Old Wounds Never Heal (Rogue and I)

His father, it was strange to hear him mention his father. However, there was no denying that is father had been well known in their world. Even she had heard of him, although he had long since passed away when she was born, it didn't keep the knowledge of the great pure-blood from eager ears. She thought on his words for a moment, as if hunting for a way to respond.

"I suppose I can't disagree with you, My Lord..." She continued, "Although the underhandedness of human nature has always been there... perhaps more easily justified now in the corporate world. People do what they have to in order to survive. However, this being said, it is important for one to be aware of their limitations." She finished, drumming her fingers along her stomach.
"To think there are limitations, Lady Kestrel..is to think that one day, you will be outdone." He replied. "And to think that is a weakness," At least, to him..he always believed it to be so. He was not a human, he was a Daiyoukai. The only limits were the ones he placed on himself, the further he went..the higher his limits would reach until there was nothing he couldn't do. And so far? It was working quite nicely for him in the process.
She chuckled at his response. "Maybe that is so... although I find knowing my weaknesses to be advantageous." She retorted, opening her eyes and glancing up at him. "We're not all brimming with power, My Lord. Some of us need to know our weaknesses. It isn't always a limit one places on oneself." She finished before closing her eyes and relaxing again. She sighed, close enough to comfort to fall asleep.

"Although, I wonder at times if I can afford to know my limitations..."
"Knowing limitations is one thing, Lady Kestrel." He murmured. "..But feeling as if you cannot surpass them is another." Sesshoumaru longed for the day that he could surpass his father in strength, and no matter what he did. He knew he wasn't there, he was far stronger than he was four hundred years ago. But he still was not strong enough, he didn't know how he knew..he just did. There was something that he didn't have, that his father did.

And it bothered him to no end that he couldn't find what it was.
"Thus being the main reason I wonder if I can afford to know my own." She retorted, turning her head into the seat comfortably. "Being around someone who is greater than you perhaps offers perspective, My Lord. Gives you a bit more of the... will-power to consider surpassing what one once assumed were their limits." She licked her lips before stilling them, her nostrils flaring softly as she exhaled.

She had never wondered about meeting and surpassing her limit, until she fought with him on the battlefield. And then again... she began to wonder, in comparison to his strength, if he had even considered that encounter a battlefield.
"I suppose," He replied. "I haven't met many I would consider my superior." And that was simply a fact that he shared none too bluntly, there were few who could even match him without considerable strain or trickery, to go all out would require an opponent of immense power. Something that Sesshoumaru secretly drove to find in any situation, battles were a tedium that kept the day to day monotony at bay, barely. Father had opponents that dated back to ancient times, even back then. That took all his might to seal, to shut away and he succeeded. He had no such fights..he merely had the backstabbing ways of Naraku.

Rare was there a situation that he simply could not handle, or one that spiraled so out of his control that he could fix. He could say that his life was simply boring, and that sadly would not be too far from the truth.
"And that is in your nature, My Lord. Greatness runs in your blood." She retorted, very simply. Although she couldn't imagine the... monotony of what he life was like. Going day to day and never being met with a real challenge. Constantly being probed and annoyed by the back stabbing ways of a man who had, in her opinion, mockingly referred to himself as powerful. Although... something had seemed different about the approach that Naraku took today. Something she hadn't gathered in the files. Simply, it meant he was gaining power, the only real question was, where was he getting it from?

Kestrel had been met with many things that overwhelmed her. Suddenly, she was almost thankful for these things. Thankful that she could wake up the next day and actually anticipate some kind of challenge. Be it physical, mental, or emotional. Not, of course, that she was an emotional woman, as of late. Things had begun to coast in her life until she got the job. The typical adoration of the lesser kind. An easy way to obtain money each morning that never changed. This had been quite the breath of fresh. "Perhaps one day, you'll find your equal."
He glanced at her a moment, his eyes having a lingering trace of..something, something other than complete boredom as a thoughtfulness carried over his expression. He was thinking, truly and honestly thinking of every annoyance he had, every opponent he had fought and the simple reply was:

"If I find my challenge, I pity the world for what will happen if I lose." He knew the rules, would this challenge do the same? Or would it simply be worse? There was no exaggeration to say that he was possibly one of the most powerful people on the planet, daiyoukai did their best to stay away from his scorn. And his bloodline made it even harder for them to think he was nothing but a rich boy with too much money. To find a challenge..he would have to meet someone of equal power and influence..and the thought both excited him..and frightened him completely, in a good way.

At least, he thought so.
She felt as though she felt his eyes on her, but she hadn't bothered opening her eyes to check for herself. She believed that he would find his challenge one day, although she also truly believed he would overcome it. He didn't quite come across as an individual who would... be defeated. Regardless of what it was. And yet, she wondered if his challenge was a battle of strength. She chuckled at his comment, finally opening her eyes to glance at him, a smirk stretching across her face.

"To even suggest that you may lose is a weakness, a limitation, you cannot afford to know." She retorted, knowingly. She watched him for a moment, maintaining her smirk before settling down again.
There was almost a noise from Sesshoumaru's end, one would dare go so far to say as a chuckle. Or rather some manner of noise that indicated amusement, but one could never be sure. After all, Sesshoumaru had no sense of humor, did he?

