Karate can't save you now (Maxy x Kakure)


Mar 9, 2009
Tatsuki Arisawa tilted her head from side to side as she walked home, reaching up with her free hand to rub at her neck. "Mmm....man....that guy almost got me....guess that'll teach me to get too cocky...still....it wasn't enough in the end" She grinned slightly, adjusting her other arm and the trophy within it. Once again Tatsuki had emerged triumphant from a local Karate tournament, now taking the chance to walk home in order to relax a little after an entire day of rigorous physical activity. She had to admit it had felt good to have such a good workout session....normally practice only lasted 2 or 3 hours, but today she'd gotten the chance to really go all out. She had no idea that so much exertion had also had a side effect....it had brought a lot of latent spiritual power to the surface, though Tatsuki couldn't tell. All she knew was she felt oddly great despite all of the exertion today. Still, she just figured it was down to the elation of winning. One step closer to the national championships this year....
"Still....I'm looking forward to getting home....getting something to eat, relaxing..." The girl chuckled and stretched as she rounded another corner, adjusting the backpack over her shoulder containing her regular clothes. She'd decided to walk home in her Karate gi once the tournament had ended, it just felt more natural to her really. Not to mention it was nice and loose, making it easier to move around even when moving normally.

As she approached her apartment, she couldn't help shivering slightly, glancing around. "Geez....getting cold all of a sudden....then again I guess it is getting late....probably better hurry up or I'm gonna start freezing my ass off..." She chuckled, picking up the pace of her walk a little, pulling the backpack and trophy a little closer.
Little did she know, that chill in the air was no natural thing. As she walked down the empty streets this late, something was coming through the veil that covered Karakura Town. Like the sudden rip in the seam of stockings it opened, a large black hand reached out, tearing the fabric of the human world asunder further. It's claws where like sharpened shovel blades as it "dug" it's way through into the world of the living. Soon two arms flailed, then a white masked head appeared, small cilia like tendrils wiggling around the arches of it's jaw, hungry tongue lapping at the air, tasting it's meal. It's jaws opened wide, to show another small set hidden behind the mask, "Uuuurrraaaaaa!" came the sudden eerie shout, like an animal in pain, a soul in utter torment. None would hear it, aside from a Soul Reaper and a select few humans that had the spiritual pressure to detect it, and withstand it's onslaught it would put upon them. The hollow continued it's journey forward, until a sudden puff of dust rose around it as it landed on the streets, not far from her.

The small tongue lapped harder at the air, telling it where to go. "I smell...I taste it....food!" he uttered, his voice like grinding rocks. His back was hunched over, a spine like row of chitan covering it's back, though they shifted at times, revealing more flailing appendages as it skulked forward, smelling an enourmous spiritual pressure, for a human.
"Hm?" Tatsuki stopped walking and looked up, blinking as she thought she had heard a noise. It had almost sounded like some kind of scream, or an animal, but she wasn't completely sure she had really heard anything. "Weird....must be imagining things....or probably just someone's TV really loud...." She sighed and shrugged, then started to continue walking again. "Wonder what I should have for dinner tonight...I'm absolutely starved after that tournament....and there was barely any time for lunch..." She stretched again, then glanced around once more as she thought she heard something else, though didn't look behind her. "Hm? Sounded like a loud thump or something....wonder if there's some construction work going on or something...."
The thuds did not subside, slowly they continued, growing louder and louder. The hollow stood nearly two stories tall. In terms of hollow he was actually quiet small, but his skills made him a very dangerous beast to reckon with. His body was nearly morphic, making it hard at times to even cut it, as mucus like fluids came from pores in it's skin, making even the sharpest of blades glance off him. "Food...give me......food!" he screamed, suddenly the building on the corner of the street crumbling as he leapt forward. Most humans would have simply seen the wreckage, as if an explosion had gone off, those more spiritually intuned would catch the outline of his hulking form, his frog-like stature and wriggling cilia. An even more select few would see him in a hazy blurred sort of way. His claws racked the ground, her spiritual energy making the air thick to it, her flavor was intoxicating to the hollow.
