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Zombies in England (FULL)

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Cameron emptied his bag; energy bars, soup tins, can openers, some pens (for his script) and beef jerky fell out.
"Soup and energy bars mostly" he said "but that coffee looks great!" he said, smiling. "I'm not a coffee person though."
dragonthingy said:
Cameron emptied his bag; energy bars, soup tins, can openers, some pens (for his script) and beef jerky fell out.
"Soup and energy bars mostly" he said "but that coffee looks great!" he said, smiling. "I'm not a coffee person though."

Jacob leaned back against the wall once inside, a look of relief evident on his face as he came down from the shock, resting his forehead against the pommel of his sword as he exhaled slowly, before opening his rucksack and taking out the water which was his only catch of the day.
"Well I got some bread, some how not stale, some butter, frozen ham and some cheese." He said, smiling to himself as he pulled out a fairly large amount of supplies. "I think we'll just chill for the rest of the day, do what you want, the trip lines will tell us of any zombies. They've moved on now." Jason told the group, indicating for the group to put all their supplies in the cold storage room.
[Would people like to start sort of smut now? Still be story like though though.]
[Depends what she wants. Can't really just randomly go up to her and say. "Sex now plox." :p]
(I know I'm late to the party, but I hope you guys don't mind. Changed his rifle proficiency for bow and arrow skills.)

Trystan Nemico held his knife ready, his bow and arrows strapped silently to his back. The zombie, a walker of a group he'd spotted on the hills, was about to go back to being dead. He smirked, hucking the knife by the blade straight for the spinal cord. It made contact, and the bastard undead dropped like a stone. His shook his head, sighing as he retrieved his knife from the spine. Since the zombie wasn't completely dead, he had to decide what to do with it. Shrugging, he left, but after making sure no more sound could come from the soon to be starved walking corpse. Impressed with himself, he walked on, heading towards a building he'd spotted not that far away. He stopped by the bush where he'd stashed his supplies, which contained 6 more knives of varying sizes, a few days worth of food, and quite a few medical supplies. Being a RN by profession, he knew how to patch up injuries, and since he hunted on his free time, he was quite the shot with his bow. Unfortunately, he didn't know there were other people in the structure. He broke one of the tripwires, and realizing what he'd done, he ducked, rolled and covered in case something bad should happen.
An alert buzzed through the house and the room went quiet, had a zombie broken through to the back yard? Skeptical Jess rose from her seat and swung her bat on to her shoulder, giving Jason a curt nod she left the room to check out the disturbance. She walked silently downstairs and made her way to the back door, taking a deep breath she pushed it open and slipped outside. Her bat at the ready Jess walked towards the broken trip wire and knelt down beside it. It was definitely broken, Jessica noted as she looked at the snapped cord and it had defiantly been something heavy.

Her eyes narrowed and she slowly rose to her feet, her grip tightening on the bat handle. If a zombie had broken the wire it'd still be out in the open, oblivious to the danger. Her lips pulling into a pout she turned around, noticing a bush by the house a little askew. Letting out a low sigh Jess lowered her bat and placed a hand on her hip "Come out, I mean no harm and you better as hell not or I'll feed you to the zombies so fast you won't even have time to say 'friendly fire' " Jess said in a low tone, not wanting the zombies that gathered out the front to know of her presence.
He rose slowly from the bush, holding his arm where it smashed against the tree. It wasn't his idea to hide in a bush, but the root sticking out of the ground forcefully insisted. "You guys need better traps." He raised an eyebrow at the bat, chuckling lowly. "Well, since I mean you no harm, I guess that means there'll be no friendly fire hm?" He chuckled again, glancing over his shoulder. "Well, you guys got any injuries? Might as well help, since I'm here anyways."

