bend over batsy. (mera-darkened)

"You didn't think I was going to take you on a boring date? Did you?" He smirked as he parked the car."we are going skydiving!"
He was certainly going to make sure that she had a great time, if for no other reason than to make her forget her past.
"Oh...yes, quite."he said with out thinking.
A second passed before he caught himself.
"I mean...erm..."he turned bright red.
"You are rather too young for me, I appoigise!" He spluttered as he looked away, embarassed at himself.
Jumping out of a plane yoohoo. She thought sarcastically. "Hadn't really thought about it to be honest." She said as a man approached them. "Mr. Wayne and this lovely young lady must be Miss McGuyver. Alright I'll be accompanying you during the jump an give instructions when needed. Has either one of you been sky diving before?" He asked. Alana shook her head, not according to Earth costums at least. He looked at Bruce, thinking the playboy might have some experience.

Kiara chuckled. Another cute reaction not unlike a teenage boy would give. It looked like it had been a long time since Alfred had had a date. "Maybe so, but don't apologize for being honest." She said. She rather have someone tell her the truth instead of a lie even if it might gross her out, though it didn't, not in his case.
He was just a little taken off guard by her razor wit. She certianly was very confident in herself.
"Yes, that's correct. I have done h.a.l.o jumps before, I know what I am doing pretty well. But I don't know about her..."he smiled. "Have you ever been skydiving, miss mcguyver?"
"Well...I...its not..." alfred quickly grew frustrated by hisl lack of words.
she didn't seem to bothered by his admission.
"You don't think I am a nasty old man?" He asked sheepishly.
Well everyone knew about her story. "Not according to Earth tradition, no." She said. Sure they'd make her jump out, but it never involved a parachute since she could land and walk away or in her other form fly away. But really how hard could it be. "Alright I'll show you to the equipment." The man said and Alana followed him to the back of a small plane. The harnas looked simple enough, the parachute was in the backpack. One chord opened the main parachute and there was a back up as well. He even wanted her to do some sort of jumping technique. She felt like an utter idiot, but just did it, without saying anything. "Looks like you're a natural." The man said. As they geared up Alana had already figured out the harnas, it was just so damn simple really. All geared up and ready to go.

"Old yes, nasty no, just awkward around pretty girls." Kiara said and smiled at him. He really was adorable, so shy it seemed. Finally they could order their coffee. Well she ordered a strong cup of normal coffee, then the man at the register looked at Alfred. He figured it was a grandfather, granddaughter thing or something since they'd been talking. Today it was hard to tell really.
"Let's get the plane up in the air then!" Bruce said with carefully modulated excitement in his voice. He looked rather like a soldier, dressed as he was. With his olive drab overall suit and backpack strapped to his back.
"One venti esspresso infused iced mocha-latte marshmallow whip with pumpkin flavor, steamed milk, whipped cream and cinnamon on top along with a chocolate glazed cruller please."
The rest of the room looked at him carefully as he ordered, wonder on their faces as they tried to decipher exactly what his order would require.
Well she looked like a soldier too, they all did. Both her and Bruce had the build for it and she was rather silent when the plane took off, well she hadn't been talking much since this date began. But fortunately the instructor had plenty to say and she listened, though it was all easily figured out. She just nodded a couple of times instead of trying to scream over the engine. It didn't take that long to get to the drop of point and they were standing at the door to jump.

Kiara blinked. Was that even English? The man behind the register thought for a few moments thinking of what to put in. At least not all customers had such complicated orders. "Of course sir, coming right up." He said and got to work. He was obviously quite experienced and whipped up Alfred's drink pretty fast, Kiara's was much more simple since it was just strong normal coffee. He put both drinks on the counter. "That will be $13,- please." He said.
"Ready alana?" Bruce asked over the helmet intercom, he placed his hand reassuringly on her surprisingly muscular thigh. The playboy vigilante and done high orbit drops before, so he was more than ready.

