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Zombies in England (FULL)

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As Jess eyed the man who she had just let in the door a voice called out from the stairs that made her eyes narrow. Tilting her head around she flicked the girl a 'Don't touch me' expression before lowering her bat. "Well obviously it's open house at this bed and breakfast" Jess growled, her fingers running through her sleek black hair as she tried to think. As she thought of a way to deal with the other two new comers Jason rounded the stairs and caused Jess to flinch, her eyes closed tight as he spoke.

Letting out a loud sigh, Jess dragged herself after Jason, her bat thumping along the ground as she walked. Stopping at the foot of the stairs she turned on her heels and pointed her bat first in the direction of the girl then at the boy, her lips forming a lopsided pout "Cause any trouble and you'll be out on your asses, am I clear?" Jess spoke in a very grim tone before turning back and slumping up the stairs.

Once Jason had gotten into the bed Jess flopped down beside him, dropping her bat on the floor next to them. Lying on her back she covered her face with her hands and sighed loudly "Three new comers today, hopefully none tomorrow" Jess looked over to Jason, giving a soft smile "I haven't had time to check any of them out so if we wake up dead tomorrow don't blame me"
Cameron woke up the next morning refreshed and recharged. He headed downstairs, before realising that he was the only person awake. He had already packed light for the supply run, carrying an empty bag, a bottle of water and two energy bars. Weapon-wise, he brought all of them; the shotgun, the pistol, the E-Tool and the grenade, hoping to lend some weapons to other people. He had already eaten one bar for breakfast.
Olivia simply blinked a few times as a bat was pointed towards her, and then the girl who had flailed said spiked item around for a short while then simply turned and plodded off towards the master bedroom, where the tall, handsome male who had previously random-appeared and basically told them all to shut the fuck up and go to sleep before he killed them currently was, asleep, of course. Sleep wasn't her favorite thing actually, she preferred to work on new gadgets and advance her technological know-how instead of sleep. Besides, she could outfit the entire house with high-tech security and improve the current security they already had before everyone else got up! So, instead of sleeping even a wink, Olivia, the imsomniac as she were, sat up all night improving her many, many random devices, and wondering if she should share any of them with the others. She thought it'd be best not to in the end though; They'd likely just shoot their knees off or something. So, looking just like she did the previous night with new clothing on Olivia crept down to the kitchen, spotting the kid she had seen from before. "Good morning.." she spoke simply, staring at his rather blankly, awaiting his response.
Jessica woke up with a headache like usual, groaning she lifted herself into a sitting position, a hand rising to press against her forehead. Looking down she noticed Jason had already left, wondering how he got past her without her noticing, she shook her head and sat on the edge of the bed. She reached into her ruck sack at the foot of the bed and pulled out a small bottle of pills labeled Saphris, popping two into her mouth she dried swallowed them, letting out a sound of disgust afterwards.

She quickly slipped into a clean t-shirt then threw her ruck sack over her shoulder, picking up her bat she made her way down stairs. Yawning she waved a pathetic hello to the newbies who were already awake and moving. Plopping herself into a chair at the dinning table she signaled the other two to come over.

"Newbies, get over here, we need to talk" Jess spoke in a mechanical tone, still half asleep she pulled two pieces of paper from her ruck sack and handed a piece to each then a pen. "I want you to fill these out as much as you can, it's just a general information form... What you're allergic to, family health history and so on, just so we know how to keep you alive at least for another week"
"Morning" Cameron said as the girl who's name he didn't know (Olivia) entered the room. Before he could respond, Jess came down and gave them the forms
"Alright" he said unquestionably, filling in the form.
"So what's your name?" he asked the girl.
Once the two of them had taken the papers, Jessica rested her head on the table, covering her face with her hands. She was definitely not a morning person.
Seeing that the girl was gone, Cameron turned back to Jess, whose face was buried in her hands.
"You're not a morning person are you?" he asked, sitting next to her.
"How can you tell?" Jess mocked, giving him a smile "I've never been a morning person, before the outbreak my idea of waking up early was getting up before two in the afternoon"
"Same" Cameron said with a smile. "I was practically nocturnal. Still, it's good to have a healthy sleep-cycle. After a while you'll be fine" he said.
Jessica laughed softly, resting her head in the palm of her hand "Yeah, I thought that at the start of all this, that I'd adapt, but old habits die hard I guess" Sitting quietly for a moment she turned back to face him "So you're from Australia, eh? I used to live in Canberra for some time, where about are you from"
"Hawthorn, its in Melbourne" he said. "Come to think of it, it's probably two pm over there now. That's probably why I'm up now" he said smiling.
"You got a gun?" he asked, gesturing at his shogun over on the bench.
"I've got a bat" Jess smiled, placing her rusty metal bat upon the table "It's not much but it's quiet and if I swing right I can take one down in a single swing"
"If I had more shots I'd show you how to use a gun" Cameron said. He pulled up his E-Tool from his belt, unclipping.
"This is what I use close-up. It's called an entrenchment Tool, or E-Tool. Soldiers use these to dig trenches and cave heads in" Marcus said, unfolding it into its full length, now like a proper shovel.
"That's the key to survival, versatility" he added.
Jess eyed the tool for a moment, an eyebrow raised "Huh, interesting, but unless it serves you drinks and food it's not the only key to survival" She mocked, running a hand through her dark hair.
"Hustle up ladies!" Jason shouted as he came through the front door, whistling casually to himself as he did. "The route we will be taking is clear, I can see a few figures on the hills about a mile away or so, but unless they are stood in a dark room further into the village, which they could be, I reckon it's clear-ish." He explained, already fully dressed and ready to go, his pack by the door. Hooked onto his belt was a make shift device, a small, metal ball covered in long spikes, with a chain attached to it. Jason called it "A much more accurate version of the sling", which is what it was. He had taken a fair few zombies down with the weapon already. Also in on his belt was a small axe, stained in blood.

