Karate can't save you now (Maxy x Kakure)

The blade shimmered off the street light. "Disgusting creature....go back to the pit you crawled out of," he shouted. His stature and tempo of his voice put him to be about her age. He help the blade, grasping it firmly in both hands. His stance seemed to calm the very wind, making the night seem still for a moment. "I can't cut that slippery body of yours can I hollow?" he said, it wasn't a question. He knew what this was, because of the slippery surface his zanpakto would only glance off his skin. The only area not drenched in the fluid was it's mask, he would have to shatter it and go for the vulnerable spots, like it's eyes and down it's gullet.
The Hollow slowly looked up and snarled, body twitching and wriggling, as if it was rearranging internally. "I will not be denied my meal.....I've barely had the first course....I will drain her dry...." It looked to Tatsuki, still laying on the ground with her swollen belly, the Hollow just licking at its lips, drool splattering to the ground. "Soul Reaper....you will make an excellent side dish...." It looked up and growled. "Such a shame you were not like her.....I could truly drain you dry if you were...." It chuckled slightly, then with a deafening, glass shattering howl it lunged toward the black robed boy. It would rip him apart, feast on his blood and draw the spiritual energy from it.
The boy was still as stern faced as ever as the Hollow bellowed his empty threats. True this Hollow had managed to slip passed being defeated for some time. However he did not see it as cunning, but sheer dumb luck. "Come then you disgusting pest....I will swat you away like all others of your kin," he said. His sword gleamed in the moonlight. He was ready for it, he knew he could not strike the hollows soft body, not without first getting rid of that annoying slip that covered him. The boy did however seemed a bit, taken, by his comparison to the human. " Like her? " he questioned, true her spiritual energy was overwhelming, though it was unstable, dangerously so. He smirked at his foes own folly.

His energy sky rocketed for a split moment in a display of strength, true not as powerful as hers, but it was refined and tempered like a well made blade. "Come then!" he growled and vanished, appearing inches from the hollow, his sword a flash of steel that glanced at the white mask, cutting into it like a hot knife through butter.
The Hollow appeared unimpressed by the boys display of power...well...at least as unimpressed as it could look anyway, facial expressions weren't exactly a Hollow's strongpoint at the best of time, and this Hollow's constantly shifting body made reading its body language impossible, which also made it incredibly difficult to read and predict its movements. When the boy suddenly appeared infront of it though it seemed to be caught off guard for a moment, attempting to raise an arm to block the strike. It partially succeeded, the sword cutting down its mask, but the blade became stuck in the arm beneath it, preventing the cut from being clean through, part of the lower mask still intact enough.
The Hollow's tongue slowly lapped around, then shot up and wrapped around the sword, whilst the ooze on its arm seemed to be slowly creeping along the blade, working back towards the boy. "I'll absorb your energy.....right from the source"
He tugged at the blade, but it was to no avail, it was embedded in the things arm and with the tongue holding fast there was no means of trying to wiggle it free either. "You can try," he grunted," he twisted the handle as best he could. "Sing your Chorus loud, Yama no Hikigaeru! (Mountain Toad)" he spoke his swords name loud. The blade suddenly split in two, becoming a sort of sharpened, serrated tuning fork, the handle growing a bit longer before becoming a chain, a claw like piece ending the tip. He began to pour his energy into the blade, and with a sudden fury it began to hum and sound, the noise itself painful, but the jagged edge of the blade working like a chain saw as it began to shake and sound. The tongue began to slice, even with the slick fluid, the sharp teeth of the blade held fast and began to shred at the flesh.

He once more yanked, this time to shuddering blade came free as it tore at the hollows flesh as it passed out. The shuddering stopped as he landed, and he began to swing the claw like end over his head fast the teeth shimmering in silver circles. It whistled, the noise would have grown irritating in seconds, as as his energy went into the blade it only grew louder.