He sighed, seeming to remember something. "Ah, I almost forgot. Dr. Trystan Nemico, at your service. I can patch up just about anything." The Doc smiled warmly, pushing up suddenly on his arm, popping it back into place. He didn't even flinch. "Well, let's not simply stand here. Why don't we go inside?" He glanced around, drawing one of his knives as he glanced over his shoulder again. The coast was clear, atleast to his eyes. Still, the large group that had found it's way to the front door didn't exactly look friendly.
"They made you look like a fool, so I think our traps are fine" Jess said in an unamused tone, her eyes looking over him cautiously. Slowly she circled him, her bat resting on her shoulder "It doesn't look live you've been bitten..." Jess mumbled before returning to the front and looking him in the eye for a moment. Letting out another low sigh Jess shook her head and made her way back into the house "You had better make this risk I'm taking by letting you in worth while Dr. Nemico" Jess huffed as she closed and locked the door. "There is a crowd of undesirables at our front door and three men up stairs in the main bedroom... Be silent and follow me" Jess spoke in a low whisper before setting upstairs, making as little noise as possible, signaling him to do the same.
He chuckled as she opened the door. "Zombies don't care about looking stupid," he stated in a quiet tone. He nodded again at the signal to shut up and move. It was his first time being told what to do, but this woman looked like she knew what she was doing. He followed her to the main bedroom, looking around and nodding with approval. "Tell ya what. If those zombies bust out the door, I'll throw a few rocks at them for you." He chuckled again, looking over the people in the bedroom. Then he looked back to the girl. "Well, what exactly is the plan now? Are we going to wait out those shamblers in the driveway?" The Doctor's bright blue eyes surveyed the area of the bedchamber. "And most importantly, what are our escape routes?"
Jess growled under her breath and forced him to sit down on the bed, her form looming over him she raised an eyebrow "I said be silent, don't be an ass we've done this a million times before and we know what we're doing" Jessica hissed under her breath, looking about the room at the others before turning her attention back to him.

"In the unlikely event that the zombie horde does in fact break through our fence then door we have an escape route up into the attic from this room, from there we have a rope ladder that we can hook onto the attic window and climb down from into the back yard. Then we can either climb into the basement and secure ourselves down there or run for it" Jess then cleared her throat and moved away, peeking through the boarded up window to the front she let out a sigh. The horde had finally caught wind of Jason's diversion and were heading back down the street.

"Now unless you want to be back out on your ass I'd shut your trap" Jess growled moving to pick up her rucksack "I'll be down stairs putting the supplies away" With that Jessica moved back downstairs, her bat in hand.
"Every one try and keep it down, it looks like they are going." Jason said, watching the horde shamble off in the way it would have made sense for survivors to run, which seemed the most logical choice to them. There was only one good thing about a horde of zombies. Their smell. Because most of them had blood all over them, it blotted out the light smell of the humans, although they could smell stronger smells, meaning that the group had to stay reasonably unsmelly, but that wasn't so much a problem.

"Nice to meet you. Try not to piss her off please." He greeted, shaking the Doctor's hand. Pick a bedroom, any I'm not fussed, myself and Jess have this one, there is three other rooms, not too sure which the others are sleeping in though." Kharo added, smiling as he pointed to three other doors.

[Could people please PM me their sexual preferences?]
Trystan nodded, peeking from the window. He shook Jason's hand, bowing his head slightly as the other pointed out the rooms. "So then, I'm guessing that this is your guys' stronghold?" he asked in a low tone, wanting to make sure the zombies were completely out of range before talking normally. The Doc smiled, checking a small wrap of bandages on his arm. Some blood had soaked through, but otherwise the bandage was in good condition.

"It's nice to meet you too sir. And I'll try not to piss her off." He chuckled, bowing before he left the main bedroom, walking down the hall to a bedroom facing the hills. As he put his stuff silently down on the floor, the man could swear he heard a dull thump somewhere in the house. 'Well,' he thought. 'It's probably that odd character of a girl downstairs.'
Jess walked into the kitchen, plopping her rucksack into a chair she ran a hand through her silky black hair and let out a low sigh. It wouldn't be long until the village ran out of supplies to keep them alive and with more people arriving they would have to make a plan quick, let alone fix up the security system so they wouldn't just waltz in.

