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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

At the mention of her hands being steady, she remembers the one time they were not. Shaking terribly in fear of loosing him the night of Jak's death. The thought made them quiver a hint before she pulled them away to reach for his cup, before he could feel them shaking for himself, "It's a necessity at times. Here, sit up to drink it or you'll spill it. It's hot."
He smiles as he sits up taking the cup from her with a smile. "Ive not seem many healers who could keep their hands from trembling. Especially if alot was riding on them saving the patient." His lips curl into a smile as he blows on the tea before taking a sip from the cup. "This tea isnt to bad. I think I could get used to it."
She smiled as she took a seat on the edge of the bed beside him, "That's good because the tea can be good for you. The herbs will not only relax you but heal you from the inside out as well." She sipped her own cup before leaning towards the table and setting it down, "You want me to bring Sarah over again?" She glances towards the crib and can see that Sarah is still up as her little arms move.
He keeps sipping at the tea smiling as he nods slowly. "You might as well. She's going to start missing me here soon if you don't." He finishes his tea setting the cup on the night stand as he stifles a soft yawn. "Besides she might sleep better if we tire her put first. She's just a ball of energy right now:"
"That's a baby for you," she said as she moved off the bed and around the foot of it to the cradle. "Do you want to come play with mommy and daddy," she asked the baby in a cutesy voice as she leaned down and carefully picked her up again, rocking her a bit in her arms as Kiana walked slowly back around the bed once more until she sat again the edge beside him.
He smiles as he makes himself alittle mote comfortable on the bed. "I don't ever remember having that much energy love." His lips purse together as he whistles for Sarah softly as Kiana sits on the bed with her. Lund scoots around to bring his face in view of Sarahs letting out another whistle. "I think I'm truly scared to find out what's going to happen when she can run on her own."
Kiana shuttered a little bit, "Don't even bring the thought of that to mind. We will need to teach her not to run to any and every whistle she might come to hear." The baby looked up at Lund with her new found smile on her face as she made gurling noises of approval for the sound he was making. "I can't wait until you are well enough to leave this room. We can take her for picnics and to see the local wildlife. I think she would smile at that as well."
He swallows softly at the thought of his daughter running to any whistle she might hear. "I'm sure our daughter wouldnt go running to any whistle. I think she knows the sound of my whistle and that's why she responds so well." He leans over kisses Sarahs cheek nibbling playfully. "Not to mention her red hair will he hard to hide.
"We will have to test her with other people that can whistle when we can. I would do it now if I could whistle but I cannot." Kiana puckers her lips and blows air through them. No sound coming out of them, just the sound of air being blowing. It does not even remotely get Sarah's attention as she keeps looking up at Lund, even when the whistle is not coming from his lips. Kiana feels a twinge of jealously in her at how Sarah had taken to fully and completely to Lund so quickly. "All I seem to be to her is the person with the food..."
Lund glances towards Kiana frowning slightly at her words. "You are more then that darling. I wish I could explain her fascination with my whistle but I can't. Besides with time she may find a noise you make much better then my simple whistle." He leans over placing a soft kiss against her lips. "Don't be down on yourself."
"It's hard not to be. Look at her," Kiana said indicating down to the baby in her arms once again. The baby looked up at him in awe and wonder, "She's smitten with you. It's not that hard to become so. I fear I'm a little jealous that she heard my voice for nine months, knew is and my touch before your and yet you come into her life and with one whistle steal her little heart from me."
He touches Kianas cheek softly before leaning in to nuzzle softly. "I'm sure it's just a passing fancy for her. In a few weeks or so something else will come along and she will forget all about my whistle." He gently kisses Kiana's cheek nuzzling against her softly still smiling as he lays his head on her shoulder watching Sarah.
Kiana sighed and rested her tilted her head to lean it against his on her shoulder, smiling down at the baby as well, "We will see about that. If she truly is going to be stubborn like me as you say then it's going to be more then just a passing fancy. She'll like what she likes forever." Smirking she turned her face to kiss his head, "Just how I like you and I will do so forever."
