Karate can't save you now (Maxy x Kakure)

He smiled gently as she returned to normal, though granted things where rather a mess, but he could not complain, he had not felt something like that in ages. Despite his youthful appearence he was much older after all. It was curious how this happened, and of clurse the need of a fix was present, though he playfully thought it would not need to be immediate. "Glad...I could help," he smiled. His heart froze for a moment when he heard the door. He was not familiar with the voice but he knew it must have been her mother. "Oh....shit," he thought quickly trying to seem presentable, though he was just zipping himself up when she came in. (I think I'll let this play out a little bit more before he does anything mind wipe like)

Whilst Gichin might have been making himself presentable by zipping up, Tatsuki was still totally naked beneath him, cum pooling between her legs and sweat dripping from her body. "M-mom! I um...this um...we um..." Her mother just quickly turned around. "I....I'll just....I'll be in the living room I....this um...." She quickly closed the door to Tatsuki's room and hurried away, Tatsuki now blushing furiously. "....That....was really....really awkward" She reached up to rub her head. "Damnit...." The girl slowly sat, then swung her legs around to get off the bed. "....Better get dressed and go talk to her....god what am I supposed to say? I can hardly call you my boyfriend, but I can't say you're a total stranger either....and there's no way in hell I can tell her the truth..."
Gichen was very surprised by the outcome, he half expected to be chased out, he had been reaching into the pocket of his pants to get something out before she turned away. "How curious..." he said as she got off of the bed. He listened to her worries and such, trying to think of what to say. Made him almost glad he wasn't among the living anymore...in a manner of speaking. "Well...I can make her forget," he said as she went to get dressed. He pulled out what looked like a lighter of sorts, though it was much longer then any normal lighter. "I just need her to look at this...I flick this...and boom she forgets...granted she is not as...gifted as you are," he explained. "I can modify her memory, make her forget what she saw, and even make it seem like I am a....an exchange student or something that has been living her for some time now."
Tatsuki pulled on some underwear this time as she got dressed, keeping her back to him until she had pulled on some pants and a snug fitting shirt, then turned back to face him. "You can make her forget about it? Well....that would certainly be useful....and definately less embarassing. Geez....I still can't believe she walked in on us like that..." Tatsuki folded her arms. "Alright....first things first, make her forget what she just saw. Then if you can make her think you're some exchange student then you can do that.....problem is that we don't have a spare room....meaning you're pretty much stuck sharing my room......normally mom would never go for that....think you can somehow make her think she agreed to that?"
Gichen wasn't sure how influencial the device could be, it did have it's bugs, for example adding random details to memories. "Perhaps..." he said," he was still a bit unsure. "Why don't you go talk to her while I figure it out," he said thinking of how to use the device. He might have to remove her mother out of the picture for sometime, perhaps a vacation or a trip, she would be back once Tatsuki was safe, or the very least not leaking energy like she was.
"......Go and talk to her. After what she just saw. Oh come on, are you crazy? I could barely stand to look at her much less talk to her. There is no way I'm going out there by myself and without something that I know is gonna erase her memories of what she just saw" Tatsuki folded her arms defiantly. "Are you telling me you don't know how to work that thing? I thought you knew all about it, you sure seemed to know all about it a minute ago" She narrowed her eyes, frowning at him.
"I do...I just forgot to mention it's...drawbacks," he said rather sheepishly. "You see it alters memories, but not perfectly...she may beleive the story of me being an exchange student.....but with different details....I could be a famous wrestler...teacher.....number of random details could come into play," he explained. "Also if she is as...spiritually gifted as you it may not even work...or only work for a small period of time," he said. "If this thing was full proof then humans wouldn't even know of ghosts or spirits after all," he ended. "Just...distract her while i figure a way to get it to...work better."
"Great....so you're not just erasing memories you really are totally screwing around with them...." Tatsuki mumbled slightly and shook her head. "Great....fine...let's go out there....though if you scramble my mom's brain then I'm gonna beat the shit out of you until you put it right..." She turned to go, opening the door to her room and grabbing Gichen's arm, tugging him out of the room with her.
