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Zombies in England (FULL)

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The doctor chuckled, looking up at the leader. "Well, sometimes it pays to overestimate." He took a quick glance at the book, then back out the window. "Let me guess. You used something akin to a dogwhistle?" He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "You know, there is a record of brain damage caused by noise. Supersonic waves, amplified at the right frequency, would quite literally turn a brain to mush."

His eyebrow raised in thought. "Have you ever thought of something like that? If we could pull it off, it would draw the zombies to it, and then shatter them." He tilted his head, glancing back and forth between Jason and Jess. "Theoretically, it would work, although we'd have to be far away from it when it went off. As for the hospital, I doubt your distraction would've drawn enough away. My plan was just a little over optimistic."
"Some what like that. A sonic grenade, bought from a website awhile ago (yes they exist). Wrapped it in old, raw meat and threw it a fair distance. It got their attention from us and they went after it, then left us." Jason replied, listening to his idea about brain mushing and grinned. "I love the idea, but we don't really have the equipment or resources to test such a thing." He said, frowning slightly but then shrugging as he remarked about the hospital.

"Never know, I've only got enough to make a couple more any way. Guaranteed to work, since Zombies don't learn from their mistakes. Fortunately we do." The man said, smiling as he stepped foot on the stairs. "I advise you take some rest, choose a bed, you could be sharing. Get something to bite if you fancy it." He added, chuckling a bit at his own poor zombie joke. "Dear me, they get worse." Jason smirked, shaking his head as he walked upstairs and into his and Jess' shared bedroom.
"Your idea isn't just optimistic, it's a suicide mission" Jess interrupted, her stare firm on the doctor "You may be used to working with more people, but our rag tag team of misfits would barely make it through the door before being attacked and killed... Now that's optimistic... We wouldn't survive a day out there" Jess huffed, folding her arms over her chest, shaking her head Jess followed Jason upstairs "The best thing we can do is improve this place slowly... Do as much as we can before another zombie attack then plan what to do next... Welcome to hell, doc". With that the bedroom door closed and Jess flopped down on to the bed, grabbing a pillow to cover her head.
"Ain't easy is it, Jessy girl?" He asked, standing at the window looking out through tiny gaps in the boarded up glass, shaking his head. "I wonder how the rest of the world is doing sometimes, but then I realise that we're pretty much alone, unless we find a huge group of survivors, a military base or something." Jason said, stopping as he remembered the closest military base, known as The Barracks. "There is one, called the Barracks, I ran down a few days before you arrived, completely empty and deserted, took me an hour or so fast marching." He explained while sitting down on the bed next to the female survivor.

"How you holding up?" He asked, tinged with care for her, knowing of her illness, he felt pity and sadness towards her, and would help her in as many ways as he could. "Anything you need?" The leader added, putting an arm on her shoulder and patting it lightly. "Got a fair bit of nice stuff from the shop, as quick as it was."
Jess heaved a long sigh under the pillow before dragging it off her face to look up at him, a faint smile twitching at her lips "I was there... At the barracks I mean, there was an outbreak while we were in lock down, killed everybody... Well nearly everybody... Me, my sister and my father escaped in a supply truck..." Jess quickly fell silent, her smile faded and she looked away "That's why it was deserted, they all turned and chased after us... The truck made so much noise it must have alerted nearly a hundred hordes of our whereabouts" She sighed again and rolled over onto her back, looking up at him she gave a lopsided smile, her fingertips running over the length of his arm "Kiss me" Jess breathed, her hands gently gripping the front of his shirt.
"I'm so sorry... I don't know what has happened to my family, they are hopefully still on the Cruise Liner in one of the Italian Bays, I hope they have survived..." He said, smiling as he looked to one side of the bed, with him, his parents and little brother residing in a ornate picture frame, resting on a cupboard. "It must have been awful." Jason added, shaking his head at the mayhem a virus had caused, world wide it had been apparently. Millions, if not billions had been infected and now roamed the world, killing everything in their path and infecting them. The world is a different place now. Suddenly, he felt something running up his arm and looked to Jess, smiling at her before been taken aback by what she said and did. He said nothing and instantly kissed her, one of his hands going to her hip, while the other onto the back of her head, cupping it gently. Every one needed some sort of release in a time like this.
