Old Wounds Never Heal (Rogue and I)

"Will you have some damn patience, woman?" Shinji muttered, slamming a fresh magazine into his G36C. Around them were lots and lots of youkai corpses and bullet casings, staying alive wasn't hard when you knew proper firing patterns and you could shoot worth a damn. "It's kind of hard to authenticate artifacts in the middle of a gunfight, you know." And surely it was, as a woman was running a scanner over an old looking statue that seemed very well preserved. Youkai kept good hold of their history, it seemed.

"Someone isn't having fun, eh?" The look in his eyes was entirely professional as he scanned up her tattered catsuit..but the grin was completely boyish and amused.
She narrowed her eyes at him, instantly annoyed with his reaction before he began to help them fight off what she could, keeping them from getting too close to the artifacts. She ground her teeth together softly and tapped her foot, opting instead not to say anything to his first comment. She'd show him patience. She'd shove it right up his--- No. They were almost done. Looking behind her. she turned back towards him, catching his glance.

"No, I'm having loads of fun. Fuck with me, Shinji. Fuck with me, and I will take this jacket off and smother you with it." She mumbled. Of course, it could have been playful banter, or it could have been the irritated threat of a tired and annoyed Daiyoukai.
"Make it what's underneath the jacket and kill me now," He joked easily in turn, putting a twin pair of five fifty six millimeter into a rushing demon's chest as he hit the concrete. "I'm flattered we're so close already, Lady Kestrel." Two steps back, and his carbine's stock slammed into the crocodile like beak of another youkai. His foot crashing down on his throat and twisting with a soft crack . Authentication always took time, unfortunately..there was no way around it. If they came to the Japanese government with a fake, it would kill their contracts for just about everyone.

"It's clear." Mitsuki finally said in relief, tugging her scanner away. "It's the Statue we're looking for."
She quirked a brow at his quick comeback. She had to give him credit for that one, it seemed to have just fallen right off of the top of his head. And if she were to say she hadn't enjoyed it, she would have been a liar. And a wide smirk stretched across her face, a chuckle roaring in her chest. "Sadly, I have to give you that one." She said with a shrug before front kicking a demon away from her. As this was absolutely not Sparta. She turned and looked back at the woman examining the things once more, a bit of impatience littering her expression before sighing in relief at Mitsuki's words.

"Thank God. Now how do we get it out of here?" She questioned, looking back at him. "And if you say one word about my patience, God help you." She warned, playfully.
"Carry it?" Shinji replied, as if it was the simplest option in the world, spiced with extra sarcasm just for her. "We have a strapping lady Daiyoukai to aid us, don't we?" He said. "You recall the APC back where everyone was parked? That's our destination, I'd assume the outside is just as fun as in here..so mind yourself, Lady Kestrel. We'll cover your retreat as best we can." Sooner they got out of this warehouse, the better.
Nothing but pure, unrivaled, unsoiled aggravation crossed her features. They were going to carry it out. No, correction. She was going to carry it out? Her brows furrowed at the mere thought of it, but, she decided she would take what she could get, and she'd get a quip out of it. "Well, I guess I could, since you're not strong enough to do it yourself. My first day on the job and you'd already be lost without me." She fired back before making her way in.

"Let me know what everyone's ready." She said, having already hoisted the thing up, carefully. And as soon as she got the go ahead, as quick as she could manage without damaging the item, she shot out of the warehouse and into the parking lot. Once she reached the APC, she set it down and checked it over. Perfect. -Alright, it's out.- She told him, rather relived to be out of that building of death and into good, fresh air.

Inhaling and filling her lungs with the aforementioned air, she relaxed before beginning to pluck out the little exploded bones that plagued her.
Useless without her? Hardly, but Shinji would take a quick escape over one that they would have to move with a one ton statue. So that little comment would pass for him as Shinji's team left, then Sesshoumaru's team. There was still the outstanding issue of demonic energy, one that Sesshoumaru was poised to fix. One of his men brought him a sheathed sword, which Sesshoumaru took and smoothly withdrew.

