Don't tease Draco. (closed to Urooj)

Draco chuckled and rolled his eyes as class started. It seemed like hours as the professor lectured and lectured about some bloody goblin revolution. "I dont care about goblins. The only thing they are good for is watching the family vault" draco hissed and heard Blaise laugh. He admired his eagle feather quill and looked up when he heard the sound of chairs moving against the ground. "about time" draco muttered and grabbed him things.

He walked out and headed towards the great hall. "I'm fucking starved" he said as he sat down in front of Brandi. "We meet again" he said and smirked when she blushed. "Don't stress over it. I have that effect on all women." he said and laughed at the look on her face. "Whats wrong Brandi? Desperate for some Draco?" he asked and looked into her blue eyes.
Brandi got up, grabbed her things and headed to the great hall. She sat down and started to eat. Then she saw Draco sit in front of her and she blushed again. She smiled. "Hmm, I try not to, but like you said, you have that effect on women." She said. Then she felt the blush getting redder. "Maybe." She whispered. She didn't know why, but for some reason, she just couldn't get him off her mind lately.

Brandi got up after she finished. "See you in class Draco." She said, walking out of the great hall and taking her time to get to class. She hoped that he didn't hear her when she whispered about maybe wanting him. She did and she didn't. But the dids out did the didn'ts three to one. She sighed and leaned against the wall outside her next class. She stared out the window. Then when class began, she walked in and sat down.
Draco smirked when he heard her whisper maybe, but didn't say anything about it. "So? do you blush often? Or is it just because I am in your presence?" he asked as he filled him plate with food. "Not that I don't like it. I find it.... interesting when a woman blushes" he said and smiled when he saw her blush more. Damn right I have that affect on woman, he thought as he smiled smugly.

Draco watched Brandi get up and walk away. "whatever" Draco said as he directed his attention elsewhere. He took his time eating and walked slowly to class. He noticed Brandi leaning outside and chuckled, "So.. I see you are waiting for me now? Just so you know, hanging around a Malfoy does make you more prestigious. Feel free to sit by me. Unless you prefer sitting in front of me. If that is the case, why don't you play around with your hair? I'm tired of staring at the same hairstyle." he said as he walked in ahead of her and sat down near the back.
Brandi looked as Draco sat down. "Hmm, you know, I never used to. I don't know why I do so much now." She said watching him. "It only seems to be when you come around." She added with a smirk. If he only knew the thoughts she was thinking right then. Brandi got up and waited for class start. She saw Draco walking up and she felt her cheeks heat up. Dammit Brandi, get a hold of yourself.

Brandi heard him ask if she was now waiting for him. She smirked at him. "Would it be a bad thing if I was?" She asked, then turned even redder. then she heard him tell her she could sit by him. She smiled. But her smile turned back into a smirk when he said he wanted to see a different hairstyle. She walked in and sat next to him. She got her stuff out and waited for class to start. Once class started she tried to pay attention to the lecture, but she got bored. It was some bullshit about some dead guy. She could care less. Sh she decided to see if she could distract Draco. Brandi pulled her hair tie out and ran her hands through her hair. It laid in waves down her back. Then she grabbed her wand and started to twirl her hair around it, making her wand act as a curler to curl her hair. Then she would pull her wand out, and watch the long soft curls lay on the sides of her shoulders.
Draco smirked as Brandi sat down next to her. "Couldn't resist?" he asked and laughed as he saw how red she was. Draco liked how her cheeks turned red and smiled as he stared at her. When he realized what he was doing, he cursed under his breath. She is just another Pussy, draco thought and glanced over at her. "You seem to have a good puss- posture.. from what i've heard" he said and turned to face the front of the class. Fuck Draco. Posture? really? You almost blew it, he thought and groaned. He looked over at Brandi and cleared his throat. maybe she didn't notice, he thought and smirked. "So you were waiting for me?" he asked and saw her turn red. Thats more like it, he thought and looked back at the professor as class started.

