bend over batsy. (mera-darkened)

May 23, 2010
The batwing cut through the night like a ghost, its pilot occupied by the puzzling situation at hand.
The news splash alone had brought Wayne industries to a standstill, choked by reporters and "other media" digging for sensational audio bytes.
Naturally, there were none to be had, mostly because nobody understood what the story was themselves.
For the first time in a long while, Bruce found himself taken by surprise.
The story had broken across the city and ground it to a halt, cops swarmed the streets searched for a multi-billionaire heiress.
Weeks turned to months.
No body was found. No ransom delivered. No tips whispered.
Everyone but her devoted father had given up. The loss of a daughter faded into the night.

Heartbreak eventually killed the old man, all he could do before he went was to leave everything he had to his pride and joy. He couldn't trust anyone else.

Eventually, Wayne industries rose and absorbed the megacompany quietly. Business as usual.
The morning sun greeted Wayne brightly as he dressed to face the days business. A perfectly cut European three piece suit wrapped him in a calm air.
"alfred, would you please call the office and tell them I won't be in till after lunch?"
The butler looked at his friend wryly.
" as usual sir?" He smiled dryly.
The businessman was out the door with a grin.
It was time to meet the daughter who came back.
Sixteen years, sixteen fucking years and finally she was home at last. Back on Earth, back in Gotham. However her father was gone, her identity her own again and she sighed as she watched the morning news. Her father had set up everything perfectly. Though the mansion they'd lived in as a family had been changed to a normal four bedroom house with a rather large garden, the fences provided privacy. A gardener had kept it neat and a cleaning lady had kept the place clean for years. Yesterday she met them both, by now both were in their forties or something, but their work was great.

Alana got annoyed with the newsreporters speculating on certain things instead of sticking to the story and truth given. Apocolips had been her prison for all this time. Today she should visit her father's grave, at least there was a letter which told her where to find it and there was at least one tiny problem, her wardrobe hadn't changed since the day she'd gone missing. All the clothes that fit her she currently had was the junk from that hellhole. So a shopping trip was in order, however she had no idea where to go, which shops and which to avoid. Nor was she looking forward to people staring at her.

Well at least money wasn't something to worry about, however where the hell was she supposed to store that space ship of hers? Small as it was it couldn't fit in the garage. She could always rent some storage space, a few holographic transmitters could make the ship look like a big truck or something alike. There was such a facility down the street. Of course she could go through the trouble of extending the house, the garden was big enough and she really didn't have anything with a garden anyway. It would be safer she could design her own new security system and all. The bell brought her back from her thoughts to reality. She got up and walked to the door and opened it. "Good morning mr..." She said as she looked at him. He was a bit taller than she was and very handsome. What a cuty... Wait he looked familiar somewhat. Could it be? The guy her father worked with but then sixteen years older? What was his name again? Wait Bruce Wayne if memory served. She'd found him somewhat annoying back then, but that had mainly to do with him treating her like a kid, of course she had been, but at age ten she'd had an IQ of 185, today that number was probably higher. So him treating her like the average ignorant ten year had annoyed her to no end.

