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Zombies in England (FULL)

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Cameron didn't say anything, as he wasn't making a sound. He had folded out his E-Tool, keeping his shotgun slung over his shoulder and his pistol in its holster. His grenade, which he had reserved in case he had to kill himself, was clipped to his belt. His heart was racing as he walked through the dead streets
(Are these fast or slow zombies?)
(I think they're slow when they're unaware of your presence, but fast and vicious once they get on your trail)

Jess moved fast, not making a sound, her eyes constantly surveying the area, They were out in the open, it made Jess nervous, it was the perfect place for an ambush of to be seen.
MyHappyWorld said:
(I think they're slow when they're unaware of your presence, but fast and vicious once they get on your trail)

Jess moved fast, not making a sound, her eyes constantly surveying the area, They were out in the open, it made Jess nervous, it was the perfect place for an ambush of to be seen.

Nathan smiled at the briefing, also definitely not a morning person. He checked the seating of his kit, essentially a military-grade set of PLCE, filled with various different bladed objects, especially giving the sword a little wiggle in its sheath, before they set off, moving fast, low, and quiet..
Jess paused for a moment, allowing the others to press on she stood in silence, the bad feeling she had growing worse as they walked in the open like sitting ducks. Her eyebrows pulled together, giving a skeptical look before moving on, following close behind Nathan.
[They are never fast. They are always vicious, but most of the time you can outpace them with a fast walk. They are just as strong as us, have better hearing, good smell and longer eyesight than us. And they don't feel pain, or anything really.]

Jason walked at the head of the column, coming up to the top of a small, twisting lane. That, was the only way down, unless you took the main road, to the local store, by car. If you were walking, there was another way, across the nice, open fields. "This way." He whispered, stepping over an old block of stone and along the dirt footpath. A few metres in, he pulled out a pair of binoculars and aimed them at the hills in the distance, about a mile or two away. Watching them, he noticed black specs dotted them, and after a minute or two, about a dozen or so started to turn towards the humans.

"Seen us already. I say 15-20 minutes. Let's be quick people, try and get to the shop, then back to the house in that time. It's five minutes there and the same back. So we only have a short window to deal with any in our way and collect the supplies." He said, looking to the group and setting off at a fast walking pace. Putting the binoculars away as he did, Jason strode off, hoping the group would keep up with him.
Jess lifted her hat slightly to see where Jason was looking, though she did not have binoculars she still continued to look. They set off in a quiet run again, drawing closer to the store "Kick up the pace newbies, when we get to the store just grab what you can, we'll sort out if it's worth keeping or not once we get back, just fill your bag and file out" Jess said softly, keeping her eyes on the hills in the distance "And keep your eyes open for stragglers, though zombies usually cluster together in hordes there are a few who have been left behind the group, they can catch you off guard so be careful"
The group kept walking, eventually reaching the shops, the ever present fear of Zombies more obvious than ever.
"Watch my back" he said, putting down his E-Tool and shoveling energy bars, soup tins, can openers, some pens (for his script) and beef jerky into his bag. He then noticed a box of condoms, which he covertly snuck into his pocket. Hey, you never know? He slung the bad over his shoulders and picked the E-Tool back up, before hearing a moan coming from behind a door...
"Guys" he said quietly, "company."
Jess nodded as she moved to another row of items, throwing in personal hygiene products in before having a go at the candy bars and tinned fruit and meat, even spying a bottle of coffee. Examining wedding magazine she found on the floor, Jess looked up and over to Cameron before looking towards the staff room at the back of the shop. The moans were loud and clear, two or three of them if she had to guess.

"Unless they have developed processing skills in that dead skull of theirs they won't be able to open the do-" the door slowly swung open and three zombies emerged from the dark room "Or some one left the door open" Jess said in a soft tone before making her way over to Cameron. "Do not shoot, do not make noise, we are to leave very quietly, if there are any more around we do not want to let them know our where abouts. Get out and follow Jason home... Now!" Jess said in a low whisper as she watched the zombies stagger towards them. Slowly Jess backed away, gripping Cameron's shoulder so he would do the same.
Cameron's heart was thumping harder than ever; he wanted to kill them now, but he knew that a struggle would bring them attention. Jess' hand startled him briefly, but he got over it and ran for the door, following Jason.
Nathan had started to stuff his backpack with bottled water when the door opened. He drew and turned, anticipating the conflict, and was reluctant to withdraw. However, it was the sensible option. Even silently, by the time it took them to dispatch these walkers, the rest of the horde would be almost upon them, with a limited window for retreat. So he backed up quickly with the others, keeping his eyes open for other zombies lurking behind the shelves.
"Let's fucking move, grab what you can and run back. I've got your asses, lets go." He said in a loud whisper, pushing Nathan out of the shop with the others, he pulled the wooden door shut behind him, content it would distract the zombies long enough to make it so they had no idea where the survivors had ran to.

