Karate can't save you now (Maxy x Kakure)

"Don't worry about the details he says...." Tatsuki muttered as she went into the kitchen, fidgeting a little more as she stood getting food from the fridge. "Geez....it's warm in here..." She fanned herself with her hand as she turned to go and start cooking, glancing over as he asked about her parents. "Hm? Oh....no probably not for an hour or two yet, they'll still be at work. You want anything to eat? I'm making some sandwiches..." Tatsuki felt a slight rumbling in her stomach she assumed was hunger. Still, it felt like an odd hunger....
"Um...yes please," he said simply to not be rude and say no. He made his message to HQ and was not surprised he would be her guardian. The orders where to keep track of her, and eradicate any beings that tried to cuse harm to her and the surroinding humans. He pulled out what seemed like a baloon and blew into it, slowly what appeared to be a sort of doll/maniquin was formed, it was also very much like flesh and blood. "Such an amazing thing," he said as his temporary Gigai took form, he would get a more permanent one later. He slipped into it and he was fairly human in every aspect, his zanpakto gone in this form however.
After a few minutes Tatsuki walked out with a plate of sandwiches, setting them down and looking up at Gichen. "Hm? You look different......" She raised an eyebrow, then shrugged and took a bite of her sandwich, then quickly ate the rest of it, almost immediately grabbing another one. She was feeling more hungry....no...it wasn't hungry....it was similar but....it was more like a craving...but it wasn't really for food. Then she felt a slight heat again. Tatsuki gasped, stumbling back slightly and slumping to sit on the couch, her legs spread a little, her skirt flapping up almost enough to give him a good view of beneath the material.
He was wearing human clothing, though still mostly black, he appeared almost like a preacher of sorts though without the collar and such. "Thanks," he said unsure if that was a compliment or simply an observation. He took one and ate it slowly, it felt strange to eat food again, not that he didn't he just had not eaten a sandwich in a while, foo in Soul Society seemed more....traditional to japanese customs. "Are you feeling alright?" he asked concerned as she suddenly slumped over. He got a nice view of her nether region again, he for a moment blushed and had to look away as if something else. "Your not ill are you?"
"i...I dunno. I don't feel ill..." Tatsuki was fanning at herself again. "I just....I feel...warm.....really warm..." Her face was a little flushed, the girl just shaking her head again. "It feels....a little like.." She shivered slightly. She was starting to realise what this feeling was...but why now? She didn't know...all she did know was that it was getting...stronger. Slowly she looked up at Gichen, subconsciously licking her lips slightly. "....Do you like the sandwiches...? Or do you want....something else?"
He wondered, and a small part of him was very worried, if she was sick from this Hallow...then well he would very well fail as a guardian and perhaps others might be affected like this. Usually a victim was never alive if it was too late, she had been the first to survive an ordeal so there was little known about this creatures abilities. "No...they are fine," he said she had a look in her eyes, was it hunger? As she licked her lips he found it oddly attractive, though also somewhat frightening. "Perhaps you should cool down?" he suggested, he had very little medical training aside from Hollow injuries and the such, though if this was a sickness he would need immediate help from the appropriate squad. "Here let me help you get to your room," he said offering to get her to bed.
"Yeah....cool down..." Tatsuki tugged at her blouse slightly to try and get some air flowing through it, slowly standing back up from the couch and turning towards her room. "Right...help..." She glanced at him again, her eyes moving up and down him slowly, before she looked away, rubbing at her face. What was she thinking? She couldn't think like this....but then again...the thoughts were appealing...very appealing.
As they entered Tatsuki's room she stopped for a moment, taking a slow deep breath, rubbing at her chest slightly with one hand, the other hand slowly lowering, pushing against her skirt and rubbing her crotch slightly. She couldn't take it anymore. With a growl she grabbed onto Gichen, then suddenly flung him onto her bed, advancing towards him like a predator and beginning to crawl onto the bed ontop of him.
He got up to jelp her. "Nice and easy," he said following her to her room, in truth she needed no help he just wanted to be sure she got there alright. Though as she looked at him he was simply shocked stupid as she vegan to touch herself before him. He was even more so at a lost as she grabbed him and threw him, it was no wonder she had won a martial arts tournament it was almost inhuman how she did this. He was on her bed which for a moment he realized felt very nice. His thoughts snapping back into reality the moment she began to crawl ontop of him. He once more began to chant an incantation to restrain her, but he could not finish the worlds as he would at times not pronounce them clearly, or for some reason hesitate as he looked up at her. 'Your not well..." he told her as if it would knock some sense into her.
"You're right....I'm not well..." Tatsuki smirked, reaching down and gripping his shirt, then forcefully pulled and ripped it open, her hands going to start running along his chest now instead. "Mmmm....but I think I've found just the medicine I need to feel better" She licked her lips, one of her hands sliding down across his stomach, taking hold of his pants and pushing them down to his knees, a soft growl escaping her lips, before she suddenly leaned down and kissed him, forcing her tongue into his mouth whether he was prepared for it or not.