Draco yawned and leaned back in his seat. He glanced over at Brandi and watched her let her hair down. He raised an eyebrow and watched her curl her hair. Draco smirked as he watched her hair bounce as she flicked it back. Draco didn't realize he was staring at her until class ended. He grabbed his things and walked outside before Brandi. He waited by the doorway and pinned her against the wall when she came out. "So I see you are taking my advice and started to do your hair differently" he leaned in so that his face was inches away from hers and whispered, "Do it more often ... I like it". Draco pushed away and walked down the hallway.
Brandi looked at Draco as he started to talk to her. "Nope. I sure couldn't." She said and gave him a small smile. Brandi listened to Draco. She smiled at his slip, but didn't say anything. "Depends on what posture you're talking about." She said with a smirk. "But usually I do." She added. "I was. Thought it was better than hiding behind my books, peeking over them at you when you walked in." She said. Then as class ended she seen Draco rush out of the room. She watched him, curious as to why he walked out so quick. She shrugged her shoulders as she walked out of the door.

Brandi wasn't paying much attention. Then the nest thing she knew, she was pinned against the wall by Draco. She let out a gasp, then smiled when she saw who it was. She nodded when he said he noticed she was changing her hair. When Draco leaned in, she felt her heart beat faster. She held her breath and looked at his deep blue eyes. Then he said to do it more often. She smiled. "I can do that." She said. Their were many things she could do to it. Then she watched as Draco pushed off and left.
Draco smirked as he headed towards the common room to put his books away. He caught up with Blaise and smirked, "She is really opening up" he said and watched Blaise grin, "are we talking legs? or emotions. I'm only interested if its the first mate" he said. Draco chuckled, "I'd say its both. If I wanted to, I could take her up to my dorm and fuck her right there. She seems a little too eager to lose her virginity to me... that is if she is one." he said.

Draco headed to the prefects bathroom for a bath. He turned the taps and started to soak. He closed his eyes and smiled as he thought about Brandi. Draco opened his eyes and frowned, Why am I thinking about her, he thought. Draco ran a hand through his hair and sighed. Well she is pretty, he smiled and after an hour, got out of the tub.
Brandi walked into the common room and seen Blaise sitting there by himself. Draco must be in the bath. She thought. So she went to her dorm and put her stuff away. Then she grabbed a cute black dress, one that wasn't revealing unless you were right in her face and went down to her knees, a black lace bra, and the panties to match. Then she waited for Draco to get out of the bath. About an hour went by and Brandi grabbed her clothes and headed out the door. She seen that Blaise was now talking to Draco. She smirked and went into the bathroom.

Brandi closed the door and started the taps. The she climbed in and soaked for about 30 minutes. After she was dressed, she took her stuff baack up to her dorm. Then after putting her stuff away she sat down and did her hair up in a bun to keep it out of her face. She didn't want to get it too dirty, seeing as washing it took so long. Then she walked out and headed to the great hall. On her way by she smiled at Draco and Blaise. "Hello guys." She said. Then she walked out of the dungeons.
Draco walked out and sat next to Blaise, "Damn i'm tired. And the year barely started. " he made a face and looked at Blaise. He noticed Blaise looking elsewhere and turned to see where he was looking. He raised an eyebrow as Brandi walked to the bathroom. "Fancy her?" Draco asked and Blaise shrugged. "Too bad she prefers me." he teased and looked at his friend. "Just give it up, Or you can have her after I am done with her." Draco added and watched Blaise's face lit up.

Draco looked up and saw Brandi smiling at him. "Hello Brandi" Draco said and smirked. She did something to her hair again, he thought and raised his eyebrows, "You look ....different" Draco said and quickly added, 'in a good way". He watched her walk out and felt Blaise elbow him "What?" Draco snapped as he stood up and followed her to the great hall
Brandi smiled at Draco. "Thanks Draco." She told him. Then she walked into the great hall and sat at the Slytherin table. She started to eat. She saw Draco and Blaise walk in. She smiled at them as they sat in front of her. She looked at Blaise. He still seemed mad at her refusing to give him head again. She shook her head. Oh well. He'll get over it. She thought.