A soft moan escaped her the instant their lips met, her eyes drifting close she let her lips meld against his as his hands held her close, her own hands sliding to rest against the back of his neck. Slowly her lips parted and she smiled, tasting him as they deepened the kiss, arching her back so that more of her body pressed against him, enjoying his warmth and strength.
"Mmmmmm..." He moaned quietly as they kissed one another, feeling her hand running over his neck, a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time, and knew he adored the sensation of it. Especially from Jess. As she smiled, so did Jason, as he went back into the kiss, this one lasting for much longer as his mouth opened, pulling her closer to his embrace, his arm on her hip moved around to the bottom of her back, while his tongue flickered forward into hers, knowing this would help them both deal with things.
This moment was perfect, Jason was perfect, he felt perfect against her skin, his lips felt perfect against hers, for this moment Jessica was in a perfect heaven. She continued to smile as they kissed, her lips parting to allow him to taste her, his exotic taste filling her senses as their tongues twined together. After a moment Jess slowly pulled her lips from his, her warm amber eyes looking up at him "Jason... I don't know if I can do this..." She breathed, her eyebrows pulling together in a concerned expression.
If he could read minds, he would have agreed with everything Jessica thought. Her taste was phenomenal, the touch was like a breath of euphoria and she kissed so precisely and deeply that it washed everything else away. It was a private little thing that they were experiencing at the moment, in their bed room. He wondered why she pulled away then opened his eyes to look into hers. "You can, but we go at your pace, no rushing. Me, and the others, will do what ever we can to help you out, Jess." Jason said to her, stroking her soft hair lightly while smiling into her beautiful eyes.
A wicked smirk pulled at her lips and she chuckled, shaking her head "I hope the others aren't coming in to help out" Jess smiled up at him, her cheeks turning a rosy hue "I meant I don't know if we can go further with what we are doing right now...I mean... should we?" Jess shrugged her shoulders slightly and looked away, biting her lower lip as she thought. Taking a deep breath Jess slowly turned to look at him again, her fingers gripping his hair softly "Should we do this, Jason?"
Jason chuckled a bit as she mentioned the others. "If you want, they can give us a hand, if not, I can lock the door." He replied, smiling, imagining a threesome would be all right, but leaving it completely to Jess. "It's all up to you, we can do what ever you feel is right. I will be fine with what ever you choose." Jason replied happily, stroking all the way down her hair, neck and shoulder, resting on the area next to her breast. "If you want to, that is all I will say Jessica." The young man finished, kissing her cheek slowly and lightly, filled with passion and love for her.
Looking away for a moment, Jessica relished in the thought of a threesome, never knowing anyone willing to go through with it with her before. A smile tugging at her lips Jess moved to sit on the bed, slowly she removed her shirt and bra, running her fingers through her hair she let out a sigh as her perky D sized breasts were exposed "Let's take this nice and slow and if anyone should come knocking they are more then welcome to join... What do you think Jason?" Jess asked as her sweet smile quickly turned to a wicked grin.
Jason sat on the bed next to her and watched her remove her shirt and bra, revealing her large and voluptuous breasts were open to the young man. He smiled at the sight of them and moved one hand to cup the right one, his thumb resting on the nipple. "Hmmmm, that sounds all right." He agreed, before quickly removing his t-shirt and jeans, throwing them on the floor next to him. Jason went down to her nipple and begun to suck on it, while is other hand started to undo her pants slowly.
A soft moan escaped her as he pressed his lips against her perked nipple, leaning back as her tugged off her jeans she smiled, her hands running through his hair. One her pants were off Jess moved to sit on his lap, her leg straddling his hips, she wanted to feel closer to Jason.
He continued to suck upon the lavish breasts, licking the nipple lightly before pulling back to kiss her lips once more, letting himself be straddled by Jess, gladly, he might add. "Hmmmm, a nice position, no?" Jason smiled, running his hand down the back of her underwear, rubbing along her anus. "In here, or in the front?" He whispered, letting his dampened finger from earlier play with her ass, his other hand holding the back of her neck while they locked lips lovingly.
