bend over batsy. (mera-darkened)

"And that took you fifteen minutes? That's so slow a snail would have been faster, don't let the real Batman hear about this one." Alana replied jokingly as she looked at the costume. The crowd laughed at that one. The costume wasn't too bad. He wasn't the only one dressed as Batman there, plenty others were. Unfortunately they didn't really have the physique to do that and they looked ridiculous, Bruce however could pull it off.
That woman...witty and pretty, a mix that bruce found quite difficult to resist. All he could do was smile and share a genuine laugh with the whole room.
"Quite right! Lucky me...I'm just a civilian. Not running around fighting the crazies around town!"
He rose his glass to alana and took a deep breath.
"To costumes staying costumes!"
"I hear ya." She mumbled under her breath she rose the glass she'd been holding all night. No way she wanted this to become real, though she looked great in it, this had to stay a costume. What a show off. Oh well this was his party. She walked off and stopped in front of a window and looked outside for no reason at all.
Bruce followed alana to the window and stood next to her.
"Nice costume." He said, glancing at her exposed cleavage. "How is earth treating you? Take all the time you want...but you have to walk into the board room sometime. If for no other reason but to declare your representative." He said with a caring tone in his voice.
Well there wasn't that much of her cleavage exposed, but the costume was so tight around the rest it didn't leave much to the imagination. He was obviously enjoying the view. "Thanks." She said and looked over the tight Batman costume. "Very well." She told him, the way he was looking at her suggested more then just being friendly. Looks like the designer would be right about any man wanting her. "Oh I know, just taking in the view first." she said and smiled mischiviously at him. Some view that was.
"How about we have lunch and discuss your options. With your lawyer, of course." He said as he gazed out at the neon night.
"It is quite a view, that's the reason I never left gotham, the skyline is captivating..."
Though that wasn't the view she was talking about. "Sounds good, gotta find a lawyer first though." Alana replied. The lawyer who had helped her dad had died six months ago. She looked at the skyline again. "I guess I should go to the boardroom now." She said and walked over and into it. She saw a bunch of people...
"The meeting hasn't been scheduled yet..." he called out to her with a surprised grin. "The only thing you'll find is the costume raffle."
Perhaps that wasn't a bad thing.

The room full of people stared, in awe of alana as she proudly entered the room. the hands of every man instantly fell to their crotches, hoping to hide the bulges in the fabric of their costumes. Even the women swooned a little at the image of female power before them.

Bruce followed quietly and watched.
"I think we have a winner!" A fiftysomething who stuffed himself into a too small batman getup smiled, the rest of the room rippled with laughter.
Costume raffle? Oh well couldn't be too bad right. When she looked at some of the costumes she wanted to laugh. A fat fifty year old in a Batman costume would have made a better chance dressed as bouncing ball. Their reactions weren't unnoticed. Besides the hands the scent of arousal became very strong in the air, both male and female. This was ridiculous wasn't it? It was just a costume, why did they react like a bunch of pubescent teens? She looked a bit surprised after he announced her the winner. He hadn't even seen the other contestants or was that why everyone was laughing. "So what did I win?" Alana asked him.
"Are you a lesbian or straight?" One of the women asked sweetly. "You might have a date with bruce wayne, or with tara st.clare. depending on how you answer."
The woman smiled as she displayed her cleavage to the imposing woman across the table'unintentionally'.
The woman forgot bi-sexual and there was the fact she was neither fully male, nor female. "Neither." Alana answered, this was getting funny. Though she did see the cleavage she just didn't pay extra attention to it. Of course this didn't give them any answer at all and they all looked a bit confused. "So you're bi-sexual. Looks like you still have a shot Samantha." The fifty year old said, it was easy to see how the woman was showing off her cleavage, she'd been doing it all night.

"Now that that's been cleared up who would you like a date with?" The woman next to Samantha answered. Though she was trying not to look well as desperate as her friend Alana already knew both were aroused by something. Alana looked back over her shoulder to Bruce. She didn't have a clue as to who Tara St. Clair was after all.
"Excuse me..." bruce said humorously. "Why was I not informed that I would be going on a date?" He smiled as he stood next to alana, their eyes locked.
"However...its for a good cause...and the winner is deserving...." he shamelessly eyed alana's body and locked his eyes on her shapely hips and thighs.
"When do you want to take delivery?" He laughed.
Alana couldn't help but chuckle, this was amusing. He eyed her in a way which meant he had every intention of getting her into bed. "How's tomorrow?" Alana asked. This would be so much fun, he wanted her, he could get her, all of her.
"That works for me." He said, as he examined his date book.
Now he could easily assess her intents toward the earth. The perks weren't bad either.
"What time should I pick you up?" He asked suavely.
"10am?" Alana suggested. Man was he in for a surprise. He really did have a great looking ass she was going to love fucking him into next week at the end of the evening and toy with him all day.

The next morning Alana was dressed in an off white suit with a dark blue satin blouse underneath. Black shoes with a modest heel, she had no idea where he was taking her. She had a purse which looked rather simple and it hung over her shoulder.