Suddenly, from behind a high wall, came what must have been the shop owner, and lurched for the group. Then she didn't have a face. Retrieving his mace ball from her pulverised face, he urged the group on down the street, pointing to a little path that they had come down in the first place.
Pushing the others towards the path, Jess turned just in time to see Jason pulverize a zombie's face. Resisting the urge to scream, she signaled for Jason to hurry up as they ran back the way they came, the dots on the hill becoming bigger with every moment. Scared, Jess gripped Jason's hand and dragged him along with her, not wanting him the play the hero if he had the chance.
Cameron rushed outside, before a single Zombie he hadn't noticed lunged at him. He side-stepped it and then caved its skull in with his E-Tool. He then ran off to join the others.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." He said to Jess, pushing her onwards then running up the path afterwards. "Come on, who ever you are." Jason added, knowing at this pace it would only take another 2 minutes or so to get back to the house. Looking at his watch, he noted they had another ten minutes till the zombies in the hills reached the path way. In that time, they should be back into safety. If they got into the house with no ghouls seeing them, they should be fine for the mean time.
They rounded the corner and ran onto the street where there house was located, but their home stretch had been blocked off by a wall of slow moving, moaning bodies. All of them heading in the direction of the house and all of them looking ready to attack. Pulling the two new guys back against a nearby fence and hiding behind it, Jess flicked Jason a concerned glance "What now?" She mouthed, not making a sound.
In the microsecond Cameron had to think, he weighed the situation; he couldn't possibly take on the pack of Zombies with his E-Tool or his pistol. If he had more shells, his shotgun could help, but he only had ten shells, and he had left it at the house as he couldn't carry it and the supplies.
"Fucking run!" he said to Jess, running in the opposite direction. "We'll go around them!"
She watched Cameron with wide eyes, then at the horde then at Jason. Taking a deep breath she followed, running around the bock so that they could go through the back way.
dragonthingy said:
Cameron kept running, looking around in all directions for Zombies. Jess and Jason were just behind him.

Nathan fled the store wit hthe others, keeping their pace, his right hand ready to draw his sword at a moments notice. Rounding the corner, he nearly tripped over a corpse, vaulted it instead, and carried on with the rest to the back entrance.
Jason swore heavily as he saw the zombie horde and ran away, around the corner, but the zombies were slowly shambling after them. He pulled off his backpack and removed a bag from it, inside was a small sonic emitter, which gave out a high pitched sound that animals, and oddly enough, zombies seemed to be able to hear, but not humans. Around that was a slab of out of date Steak, rotting in the bag. He pulled a hole upon in the bag, so the stench came out, as did the high-pitched noise from the emitter.

Jason, while the group was out of sight, going into the back entrance, launched the bag of sound, smell and taste, into another garden which had a thinner wooden fence around it, on the other side of the street. Fortunately it rolled to rest against the open door. Pushing the group through the door as silently as he could and shutting it, and bolting it, and propping it, he ushered the survivors upstairs as quietly as they could, hearing the shuffling and moaning of the zombies as they moved past the safe-house and attacked the other house. "Quickly, in here. Quiet." The man whispered, getting every one into the main-bedroom, which had a slight peek-hole out onto the street, so he could see the zombies, but they could not see him. "Stay quiet and down till I say it's clear."
Cameron leaned against the wall, struggling to catch his breath quietly. He took a piece of beef jerky from the bag and ate it, taking his mind off of what had just happened.
Fear pumped through her veins as they ran through the back alleyways towards the house's backward. Leaping over the fence they were careful not to trip over any of Jason's wires as they ran into the house and quietly moved upstairs to the main bedroom. There was silence as they waited, Jessica sat still of the corner of the bed, placing her rucksack down next to her. She looked around the room at the panicked faces and a smile twitched at her lips "Not the closest call we've had, we did pretty good" Jessica whispered, trying hard to keep her tone soft so it would not leave the confines of the bedroom. "I gotta say newbie, when you first saw the zombie in the shop I thought you were going to shoot. It amazed me that you didn't" Jess said with a smile, looking over at Cameron, it was her way of complementing him.
"Wouldn't have made a difference" said Cameron. "Besides, its hard shooting them in the head; I've only done it twice" he added, before realising that Jess was complimenting him.
"Thank you" he said.
"I hope it was worth it. What did you haul?" he asked.
Jessica's lips pulled into a sneaky smile as she reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of coffee "Only the nectar of the gods" She held up the bottle to read the label, an expensive brand of mild blend it sounded like heaven "Before the out break I had made a pact with my friend never to touch coffee again until we go to Italy and try the best espresso on earth, but once the outbreak took a hold of London and made my friend one of the first to go I've been looking for a decent cup of it... To toast to her memory" Jess sighed and placed the bottle back in her bag, looking over to the window where Jason stood before back at Cameron "That and a huge pile of candy bars, tined fruit and magazines... What did you score?"
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