Opening the pantry Jess began organizing the tinned foods, but she had to stop, she felt dizzy. Stepping away from the pantry, Jess stood in the center of the kitchen a hand pressed to her forehead. Taking a deep, shuddering breath Jess stumbled towards the kitchen table, but before she could reach a chair her world went black and she collapsed on to the floor.
When he didn't hear anything else from downstairs, the doc decided to investigate. He pulled a serrated knife from his kit, drawing a throwing knife as he made his way down the stairs. The steps were quiet, incase the intruder was of undead descent. When he saw the girl facedown on the floor, he feared the worst, but the small movements of breathing kicked him into action.

He rushed over to her, chhecking her pulse first. Once he found it, he knew she wasn't turning, atleast not by any means he could see right away. He cupped his hands under the sink, filling it with water before letting it fall on her face. "Oiyu, wake up. Come on, wake up," he whispered, supporting her head. He checked her pulse again, opening her eyes to check the pupils. They would be the first to go if she was turning.
Panic, filled her body at that very moment, her form frozen she tried opening her eyes, but all she could see was darkness. Her subconscious screaming into the darkness behind her eyes, breathless she stood alone in the dark. Muffled voices broke the silence and Jess screamed again her heart racing she began to run.

Water washed over her face and Jess coughed, feeling a drip of water tracing down the back of her throat. Bolting into a sitting position Jess delivered a strong punch to the doctor's ribs before snapping back to reality.
He reeled back from the force of the punch, baring his teeth. This lady had some force in those fists. A cough forced it's way from his rattled lung. "So, that's the thanks I get for waking your ass up? You are lucky I'm a man who goes back for teammates." He coughed again, helping her up with his good arm. A curse snuck under his breath. "Well, I bet any zombie within a mile from here heard you. Better get ready for a fight." His eyes sparkled as he fished a book of matches from his pocket. "You ever seen a zombie burn before?" He chuckled, glancing out a window.

"They explode if the fire gets hot enough. Combusts that bastard virus so the whole body just," He pantomined an explosion with his hands. "Then you have bloody chunks everywhere. Hell, you blow one up next to a few others, you get crawlers." He chuckled, checking her pulse. A smile crossed his lips as he felt her heartbeat returning to normal. "Hey, I know we just met and all, but what the hell was that whole episode about? I promise not to tell anyone. I'm still bound by law. The whole doctor-patient confidentiality thing, you know?"
Jess covered her mouth with her hands and gasped, watching the doctor flinch in pain "Oh my god! I'm sorry!" Jess gave him an apologetic look as he helped her to her feet "I thought you were attacking me" Jess smiled and hobbled over to a seat. She sighed and put her head in her hands, leaning back into the chair "We try not to fight the zombies, they have acute hearing, if we start a rabble every zombie in a 2 mile radius would be on us like flies on a turd" Jess mumbled, trying hard not to keel over again. Looking up at the doctor she shook her head and reached into her rucksack pulling out a bottle of pills "I have mild schizophrenia and depression, black outs are a common side effect to the pill if I don't keep up regular fluids" Jess let out a long sigh and placed her head on the table "What do you say to that doc?"
"Mild schizophrenia and depression? And you say black outs are a result of an inadequate amount of liquid. Let me see those pills." He tilted his head, reading the label. His brow creased in thought. "Well, if we can make it to a hospital, then I'm sure we can find you something with less harsh side effects. Something like this can be quite taxing on supplies." The doctor looked around, rubbing his chest. "We have enough things I can shoot. The best thing about a bow is it has a yard sound radius for these undead, that's it. More effecient then a gun too, since you can pull your ammo back out and reuse it." He took the bow off of his back, handing it to the girl. "Now, concerning your mental health, I can name a few medications that don't include passing out from lack of fluids as a side effect. One of the last resorts though, clozapine, will weaken your white blood cells. If you do end up taking that, we'll need to stop by a hospital every two to four weeks." He glanced out of the window again, checking to see if the coast was clear. "We can leave any time you feel is right. The sooner, the better though."
"I chose these pills" Jess spoke in a harsh tone as she snatched the bottle back from him "Because they have a plentiful supply at the chemist, the nearest hospital is a three day trip... I don't need your bow and I don't need your concern. These pills have been working fine, I just had a bad day today is all" Jessica then moved to stand, wobbling slightly, she gripped the back of the chair for support "Besides the hospital is over run with the infected, we wouldn't even be able to get near it without getting torn apart" Letting out an exhausted sigh Jess shook her head as she slipped the pills back into her rucksack "Thank you for helping me off the floor, but I'm not going to risk loosing people because I'm too stupid to remember to have a drink every so often" Jess then turned and made her way towards the stairs.
He growled, shaking his head. "Well, your choice. And I never offered to give you my bow, I was letting you admire it. It looks... friendlier somehow." His eyes dazed over a little bit, but eventually he came to, shaking himself out of it as she made her way towards the stairs.