He could have forced her off, or tried to fight back. But he found himself unable to. As she tore his shirt of and pulled his pants down he did little to struggle. "Stop....hold on," he said, but he found her, alluring, sexy, and he too was turned on by her feral display and need. He kissed her back, a bit, it was hard to with how forceful she was but he did anyways. His length growing stiffer as she did, he could feel her against him, she was very fit, her body nice and toned where it needed to be, but still very much a womans body.
Tatsuki ignored his protest asking her to stop, then smirked slightly as he started to return her kiss. After a few moments she broke the kiss, licking her lips as she reached down, grabbing her blouse and quickly pulling it up over her head, her breasts bouncing slightly from the clothing being pulled past them. Moments later her skirt was unzipped, thrown off randomly to the side, leaving her sitting naked ontop of him. "Now....do you still want me to stop?" She looked down at him lustfully, her hands slowly reaching down between her legs, one starting to rub at her pussy, the other going further to start stroking at his growing cock. "Let's see what a big boy you are hm?"
He tried biting his inner cheek to keep himself from getting too excited. It only proved in causing a small spark of pain to lance through him for a moment. As she pulled her blouse off he simply stared. His pulse racing a little, blood flowing down below where it needed to be. As she rubbed herself his member began to swell, he was getting bigger...much bigger. He wanted to say something, to snap her out, but he couldn't, his mind blank, his mouth not working. No deep down he felt a need too, though years of training had snuffed it out for the time being.
Tatsuki licked her lips as she felt his cock hardening rapidly between her fingers, giving it a slight squeeze as it seemed to stop growing. "My my....we are a big boy aren't we? Oh yes....I think this is going to hit just the spot...." She shifted herself, moving down his body a little. Clearly she wasn't too interested in foreplay, her body far too hot to deal with the teasing right now. Soon her pussy was right above his cock, her juices dripping down onto him as she grasped his shaft, pointing it towards her as she started to lower herself down.
"Hn...!" Tatsuki moaned loudly as the tip of his cock touched her throbbing pussy lips, though as she continued to lower herself she stopped as he seemed to hit a barrier. "H-huh? But...that thing earlier...?" Tatsuki looked confused for a moment, her body now back to it's virginal state before the Hollow had raped her. But she was too far gone to truly care now. "Fuck it" Suddenly she allowed her body to drop, crying out as her body engulfed the remainder of his cock.
He grunted as he felt her hand stroking him more, he could feel his new physical form greatly reacting. Not that it would nit have before this. He wasn't sure exactly what she meant by hitting the spot, but he was sure he would find out. The hunger in her voice was intimidating but he did nothing to resist as she gripped his cock. As sge slid down he prepared himself. He was no virgin but it had been some time. He was just as shocked as her when he met resistance. Had the hollow done something to restore her virginity? He did not have long to ponder this as suddenly he was given a shock, her tight walls gripping his member like a vice. "Oh....damn!" he grunted,the sudden rush of pleasure nearly setting him off.
Tatsuki panted as she sat on his cock, keeping herself steady as she adjusted to the sensation, feeling his cock throbbing inside of her. "Nnnn....yesss.....that's good.....ahh...." She placed her hands down onto his chest, then started to lift herself back up along his cock. "Oooooh! Oooooooh fuck! Yeah that's good...." She grunted as almost his entire cock was out of her body now, only the head left inside, before she thrust herself down again, swiftly engulfing his entire cock back inside of her pussy, her body tightening up around him, her juices beginning to pour out over his cock. At the same time, as her pleasure began to build so did her Spiritual Pressure, the energy seemingly syncronising perfectly with her arousal.
Gichen moaned as she began to move along his length "Ohh....mmmmggh!" he grunted feeling the pressure slowly release along his shaft, only remaining at the tip. His member heavily lubed in her fluids. He no longer wamted to stop, he could feel her energy beginning to spike once again. It began to make he himself feel it. Like a spark that began to arc and surge. As she suddenly sank back down he grunted loudly "Oh....fuck...yes!" he said, he had not used such words in years. The discipline and training was second to his feral needs. He thrust up into her out of reflex. "Oh....mmm...ride it!" he told her, his hands moving to her hips to hold onto her.
Tatsuki squealed in delight when he thrust up into her, her breasts bouncing from the sudden motion. "Ah! Yes!" She threw her head back, letting out a gutteral moan of pleasure, not even trying to suppress the noise. Her hips started to raise again, pushing herself up with toned legs, her back arching in pleasure until she slammed herself back down, her pussy once more swallowing the entirity of his cock. She intended to ride his cock until she had drained every last drop from it. "Nnngh!" A few sparks of energy passed across her body, though Tatsuki didn't notice, her arousal still causing her spiritual power to surge.