Her mother was sat in the living room, looking up slowly. "Ah...Tatsuki...ah...your um...friend....well....I..." "Look mom...we..." It seemed neither woman was too sure what to say or do in this kind of situation...quite possibly this was the first time in Tatsuki's life she was lost for words.
Gichen felt akward, his mind thinking perhaps an ass wiping would be a better substitute then having to deal with this. He however had to try. He wondered if she would give him a sign to try it, or if she was going to talk to her mother first. "Um...hi," was all he could manage, the urge to vomit due to nerves hitting him, but he didn't. This was more terrifying then a hollow it felt like.
Tatsuki's mother looked up at Gichin as he said hi, not quite sure how she should react. Should she be mad at him? But then again from what she had seen Tatsuki had been a more than willing participant...and she didn't doubt her daughter was more than capable of repelling anyone who tried to force her into such a thing. "W-well....I....didn't know you had a boyfriend Tatsuki....I...it's good to see you settling with someone..." "Um...well it's not quite.....mom....I mean...." She rubbed her head, then nudged Gichin. "Will you just do it already?"
Gichen could see things where going strangely. With the not so gentle nudge he took out the strange device and held it up, her mother made eye contact and he flicked what seemed like the flint to the lighter like device and there was a sudden small puff of smoke. Her mothers face went blank, eyes wide open, very similar to the face she made when she had seen them doing what they had done. Then she seemed to calm down all of a sudden. "Okay lets seee how it worked," he said waiting for the sudden few moments of silence to end and her mother to say something.
((Since I can't rcall ever being told one, and I can't find any reference to Tatsuki's mothers name anywhere, so I'll just make one up, ehehe))

Yuzuki looked up and blinked as Gichen pulled out the odd looking device. "Hm? Is that some kind of candy dispenser or-" She cut off as there was a sudden puff of smoke, Tatsuki jumping back slightly in surprise, then looking up at her mother as the woman's face seemed overtaken with a blank expression for a few moments, just staring into space for several seconds until she blinked. "Oh....oh my.." She reached up and rubbed her head slightly, then looked back up. "Oh, you two. Hello" She smiled softly. "Did you get started yet?" "Hm...? Started....? What do you mean mom...?" Tatsuki blinked, Yuzuki just chuckling. "Oh don't be so shy all of a sudden dear..." The woman stepped forward, suddenly reaching out and grabbing both Gichen and Tatsuki's crotches. "You know I hate when you go without me"
At first he was worried it had completely left her blank. It was not a serious problem if it had, but it would take a long while for sure to fix at the very least. "Um..." he started trying to act like a normal human, with little discipline aside from the norm. However once she blinked he was relieved, though still unaware if things had gone correct or not. "Are you alrig.....1" he was cut off suddenly though as he felt her hand suddenly grasp his crotch, his shaft having gone limp was almost instantly beginning to swell up again like a sort of strange touch command balloon, though very slowly. "I...I think...I might've...messed up!" he said quiet loudly, as he spoke over a sudden grunt of pleasure. Despite her much frailer frame, she seemed to have a bit of muscle to back it all up, not that it hurt as she grabbed him, if felt quiet good, not surprising for a more experienced woman, and one still in her prime by all means.
Yuzuki just grinned as she rubbed at Gichen's growing hardness through his pants, whilst Tatsuki gasped as her mothers thumb seemingly swiped across her clit through her panties. "M-mom...wh-what are you...." "Oh look at you dear, you're acting like we've never had sex before" "I...we....nn!" She gasped as her mother pressed harder against her, moving closer to the two, starting to turn them around before pushing them both back to sit on the couch. "Now...." Yuzuki licked her lips, beginning to lift up her shirt.
Tatsuki glanced at Gichen and growled. "Y-you had better undo this!" She hissed at him, then glanced at the memory manipulation tool in his hands. Tatsuki didn't realise it, but the tool had absorbed some of her sexually driven energy, causing its functions to change slightly.