"Glad to see none of you killed us in our sleep by the way, speaks a lot of your character does that." He added, chuckling dryly at the new comers. "Get your shit together people, we're getting a move on." Kharo informed, picking up his pack and several collapsible boxes, which they would carry the supplies in, if there was any. Standing by the door way, he waited for the others of the group to be ready.
Heaving a loud sigh, Jess pulled herself from her chair and pulled the strap of her rucksack onto her shoulder. Picking up her bat she made her way to the door, dragging her feet as she walked.
"No signs of movement in the village? No noise?" Jess asked as she took her hat off the coat rack by the door before fishing her hair up into it, she pulled it onto her head. The wide brim almost covered her eyes, she was forced to tilt her head upwards to keep eye contact with Jason. "The newbies seem alright, will have to give them a check up tonight, they could be carriers" Jess said in a soft tone not wanting the others to over hear in case they were to get spooked by her assumption.
"Nah it seems all clear, but you know zombies, they just seem to spawn in mid-air half the time." He replied, shrugging before opening the door and peering out, seeing it was clear, but still checking again. "Stop dragging your feet, you could scratch the floor." Jason pointed out with a mischievous chuckle, before listening to her whisper. In reply he simply nodded. They hadn't found any carriers yet, it wasn't even known if there could be, but it wouldn't do well if a carrier randomly turned into a zombie at night and killed them all. Precautions had to be taken.
Poking her head outside under him she looked around, her lips pulling into a skeptical pout. "It's a little too quiet, surely it isn't migration season for those freaks" Jess sighed then stood upright again, she loathed the undead with a passion, but if they needed to go out and get supplies it couldn't be helped.

Looking over to the two new survivors she shrugged a shoulder "When you let me sleep in for once I'll stop dragging my feet" Jess smirked, nudging him in the ribs with a elbow. "Should we let them rest and hold down the fort? Probably easier to get there and back without the extra people" Jess asked, gesturing her head back towards the newbies.
He turned from the doorway and thought about her suggestion, ignoring the rib nudge and shaking his head. "If there is more supplies, we will need more people to carry them up. Any way, why would zombies go to a place they have no reason to? If one of us is here, a zombie could see and attract more. Get my drift, love?" Jason explained, nodding his head to the others. "And no, I'm quite sure they don't migrate." He added with a laugh, tutting and shaking his head.
Jess huffed and crossed her arms over her chest "Fine, but if one of them gets lost or slows us down I'm not risking my neck for him" Jess pouted, ignoring him as he shook his head. "Do you want to brief them before we go or should I?" Jess asked, leaning against the door frame.
"You're lucky I don't feel the same Jess, keep it nice." He replied to her first sentence, then nodded as a reply to her briefing question. "Go for it, they aren't idiots so don't go into massive detail, we have to be quick remember." The man said, before remembering to check the trip wire and fencing. "Be right back." And with that, he took a quick pace out of the house via the back door, checking over the thin alarm wire and thick wooden face for any gap or weakness. If there was, that would have been a problem. He did note that if what the new girl said was true, that she sneaked in, she was rather good at sneaking to leave no evidence of her entrance in the first place.
Cameron double-checked his pistol and shotgun, before putting the pistol back in its holster. He stood up, ready to head out.
"How nice of you" he said. "If we're the last people left alive, we should try to save each other."
Jess gave him a slightly hurt look before turning away and walking over to the new comers, ushering them in close. She flicked Cameron a 'don't test me look' as he moved close, she had been through enough to know how to make a difficult decision and it made it a whole lot easier if she treated them like a dead weight. Getting personal with people just caused problems, she wasn't going to get into that situation again.

Clearing her throat she started "Gonna keep this nice and simple, listen close because I am not going to repeat myself and this could very well save your life" Pausing for a moment she waited for them to nod to signal they understood before continuing.

"Keep low, run fast and for the love of God, don't make any noise. The slightest cough sends these bastards on our trail, so keep quiet. If you think you're in trouble do not make sound, give us a signal like this-" Jess raised her hand beside her head and clenched her fist "We will constantly be looking back at you so don't worry we'll see it. If there is a major problem and you know we are screwed then by all means scream and shoot as much as you like. If a horde is coming our way we make a run for the house, supplies or no supplies. Do I make myself clear?" Jess then made her way back to the door, her bat resting on her shoulder "Oh, if any one gets bitten, no matter who they are you shoot or swing to kill, there is nothing you can do for them and we'd just be putting ourselves in danger"
"I agree with everything dear Jessica just said." Jason said from the back, finished checking the trip wire and fencing. He quickly turned to the two with guns. "I swear to fuck, if you shoot those bloody things I'll ram them up your arses and shoot it, clear?" He added, knowing that guns were like a siren to zombies. Literally shouted their presence out, and would probably result in them all being killed.

Walking towards the door and opening it, taking a step outside, he looked to the group. "Let's get moving then, Jess take the back, I'll take front. Eyes open and be as quiet as possible." He finished, putting his finger to his mouth and chuckling, walking out of the house and down the drive, expecting the others to follow quickly.
Throwing Jason an appreciative glance she patted him on the shoulder for good luck before heading to the back of the group. She held her bat at the ready and followed them outside, her eyes watching the area around them cautiously. So far so good, there wasn't a sound except for the casual bird or breeze through the trees. They walked silently through the street, none of the newbies mad a sound which surprised Jessica a little. Keeping her eyes pealed her grip tightened around the handle of her bat.
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