The Hollow howled in pain as the sword transformed whilst embedded in its arm, though that was only the beginning of its pain. First its tongue was cut, the Hollow stumbling backover as the part of its tongue still attached flailed about, but then the noise....the noise pierced through it like no blade ever could, its shifting body and form offering no protection. The hollow tried to block out the noise, but it was coming at it spiritually, not just through the air. The Hollow now tried to pull away, though part of the sword was still attached to it. The pain was becoming too much though....it had to escape....it couldn't fight against this. With a howl of pain, the Hollow suddenly yanked backover, then somehow managed to sever its own arm, sacrificing the limb and a good portion of its tongue to free itself, before turning to flee. It assumed that the Soul Reaper would be more interested in the human female that required help than pursuing a lone, injured Hollow.

Unfortunately, Tatsuki also seemed aware of the noise, her arms weakly coming up to cover her ears as she winced. It wasn't affecting her as badly as the Hollow, but it still pierced right through her. She writhed around behind the boy, her swollen belly jiggling and still leaking the Hollow's gel-like cum from her pussy, pooling between her legs.
As the sword came free, along with the hollows arm and tongue, the Soul Reaper prepared for an attack, however it did not come. "Coward1" he yelled, but even if he tried to goad the beast into fighting more, he knew it would be hopeless, this Hollow was not stupid, not if it had survived this long. The noise suddenly stopped as he realized it was hurting the girl. It was curious because only spiritual beings should have been able to her it, a mere human should not have been able to. The blade morphed back into it's original shape. He sheathed it and looked to examine her. Her stomach quickly beginning to grow nice and flat, as the gell began to become less thick and more fluid, soon the pool of semen was all over the wide walk.

He didn't say a word, as he cimply said another incantation, and slowly began to revitalize her. He noticed any bodily damamge she had was purely external, it was as if nothing had happened to her aside from the small bruising and cuts. "Strange," he replied, usually a victum of this hollow ended up being drained and...well dead.
Tatsuki let out a grunt as the flow of fluid out of her pussy started to accelerate, the fluid becoming thinner, perhaps due to the Hollow no longer being in proximity, her toned body forcing the fluid out in order to flatten her stomach once again, soon leaving her in a large pool of the Hollow's cum, panting heavily. She looked up at the boy as he approached, then gasped as she suddenly felt her strength returning. Her fists clenched a few times, before she slowly started to sit up. "....Who are you calling strange...?" She muttered out the words, then gasped as she realised she was still naked, quickly covering herself with her hands. "I...." Her first urge was to slap him for looking...but then he had just saved her from that monster....slapping or punching him probably wasn't a very good method of thanking someone. "Um....thank you....I guess..."
"Not that your strange," he said apologetically. "Strange how this played out," he replied though said nothing more. He was the perfect image of composed, despite being about her age in appearance, he seemed more, mature and collected. He did not mean to stare, and realized he was, letting his eyes divert a bit, though she was a very attractive girl, it seemed this Hollow enjoyed that. He was not surprise a friend of Ichigo Kurosaki would have such spiritual energy, not nearly as much as the substitute soul reaper, but for a human she almost glowed with it. "You...must have a lot of questions," he said simply to speak, usually this was the moment he wiped her memory of the indicent, luckily for her, her vitals where perfectly normal, and her body, as if nothing had happened. However he had a feeling the method would not affect her.
"Strange is an understatement..." Tatsuki muttered and shook her head, glancing around at the remains of her clothes. Her Karate Gi was ruined, along with her underwear...damn...that Gi had been expensive, it was her favourite too. Fortunately however her bag was still nearby. Slowly Tatsuki got up, still covering herself with her hands, though she frowned as the hand covering between her legs was covered with some more of the Hollow's cum leaking from her. "God that thing better not be capable of getting me pregnant or anything...." She muttered to herself as she leaned down to get her bag, pulling out her other clothes, though she hadn't thought to bring a change of underwear. "Questions....oh yeah....a lot of questions...like what the hell was that thing?!"
He did not seem the harm in telling her, she seemed more upset then frightened at what had happened, a rather strange thing indeed for a human. "That was a Hallow...a corrupt soul that prays on the good souls of both the living and dead," he said, explaining the basic idea of a hollow. "That specific one, has...eluded use for some time now....it's known to prey on unsuspecting victims and drain them of there energy...in turn kill them as well," he said nothing more. It was curious, the hallow had seemingly healed her. He guessed it would wasn't a second helping of her energy. He would have to report back to headquarters and tell them. In the mean time though he had to be certain she was safe, she may not have sensed it, but she had a musk that was very...aromatic. It would attract other Hallows, and even he himself found it a tad irrisistable in a sense, however he was no mindless beast and would not succumb. "My names Gichen," he told her. "I am a soul reaper...we hunt those things...however they have become all the more cunning, even our radar have trouble finding where exactly they will appear."