Tatsuki sighed as the thudding continued, shaking her head. "Stupid construction work....it had better not carry on all night and keep me awake. Should be stopping soon enough I hope...." She grumbled as her good mood began to edge away at the thought of being kept awake by construction work. Still....she'd just have to stare at her trophy instead, the thought bringing a grin back onto her face. "Hm? Was that someone shouting?" The teenager looked up and around again, then shook her head again. "Geez, gotta be someone's TV....sounds like a pretty stupid movie whatever they're watching..." Before she could take another few steps however, she heard a loud noise, then looking over to see dust rising a short distance away, behind a few other buildings. "Hm? What was that...? The construction work or something...?" She thought she saw something moving....some weird heat haze....must've just been the last of the heat coming from the tarmac. The girl just shrugged and looked ahead, her apartment building now just at the end of the street.
His feet stamped the ground harder, faster, he could see her, her energy was like a thick mist, a burning inferno inside her. For such a human to exist and not be the gigai of some Soul Reaper, the idea was unheard of. It's maw opened wide, unhinging like a snakes. Suddenly it's tongue shout out, stretching like bungie cord, and just as thick if not more so. A sudden tightness would hug her middle, before she would be pulled back with a force that would have killed a lesser being. Had she not trained her body to endure the extremes, she would have been graced with the fortunate chance of just blacking out. "Your energy...give it to me!" he howled at her, her gi suddenly becoming shreds in a matter of moments, the saliva along his tongue was thick and slippery, the aroma of it, oddly pleasing.
Tatsuki had been about to speed up her walk, accelerate into a gentle jog the rest of the way home, until she suddenly felt a tightness around her waist. "Huh?" She blinked ang glanced down, not seeing anything there holding her. "Well what the-" Her sentance was cut off with a scream of surprise as she was suddenly yanked back, her trophy falling from her hands and to the floor, her bag flying from her shoulder. "Wh-what the hell is going on?!" Tatsuki couldn't see anything, as far as she was aware she was now floating in mid air, squirming around. "This is....this is just..." She blinked as she felt something odd, then screamed as suddenly her Karate gi was shredded, leaving her in nothing now but her panties and sports bra. "I...wh-what's going on?!" Tatsuki tried to swing her arms a little, attempting pathetically to get free.
Slowly as she squirmed, her body began to get coated in the thick mess, his saliva making her skin shimmer as if covered in oil. The look of confusion on her face, had she been a Soul Reaper she would have been able to see him clearly. But her energy was unstable, not focused like theirs. It may have been for the best she could not see such a grotesque sight. The cilia along his jaw stretched, like fingers prodding along her body. She would watch in horror as her bra seemed to squirm as they slipped beneath the material, pulling it away from her breasts that bounced free. Despite her tomboyish attitude, she was still very sexy. He gripped her sides, each palm almost completely wrapping around her middle. As she screamed his tongue uncoiled around her, suddenly pushing into her open mouth. "More...give me more...scream more!" he yelled, a thick fluid beginning to excrete from the thick appendage, this was different from normal saliva, it would soon act like an aphrodesiac, and cause her spiritual energy to sky rocket even. He liked his meals to be writhing and ready to burst, in more ways then one.
"Ugh..." Tatsuki recoiled slightly in disgust as she felt something wet hitting her skin, yet she couldn't see anything besides a slight shimmer across her skin, though she was starting to get goosebumps. "Wh-what's going on? What's happening to me?!" She squirmed and shook her head, then gasped as she felt her bra....moving? She quickly looked down just in time to watch as her bra was suddenly tugged and ripped away from her, allowing her breasts to bounce free. The sports bra had been purposefully too small, her breasts larger than they had at first seemed. "St-stop it! Whatever's doing this just st-" She was cut off as suddenly something shoved into her mouth, leaving her unable to do much more than gurgle. "MMF!" She felt almost like a pair of....hands...were around her waist, whilst something like a tongue was writhing around in her mouth and forcing to swallow a thick fluid. She shivered slightly as she swallowed more of it, her body feeling a little hotter, a combination of arousal and her spiritual pressure beginning to bubble and surge even further.