Kiara was walking down a very crowded street. She was eating a bagel while not really going anywhere. She was nervous as hell for her new job tomorrow. Kiara was a pretty normal woman she stood 5'6ft tall. Her olive skin was tanned. She had long curly black hair reaching half way down her back and a pair of big striking blue green eyes. Her build was lean with nice curves. She was dressed in hip tight dark blue jeans an off white blouse and black leather jacket along with simple sneakers.
9:50 am, bruce was just pulling up to alana's drive way. his eyes had nanite lenses attached to them, this way he could see every detail of her reactions, there was no way she could lie to him.
he did realize that he was being paranoid, the manhunter had more than veted her. this was his town though, and he had to make sure.
for the first time in...he couldn't remember how long, alfred woke up late. master wayne's orders, thus he dutifully did so.
a large yawn escaped his throat as he dressed in his golf outfit, the closest thing he had to casual clothes. the brilliant yellow polo and unpleated kahki pants did a great deal to make him look carefree, once he took his cap off.

seeing as it was his day off, the butler decided that it might be time to try the absurdly priced "over the blue moon cafe" that had suddenly ousted star-whatsit as top coffee shop.
though it felt strange to do it, alfred called up the driver on duty and was quickly delivered to the bustling hub of coffee drinkers along the main drag.
She heard a car pull up and opened the door. She stepped outside and looked at the car. She had no idea what brand it was or anything and she couldn't care less really. This could only be one person at this time. She locked the door behind her and walked over. "Good morning." She said and smiled a little. This felt a bit odd and she had a gut feeling he didn't trust her.

Well with her budget going up Kiara decided to go to get coffee at some new rather expensive coffeeshop for once. If only to see if the coffee there was really so much better or better at all than the one she usually drank and if it was really worth the money. She spotted a rather weirdly dressed man, a golf outfit in the center of Gotham of all places. It looked sort of adorable on him though. She got into the long line to wait to get her coffee. Apparently a lot of people were willing to pay this absurd price.
"Good morning!" He beamed as he opened the door galantly for his guest.
"How are you?" he presented alana with a small basket, full of delicious pasteries and breakfast meats.
"Hungry, I hope. We have a big day ahead."
Alfred was keenly aware of a young womans eyes on him. Something in his gut told him that he would regret not saying something to her. Though, it was quite out of character for him to even think such a thing.
He walked over confidently, eying her with a little shy interest--she certianly was an intensely attractive woman.
"Excuse me, young lady? This is my first time at this establishment and I was wondering if you might know what was a good brew to try out."
He really was putting on the charm, how cute. "I'm alright, what about you?" Alana said and sat down in the passenger's seat and accepted the basket. "Actually I just finished breakfast, but the day is still young." She said and smiled at him. These things did look good. She fastened her seatbelt. "So where are we going?" She asked.

He was being shy, just cute really. "Same here. I don't know. I'm just wondering if the coffee here is really so much better than down the street. It's more then twice the price." Kiara said. So cuty was talking to her. She liked the english accent. "You play golf?" She asked.
"Well...I am pleased to tell you that it is a surprise." A sly note was in his voice. He had a skydive planned just for her. "I think you'll really like it though." If she was being honest, then he was very interested in bedding her, so he wanted to show her a great time.
Alfred covered his flustered feeling smoothy. "Then I suppose we shall just have to take this adventure together, eh?" Her eyes were simply dazzling, that had to be why his body tingled so completely.
"Golf? Oh, yes."he looked down at his shirt. "I do the odd eighteen once in a while. But I much prefer to play darts. Looking for lost balls is rather time consuming, even when you don't lose many." He was rambling and he couldn't reminded him of being a teen again, awkawrd and tongue tied.
"Not to keen on surprises. None of the ones I remember were any good." Alana replied. This one better be good. He was testing her alright. Somebody had trust issues, even more so than her, that was amusing.

His reaction was adorable. The blush was cute. She chuckled. "Sounds like a good idea. I wonder do they even have normal coffee here?" She asked him. Then he started about golf. "I wouldn't know. I probably couldn't even hit a ball so there wouldn't be much looking." She said, joking a little and smiled at him.
The car sped off down the highway, purring loudly as it devoured the road.
"Trust me, this will be worth it." He smiled sensitively. "So...tell me about yourself, if you don't mind that is." Bruce knew that prying would get him nowhere, but some conversation would yield like a gold mine.
"My treat then?" He said with a small, gentlemanly bow.
Desipte his strong up bringing and ridged sense of decorum, alfred was having an extremely difficult time keeping his eyes off of this womans chest.
"My name is alfred, by the way madame. Pleasure to meet you."
"There isn't much to tell. I'd rather try to forget that stinking hellhole." Alana replied, she knew he would know she meant Apocolypse. She looked out of the window. It would be worth it, well she was officially clueless what it could be. Why did he have to bring this up, he knew she'd spent the last sixteen somewhat years in hell.

Kiara smiled. "Well thank you." She said, now it was her turn to blush a little. Her blouse showed only a little bit of cleavage, but hugged her body nicely, it would make any man curious to see more. She noticed the glances to her chest, something she was geting used to. "I'm Kiara and the pleasure is mine." She said with a smile.
She certainly hated her past, that much was no act. The chances of her taking orders from darksied was none.
An aircraft hangar came into view quickly.
"Almost there..." a large smile broke across his face.
A brief flash of innuendo streaked across alfred's mind as he pried his eyes away from her chest.
"Wonderful to meet you!"
Alana saw the hangar and knew it would have something to do with flying. Either he was teaching her how to fly one of these things, which would be a total waste of time or they were going to make a jump with a parachute or something. Neither one seemed to be very appealing at the moment. She reached for the basket and took one of the pastries he'd brought her before putting it on the backseat as he parked. She got and looked at him. "So what was it you had in mind?" She asked.

He really did like those breasts of hers. He was pretty old, but acting like a teenager in love, repeating that he liked meeting her. It really was adorable and Kiara was the kind of girl to go for older men, though this one, adorable as he was would be pushing even her bounderies. "Enjoying the view?" She asked rather casually.
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