbeatable." The momemnt the knight finished, Zen felt a jolt in his left arm. "Heh..someone would disagree with you..alright your on...If I win though...You denouce your rank if you think a woman's worth it." He said with eyes leering at the knight, as though picking target spots. "Alright then...Just so you know...when I spar...its for real." He said as he unsheathed his sword, and with a snap of his fingers a barriar created a fighting platform which kept everyone else. Zen was caught off guard with this, and the knight made a stab for his right shoulder.
Emily stopped to take a break getting a drink she had seen both RyuZen, and Katrina but she was focused and tired. Katrina was shocked when the knight asked Zen to spar with him, she stayed there with him not moving from his side. Katrina's eyes grew wide and her ears went back as the knight said he wanted time with her for a prize. Katrina hissed when he said everyone wanted him, she wanted nothing of him, her heat wasn't acting that badly. She was glad that Emily didn't want him either. Katrina was shocked that Zen was going through with this, putting her on the line. Katrina was shocked that with a snap of his fingers a platform appeared. She couldn't get to him. "Zen look out!!" She cried seeing the knight go to stab him.
Zen took the stab and tried to swung at him with his own sword, missing the knight as said knight jumped back. "Not a good start for your first start." The knight said as though to taught him. Zen got up; his fangs had come out of his normal teeth and caused him to growl. "Cheap shots are a cowards act!" Zen shouted as he rushes at him, starting to fight the knight. "All is fair in love and war...Once I've proven my power I'm sure Emily will fall into my arms and your friend will have a fun evening." The knight said as they fought. Zen was getting more pissed at the guys words than his combanation of cheap shots and magic the guy would use, but the more he fought and the knight spoke about Emily; the more Zen's left arm felt like it was having sparks coursing through it.
Katrina could smell Zen all to clearly, she knew he had been hit, also seeing the blade slice into him. Katrina saw Zen's fangs she had only seen them once before, and that was the night that all hell broke lose. This knight was a pig, Katrina didn't like him, once he wanted her for the evening, which she most definately didn't want, and he was talking about Emily, though she didn't like her the only person she belonged to in this situation was Kat's brother. "Come on Zen!" she called. Emily walked over to Katrina, "Hey Katrina what's going on?" Emily asked. Trina looked at her, "The knight you were just fighting, is fighting Zen...thinking he'll prove his power to you and you'll fall in his arms...and he wants me for the evening..." She informed Emily, with no real emotion, she was scared now that Zen was stabbed.
Zen kept fighting the knight and for awhile was missing, while the knight was smirking and saying what he would do with Emily, then about how he would give Kat things during the night. This only pissed off Zen as he let out his tail and continued to fight then suddenly he realized the more this guy talked the more his left arm was twitching and feeling like a jolt was coursing...It was then He realized..It was Ryu; Ryu was reacting to anything that dealt with Emily and Katrina. "I see...So you want to kick his ass too huh?" He said which confused everyone who heard it...all but Katrina and Emily. Suddenly the left arm rose its hand and another sword appeared, making Zen dual wielding. "Now your fucked." Zen said with a smirk. Zen was surprised that Ryu was now awear of the things around him while he had no control. The fight seemed to now be even; The knight was taking hits and dodging and Zen was taking less hits and blocking.
Katrina started to worry, Zen wasn't doing so good, he was taking a great many hits. The knight scieved both of the girls out, as he spoke about them like they were items. Katrina and Emily heard Zen's words and turned to look at each other, and at the same time they said, "Ryu..!" they smiled excitedly. They were advancing Ryu was becoming more aware when he wasn't in charge. The girls cheer for Zen and Ryu.
RyuZen was now nearly unbeatable to the knight, which frighten said knight and was about to do a dangerous magic when RyuZen got clsoe to him and said. "Two Headed Combo.." Then started striking with both swords rapidly and in a slashing motion. "Twin fang strike!" *then made a down slash with both but used the flat end of the blade and cause dthe knight to fall unto the ground. The barriar faded and the swords vanished. Zen felt calm and walked up to Katrina and Emily.
As soon as Zen walked over to her, Katrina jumped into his embrace. "You both had me worried don't do that again!" She stated both in excitement and relief and terror. She kissed Zen passionately, she didn't care that Emily was right there they were her's first. "You took on the strongest knight here, and won congratulations." Emily stated she would hug him and possibly kiss his cheek, giving love to Ryu while also honoring Zen.
Zen embraced Katrina and let out a small chuckle when she told him not to do that again. "I wasn't worried...I had faith I would win..After all..We were fighting for the ones we treasure." He told her right before kissing her passionately back. "Thank you Emily." He said when she congratulated them. "Oh btw this is from Ryu." He said as he gave Emily a hug with his left arm and gave a kiss on her forehead. "Though I'm sure he would aim the kiss elsewhere." He added shortly there after. This was to let them know that Ryu was slowly but surely not only gaining awareness but was also able to slowly communicate to Zen through thought. "Well now that we're together what should we do? I'm sure I have afew more minutes before my armor's ready." He said to the both of them smiling abit.
Katrina held tight to him though he didn't seem to take things that seriously compared to what she thought he could have lost and she wouldn't have been happy at all, plus lord only knows what injuries would occur. Katrina let go so he/Ryu could hug Emily. "As am I.." Katrina said knowing her brother and was glad that Zen didn't kiss Emily expecally in front of her. Emily hugged him, and kissed Zens cheak in return. "So Ryu can communticate with you now? He seems to be more aware now." KAtrina stated she was curious to what was going on with the two. To anwser Zen's question Emily looked to the two, Why not get some lunch?" She stated, she wasn't sure if they had eatten yet.
Zen smiled and looked at the two of them. "Sure. Lunch sounds nice to us..Why don't the three of us get something from town though. That way we can get some air too." He said with a smile. "And I'll try to make sure we both behave around you two." He added with a chuckle.
"You now mean the four of us..." Katrina stated, "Just watch how you speak to the others don't want you put away for such speak." She stated catching moments when he went from I to we, and us. "You better behave both of you or we'll have problems." she stated.
"Alright I'll make sure the speaking doesn't get noticed." He told Katrina then chuckled. Zen lead the girls to a outdoor resturaunt and got their table ready. He put a chair out for them both and then sat down once they sat. After looking at the menu he ordered a burger and a juice that came recommended, he looked at the two women with a smile, thankfully Emily was on his left and Katrina was on his right.
"Alright figure I'd point it out." She smiled and walked with him on his right, while Emily was on his left. Katrina couldn't wait for them to find a way to split, she hated having to share them, though they were both hers before this harlot came along. Kat sat on his right while Emily sat to his left. Katrina ordered the same thing, except she wanted her's rare and a glass of milk, Emily who also ordered the same, she wanted hers well done, with juice.
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