"What?" The old butler asked, quite self consious of all the eyes on him. "The only way to properly test the quality of a shop like this is to order the most extravagant thing possible and see if its worth the money..." he said as if it were obvious.
In a trice, alfred slapped down the money along with a very substansial tip.
"Keep the change old chap." He said, emulating james bond just a little.
"Ready." Alana replied. She didn't seem nervous or anything like that at all. She looked at his hand on her thigh, not sure what it was supposed to mean. And they were off, the light turned green and it was time to jump. The free fall was supposed to be an adreniline high, but having had to jump like this without a parachute to land on Apocolypse despite the very painful landing this wasn't that much of a rush for her. She looked at them as they were forming a circle in the air.

Kiara couldn't help but chuckle. "You've got a point there." She said as she walked out with him. The man behind the register was happily surprised by the twenty dollar tip. "So tell me, is it worth the money?" She asked him and sipped her own coffee. It tasted exactly the same as the one from around the corner. She wasn't one for extravagant drinks, old fashioned coffee, it's bitter taste and the caffeine had always worked for her.
Bruce noticed how...unexcited alana looked as she fell. It was as if this was run of the mill. Admitedly, he was an old hand at this sort of thing, but it was still fun to do when there was nothing on the line.
The ground rushed up at him furiously, instinct and training took over, his hand yanked at the rip cord and deployed the parachute.
Alfred was very surprised at how good it was. "This is simply marvelous! Remarkable, prefectly balanced! Unlike star-whatsit.....its not too sweet, nor to milky or too strong! Simply delightful! And entirely worth the money." This effusive outburst shocked alfred, who prided himself on being prim and proper at all time.
The instructor and Bruce deployed easily. Alana pulled the cord and nothing happened, pulled again, still nothing. She noticed the hand signal to go for the spare parachute and pulled the second cord only to find no result. "Oh god no." She heard someone say over the intercom, it was the instructor. Clouds pulled them out of sight, so it would be another rough landing, nothing she wasn't used to. Once she landed she went into a roll so it wouldn't hurt as much, but it still hurt like hell. But her skeleton was all but indestructable and her healing abilities took care of any injuries quickly. She took off the damn harnass and waited for them to land, standing out of sight since she'd rolled into some bushes.

"Starbucks." Kiara said. "I'm glad it's so good. Well I prefer the old fashioned coffee and this tastes the same as it does around the corner so I'm going back to the old store." She said. Then someone bumped into Alfred from behind pretty hard and then she felt some of his drink spill onto her blouse, mostly in the chest area.
Bruce watched with horror as his date plumeted to the ground. There was nothing he could do with out revealing himself as batman. Worse still, as willing as he was to help, the had no equipment to use that would help. Slowly, he drifted to the ground and searched for alana to see if he could help--if there was anyone left to help.
The instructor, meanwhile, was frantically searching and panicking.
"Oh my!" Alfred attempted to right himself before his drink spilled, but was too late. "I am very sorry! I insist you let me clean your blouse!" He quickly appologized as he tried in vain to keep his eyes from locking on her clearly visible bust.
The sweet drink soaked into her top and made her sizeable bossom easily visible through the thin cloth.
"Oh dear..." he muttered under his breath as he felt a stirring in his loins...
The landing had brought back some very painful memories and though her injuries had already healed the landing itself had hurt like freaking hell. Right now she was livid. The guy was all over the place, running around like a chicken with its head cut off. He never saw the backpack she hurled at him coming and fell on his ass. She walked out of the bushes seeming fine and looking quite intimidating. "Somebody should consider a career change." She said on a low tone, pent up anger could clearly be heard and glared at him, it was more an order than a suggestion. If it came to being scary it looked like she could give Batman a run for his money. She dumped the overall on his head and stormed off to the car.

