Old Wounds Never Heal (Rogue and I)

"I'm not a daiyokai like you." She smiled, not that it seemed to bug her in the slightest as she let her hair down finally, her eyes trailing that perfect leg before she returned to her worshipful duty of hair. "I am an Oni..made to a specific task, and my task is to collect hair. So my hair never grows out," She pouted. "It's so unfair..I want long tresses like these...so I could put them in all sorts of different styles..the only hair I have is on my head..it's so mean!" She huffed.

Regardless, she gathered up all the hair and scooped up the nearby pail of water, pouring it over her light blond hair as it glistened and shone in the water. Perfect!
She thought about it. She supposed that was true... She hadn't considered that. Inwardly, Kestrel had a bit of sympathy for the girl. She, for one, knew what it felt like to want something so bad, only to have it constantly out of your reach. In fact, Kestrel could say that she'd felt that way all day. She shifted, chewing on her lip as she felt her mind swirling through options. "I suppose, if you wanted to, you could play with mine... as long as you don't chop it off." She mused.

She leaned hear head back as the water washed over hair, she nearly moaned. It felt absolutely wonderful. In fact... she could have sworn that she felt sexual arousal from the act, however, she'd brushed it off. She leaned into her unconsciously, purring softly, in content.
"I would never.." She sighed contently, happy to have her lean into her as Yura let the pail lazily floated in the water. Her arms slid around her waist, scooting upward to finally touch those heavy breasts. "I would only want a strand of two..." She pleaded playfully, lips against her ear. "Pretty please?" She murmured. Mm, how long had it been since she had this kind of fun? A long, long time..stupid Sesshoumaru!
She had been absolutely relaxed, nearly in a sleep before she felt the woman's arms slinking around her waist before eventually disturbing the two damp globes of flesh on her chest. She opened her eyes to the girl's advances. Lavender eyes cut, listening to the woman, her skin practically bristled as soft lips brushed across the shell of the Daiyoukai's ear. She... made a compelling argument. Kestrel's lips curled into a coy grin. "We'll talk." She responded.
"..Tease.." She pouted, her fingertips trailing over a dusky nipple. "Fine then..I guess I'll just have to stick around until I get my hair. " She purred. "This place is big enough for two, don't you think, Lady Kestrel?" She was going to get her hair, that..and her body was fun to play with..she seemed so sensitive! It was adorable!
Sensitive was an understatement. As the point of her finger brushed across Kestrel's pert nipple, the Daiyoukai shifted in the water. It had been far too long since her body had endured any kind of attention. "I'll consider it... but I am expecting... company." Well, she hoped she was expecting company. However, she came to find she was beginning to enjoy the hyper girl's affection. Damp fingertips trailed along the pale skin of her arm. "You shouldn't be so affectionate with strangers, you know... I might not have been so friendly..." She retorted.
"Mm..but I could smell your frustration," She pouted. "Do you have a date? Does he have nice hair?" She grinned happily "I can behave while you two play! I promise!" She said, purring at her shift as she decided to press her palm against her wonderful globe of flesh and squeeze it. "I'll be a good girl.." Was it another Daiyoukai? No, it couldn't be..Lord Sesshoumaru would probably feel somewhat territorial about that.

..Wouldn't he? Yura had no idea about him anymore.
Was that obvious to everyone that looked at her? Did her nose blink red when she was aroused or was there something else going on here? And then the questioned bombarded her. "Be that as it may, dear. You'll have to behave if you want to stay." She thought back on Shinji, trying to figure out whether or not he had nice hair until she felt a specific amount of pressure on her breasts. Her brow twitched, a slight arch in her back. However, she straightened out quick. "I should hope so." She said, with a chuckle.
"Okay," She grinned, slipping her hands away. "I suppose I'll be nice...he does have nice hair, though..right?" She said hopefully, why else would this beautiful vision pick a man when she, of course..was right here? As spontaneous as it was, she could easily satisfy her! Her hair was short, but she thought it was much better than most!
She had to wonder if... maybe... Yura wouldn't be enough for her. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know that the young Oni was good with her hands. In fact, Kestrel almost missed the soft touch as she pulled away. "Honestly... I don't remember his hair..." She mused, her hand idly floating into the water. Eventually, she stood, water dripping off of the dark exotic skin. Rolling along her abdomen, and finally over a tight, firm butt.

She closed a silk robe around herself before holding a towel, and a spare robe out to what appeared to be her new room mate. "I'll introduce you two... honestly, all I remember is him being the manliest thing near me when Sesshoumaru lost his shirt..." She mused, her mind instantly flashing back to the sight. She licked her lips softly before turning her head towards the door.
"..That's it?" She said dryly, waving off the offer. She preferred a lack of clothing, stupid human invention..although it did have it's benefits, it was kind of hard to get around when everyone was gaping at you like they had never seen the most beautiful woman in the world.