"I suppose that is true," He said idly, settling back. "Assuming otherwise would be a problem, wouldn't it?"
Was that a.... chuckle? Surely not... She must have been hearing things. Sesshoumaru, she imagined, did not have the capacity to laugh. Or, so she has assumed from previous encounters, but what did she really know about the Daiyoukai? She supposed as much as he knew about her. Immediately, she brushed the thought away.

"Dangerous thinking, My Lord." She warned, almost playfully. Perhaps she had been... wrong about him. This conversation almost seemed... pleasant. After she had brushed her frustration aside, opting instead to ignore it, she found him a much different man than she had previously assumed.
"So it seems it would be," He replied as their Limo finally stopped to his headquarters as he glanced at her. His headquarters was more like..a compound, if you wanted to get technical. A minature city to the testament of Sesshoumaru's success. A few hundred miles outside of Osaka was where Sesshoumaru and his many workers lived and survive. Mujou Defense Forces, or if you wanted to get quite technical, Mujou Defense and Security Forces.

"Shall I have one of my aides escort you to your condo, Lady Kestrel?" He said, finally stepping out as he brushed down his jacket. Couldn't have himself looking out of place..
She lifted herself off of the seat as she felt the limo stop. It was almost a single fluid moment, although she did refrain from doing it too quickly. She exited the limo with him, and stretched her arms above her head the minute she could stand up straight. Honestly, she had to let the concept of having a condo sink in. Finally, she turned her head towards him with a smile of her own. Genuine smile. Not a smirk, or a grin, but a smile.

"That would be wonderful, My Lord." She stated simply. She could imagine the first thing she was going to do is jump in a piping hot shower, and the second was wait on a phone call. Should, of course, he decide to call. She had ways of obtaining her liquor, which she would do somewhere in between.
"Yura," He called simply, and out of a place and direction hardly even seen. A lithe oni girl landed gracefully down on the ground with a sultry smile, Sesshoumaru took quick stock of how quickly Yura's red eyes settled on Kestrel's light blond hair. Imagine Sessshoumaru's surprise to see her dressed..somewhat, if you'd consider the strip of clothing around her upper thighs a business skirt, and the fact that she was wearing only the black jacket to go with it.

He sighed inwardly, tapping his claw against his forehead. Progress, he supposed...her and clothing had an odd habit of not sharing the same space.

"Yes, my lord?" She purred heavily. "Who is this beautiful lady?" She had such lovely hair! Not as lovely as Lord Sesshoumaru..but she would not complain!

"This is Lady Kestrel..she is my aide-" As Yura was prone to do, she pouted, arms crossing under her impressive breasts. "Another?" She hmphed. "Lord Sesshoumaru, you can barely satisfy the ones you have now!" Well, this was a record..normally Sesshoumaru already had a headache at this point of the day, but now Yura was already making that happen..how dare he try to do without?
Kestrel was more than surprised for the oni woman to just fall from the sky. And rather attractive, a hit to her pride. No wonder he wasn't phased at all by her. Ad that to the notch of hits her self esteem had taken. Although, she thought the woman wearing only the black jacket was actually kind of... stylish. As Kestrel, currently, was wearing the same thing. However, she instantly noticed the irritation that seemed latent in all of his body language. Actually, she was almost pleased to see it. Finally, some visible frustration, even if it wasn't caused by her.

She stood, relaxed despite the attractiveness of the woman in front of her. Kestrel couldn't shortchange herself every time she came across a beautiful woman. "Another?" She questioned, brow quirked. She hadn't been aware he'd had more than one aide. She turned her gaze towards him before looking back at the woman and offering her a smile, although it was far more of a grin than an actual smile. "Regardless, I look forward to working with you, Miss Yura." A level of respect for others he'd yet to see from her.

She was sure if she was nice to the woman, any turmoil about her being there. She noticed the woman glancing at her hair, and briefly, she reached up to touch it. It needed to be washed, immensely needed a good wash. So she surely hoped he'd take the reigns here soon so that she could do so.
"Likewise, Lady Kestrel." She smiled softly. "Your hair is wonderful! But it looks so dirty! We have to fix that!" She said firmly, and before Sesshoumaru could truly say anything regarding it, as he seemingly was quite used to on the matter, she was already moving yet again. He did enjoy Yura's enthusiasm..but he did wish a little bit more respect could be gleaned from the young Oni. But who was he to complain? Well, he was Lord Sesshoumaru..in dire need of aspirin..

"We need to go to your condo and fix that!" She decided simply, grabbing her hand in a very unprofessional manner, and more akin to a girl who had found a best friend to drag into the mall."A woman of your beauty should not have to suffer such a travesty!"
She was a bit taken aback, surprise washing over her face before she felt herself being dragged along by the ebony haired woman. Kestrel had actually almost stumbled and fell. "Oh... Wha-- I... okay. Sure." Were the only things she could muster up, and she had glanced back at Sesshoumaru for a moment before another firm tug forced her to look ahead of her. "Um... thank you..." She told her, on the sudden compliment. She hadn't expected to be complimented, especially not by such an attractive woman. Perhaps this day was just getting better.