Kiara realized her blouse had gone see through, just great. He was trying to be a gentleman, but his eyes betrayed him. How did he want to do that it's not like she could just take it off right here right? "Thanks for the offer. I'm only two blocks from my appartment, I'll just head home and throw it in the washing machine. It was nice meeting you Alfred, I hope we can talk again sometime." She said and gave him a card with her number on it and took off. Though she had no intention on bedding the old guy she would like a friend and he seemed like a funny and kind natured person.
Alana had to be some kind of meta-human! No one else could have survived that.
He knew granny goodness would tamper with her subjects but this was far, even for her.
Even one of her prime specimens would be somewhat damaged by that fall, yet she just shrugged it off like nothing.
The instructor could do nothing but gibber and nod as he bolted off in fright.
" very impressive." He said carefully modulated awe in his voice.
"You can be sure I will call Kiara." He said distractedly as he pocketed the paper carefully.
"Today infact...quite." he was rambling again as he wrenched his eyes from her chest with effort.
"I...well. have a lovely day!"
His brain had officially left the building.
Well Granny's training had always been incredibly painful, either you learnt to ignore the pain or it would drive you insane. But the landing had hurt even for though her pain tolerance was as high as it could get. "If you say so. Can we get out of here?" She replied. She really didn't want to spend anymore time here. If anything had ruined her good mood it was this.
Bruce could see that the date had been ruined by this unfortunate turn of events and couldn't help but be a little irritated.
"How about I take you home?" He said soothingly."you can rest and I'll reschedule this date if you like."
Despite the unpleasant situation, this had yielded a clear fact. This was one woman who would be a big problem should she align with the crime world.
Alana took a deep breath. She realized she shouldn't take this out on him, he'd been nothing but nice to her. "I'm alright. Let's just say I'm not going to go sky diving again any time soon." She said. No she wasn't going to let that idiot ruin her day. She'd go stir crazy being alone at home anyway.
"Okay then...lets do something a little more down to earth." though he would not admit it to anyone, save for alfred and now alana, bruce deeply enjoyed Ikebana and often found it to be soothing after a difficult patrol.
"Perhaps something calmer."
"Sounds like a plan." Alana said. As long as it involved staying on the ground she was in. She had no idea what he was planning but it couldn't possibly get any worse right? "So what do you have in mind?" She asked him.
Under normal circumstances, bruce would have simply taken his date to her place and cooked lunch then left it at that. However, he felt a strong attraction to this woman and didn't want to just abandon her.
"Just something simple and quiet..."he said kindly."its called ikebana, japanese flower arrangement. There is nothing that could go wrong there."
The car roared up to his long driveway and into the cavernous garage.
Well at least nothing lifethreatening. But she knew nothing about flowers or how to handle them. Apocolypse wasn't known for its greenery. So this could be interesting. "True, nothing could go wrong that badly, but I know next to nothing about plants or flowers." Alana said. Once they arrived she got out of te car. The place was huge, overkill.
"But then that's the point, isn't it?" He asked slyly."to try new things."
He took a lingering glance at alana's lovely chest as he helped her out of his car.
Bruce could feel a tingle at his crotch as an erection started in his pants slowly.
"I suppose so." Alana replied. She saw how his eyes lingered on her breasts. He really seemed to like those. She followed him into the house and even with a little passing of time she thought she could smell arousal.
Bruce layed out an assortment of colorful flowers and painted branches.
"While this is not strictly how ikebana is a great starting point." He placed a vase with a styrofoam block in it.
"Just slide the flowers into this in what ever way looks nice."
He stole another glance down her blouse, his cock responded greatly to the view.
Alana looked at the vase, the many different kinds of flowers and colors. Another glance down her blouse. Well she herself had had plenty of time to check out his tight ass on the way over there and she was going to love fucking it. She hoped his ass was still a virgin. The scent of his arousal became stronger and she was sure now. As soon as she figured out this puzzle she'd fuck his brains out.

But quite a puzzle it was. There was one big and blue flower, she decided it shoulde be in the middle and then surrounding it with two rings, one of pink roses, a flower a size smaller and then another ring with flowers smaller then those, not even sure what they were called, but the flowers were a light yellow and the peddles had a light pink color at the ending. The vase wasn't too full and it looked nice. Too bad roses had thorns though.
"That's lovely!" Bruce beamed as he examined her arrangement, and her long legs...
By that point his cock was just about ready to burst out of his pants. A situation which made it very difficult to focus.
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