Which was probably her, of course. With others being a close second..possibly. But still, she could understand that level of frustration. "Who is it then? One of Lord Sesshoumaru's men, obviously.."
She could hear the complete disinterest suddenly in the Oni's voice. She chuckled, tying the robe around her waist and putting the rest of it away. Kestrel found the robe extremely comfortable. She settled down on the floor nearby, letting the young girl continue to enjoy the water.

"It is. Shinji is his name." She answered, turning her phone over a few times in her hand. She hoisted to her feet, making her way over to the woman before she leaned down, abruptly pressing soft, satin lips against hers. The kiss was brief, and harsh. "Make yourself at home." She whispered against the other female's full lips before she began to exit the bathroom.
Yura...wasn't..quite sure she heard any of that when Kestrel's lips set her body on fire, her tongue slid out absently to remember the taste as she settled back with a full on, bratty teenage like pout.

"Hmph!" She squeaked, cheeks aflame with desire as she settled back in the water, hand slipping down between her legs with a soft sigh.

Well..maybe she'd just get her turn later! Ugh..Shinji? She really liked him? His hair was awful! She had WAY better hair than he did! And he probably didn't even know how to please a woman!

Shinji was at a dilemma when the APCs and SUV's finally rolled into the Mujou compound. He wasn't exactly clean by any means, but he didn't exactly want to be ungracious to Lady Kestrel either. Part of him contemplated just..texting, but that seemed so impersonal and bitch like! He wasn't a bitch!

No, but he was really, really, REALLY wanting to have sex with her. As crude as it sounded. Eventually, he decided to fuck it and dialed in her number as he trotted off to his quarters.

What in the hell would he even say to her?
She felt the phone vibrating in her hand and picked it up. She licked her lips to dampen them before she finally spoke. "Hello?" Of course, when she found out it was him, her lips curled into a grin. "It took you long enough... I was beginning to think I'd scared you off..." She shifted before stretching out on the modern couch provided for her. "Regardless, skipping the pleasantries, do you need an address?" She questioned quickly.

She could feel Yura's frustration, and was actually a little disappointed in herself for inflicting it. Had actually halfway considered slipping back into the bathroom and... relieving her of some of that frustration. But there would be another time and another place for that.
"Uh...yeah." He said, obviously caught off guard. "I ah..I just got off the APC though, if..that's okay?" He was still in his combat gear, still dirty and still having to deal with a bulge in pants designed not to have much bulge area. The frustration was astronomical from that alone, he deposited his carbine in the armory and was already glancing up at the apartment complex. Fuck..was..he really getting laid by a Daiyoukai?
"I don't care. It won't hurt your case to look like you just walked off of the battlefield. Don't keep me waiting too long, hm? The door's unlocked. Let yourself in." And with this, she ended the conversation, shortly after actually texting him the address. She shifted, plugging her phone up to a set of speakers and eventually finding a song to listen to before she got comfortable on the couch, letting the drum-line play out at the tips of her fingers, tapping softly on the arm of the couch.

The minute he entered, he could see her, loose robe hanging on by a very loose knot in he front, a single knee to the ceiling, parting the robe to expose the bare leg itself.
When Shinji opened the door, he was assaulted by the pulsating beat of whatever song she was playing. But his eyes settled firmly on her as he shut the door behind him, he supposed he didn't really need to say anything as his combat vest dropped somewhere on her floor, his boots soon joining it as he tugged off his thermal shirt. To say he was..defined, was probably a bit of an insult to his training. Kenji never knew what Sesshoumaru really did to teach them how to get so fit, but he hardly complained. He was probably at the peak of his physical perfection..at least, as much as a human could be.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting long." He said simply, his eyes trailing up her form as he slowly slid his hand along her leg. He would go at the pace she wanted..whatever that was.
Kestrel had known when he'd come in, had been able to smell him. She opened her eyes and glanced towards him without moving from her position. She could watch him shuffling, undressing. And a raw desire took over her expression. He was no Lord Sesshoumaru, but that wasn't to say that what she was currently looking at wasn't stunningly attractive. She watched him as he advanced, feeling his hand tickling along her leg. The skin beneath his hand was warm, and goosebumps of pure anticipating trickled beneath it. He had known exactly what she wanted. And she was rather glad that he'd gotten straight to business.