Tatsuki pulled her blouse on first, then quickly pulled up her skirt, smoothing it down slightly. Panties really would've been pointless with fluid still slowly running out of her and down her legs. "....A corrupt soul? You're starting to sound like Ichigo....he's big into all that ghost crap..." She muttered as she turned around to face him, folding her arms beneath her chest. She felt surprisingly....good. Her body wasn't sore like she would've expected, and her tiredness from before was already seeming to vanish, replaced by the bountiful energy she had been unexpectedly feeling earlier. "Gichen huh?" She raised an eyebrow. "A Soul Reaper? And you hunt those things? Well great job there. You let it get me and get away" She was taking things surprisingly well....but then again it was just how her personality was. She was nigh on impossible to break, able to rebound from most things rather quickly. What got her most wasn't what the Hollow did to her, but that she hadn't been able to fight back against it. "So what do I do to beat the shit out of that thing if it comes back? It seemed pretty....interested...in me...so I doubt I'll never see it again"
She was a very interesting human. Was it some amazing form of resistance, or pure ignorance that drove her to be so okay with all of this? Whatever the reason it seemed she was not about to break down into a crying mess. "Again....it's been harder to pinpoint them" he would have questioned why she was even out so late alone, but that had nothing to do with an attack, time of day was not a major issue at all. "Well....only a zanpakto can hurt a Hallow...and few other weapons," he said "none you would pocess possibly..." he let her deduce what that meant. "I don't think we should continue to talk about this out in the open though," hesaid also letting her piece together what that meant, she seemed smart.
"A zanpakutou?" Tatsuki raised an eyebrow, then looked at his sword, assuming that was what he must be talking about. "Well if I don't posess any of them maybe you should get me one..." Tatsuki folded her arms as he talked about speaking somewhere less open. Well...he did have a point...she didn't exactly like standing around outside like this in her current state. "Alright...come on....let's go back to my apartment..." Tatsuki glanced around, sighing at the remains of her Karate Gi, her sports bra and her underwear....all shredded. The wind was already dispersing them, blowing tattered pieces of fabric away.....all would need replacing. Tatsuki let out a loud curse when she took a few steps forward though, picking up her trophy, now in two pieces. "Damnit....it's broken...." She muttered, the bending over to pick it up causing her skirt to ride up and accidentally flash Gichen, though Tatsuki didn't seem to notice as she stood up. "Come on, it's this way"
"One cannot simply use a zanpakutou," he told her. "These weapons,,,are in a sense an extension of oneself, much like traditional katana are believed to be a samurais soul," he said. "Soul reapers can use them," he said, though he did not "only" soul reapers could. He watched her bend down to retrieve her broken trinket, though had not expected to see her private areas fully exposed so suddenly. He had seen her naked, though the posture and position was so lewd, so innocently naughty he had to quickly look down at his feet for a moment as she stood up. "I am sorry it got destroyed," he told her, hoping it would make her a bit less upset. He assumed she had worked hard for the prize, it was a shame it was broken in a matter of moments.
"I don't use weapons anyway. Only someone who can't use their body needs to use a weapon" Tatsuki glanced at her hands, then turned to start walking, carrying the pieces of her trophy. "Well....guess I can probably fix it up a little bit at least...some super glue or something...but it's never gonna be quite the same..." She sighed, her back still to him, unable to see him looking away from what he had seen. "So what am I supposed to do if one of those things attacks again? Or if that one comes back? Sure as hell seemed like he would.....sick bastard enjoyed himself way too much...." She glanced down again. "Geez....I thought I was gonna burst..."
He ignored the comment she made not seeing it as a deliberate insult. "Well....I suppose you will be monitored....I will contact my superiors and see about that subject....the wounds I dealt though will take days to heal though," he said. "I can put up a few wards though...protective barriers around your house.. it will be very small...if spread to wide it thins...and well he might sneak in easier," he explained, the wards where not a sure fire means of protection, but the best that can be done at short notice. "Do you have...any preference to these actions?' he asked, after all if she was not comfortable, she would most likely only make it all the harder to protect her.