The large tongue pumped in and out, more of the thick fluid coming forth down her throat. Her body began to react, the hollow could tell, after all she was not his first ever victim. As she grew aroused, her nipples hardened, the small cilia began to slowly wrap around the stiff nubs, tugging on them a bit, teasing her. Her arousal now fully obvious. The Hollow began to do the same, between his hind legs, a massive shaft began to swell to full length. Now as her spiritual pressure was growing, his figure should be clearer and clearer. His grotesque body on display for her. "Yes....." he cackled as her body grew hotter and sensative. She would begin to feel something touching in between her thighs, his member was thick as her wrist, and about the size of her arm too boot.
Tatsuki gagged on the fluid being forced down her throat, feeling a warm sensation beginning to spread from her belly and throughout her body. She shivered as she first felt her nipples hardening quickly, then a heat starting to build between her legs. Already she could feel wetness forming in her panties, the process only quickened when she suddenly felt something wrapping around her nipples, her eyes going wide. "MMMGGFF!" She shook her head as she felt her body being played with, violated, but then she saw....something. When a shape began to take form infront of her she froze up, just staring in horror at the sight of the monster, its hands holding her waist, tongue continuing to swirl around in her mouth, odd appendages playing with her hard nipples....but then her eyes slowly looked down, spotting something else growing from it, prodding her thigh. As soon as it touched her, Tatsuki began to freak out, once more struggling to free herself.
The creature would have laughed, had he not been already been fantisizing of just how delicious of a meal she would soon be. Her panties where soaked now, as she began to grow wet, the fluids being forced into her giving her no choice. With little effort, the damp material was quickly discarded, as he held her with one hand to use his other to quickly remove it. Now she was fully exposed and unprotected, not that the thin material would have provided much besides perhaps a moment of pause for the creatures tool. "Now.....time to eat!" he said gleefully. The head of his cock pushing into her sex, the thick tip pulsed and undulated like it had a mind of it's own. Her legs where forced open as he grabbed a hold of it, her fit body was proving to be a tight fit for him though with a sudden jerk, her body was pulled down hard and the thick head popped inside spreading her pussy open wide.
Tatsuki let out a muffled squeal when her panties were ripped away, leaving her completely naked, not only exposed to the creature, but any other people who might come along as well. "MMMFF!" She tried to shake her head, especially as the creature said it was time to eat, the voice now rather clear to her. She could still feel something building and welling up inside of her, Tatsuki had no idea that her spiritual power was still continuing to build and grow. She also had no idea that when it said eat, it hadn't meant it in a traditional manner. She let out another muffled cry as she felt something prodding against her virgin pussy, this was certainly not had she had imagined losing her virginity. She was supposed to lose it to a man who proved himself to be her equal, not to some kind of....monster. Fortunately the tightness of her body from years of martial arts seemed to keep the creature out, but then the creature showed its strength, forcing her down and ramming the head of its cock into her body, Tatsuki's scream echoing around the area despite the muffling from the tongue on her mouth, her pussy so tight as to practically crush the Hollow's cock.
"Suck a tight fit...." his garbled voice came out, it was rare to find a virgin these days, aside from girls much younger then she, it was a pleasant surprise to see a girl still pure at her age. It made the flavor so much more enjoyable as he violated them when they had never been touched. Now he used his hind legs to really thrust forward into her, more of his massive tool shoving deeper in still. Slowly his tongue withdrew from her maw, still gods of the arousing fluid came from it, coating her figure with it a bit. It would prove to be just ass effective applied externally as it would have consumed. "Now my dear....scream for me!," he commanded, his voice almost ear splitting. He pulled her further down his shaft, her legs being forced open more as his thicker girth began to penetrate her. Her tight insides where so delicious to the hollow, a girl this tight was indeed a rare thing indeed. Her inner walls hugged him, he began to salivate more as he started to thrust in and out of her steadily, a slight trace of crimson along his shaft.