Gichen was confused how this happened. Changing memories was one thing, but to alter a personality as well. He didn't see anything different with the device. But he couldn't really take a look at it at the moment either as he suddenly let out a very pleased groan as her mother still gropped his swelling length in his pants. "Miss....you..ooof!" he said as he was pushed onto the couch. He had to admit, a small part of him was enjoying this attention, but at the same time, he was terribly worried expecially of how Tatsuki would react, he did not need to lok to know she was upset. "I can't....I mean...I don't know," he said as her mother began to undress before them.
As Yuzuki pulled off her shirt, her large, heavy breasts bounced slightly in the tight confines of a bra, nipples hard and poking through. "Nnn....now...why don't we get started right here..?" She licked her lips, reaching up and behind her to unclasp her bra, dropping it to the floor and allowing her breasts the freedom they seemed to be craving. Despite the fact she was an older woman, they were still very firm, clearly the mother worked out almost as much as the daughter. "M-mom! Wh-what are you...what're you doing?!" "Oh come on dear, you act like we've never done this before..." Yuzuki chuckled, then suddenly leaned down, capturing her daughters lips in a deep kiss, thrusting her tongue into Tatsuki's mouth, her hand moving to start massaging Tatsuki's breast through her shirt.
Gichen simply watched this, though not as slim as her daughter, she was very fit. He guessed Tatsuki had good genes, and her mother must have been active as well. As her bra came off he could not help but compare other to daughter, Tatsuki was a bit smaller, though possibly due to the amount she worked out. He tried fiddling with the small silver lighter, trying to see if he could make it go off again, though that might be dangerous, so many memory wipes could damage memory. He watched mother kiss daughter and he felt a sudden heat stir in him, the incest act was very much a turn on, not simply because he liked it, but the image of two attractive women kissing would have made any teen boy, or male for that matter feel a bit hot under the collar. He was a bit concerned though, as it seemed her mother was very much used to this life style now. Perhaps Tatsuki's flux of energy had affected his device, he wondered if it had affected him as well?
Tatsuki let out a few muffled squeaks and moans as her mother kissed and played with her, then gasped for air as the kiss was broken, though Yuzuki just moved across to start kissing Gichen instead, thrusting her tongue against his, kissing him with raw passion and lust, her hands moving to both Tatsuki and Gichen's shirts, beginning to tug them up, only breaking her kiss when it was in the way of getting Gichen's clothes off. "Oh my my.....you act all shy Tatsuki, but no bra....naughty naughty...." The older woman licked her lips, then suddenly leaned down, capturing one of Tatsuki's hardened nipples in her mouth, eliciting a moan of pleasure from Tatsuki. The more this went on, the more aroused the teenager became, and the more aroused she became, the more her spiritual energy started to flare up again, which somehow seemed to make her more accepting of what was going on, as if it was enhancing her libido to overtake rational thought.
Gichen only returned the kiss all to willingly, his tongue dancing along hers. Notion that he was the mother of the one he was to protect vanished in mere moments as he felt her lips upon his. He could feel that sudden rush of hormones making him grow aroused as well. He did nothing to stop her from removing his shirt, in fact he eagerly helped by lifting his arms. As he felt her lips leave his to do so he felt a bit, unfullfiled though he watched her suckle her own daughters breast getting a moan from the tomboy. He felt Tatsuki's energy begin to spike, and new right away there was going to be a bit of trouble. He hoped the wards on this house lasted else Hollows would swarm in like moths to the flame. However his mind soon began to slip from the notion, as her energy began to spike he too began to grow all the more aroused. Without thinking he grabbed her mothers hips, and began to worm her pants down her thighs in anticipation.
Yuzuki wiggled her hips slightly as Gichen started to remove her pants, trying to help him get them off her a little faster. It didn't take long for them to be around her ankles, Yuzuki reaching down to push at her panties as well, dropping them down and leaving her naked. A few moments later she pulled away from suckling on her daughters breast, Tatsuki panting heavily, her spiritual energy and lust now sufficiently raised to overtake her rational thinking. "Nnn...m-mom..." Tatsuki groaned slightly, before both women turned on Gichen, suddenly going for his clothing, almost desperately trying to get his clothing away, before they both leaned in to start licking at either side of his erection, mother and daughter seemingly trying to outdo the other in pleasuring him. Yuzuki looked up at Gichen as she slurped on the shaft of his cock, then licked her lips. "Mmm....me first Gichen....Tatsuki's already had a turn today..."