"Where's the nearest pharmacist anyway? I'm getting low on morophine." He rubbed his arm, wondering if he had a fracture. Then he shuddered as he remembered what she said about the hospital. There was only one hospital here that was three days away. He used to come here, having a small place not far away. "I used to work at that hospital. That's where I learned those undead bastards were flammable. Had to blow up Harding, and Webb. Even the interns got turned in turn." With a shake of his head, he dispersed those memories. "Well, the fact of the matter is this. If we can clear out the hospital, we have power. Every hospital has it's individual, self reliant power grid should the main one fail. All medical centers have that going for them. We'd have medical supplies, and I know there are handsets in a lot of those supply closets. If I'm correct, there should be a HAM radio antenna on the roof." He restrapped the bow onto his back, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Jess started up the stairs, shaking her head as he spoke "The chemist is two blocks down, but I wouldn't advise going out the horde is still too excited from earlier" Then Jess stopped, turning on her heels she looked down at him from the top of the stairs, her expression skeptical. "Are you saying we make a three day trip with all our supplies and ammo to a place that is overrun with over a thousand zombies and attempt to clear it out? Then what? Sit there and protect over three floors of entrance ways?"

Jess took a deep breath and shook her head, placing her hands on her hips "It's too big for the little people we have even if they do survive the trip and the extermination of the zombies from the hospital, who is going to guard all that territory?" Stepping down she closed the space between them, an eyebrow raised "Too risky, we don't have enough people or supplies. We're good here because we can keep an eye on the small amount of space... When a hundred people come knocking looking for safety, then we'll consider it"
He tilted his head, looking Jess straight in the eyes. "You'd only need to put a blockade around the lower floors. I have yet to see a zombie climb." A sigh of resignment escaped him. "Well, whatever. We'd need a fire anyway, but that could compromise the meds." He shrugged, following her upstairs. "I don't know why you're looking at me like that. It's a perfectly executable plan. Just put some petroleum here and there, a little lighter fluid..." he shook his head. "Agh, sorry. Bit of a pyro." When he reached the top, he checked the blinds. Something didn't seem right. The zombies would've heard the screaming. The tripwires would've been activated by now.

A chilling thought came to mind, and he quickly voiced it. "Do you think it's possible the undead bastards might have developed a thought process? I mean, viruses mutate to better suit their environments." He shuddered as his mind wandered. "They could be mutating. Getting stronger." He sighed, looking at his knives. "I wonder how people would fare if these things could run? Or even come up with a strategy."
"You really do over estimate the zombies." Came the voice of the group's leader as he walked down to meet the new arrival, tutting as he held a book out in front of him, reading a part he already knew off by heart. The front was labelled The Zombie Survival Guide. "Chapter one, Section 2, paragraph B." He started, looking towards the doctor as he read from memory. "Think of a zombie as a computer. No computer can think for itself. It is given a set task and that cannot be changed, modified, paused, erased or new data added. It will continue to do those functions till it's power supply runs out. This is a zombie brain. It is impervious to damage and will only stop when it has been destroyed. I think we're clear from changes." Jason finished, smiling as he watched the survivor.

"If you really want to try get to the hospital, go ahead. I don't think we shall be coming thought. And I threw a distraction, they are a fair bit away now, I just had a quick look, turning to walk into the fields. We're clear." The young man said, smiling calmly at the two. "A drink of coffee maybe?"
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