Old Wounds Never Heal (Rogue and I)

"I certainly slept well," Yura smiled happily, settling down a plate of bacon, eggs, rice and soup on the table as she gave Kestrel a good morning kiss as Shinji sat himself down at the table with a small grunt. Man, he got ridden like a wild animal and he was hardly complaining about it...oh well, he'd just get a rubdown sometime and that would be the end of it. Still, he was somewhat surprised Yura didn't stare at him with some minor disdain like she always did as she sat down a plate in front of him.

"Here you go!" She smiled. "Eat up!"

"...Thanks," He mumbled, his lack of manners was entirely due to the fact he was ravenously hungry. Sleeping with Daiyoukai sucked up energy, apparently..
Kestrel watched the girl as she set the food down, accepting the kiss as she had offered it to her. No reason to deny the girl any attention, after all. She was feeding her. Granted, with her own food, but the fact was still there. Anything that made life easier for her. Lavender eyes cut sharply towards Shinji, it was apparent that he was hurting... tired... amongst other things. And his lack of manners, while annoying, was something she could overlook... for now.

She turned her attention to the food and ate. The hunger was there, without a doubt, but someone of her bloodline did everything with some kind of grace, some kind of poise. And when she was done eating, she stood. Her hand pressed, softly, to the girl's lower back. "Clean up before heading to work..." She told her, letting her fingers trail slowly up her spine as she made her way into the bedroom to dress completely for work.
Ah, so the general mood must be the same for all Daiyoukai? Well, that was fine..he knew how to handle that he supposed, but on the other hand; he had no idea. He didn't have sex with Sesshoumaru and thank the gods above for that one. So while Yura let out her kittenish little mewl of compliance to the now confident Daiyoukai, Shinji excused himself with a soft sigh. Ah well, he knew it was going to be this way. No sense crying over split milk, eh?

"Thanks for the night, Lady Kestrel." He called out regardless, it was genuine in it's gratitude. Hell, if that was the only time he even had it, he'd take it..but fun time was over and it was back to work for everybody. Ugh, he was going to be feeling this for a long, long time..
Kestrel suddenly could taste her little human friend's discontent, and it... perhaps irked her? After dressing in the black dress suit, she exited. The shirt hung low on her hips, and the blouse beneath the black jacket was, as were most of her shirts, low cut. She made her way out, slipping on the open toed heels on the way and turned the almost callous gaze onto him as he spoke. Her brow quirked a bit before she made her way towards him.

Leaning forward, quickly, she pressed a kiss to the hollow behind his ear, leaning up to speak to him (in hushed tones, of course). "Don't be a stranger, Shinji... And I think... after last night... Just Kestrel will do, hm?" She patted him softly along the side of the next before exiting her condo and making her way, swiftly to work.

Once she made her way there, she bee-lined directly to his office for the morning to look over the schedule that he said she'd be handling.
Shinji really had no words, at least..none that he could really say by the time she finally left. He rubbed his neck softly, his face as red as a tomato. Long after she was gone, he finally found the courage to say something:

"..Yeah..sure.." He said to the empty hallway of the apartment complex, god dammit...why couldn't he ever understand daiyoukai?

There was a knock at the door, and Sesshoumaru glanced up as Jaken opened it with a nudge of his shoulder to give a respectful bow to the assembled trio of Kikyo and Hiten; surrounding Sesshoumaru's desk were maps and pictures of all around Japan and of Naraku's movements. Something was up..and that was why he sent Hiten and Kikyo around to see if they could learn anything.

"Excuse me, Lord Sesshoumaru." Jaken said politely, just loud enough to catch their attention. "Lady Kestrel has arrived."

"Lady Kestrel?" Hiten cut in with a smirk, and Sesshoumaru inwardly grimaced. "Another one, Lord Sesshoumaru?" What was with that recurring joke? Sesshoumaru swore he had a piece of paper taped to his back or some such stupid thing. Even the undead woman had the faintest of an amused smile on her lips, and Sesshoumaru let out a soft exhale of annoyance. Jaken always said-respectfully-that he was too tense.

Maybe everyone else was too relaxed.
And in she came, once Jaken of course permitted her entry, in all of her glory. She'd barely heard another chime of amusement, though not quite the same pitiful whine that she had originally heard from Yura when she had found out the news. And, professionally as ever, she quirked a brow and parted her lips to speak. "I suppose you're going to leave me to find out about them one by one, I see." She mused, settling down across from him and crossing her legs. She'd had a long walk to get to work, and an even longer night.

Her eyes grazed across the two crowded around him. Another ebony haired woman and a male, with dark skin, although nowhere near as dark as her own skin was. She tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear and smiled at the two of them, with every bit of confidence as a prize winning pooch. "Good morning. I look forward to working with the two of you as well." She spoke.
Hiten was the first to seem as excited as Jaken did whenever she came into the room as he bowed respectfully, but it was easy to understand why. "A daiyoukai of my clan? It is a surprise and honor, Lady Kestrel...I knew Lord Sesshoumaru had good taste." Of course it was, as Sesshoumaru said before..daiyoukai did little but sit on their wealth and power, while Sesshoumaru did the same in an admittedly arrogant fashion. He actually handled his own affairs without having lackeys do it for the most part.

"Save your worship for another day, Hiten." Kikyo said smoothly. "We are here for business, not for idle chit-chat."
She knew why he seemed to lavish this respect on her. She wasn't bothered by it, mind you, it caused a smirk to twist across her features. She turned her lavender gaze onto him and quirked a brow. "Well, that was certainly a mouthful..." She said with a chuckle before turning her gaze towards Sesshoumaru who seemed mildly annoyed. And then the woman finally spoke. Kestrel almost let an actual laugh tear through her full lips before she spoke, now to the ebony haired woman.

"Thanks you." She said, almost coyly before turning her attention to everything on the desk. "I'm assuming we have a bit more to handle than scheduling today, My Lord..." She mused, her eyes shifting from the papers and falling onto Sesshoumaru.
"Indeed." He murmured, a claw tapping on the map. Red lines trailed everywhere throughout Japan, but they all centered on Osaka. A compiled effort of information from Hiten and Kikyo, that charted the pathways of Kurosawa Industries. "For the past few months, Naraku's men have been focusing on Osaka...could be a means to make Mujou harder to operate in Osaka..or something bigger is happening.."

"It's hard to say what, though." Kikyo intervened. "I'm was sensing large amounts of yokai energy throughout, it's obvious he is planning something."

"But we don't really know what," Hiten sighed. "Maybe he's just relocating everything?"
Kestrel's expression twisted, as if she'd tasted something terrible. She shrugged off her coat, leaving the sleeveless blouse visible before leaning over the desk and studying the maps. "Relocating? A little close to home, isn't he?" She questioned, taking time to study each line before she looked up at Kikyo and then Sesshoumaru. "I'm inclined to think he's a bit tired of being backed into that corner..." She said before standing up straight and crossing her arms.

"So, what are we going to do about it? Either there's something in Osaka he wants, or... he's trying to get closer to Mujou."
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