Demonic energy came off the blade in waves, dark and hateful. He narrowed his eyes softly as he swung the blade effortlessly and rose it up, the dark glow turning into a powerful blue aura as his men stood back and he swung the blade wide. There was a deafening crack as lightning roared out of his blade in a tall pillars, cutting away the concrete and pavement as it reached the burning black core of the warehouse, the four pillars of lightning centered as the entire world went mute before exploding in a flash of color. The pained roars of a thousand demons carried into the night as the lightning pulsed downward and left nothing but a smoldering hole where the warehouse remained.

He smoothly dispelled the lightning with a swish of the blade and sheathed it firmly. Naraku was getting stronger, these little games of theirs were growing into wars.

Naraku...just what are you planning now?
She was toying with the jacket when they'd exited, quirking a brow at Shinji as he approached. A cocky grin. Being useless is one thing, being lost was another, but she was sure that she didn't have to explain it. She mentally counted heads before her gaze turned back towards the warehouse where Sesshoumaru's team began to pour out of it. And then, he stood there at the door, as if he were waiting for something.

Now, Kestrel had assumed they'd do something like bomb the place, but the large pillars of raw power made her entire body stiff. Her chest heaved once before it stilled, as if she was holding her breath for the sight unfolding in front of her. Such a... magnificent display. She licked her lips, eyes trained on the event as the screams of thousands of demons wracked her ears, causing a shiver of pure... excitement to rip through her. And just like that, even after all of her frustration had been gone, it was back.

As the power and screams began to melt away, Kestrel's chest began to move again with breaths that she hadn't intentionally been holding. Her eyes remained on the Daiyoukai for a moment before they switched over. And she'd seen him. Shinji. She'd actually considered asking for his personal number. But honestly, what human would imagine a Daiyoukai wanting their phone number for pleasantries and chit-chat. He'd have seen right through it. And she clamped her mouth shut for that fact. Leaning back against the vehicle, she rubbed her face. This was going to be a hard job.
Didn't take a rocket scientist for Shinji to figure out just why Kestel was suddenly looking a little worse for wear in probably the most pleasurable way possible. Wait, no..Shinji didn't mean it like that..it was obvious why, regardless. He could sympathize a little, probably..you know..not in the way that he'd ever understand how Daiyoukai worked but he knew what it was like to be frustrated, so he gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder. Hard to have relationships when it was hard explaining to people that you killed youkai and had become involved in a personal war with one.

"Great work out there," Shinji smiled. "Wasn't expecting anything else from a Daiyoukai, but still."
His touch had startled her, and sent a raging heat almost directly to the area he'd touched. She jumped, glancing back at him. He'd been able to read her reactions. It was all over his expression, and this being said Kestrel wasn't sure if she should be embarrassed, or more inclined to get that phone number she'd been thinking about. She quirked a brow at his friendly smile before finally offering up one of her own. Her sexual frustration wasn't entirely his fault, and it wouldn't be right or fair for her to take it out on him. She pushed away from the vehicle and turned towards him.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to hear it, regardless of what's expected of you." She shrugged and sighed as she began her next sentence. "An ego boost never hurt anyone... You too." Of course, the first half had been a lie. An ego boost had hurt someone. Hurt them so very good.
"Welcome to the job," He smiled easily. "Hell of a first day, eh?" Judging by the look on her face, a little much for her to handle. That was somewhat surprising given she was a Daiyoukai..but I guess that was the benefit of being on the job as long as Shinji? Regardless of the reason, there was little he could do besides offer her the understanding of stress that dealing with Sesshoumaru caused, she'd learn eventually to adjust adapt or leave. He was a hard man to please, but once you did he wasn't too bad..at least for Shinji at any rate.

"All's well that ends well, besides." Shinji said, minus the fact that Keisuke got his throat torn open..
She made a face, raising both eyebrows as if to retort sarcastically without words. She relaxed a bit, rubbing her hand across her neck back and forth, as if she had some kind of kink in it. She looked up at Shinji, fighting with herself mentally before she began to speak. "Do you have a personal number?" She finally questioned, letting her hand fall to her side.