Gichen smiled as she helped him wiggle her pants down as well as her panties, seeing her moist pink pussy greeting him already wet with need. He was prepared to tease her a bit but wouldn't get the chance as they soon both turned on him. He was shocked at the look in both of there eyes, though he was also more so excited for what was to come. He did little to resist them as they stripped him down, and soon as both girls were sucking his cock he was moaning loudly with pleasure. "Mmmm.....oh....shit..." he shuddered slightly as his erection only grew more, surprisingly he cldn't remember himself being this big either. He looked down as they both looked up, any guy would have already released after simply looking down at the two eager mouths and starings eyes. "Thats it...like that mmm..." he said trying to coax them to work harder as he realized the two seemed to compete with one another. He would not deny Yuzuki her pleasure, but he thought to have more fun with them both. "Mmmm....I don't mind...but what abaout Tatsuki?" he asked, seeing as her daughter was just as hungrily sucking him off.
"Well Tatsuki went and got greedy and had you all to herself....but...." Yuzuki smirked as she slurped on Gichen's cock again, engulfing the head for a few moments before pulling back. "...I guess you can give her a good licking if she wants...." "Mmmm.....shut up mom..." Tatsuki had moved to start playing with Gichen's balls now. "Nnnn...come on...." Yuzuki moved herself up a little, pressing her ample breasts against Gichen's chest. "Why don't you lay back Gichen? I know you like being on top with Tatsuki but I wanna ride that nice, big cock of yours...."
He smirked, her mother was much better at this he thought. How could he deny such a good offer. He gingerly sat back onto the couch as they where in the living room still,"Well then...come on and get on it," he said eagerly waiting for her to straddle him and slip onto his engorged cock. He would not mind letting her set the pace, though he truly enjoyed being on top letting a much more experienced woman take the wheel did not sound like a bad idea either. He waited for tatsuki to also move, waiting to see her get onto the couch so he could lick her needy pussy.
Yuzuki wasted no time once Gichen laid back on the couch. She quickly scrambled to get up ontop of him, starting to rub her pussy along the shaft of his cock, groaning loudly as she did so. "Nnn....so hard....so big...." She lifted up slightly, reaching down to grasp his cock and licked her lips. "Ahh.....I've been looking forward to this..." She started to lower herself down onto his cock, groaning as he started to slide into her. "Oooooh.....!" She placed her hands on Gichen's chest for support, grunting as he moved deeper and deeper inside of her.
Tatsuki growled in frustration as she watched her mother mounting her cock....damnit how dare her mother steal it away from her like this....well....she wasn't going to be outdone. Quickly Tatsuki got up onto the couch as well, placing her pussy above Gichen's face. "C-come on Gichen....you want a nice young pussy more right?"
Gichen had to admit, as soon as the older woman got on top of him, he was very much surprised once she began to rub her already very wet pussy against him. "Such...a nice wet pussy," he grunted as she continued to tease him. When she grasped his cock and he felt the tip touch her very ready entrance, he had a feeling he was in for a really nice treat. Once she began to slid down his cock he let out a nice rough moan of pleasure. "Mmm.....so....good," he said, he had to admit, it was not like when he had fucked Tatsuki's virgin pussy, but she was still very tight, and it felt so good as she straddled his hips once more, his cock deep in her cunt.

He was a little more surprised as Tatsuki got up and quickly had her pussy hanging over him, she too was very wet and ready, and it seemed whatever the hollow had done once more too affect as he saw the very pink inner lips of a virgin pussy. "Mmm...Of course I would...nnnhhh..." he said licking at her roughly already. She tasted very good too, unsure if humans where this flavorful, or simply a hollow's doing as he ate out her pussy.
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