He noticed the surge, but he didn't know what to do. It seemed to more pleasure she got the stronger it got. Her body would not be able to handle it, he had to get her to calm down. His only though though was he needed to satisfy her, quickly. He continued to thrust up into her, feeling her tight walls clamp down on him everytime. "Mmmmgh!" he moaned feeling himself getting close, but he had to focus, she would need a lot to become satisfied. He wouldn't be able to do much with her on top though, so he grabbed her hips and rolled them both over. "Lets see...how you like this!" he grunted, spreading her legs wide open so he could shove deeper into her pussy.
Tatsuki was so caught up in her pleasure she didn't notice Gichen reaching up for her, even when he grabbed onto her she didn't really notice anything, until she suddenly felt herself being rolled over, letting out a yelp of pleasure, staring up at him. "Ooooh....come on! Show me what you've got ghost man!" Tatsuki pulled her legs back, her knees up by her shoulders now, giving him easier and deeper access to her pussy, throwing her head back as he started to fuck her hard, the bed shaking beneath them. "C-come on! Deeper! Harder! More!"
He took her taunt as a challange, the need for gentle loving foreplay was non-existent, and holding back was no longer an option either. As she lifted her legs up more, he felt himself able to push in deeper, piercing her pussy to her womb. "Mmm...you asked for it!" he grunted, moaning louder, his own voice mingling with hers. He thrust harder, his body slamming down into her cunt. The entire situation now something far more then he would have allowed in his right mind. The only thought was how this would not be a part of his report, and that he wanted to hear her scream in pleasure more. He grabbed just behind her knees, arching her up more, letting himself go even deeper, the position allowing her to see him plunge in and out, her juices flowing down her lower abdomen.
It was a good thing that Tatsuki was so flexible. The position that he had got her into, she was practically bent in half, her hips raised right up into the air whilst her head was still on the bed. "Hngh! HNGH!" She was wiggling and squirming, thrusting her hips against him, crying out in pleasure, her hands tugging desperately at the sheets beneath her as her body started to convulse. "Y-yeah! D-don't stop! Don't stop! Gonna cum! Gonna cum!!" She pushed up a little more against him, then cried out, screaming as orgasm overtook her, spiritual energy practically bursting from her body, surrounding her, filling the room with a bright light.
He thrust down into her over and over, feeling her tight canal grip him. He could feel the muscles inside beginning to grip him rythmically as if trying to milk his cock. "Nnnggh....!" he grunted he felt like he could burst any moment now too. It was a bit tougher to move with her gripping so tight, he had to really use his strength to keep at the pace. Her energy was however giving him a bit of a boost, and his body was absorbing small traces of it at a time. "Let it out....oohh...come on!" he grunted as she screamed. His hips moved at the same break neck pace, even as she began to contract he didn't let up, thrusting into her until he couldn't hold on. The rush of her energy setting him off. "Mmmmmnnn!" he came hard and deep inside of her. The amount seemed inhuman much like the hollow, though still not as much.
Vaguely, through her orgasm, Tatsuki was able to somehow feel Gichen pounding into her as hard as he could, his cock pushing into her womb like the Hollow before it, then suddenly she felt it, felt him suddenly erupting inside of her. "HAANGH!" She almost came again from the sensation, feeling her womb filling with hot cum. It felt so different from the thick gel that the Hollow had released inside of her, but it felt just as good. Her womb was quickly filled, a little bulge forming in her stomach before the cum began to overflow, pouring out of her pussy and down the outside of her stomach, dripping down onto her face and into her open mouth, onto her tongue hanging out of her as she was almost lost in carnal pleasure.
Gichen pulled out, the flow of semen coming out freely until it began to subside. He was amazed at the very least how much she could take, let alone how much he had released. It was not normal, but it seemed her energy was going back to normal again, though whether she would for now was another story he assumed. His nearly flaccid member covered in her fluids and cum. He was breathing heavy still over her, though he let her lower body rest against her bed. (sorry short post)
Tatsuki's lower body collapsed back to the bed, cum still pouring out of her, her breathing beginning to return to normal and her energy beginning to subside. If she could find a way to focus that kind of power she could be one hell of a force to be reckoned with....though there would be the minor downside of her having to get incredibly aroused anytime she wanted to use her full power it seemed. The method the Hollow had used to fully awaken the energy trapped inside of her seemed to have linked it with her physical state at the time. "Nnnn....now....I feel way better...." Tatsuki chuckled slightly, staring up at the ceiling, then squeaked as she heard the front door open.

"Tatsuki! I'm home!" It was a woman's voice, clearly her mother. "Tatsuki? Are you in your room?" Footsteps began to approach, the door to Tatsuki's room wide open. Before either of them could move or say anything, the woman walked into the doorway and stopped, freezing and blinking as she stared at the two on Tatsuki's bed, dropping the bag of groceries in her hand, mouth hanging open as she tried to find words.

((No worries about post length ^^ Sometimes short is all that's needed))
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