Trystan checked his supplies, suddenly realized he was lower on morophine than he had thought. He turned back down the hallway, thinking he should at least let the two more experienced people know of his plans. He walked back to their room, opening the door. The words seemed to stick in the doctor's throat. His eyebrows cocked up in surprise at the scene before him, suddenly feeling an embarrassment he hadn't felt in a long time. His face was tinted red, his eyes focusing on his feet. Had he really walked in on something as private as this? His feet wouldn't move, he felt glued to the floor, blushing furiously now.
A wicked grin pulled at her lips as he continued to cause her arousal to grow from the constant attention he gave to her breasts. She gave a little giggle as his hand cupped her backside, making her jolt upright when he pushed a finger between her cheeks. Smiling she kissed back, her lips locking with his as she drew his tongue into her mouth, wanting to taste him again. The door opened and Jess quickly looked over to Trystan, her mouth open, her hands covering her breasts "Doctor!" Jess gasped, her cheeks turning a crimson hue.
"Ah you are so cute and sexy..." He muttered into her ear, pushing his entire finger up into her anus, feeling the tight little hole relaxing slightly as her body did, while they locked lips and rubbed each other passionately. Suddenly, the door opened and the shocked doctor walked in, who was blushing quite heavily. "Shut and lock the door." Jason said casually over to Trystan, then flicked his head towards Jess. "Come join in, if you want." He added, grinning happily as he went back to kissing the female deeply. "You don't mind, do you?" He whispered into her ear, while wiggling his middle finger within her for a few seconds.
Jess let out a loud groan as Jason fingered her tight hole, causing her blush to darken as she continued to watch Trystan, biting her lower lip she nodded her head. "I don't mind... The more the merrier" Jess smiled as she held out her hand to the Doctor "Come join us and have some fun~"
The doctor blinked, looking up with his face being quite red. Not only had he walked in unsuspectingly on Jason and Jess's moment, now he was being invited to join in. He locked eyes first with the male, and then the female, unsure how to proceed. It was such a difference to the front of a doctor with experience in the field, though it became visible this was not a field he wasn't particularly experienced in. He tilted his head, the question clear in his eyes as he took a few hesitant steps towards the couple. Although he did find the little sounds Jess made to be rather... cute.
Jess turned her head to Jason and kissed his cheek before taking Trystan's hand and pulling him onto the bed "Think of this logically doctor" Jess smiled, running the tip of her tongue across her lips before turning her head to look at him "These are stressful times and we all need a little release now and then... I'm merely providing a source for your release" Letting out another moan, Jess closed her eyes and leaned backwards, her hips gently rocking against Jason's finger "Why don't you tell me what you'd like to do to me?"
Trystan nodded at her explanaition, the blush growing as she moaned. He closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to regain his ability to speak. Eventually, it came back to him. "You'll ah... have to excuse me. It's been quite awhile since I've been put into a situation such as this." He opened his eyes, blushing as Jess rocked against Jason's finger. He fought against the blush, against the urge simply to kiss her. He looked at his hand, fingers entwined with hers. "And to be completely honest, I'm not sure what to do right now. I mean, all I did was walk in." He shook his head. "Y-you and Jason were in the middle of something." He blinked, and lost his ability to speak when his eyes wandered to her chest briefly.
A coy grin pulled at her lips as the Doctor tried to explain himself, her bright golden eyes watching him through a few strands of her silky black hair. Slowly Jess pulled Jason's hand out of her and moved her body around to face Trystan, keeping herself on Jason's lap she tried not to cry out as she felt his hard length between her legs. Sitting upright she leaned her back against Jason's chest and reached out her arms for Trystan "Shh~ Come here and we'll show you what to do, there is no need to worry, we'll take this as slow as you'd like" Jess smiled as she finally gripped onto Trystan's hands and pulled him closer, causing him to fall in to her breasts.
Trystan blushed, his eye twitching a little. Ugh, him and his nervousness. When he fell foward though, into Jess's chest nonetheless, he let out a small meep. Upon pure instinct, and before he could get a hold on himself, he lightly kissed each of the breasts. He looked up, wrapping his arms slowly around her waist, his eyes searching hers. "Don't worry about my pace. I am but a guest this time. I will try to keep up with your pace." He went back to kissing and tickling with his tongue, his eyes watching hers, hoping this was good.
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