Her on hand pressed into his arm, sliding along it before pressing to his neckline and raking softly until deft fingers could trace the definition of his chest and abdomen. "Long enough..." She breathed in his direction before her hand trailed back up, tucking around his neck and tugging him towards her. She pressed her lips into his, feverishly, her fingers curling softly into his skin.
He groaned in surprise-and entirely in pleasure- when her lips mashed against his, he wasn't quite sure what the taste was..but it sort of reminded him of a light jolt of sorts. A soft shock of flavor before the pleasurable warmth flushed through him while his hands tugged open the robe and his hands eagerly slid down her waist to grip her perfect firm rear to scoot her closer, hips connecting with a soft grunt.

Oh, god..that felt incredible even on his pants. He was going to be sleeping here tonight.

Actually, who needed sleeping?
Her body arched into his touch, almost feeling instantly hot beneath it. She exhaled through her nose, parting her lips to trail her tongue along his lips, slowly, teasingly. She let the now opened robe hang from her shoulders, completely bare beneath him. Her hair was still wet, sticking to her skin here and there. Although, this was irrelevant. Her hips pushed into his the moment they connected, an almost possessive growl passing her lips. Her chest heaved before she finally parted his lips, sliding a velvet tongue along his.

Her hands wandered, over his chest, pressing into his abdomen. Rock hard and defined. It felt good under her hand, she couldn't imagine how wonderful it was going to feel pressed against hers. She was burning hot, white hot. She broke the passionate kiss, exhaling softly before she parted her lips. "Three words... The first three words in your head right now..." If he answered right... he could count on having a rather eventful night.
For a moment, he couldn't even think when her hips mashed against his clothed dick. He let out a soft breath as his eyes opened up somewhat, lucid with desire and lust as his gears in his brain started to turn. First three words..? Shit, he had to THINK and be erect at the same time?

"Beautiful.." He murmured against her lips, hands still settled on her wonderful rear as he held her close. "Confident...and..intelligent.." Wait, that didn't sound very sexy, did it? He didn't even know what Daiyoukai thought sexy humans were, let alone what they should say!
She chuckled. It was cute, but they were compliments. And the fact that he could even think straight right now... she had to give him points for that. One leg curled around his hip, pulling him closer. A hot breath brushed across as she pushed their lips together again. She scratched her claws along his abdomen.

"Good enough." She responded. She could already feel him struggling against his will, and she was sure the pressure against his groin was quickly becoming a bother. She nipped softly at his lower lip, arching her back accomplishing two things: pressing her toned rump into his hand, and pushing a flat abdomen against his. She almost shuddered at the sheer feel of it.
"Oh fuck me.." He finally uttered out, pressing himself against her as his hard chest pressed against her wonderfully round and perfect breasts. He almost wished his pants would simply go away right now, but he still was in the process of tugging down his pants to let the strain be released to his boxers, to which he finally let out a sigh of relief as his pants finally dropped to the ground. He was as hard as he had ever been for two reasons, namely that he was getting a daiyoukai actually aroused and the fact that he actually was good enough to have sex with.

His face found her arched breasts, perfectly round and topped by hard nipples as his tongue brushed over one, savoring the sweet taste of it all. He wasn't going to be leaving this spot for a fucking thing..nothing short of Lord Sesshoumaru would stop him.
Her eyes narrowed, dangerously as he uttered his little phrase. She could oblige him. She smirked against his lips, pushing her hands into the couch and taking his lips again, pressing her chest even harder to his, given the angle. She shifted, a trail of kisses lining his jawline before she reached his ear. She nipped softly at it. "Was that a challenge, Shinji...?" She purred, she curled around his neck. Her smooth tongue ran along the shell of his ear, her hips shifting ever to slightly, but just enough to allow him to feel the heat radiating from her core. Her fingers tangled, now, in his hair. "Because I'd hate to break you..."

before she knew it, she was on her back again, his face buried into her breasts. She purred as he flicked his warm tongue over the eager point, her back arching, even further. A soft, sultry groan pushed passed her lips. He had her exactly where he wanted her.
"I can work with bruises." He groaned hungrily, his eyes were closed from all the pleasure before he finally tugged away his offending boxers and the hot flesh of his erection brushed against her. "I can walk with bruising." God, he didn't care. He just wanted her . Her lips were like lightning to his system, his skin flushing from pleasure and feeling far too sensitive for it's own good. Even better when she was finally on her back and he had full acess to those plump breasts, his lips never ceased in his worship; trailing lines of kisses up and down each breast, tongue tasting every corner and angle of her breasts as he could imagine she liked.

If she wanted him bruised from this, he wasn't going to complain..he was a strong guy, he could handle it. Even if he couldn't? He'd die a happy man.
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