Alana stood about 6ft tall, her build was lean, athletic, with a little more muscle than most man would be comfortable with on a woman. The Apocolips clothing were anything but flattering, the wide pants, the shirt, the cape with hood and boots. A bra squashed her breasts to her chest making them look small. This outfit had been made for fighting, not looking pretty. She had shoulderlength straight black hair, pale skin and dark blue, almond shaped, somewhat big eyes.
"Bruce wayne. I used to work with your father?" He smiled warmly, surveying the heiress.
Those clothes! As he drank the woman in carefully, the nature of her clothes came into sharp focus. They could only be the product of granny goodness...
"I see you might need a new wardrobe...I'll send over my fashion department to fit you. Before you say no...just think of it as my way of welcoming you to the company." The smile stuck to his face as he presented alana with a large floral arrangement and a thick stack of papers.
"I know you won't be in the boardroom any time too soon, but I think it would be good if you got caught up at your own pace."
He carefully surveyed her every movement and breath, hoping to see what her intentions were.
"May I come in?" He said politely, catching her eyes in his own.
So it was him. She was about to refuse, but really if they did the whole wardrobe thing it would avoid some staring eyes. Welcoming her to the company,? Oh right, the shares. She knew nothing about business, but at least it was tech based. Technology wise she knew of things people here couldn't dream of. He smiled, looked good on him, but she wasn't used to being back on Earth yet and eyed him like a hawk, like he was about to jump her or something. "Oh right." She said, so far he seemed to be no threat and other than annoying he'd never been. She looked at the flowers and the papers a bit confused for a moment. She accepted the flowers and papers, though still not entirely sure what to do with them. "Sure." She said and stepped aside.
"I wanted to discuss the role you wanted to take in running your part of my company..." he said carefully. "I know you are only just getting on your feet so this must be the last thing on your mind, but it has to be discussed." If she was going to take an active role, then he needed her on his side. It was only good business sense.
"In any event, I'd also like to show you around the grounds and city, if you would let me." He gave her another winning smile, in perfect keeping with his playboy image.
"I haven't even thought of that part yet. I'll read the papers and get back to you on that later." She said. But first a new wardrobe for one, a tour did sound pretty good. "The tour sounds like a good idea, as soon as I have something that doesn't look like a halloween costume to wear." She replied and what was it with the smiles. "You keep smiling Bruce, but if memory serves you wouldn't know a joke if it hits you in the face." She said thinking back.
Bruce gave an honest laugh as he eyed her clothes. "Halloween isn't too far know. Maybe you'd like to be my plus one to the office's fright night bash? That would look smashing next to my batman costume...." he said, completely straight faced. He did have a batman cosume after all...
"A lot has changed you know...for instance I can make a few jokes now, Alfred is a fantastic teacher you know."
"Considering I'm part of the board now I'll be getting my own invitation, but thanks." Alana replied. So his butler had taught him jokes, good for him. "Better be careful the real Batman doesn't see you in that costume." She joked. "But what made you decide to be such a playboy and bed every available woman in Gotham, business too boring?" She said, trying to get under his skin, seeing what it would do. Also there was something else, something she couldn't quite place.
A strong confidant smile spread across his handsome face. "And what makes you so sure that that was my doing? I can't help it if women love how I do things, can I?" He was obvously teasing to take attention away from his bedhopping ways.
"Besides, no body got hurt right?"
"Or at least that's what you want people to think. Hey if you like that so much, just don't get AIDS or something." Alana replied, he was teasing her back either he wasn't sleeping around or he liked to mess with her head. She heard the bell again and opened the door....
The door burst open and bustled with people, most of them women. "All due respect mister Wayne, but you aren't needed here. Women need their privacy." A very bossy black haired woman snapped as she began taking measurements with out even asking.
"Trust me Alana, honey...when I get done with you....bruce, and any other man who sees you, will be your happy bitch." She smirked, not really meaning what she said.
"Mister wayne....leave!"
Bruce knew better than to get in the way of his head designer when she was on a roll and beat a hasty retreat.
She was a bit overwealmed, but none of them appeared to be threatening. The way she talked to Bruce, she liked the woman already. "Now that's music to my ears." Alana said. Bruce left after all his clothes were at her discretion too. She just allowed them to take measurements, however had to tell them her current bra was designed to make her breasts look small. Oh well after they'd gotten their measurements and asked a bunch of questions it would be waiting until the clothes were done. Though with a group this big it couldn't take all that long.
"Please strip down, I can only do so much with math alone..." the woman said very sharply, already taking Alana's clothes off.
"You may be the most perfect example of what a woman should be...curvy and feminine. What is with all the boyish waifs? I might as well be making kids clothes...." the woman ranted to nobody in particular.