She couldn't deny that it had ended well... Until it truly ended. The whole she-bang at the end had really put a damper on what she hoped still had 'good day' potential. But it was no matter, she'd go home, drink a little... Maybe make a phonecall, or two. And then wake up in the morning to repeat the process.
You'd have thought Shinji's reality had slowed as he glanced at her a moment. "...Yeah, I do." He murmured. "...Uh..why?" To say he felt bashful would be quite wrong, why in the hell would a daiyoukai want HIS number? He was really, really hoping it was for the reason he thought it was. But even if it wasn't, he couldn't help but feel a little smug. A daiyoukai wanted to be..friends, with him?

He was going to die miserably anyway, might as well have some interesting friends before he went!
She pressed a hand into her hip as he responded. She couldn't blame him for being curious, after all, how often was it that someone like her offered something more than a business relationship with someone like him. She chuckled a bit. "Isn't it obvious?" She questioned almost coyly. She followed up shortly after. "So I can get a hold of you, if I need you." And she would, she was almost certain of it. Even if it was someone to prune her feathers while she was drunk or down, or something... more.

She almost felt bad, like she was taking advantage of him, for even considering what she was considering. But after over a hundred years, and the frustration she was currently battling with him her chest, something had to happen. She tugged a pen, as well as something to write on from one of the vehicles and scribbled down her number before putting it into his hands and leaning forward. Her words were hushed, but she knew he could hear her. "I'm terribly frustrated, I think you know why... But don't do anything you'd regret..." She finished before stepping away, leaving her number with him and making her way into the limo.
"...S...Sure thing.." Was about the only thing he could utter as he glanced down at his hands before stuffing it into his pocket. To say he wasn't erect would be saying that the moon wasn't up at night, no..he was hard enough to cut diamond and he had to deal with that until work was over. Son of a BITCH. That..that was a few more hours! Ugh, he had to escort the stupid statue to the proper location.

Sesshoumaru was in the process of slipping on a shirt when she came it, smoothly buttoning it up as he slid on another vest, and then his jacket. Just like that, he looked perfectly clean and composed as he ran a hand through his hair idly.

"You fight well," He said. "You'll be useful, Lady Kestrel.'
She supposed she may have been a bit cruel for what she had done, but she had needs that had to be taken care of. And now, they shared a common conflict. The same frustration. She ducked into the car, closing the door behind her. She settled where she had settled before, glancing down at her work jacket, sitting unscathed. She looked down at the jacket she was wearing and then back to the clean one before Sesshoumaru spoke to her.

She turned her gaze towards him. That was... odd. She wasn't sure whether he was actually complimenting her or being condescending. However, she brushed off the latter and smirked, a bit confidently. "Thank you, My Lord." She finished before looking at the jacket. She looked back at him for a moment, watching expectantly. "Could you..." Of course, she was asking him to avert his gaze, and once he did so, she shrugged off the damaged coat and slid on her spare. She buttoned it up, and sighed in comfort. It left a good bit of her chest bare, cleavage down to about her sternum, but it covered the darker nipples, and that was what she was going for.

She leaned back, crossing her legs and resting her head against the back of the seat she was resting on. God, that felt good. "Alright." she spoke, letting him know that she was... mostly decent.
He tilted his head lightly that, perhaps it was nice to know even to himself that after years and years of ignoring unsuitable women. He still found some appeal in her figure, but he wouldn't stare as he settled back.

"You seem to work well with Shinji," He said. "It would be wise for him to have someone of your quality along side him, it is rare to find a human so loyal." Or rather, rare to find one who had the skill to stay alive as long. As potentially sad as it was, there were few he could say that he would trust with something important.

The only one who would even have an idea of what level of hatred he had for Naraku would likely be Shinji, as he seemed to be the only one to dig into it. Curiosity killed the cat, as humans said. Clearly, Shinji thought he had nine lives.

Sesshoumaru hoped that it was true, good humans were hard to find.
She had ignored any interest in his eyes. Be it faint or imagined. Her eyes closed and she relaxed, taking in deep, well deserved breaths. Consequentially, the breaths kept her chest in a steady rhythm of inflating and deflating as she did so. It was short lived, however, he began to speak again. More than he had said to her all day, and not at all demeaning. She instantly began to wonder if this was her boss in the limo with her, or if it were some shape-shifting imposter.