Tatsuki let out a gurgled mixture of pain and pleasure as the monsters cock slowly forced its way deeper inside of her, its thickness causing a small bulge to be visible in her stomach. Then as the tongue finally withdrew from her mouth she coughed slightly, coughing up a little of its saliva, only to feel more of it practically pouring over her chest, running over her breasts which heaved with every deep breath she took, shivers running through her body as the saliva ran across, and absorbed into, her goosebump covered skin. "F-fuck you..." Tatsuki growled in response to the command of the Hollow, but then when it thrust deeper into her, ramming a good half of its cock into her now, she didn't have much choice, letting out a scream as her belly stretched out a little more. The deeper the Hollow got into her body, the tighter she seemed to become, every movement causing her body to shake, her breasts to bounce, her tongue rolling out of her mouth. Tatsuki knew it shouldn't feel this good...but...she just couldn't help it. This things saliva was making her body more and more sensitive to pleasure, and more and more dull to pain.
It was fortunate in a sense, had she been allowed to feel "normally" she may have died by the intrusion, though given her state now, she may have preferred it. "I like my meals to have....attitude girl," he chuckled as she tried to defy him, though it was useless all the same. His member lunged in and out of her, forcing itself deeper and deeper, the tip battering at her cervix before it was suddenly spread open wide. The bulge in her abdomen becoming bigger in moments as he brutally fucked her womb. "Yes...yes...yes!" he shouted gleefully. Her body like a rag doll as he plowed into her relentlessly. Suddenly there was the sound of bursting, his shaft swelling for a moment before it seemed the skin tore, and along the entire shaft small cilia began to wiggle and sqiurm. His cock became a storm of movement both inside and outside of her pussy. The tiny tentacle things sqiurming deep inside her, while also fluttering against her outter lips and clitoris.
Tatsuki wanted to say more to the creature, tell it to die, but when she opened her mouth to speak, all that came out was an unwanted, unintended moan of pleasure, the girl quickly biting down on her lip in a pathetic attempt to cut the noise off. She let out a soft cry as she felt the tip of its cock pushing against her cervix, then howled in both pain and pleasure as the creature rammed inside, pushing directly into her womb, the bulge in her stomach growing larger with the outline of the tip of its cock. Then just as she thought she had felt the worst of it, something else happened. When she heard a tearing, bursting sound, Tatsuki first thought it was her own body...the reality was far worse though. She felt the Hollow's cock thickening inside of her, then things....growing...out of it, moving, wriggling around inside of her. Despite her best efforts, Tatsuki's mouth opened as she moaned out in pleasure once again from the incredible, inhuman sensations of pleasure being forced onto her body.
The hollows tongue hung limply from it's mouth, much like a dog panting over a heated bitch it was mounting. It's cock wriggled inside of her, her moans like the sweetest of wines to him. "Yes.....give in girl," he goaded her as his wriggling dick plunged in and out. Every inch of her inner walls where attacked as the multitude of small tentacles lashed and flicked inside of her. Even the dulge seemed to squirm, her skin literally crawling because of them. He grunted loudly, his own pleasure going to newer heights. He would certainly have to do "that" with this one. His member began to thickened slowly, stretching her wider still. Had he had actual testicles they would have been close to bursting. Instead now each of the little cilia began to excrete more fluid. He intended to fuck her drunk before he burst.
Despite her best efforts, Tatsuki couldn't help soft moans and pants of pleasure escaping her lips. She didn't want to give in....but whatever this thing was doing to her....every movement felt even more pleasureable than the last, the sensations she was undergoing far beyond anything she would have thought possible before. "O-oooh!" She felt herself somehow grow even wetter, juices from her body running down the Hollow's cock between the Cilia as it continued to plunge into her, not only causing her stomach to bulge out, but the skin wriggle and move from the small appendages that had sprouted from the creature inside of her. "N-nngh!" Her body seemed to tighten even further, Tatsuki's inexperienced body beginning to show the unmistakable signs of a rapidly approaching orgasm, her spiritual power beginning to surge as well.
She was almost glowing from the amount of energy she was letting out. Her moans only fueling his hunger more. "Thats it..." he chided, feeling her pussy dripping from arousal. He pulled her up and down faster, his member assisting such a rapid movement, coupled with how wet she was. Her body bobbed up and down, breasts bouncing rapidly. It was like she was nothing but a cock sleeve, and he was a boy rapidly trying to get off before being discovered. His shaft thickened even more as it filled, it seemed to grow hotter too. His tongue curled around her breasts, adding more stimulation to her. He was prepared to burst, though unlike a human, had full control of it.