"Hmmmm....agent or escapee?" He pondered quietly to himself as he waited in his grossly overpriced porshe.
He knew that the manhunter scanned her mind and found her without ill intent, but he could not shake the feeling that there was something strange about this woman.
"Apocolips isn't known for its fashion." Alana replied. It had been all over the news. She said and took her clothes off all but her underwear. She was lucky that her cock only big when erect and at least the people on Apocolips wore unisex underwear. As long as the woman wouldn't poke her nose too close to her crotch she wouldn't figure it out. She stripped down to her underwear, but she didn't like it much.
"No...I suppose not." The woman said curtly. She examined alana's body closely. She was indeed a perfect case of womanhood.
"They also make very poor bras..." she scowled as he moved on to the womans breasts, feeling them gently as she measured again.
"Simply marvelous...pert and perfect." She pinched her subjects nipple as punctuation.
"I can do so much with your body..." she swooned as she drew furiously on her sketch pad.
"If you think that's bad, never try the food." Alana joked. Well shame was something she had lost a long time ago so the fact that she was almost naked there didn't bother her. But then she had to start touching them, which was bad. If anything was sensitive on her it was her breasts. She tried to remain calm, but unfortunately her body didn't want to listen too much. It only got worse when this woman pinched her nipples. Womanhood, well not entirely. The problem with this treatment was that it was arousing her and though not all that much yet her cock had begun to grow hard and become more visible. Though she hoped this woman was done with her breasts she could calm down again.
" should see what those skinny bitches eat...crack and cu-cum-ber" she snorted, over pronouncing the cum in cucumber."anything you could give must taste better than that..."
The fashion designer slipped around to alana's back and gave her backside a stiff slap and proceded to grope it.
"Mmmmm...finaly an ass that I can work with..." she kneaded it experimentally and gave it yet another hard slap before she returned to her pad and drew even more drafts.
"Even that's heaven compared to what they call food there." Alana replied. First her breasts, then her ass? Damn it she was making this hard. She tried to remain calm, and though she wasn't as hard as she would have been had she just given in by now there was a bulge in her underwear she'd rather see gone. Did she do this to everyone she worked for? "Do you grope everyone you design for like that?" Alana asked, curious. The idea of her handling Bruce like that was funny.
"I have to feel them...there is no other way to truly know what a body needs but to feel it properly. To know how much give to sew into your pants..."she smiled as she caught sight of the bulge in alana's pants. "Like in your case, I can see I will need a lot of 'give'."
She smirked as she redrew her sketches.
"And yes, before you ask, I have given mister wayne an nice hard feel...why do you think his clothes are so immaculate?"
"Good point." Alana replied and she knew she was blushing somewhat when this woman saw the bulge in her underwear. "I suppose I don't know anything about designing clothes. Can I trust you to be discrete about..." She asked. She didn't want it revealed that she actually had a cock. She chuckled when she mentioned giving Bruce a feel. "I bet he enjoyed that."
"Discrete? About what?" She asked not quite understanding what was being asked of her. " mean that?" She grabbed on to the bulge and stroked it playfully."you be surprised how many ladies share your advantage...I can keep my mouth shut. Don't worry."
Her eyes flited about the room and smiled up at Alana warmly.
"And bruce was a squirmer...he won't admit...but he loved how I 'handled' him when I measured him..."
Alana's breath hitched in her throat when suddenly she felt a hand stroke her cock. "Good, thanks." She said. By now half hard and rather horny she just hoped that that was it for the groping. She chuckled about the comment. There were apparently quite a few women who had a cock and the fact that this lady called it an advantage also suggested that she wasn't freaked out by it.
"Well...that should be it for today." She smiled as she gave the bulge a longing squeeze and started to pack up.
"Alright people! Deliver some fabrics to her door and let this darling lady have her space..." she annouced as she looked over the stack of drawings.
"I'll see you again when ever you want, alana...till then ciao!"
Alana was surprised when this woman squeezed her bulge once again, this time for no supposed reason at all. It was almost as if she wanted her to jump her and fuck her brains out. By now she was pretty close to doing just that, but managed to not do that. After looking through the sketches and fabrics and calling in general ideas more then anything specific since she knew practically nothing about fashion her wardrobe was completely done within a week.

It was evening, Halloween. The costume party, she wasn't sure weather she should be looking forward to it or not, but at least she had a good costume. She walked in dressed as an elf warrior. The armor design hid her lower problem well while the top was built to be sexy. The strong leather hugged her frame, but showed a bit of cleavage, just enough to make a man want to see more. Since she had more muscle then most men would like on a woman it made this particular costume look even more credible. Clay ears and some smink finished the details. If anything she was turning heads just by entering.
Bruce made a rather striking entrance to the office as he burst though a sugar pane window onto the musical stage. He was fifteen minutes late and all eyes were on him, once again living up to the playboy image he worked so hard to keep alive.
Clad in a red on black variant of his armor, he strode around the stage for a moment and yanked off his cowl.
"Sorry I'm late folks, I had to help an old lady across the street!" He laughed as he sipped some champagne.
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