"Monitored huh? Sounds creepy. Still, probably better than letting that thing getting it's.....things....all over me again" Tatsuki muttered and shook her head as she came to the entrance of the apartment building, looking up and sighing slightly, before starting to open the door. "Guess you should come inside for now then huh?" She glanced back at him and raised an eyebrow. "Preferences? What you mean I have much of a choice? What, you think I'm going to say no and practically invite that thing back for seconds? Geez...use your head..." Tatsuki shook her head, going inside, keeping the door open for him.
He went inside. "You misunderstood....the option of leaving you alone is...well...not valid anymore," he told her. "Preference as in...well...you can be monitored from afar, or under closer watch....you can have a guardian in close vicinity, or one far away, granted.....closer may be best....but less comfortable," he said. She was a rather feisty human being, even after being...violated by that hollow she was still very sharp tongued, in fact she seemed almost over it in a sense. "How are you feeling by the way?" he asked, her energy was still very high, but less unstable, perhaps he had not been too late, though sooner would have been better.
"Less comfortable? Believe me, I think I can deal with 'less comfortable' all things considered. Anything from here is pretty much a step up as far as I'm concerned" Tatsuki glanced back at him and raised an eyebrow. "How am I feeling? I...well....surprisingly good actually.....I mean I....I thought I'd feel terrible but...I....feel pretty good. I mean....I've got more energy than I've ever had....and...my body feels better than it has in a long time....like all my old injuries never even happened...." She rubbed at her shoulders, then went to head up the stairs rather than taking the elevator.
"Alright," he nodded, he guessed once he could he would send a message to Soul Society. He followed her, though very curious as to her sudden well being. She was not dead, which was a good sign, though when she seemingly felt better then ever, that was curious. He did not voice any opinions though, he would ask if HQ knew anything about this, perhaps from the twelfth division analyzers. The first thing he would need to do is find a substitue body to use if he where to stay as her guardian, after all if she was talking to herself it would seem very queer of sorts.
"So if I agree to have someone stick around will that be you? Or somebody else?" Tatsuki looked back at him as she practically ran up the stairs, taking them 2 or 3 at a time and not even feeling tired for it. Of course the rapid movement was causing her skirt to flip up, giving him a plentiful view of her ass from his position behind and below her.
Before much longer, they were on the floor of her apartment, Tatsuki going to the door and opening it up. "So....do you eat or drink or sleep or anything like that? I'm guessing if you do then you're gonna need some place to stay aren't you?"
"That's a very good possibility yes," he said, being assigned to the area and having had contact with the target already he most likely would. "In this state I need not eat or drink for sometime, but when I am more...physical I will need to," he was unsure if she was aware she was talking to a spirit. "I may need a place to stay," he said again not sure if she was offering a place or knew of such a place where he could. "Nothing is certian until I have given my report and such," he was fishing something out of his uniform, it looked like a small pocket mirror. He was thankful they had developed a faster means of communication with the spiritual world, without the need of a Hell Butterfly or very large equipment. He had to avoid staring at her as she ran up the steps, thoug at times he found himself looking at her very shapely backside.
"More physical? What in the world is that supposed to mean?" Tatsuki set down her trophy and turned to look at him, folding her arms. "A place to stay huh? Well, I'd offer you this place, though my parents might start wondering why a guy is suddenly living here unless you can screw around and make them think you're supposed to be here" She shrugged, turning to head for the kitchen. "Well even if you don't need to eat I do. I might be feeling great but....damn I'm feeling hungry too...I feel way hungrier than I normally do after a tournament.....maybe I'm just burning through all my energy or something...." She shrugged, though seemed to fidget a little as she walked, her hips shaking as she entered the kitchen.
He understood her reasoning, however a memory modification will fix things. "Don't worry about details," he told her as he watches her go into the kitchen, seeing her hips shake was yet another thing he secretly enjoyed but did not act upon. He however contacted his captian and gave his report briskly. It was then decided on the course of action. "Very well," he finished and slipped the device away. "Are your parents home soon?@ he asked her as he pulled out what seemed like a zippo lighter.
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