He smiles softly as he closes his eyes for a moment letting out another soft whistle. "I love you Kiana and I love our daughter." His head comes up as he presses his lips against hers softly as he looks into her eyes. His attention is then turned back towards Sarah as he begins making silly faces at her.
The baby looks at how he distorts his face for a few moments, looking confused at first as she just stared. After a few minutes though, her little lips curled into a smile as she waves her little arms in his direction. "I think she likes that as well. If you whistled while making faces, you'll have her eating out of the palm of your hands in a heartbeat." Kiana joked.
Lund laughs softly as he kisses Sarahs forehead. "Maybe I'll try that someday and see how well it works out." He turns his head away from them stifling a yawn before layinghis head on her shoulder once more. "I think she has tired me out before we even got started." He reaches out with his hand taking Sarahs tenderly.
Sarah wraps her little fingers tightly around her father's finger, holding on and not letting go as she squeezed. Kiana leaned down to kiss the baby's forehead. "I think you need to nap just like she needs a nap as well. You can nap together so that you can then both wake up and play with one another again afterward."
Lund stifles a second yawn as he nods softly. "A nap would certainly feel nice. What are you goin to do while we nap love?" He leans over placing a kiss on her cheek nuzzling against her neck softly with a smile. Lund then moves to lay back on the bed closing his eyes slightly as he stretches himself out.
The baby refuses to give up her hold on his finger as he moves and so a first Kiana must move with him. Gently she works the baby's grasp away from her father's finger and stands with her to start rocking her and urge the baby that it was time to sleep. "Well I have to get her to nap first. After that I might clean up a bit. I have not been able to focus on much since you were hurt. I've never left your side. Fresh air... might be nice."
He smiles softly as Sarah refuses to let go of his finger. "Why not let her lay with me in the bed Kiana. She might enjoy it plus she would be safe." His fingers wave at Sarah as he whistles trying to be as dististracting to the baby as he can. "You should do that darling. Don't be cramped up all the time with us."
"Hmmm..." she said looking down at the baby. She felt a little uneasy about leaving the baby in the bed with him without anyone around. He could turn in his sleep or even her and the results could be a little dangerous. But... "Let me get her set up so she can't get away. I'll have a maid sit in with you both so that she can watch you and make sure no one goes moving to far." Kiana carefully laid Sarah down on her side of the bed, tucking a blanket all around her body in a little barrier to keep her in place, leaving enough distance still from Lund that if he did roll, he's still be far from her. "There is this satisfactory for you both?"
Lund smiles as he rolls to his side whistling toward Sarah as she is tucked in by Kiana. He reached out with his hand taking hold of it gently. His smile stays as he nods quietly. "This is perfect love. Now go get yourself some fresh air while we nap and play." he leans over kissing Sarahs hand even as he let's out another soft yawn.
Sarah's fingers clasp around his one finger at once again. Kiana smiles as she leans down and kisses the baby's forehead before brushing her fingers against her cheek and moving then around the bed to lean over his shoulder to kiss his cheek, "I'll send in a maid to watch over both my loves." She walked to the door to get a maid, but paused, looking back so watch him and the baby a moment.
He smiles softly as he tugs Sarahs hand with his finger laughing softly. He turns his head kissing Kiana's lips. "Alright love. Enjoy your time out in the sun." His attention is turned back to Sarah as he begins making playful growling noises before leaning to pretend to nibble on her hand laughing softly. His eyes glances up as she looks back throwing her another smile.
Kiana smiled and exited the room, finding the first maid she could that she knew. She instructed the girl to sit with Lund and the baby until they feel asleep, and then she was to call for her as she would be visiting with Nessa until then. Kiana had no real intention to go very far. She had a constant urge to be near to Lund while he was still healing. If anything went wrong she wanted to be right there to take care of him. She would not be far from his side again.
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