Once they'd finally entered the place, she looked around, although she wasn't entirely sure if she'd have time to or not. Yura had seemed rather enthusiastic about her hair.
"That man always forgets a woman's needs!" Yura huffed. "I swear! He's as ignorant as he is beautiful!" And indeed, she clearly had no time whatsoever to take much stock of her wide and spacious condo as Yura continued to drag her towards the bathroom, which was as equally accommodating with a large bath and a separate shower stall. "And he's rather beautiful," Yura sighed wistfully, finally letting go of her hand as she started to run the water.
Kestrel scoffed lightly. "Admittedly, he may be asexual..." She mused, following along until the woman finally let go of her. She reached behind her head and took down her hair before she finally shrugged off the coat. They were both women, strangers or not, but if this woman was offering to bathe her, or wash her hair, Kestrel would be crazy to turn her away. Especially after the day she'd had, she felt as though she could use a little pampering.

"That he is. Stunningly maddening and he knows it." She mumbled, leaning over to unzip the boots before discarding the rest of the marred clothing. There were marks on her hips, connecting at her lower back to a point just above a firm bum. The stripes came forward, following a subtle 'V' sex line, but stopping about halfway down. Also, the same marks curled around her ankles. She waited for the woman to be finished running the water. "How long have you worked for him?" She questioned.
"Twenty years," She sighed, tugging off her jacket to let her breasts be exposed to the warming air as she squirmed out of her skirt. Apparently undergarments were also a bit of a taboo for her, but given her seeming personality. It suited her somewhat as she looked over Kestrel with a wonderful smile.

"Long enough to know my fingers are a better lover than he will be," She pouted. "He's such a tease, too! That's how he got me to work for him!" She huffed, testing the water with her toes before sinking into with a soft sigh. "He still hasn't given me one single strand of that beautiful hair.."
Kestrel had to admit, the woman's body was... impressive. And she couldn't blame her for going without underwear, sometimes, Kestrel contemplated doing the same. There was just something about them that made her feel... confined, uncomfortable. She laughed out loud, waiting for the woman to get comfortable before she slid in herself.

"Well, here's to hoping you're right about that. He's very aware of what he does..." She purred, sinking into the water and allowing the warmth to heat her to the bone. Her legs were relatively stretched out, making sure not to impose on Yura, and crossed at the ankle. The heat caused the humidity to form condensation on the bit of her skin that wasn't submerged, creating the illusion of sweat. It trickled along eager breasts and along her cleavage before finally meeting it's destination at eager peaks and dripping into the water. "I just wanted the job, who doesn't want to work closely with that kind of power. Of course... however, the minute I was figured out, I got to spend a nice, two hour car ride with demeaning comments and little satisfaction... Not even peace of mind." She grumbled.
"Tell me about it.." Yura sighed, her hand perhaps absentmindedly trailing down her own slick breast as she watched Kestrel with a smile. She was gorgeous, even more so when the flush took to her dark skin! "But that's just how Lord Sesshoumaru is.." She said. "Can I wash your hair, Lady Kestrel?" She suddenly asked, sitting up with a light bounce to her chest as the water splashed around to her waist. "It's so pretty! It kills me to see it so dirty!"
She absolutely noticed the wandering hand before she continued speaking. She was a little relieved to hear that she wasn't the only woman on Earth that Sesshoumaru drove absolutely crazy. She shifted in the water before the woman bounced out of the water, startling the Daiyoukai. "Hm? Oh, my hair? Of course." She said, shifting for a moment until her back faced the woman. She leaned back into the water, dampening her hair before sitting back up. "Have at it." She told her. Kestrel's hair was long, and it floated in the water about them, encircling them.

Water found it's way along her face, racing down her neck and jawline and over the aforementioned breasts. "Admittedly, after the day I've had, I feel like acting like a pampered kitten." She chuckled.
"Wonderful!" She practically squealed, her fingers were smooth and dextrous as she moved closer, gathering her own personal comb to move through her hair before she lathered it with shampoo. Her sizable breasts seemed all too eager to press against her back as she let her fingers sink into her tresses. "Your hair is so amazing.." She sighed wistfully, the hard little nubs against Kestrel's back told just how much she enjoyed her hair, having it all curled up against her head as she ran her soapy fingers through it, making sure every strand was glistening with shampoo.

"I wish I could grow long hair like this.."
She honestly didn't mind the attention at all, leaning back into the eager chest of the girl. She was absolute enamored, not to mention was having quite the ego boost. As she felt the girl's fingers tugging through her damp hair, lathering and cleaning, she purred, eyes fluttered closed and her entire body immensely relaxed. "I'm glad you think so..." She purred quietly before shifting, allowing one leg to raise out of the water. Dark, exotic skin glistened with water and rebellious suds that decided to escape. She turned her head, having heard the girl's wish for long hair before scoffing shortly.

"Honestly, it's very hard to maintain, although it can be rewarding. Some people complain about getting headaches with long hair... that's bullshit..." She mused. "But, why haven't you grown your hair out?" She questioned.
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