As she responded, she began to tie her hair back up. "He's interesting to be mortal. Brave, but he's very good at what he does." Once she finished tying up her hair, she rested her head back again. "I've given him my personal number and the option to contact me should he feel the need." Or, should she feel the need. She had been rather impressed with him, however, she could understand why Sesshoumaru was so quick to place her under his lead on the mission. He was capable, and strongwilled. More than could be said for most men.

"It's far more rare to find a human so durable. I'm impressed with him. He's far surpassed what I thought even military humans were capable of." She seemed completely and entirely... relaxed.
"The human mind is an interesting puzzle, Lady Kestrel." He replied, glancing out the window. "Learning how it works makes anything possible," You spend enough time with humans, and you began to learn a few tricks to make them work faster, harder and smarter. Call it demonic influence, or call it smart training..regardless, Shinji got results. He was, however..somewhat interested with the mention of her giving him his number. But it wasn't really any of his concern, if she was growing less intolerant of humans..it would save him the trouble.
Kestrel had learn to overcome lots of things in the last few hours. Her intolerance for human being just one of those things among many. An amused smile tugged at her lips. "You're absolutely right, My Lord." She mused quietly. Of course, intimidation could make anything work harder or faster, but whatever worked, worked. She had to respect him for knowing how to use it. She could feel a certain level of... fatigue finally gracing her limbs. Possibly an ache from having used so much electricity earlier.

She rubbed her neck again, perhaps a bit more rough the go round before leaning it to one side and then the other. It'd been a long time since she'd been in a position where battling made her sore. She was even a bit disappointed in herself.
Sesshoumaru, in comparison hardly looked like he had done something out of his league, or even temporarily tire him. He seemed as crisp as he was in the morning, fighting was something he had done for as long as he remembered. You didn't get soft in this world, that was when the jaws of death crunched on your bones. "I've arranged a condominium for you, should you wish it. Jaken has all the necessary paperwork done. Your pay will begin tomorrow."

As much as I'm sure his kind did not like the complications of the modern world, it was just a fact of life that money made things easier and less inconspicuous.
A satisfied purr seemed to erupt from her lips at even the thought of her own condominium. Would be a huge and quite luxurious change of pace compared to the flat she'd been staying in. "Wonderful, My Lord. Thank you." Wearing down had made her quite a bit easier to deal with. Not quite so arrogant, nor very talkative. She was not fond at all of the simple complications of living a modern lifestyle, however, to live the modern lifestyle she so desired, she needed money.

She stretched out a bit and shifted in her seat. "I'll have to ask you to forgive me." She spoke, and of course he'd find what she meant by that shortly. She'd moved, stretching out to lay flat against the seat so she could be horizontal and on her back. The minute she was, it seemed like each and every muscle in her body had instantly relaxed, and a deep breath left her lips. She would remain this way, spoken to or not, until they finally reached their place of work.
"You seem quite tired," He sated simply. "I take it you are not used to such strenuous activities?" He would not be a man if he did not appreciate the sight before him, and he surely did regardless of what she would think of it. And yet his expression hardly changed, and nor did the look of his eyes as he looked at her. Many Daiyoukai grew fat on their greed and did nothing but laze about, a daiyoukai out of shape was still more than match for many..but they still got tired if they didn't keep in shape.
Her eyes were closed, her hands pressed into her stomach before she spoke. "I am a little fatigued. Despite strenuous exercise to keep my body in the shape it is in, I don't suppose any amount of physical exercise can prepare one for that." She chuckled inwardly, "To be honest, I can't remember the last time I'd fought like that, or had to use any measure of my power. I enjoyed it, regardless." And she had, for the most part. Would properly have enjoyed it quite a bit more had she been properly dressed.

"Suffice it to say, despite previous nature, I'm rather humbled." And she indeed had been. He could have napped in the middle of the whole thing and been fine, and yet here she was, achy and lazy.
"Even my father knew when to retract his fangs, Lady Kestrel." Sesshoumaru replied. "This is not the age of posturing and expecting reward for it, it's a time of subtlety and underhandedness. Such is the complicated world of human business. Perhaps some time in more comfortable surroundings will help you adapt to the changes at a less..frantic pace."

She seemed sociable now, almost. Sesshoumaru almost dared to say she was fine to speak with.
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