Tatsuki squealed as the movements became faster, panting heavily as she was thrust into over and over, her womb and stomach stretching and bulging out as the monster hilted her body on its cock every time now, the feeling more like an arm was being thrust into her than a cock. "NNNGH! MMN!!" Tatsuki looked up at the sky, grinding her teeth together as she felt her body passing the point of no return, something only her own fingers had caused before. Then again simply the sensation of being fucked had already far surpassed any self-induced orgasm she had experienced.
Then, with a carnal howl of pleasure her body came, hard. Her pussy tightened up so much that even the Hollow would find it difficult to move despite it's great strength, her pussy juices spraying from her like an explosion, her back arching and pushing her chest out, just making it easier for the Hollow to play with them.
That was the moment he had so hungrily wanted. As she hit orgasm, not only did her pleasure peak, but so did her energy. His tongue opened up, like some horrible mouth, the tip resembling something like a vacuum attachment. He devoured her energy, while simultaniously thrusting into her still as she continued to climax. Just then it happened. Like flood gates being let open, his shaft burst, not simply from the tip, but from every pore in it's flesh. His seed like a thick gel that pumped into her with generous amounts. It spilled out of her tight cunt still, though filled her full.
Tatsuki felt an odd sensation amongst the pleasure of her orgasm, like something was being sucked out of her....but it was something she didn't recognise...something she didn't even know she'd had. But that sensation was quickly pushed aside by another. She felt the cock somehow thickening even further, stretching her body beyond what she thought wast it's limits, and then suddenly the sensation of being filled. Not only was something emerging from the tip of its cock, but from the tip of every one of the cilia as well. A thick, gel like substance was filling her womb, bulging it out, a round growing bulge forming in her stomach. At the same time the cilia out of her body were covering her lower body in the Hollow's gel-like cum, all the while Tatsuki's own orgasm continuing.
The release continued for what seemed like an eternity before it subsides. His length still fairly rigid in her, her abdomen seemingly in it's third trimester. He pulled out, all the while still absoring her spiritual energy that still seemed to be growing at a dangerous rate. If left unattended it could have become dangerous for her, though this Hollow intended to harvest from her for some time. "Such a tasty morsel," he said as more of her energy slipped into it's maw. The hollow seemed to grow more as he "drank" his body slowly growing in size. "I feel like I will burst!" he shouted gleefully, he had really been lucky with her.

"....The sea barrier surges, march onto the south! Shakkaho!" a voice shouted from the darkness. A brilliant red ball of energy shot from the distance at incredible speed. it missed her body by inches and struck the hollow dead in the face. An eerie yell rang from it, as it staggered backwards letting her go. Before she hit the ground something had cushioned her fall, like a sudden matt had formed beneath her before she came in contact with the sidewalk. A figure garbed in black holding a katana stood over her. "Good...your not dead," he said before turning hi sights onto the smoldering mask of the creature. There was a small crack in it's face, and a thick substance leaked from it, resembling black tar.
Tatsuki gurgled as her orgasm subsided, slowly glancing down as she felt the intense weight in her belly, letting out a half gasp half gurgle as she saw how swollen it was, like she was 9 months pregnant and ready to drop...she could feel the hot, thick fluid moving around inside of her...despite how much she hated it there was an oddly....pleasing...sensation from it moving in her like that. She coughed a little as the creature started to grow, gasping as its cock had started to grow inside of her, until suddenly it was struck with something, a new voice echoing through the air.
The girl yelped as the cock was suddenly withdrawn from her pussy, a little of the gel-like cum leaking out, but it was so thick that most of it remained trapped snuggly inside of her womb as she fell to the ground. Tatsuki braced herself for the pain....but it never came. Instead it felt like landing on the softest mattress she'd ever touched, then she was gently laid to the ground. Weakly she managed to look up as a strange black robed figure stood over her, blinking at him before he seemed to look away, her own glance following his to the creature, the girl growling slightly.
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