Then Brandi looked at Draco. "It's been an exhausting first week back." She told him with a small smile. She knew that he didn't like her talking to him, but oh well. Her day wasn't complete without Draco insulting her. She finished eating and waited for the insult to come so she could go back to the common room as she always did after he did.
Draco stopped and turned around, "Well hurry the fuck up Zambini." draco sneered and smirked when Blaise shot up and walked towards Draco. He turned and continued towards the Great hall and sat down in front of Brandi. "Exhausting huh?" he asked and raised an eyebrow, "Damn, is the buisness back up? According to your best customer, you quit the blowjobs. Did you upgrade to sex yet?" he asked and saw Blaise smirk out of the corner of his eye.

Draco eyed Brandi carefully. "Or maybe you are tired from trying to catch my attention." He watched her blush and smirked, "hmm.. must be a tiring job then. It takes a lot to get me to unleash my snake" he said and winked. He heard Baise choke on his food and glanced at Brandi. "Although you keep it up and it might just find away into your chambers" he whispered and looked into her eyes.
Brandi raised her eyebrow. "Yeah, all the work that's been done so far." She said. "Oh Blaise wishes. But sorry no it isn't." She told them. Brandi laughed. "Best customer? Blaise? Hmm, maybe he was maybe he wasn't." She said with a sly smile. "Why would I upgrade? No reason to when I was able to get them off with a tongue." She said laughing.

Brandi looked at Draco. "Oh really? Keep trying? What makes you think I'm trying?" She smiled as she reached up and pulled the tie out of her hair, letting it fall to her shoulders. "There's no need for me to try." She said with a smirk. "I only have to wait." She said as she got up, but froze as she heard Draco's comment. She looked at him. "You sure your snake could handle my chamber?" She asked and laughed as she walked off. She loved the look on his face.
Draco smirked as he waited to see how she would respond and raised an eyebrow. He watched up her laugh and get up and chuckled, "I'm sure I can handle whatever you throw at me. Apparently all you claim to do is suck dick. If that is the case then I would probably rip your pussy apart." he said loudly and watched her freeze. Draco resumed eating, not bothering to look back at her. Let her think about me, he thought.

Draco finished an headed to the common room and saw Brandi sitting down on a couch. Draco sat across from her and smirked, "Did I scare you away?" he asked and laughed at her expression. "It does overwhelm most women.. you know.. when i talk to them." he said and leaned in towards her. "They just can't seem to get enough oh Draco." he whispered as his lips stopped inches away from hers.
Brandi looked back at Draco. She shrugged. "We may never know. Unless you do something about it." She said with a smirk. Then she walked off to the common room. She sat down on a couch and relaxed. She seen Draco walk in. He sat down opposite of her. She wondered what he was going to do next.

Brandi looked as him as he spoke. She laughed. "Not hardly. I'm not afraid." She told him. Then she sat there and watched as he leaned in. He got inches away from her, and if it wasn't for the fact he might hex her, she would have closed it. But she was mesmerized by his blue eyes, that she couldn't move. She snapped out of it. To hell if he hexes her, she had to try something before she was to late. So before she knew it, she leaned in and kissed him. Brandi's eyes got wide as she broke the kiss. She sat there and waited for the hexes and jinxes. Oh gods just make this quick. She thought.
Before Draco could pull away, he felt her soft lips on his. His mind went blank when he kissed her, and he took a while to react. "What was that?" he snapped and pulled away. How dare this bitch.... What hex should I use on her?, he thought as his fingers wrapped around his wand. Draco looked into her eyes and took a deep breath. He let go of his wand and his glare turned into a smirk.

"Well Brandi. I know I am irresistible, but that doesn't mean I appreciate women kissing me. Although your kissing skills are adequate, they still need work. Have you ever considered starting a kissing business? I'm sure you will benefit from that. It will give you practice" he said and leaned in, "Why did you kiss me?" he asked.
Brandi watched as Draco seemed to go blank. She smirked. "What do you think it was?" She said. "It was impulse. Totally random. But I really don't regret it." She told him. Brandi watched as Draco picked up his wand. She smirked when he finally put it down, knowing that if he wanted to hex her, he would have done so by now.

Brandi listened to Draco. She smiled at him, and bit her lower lip. Dammit. Why didn't he just take things in stride instead of freaking out like this. She shook her head. "What is it with you and businesses?" She asked with a smirk. "Why did I kiss you?" She repeated. "Because you temped me." She said. "And I don't do good with temptations most of the time." She said looking into his steel gray eyes. She smiled and waited to hear what he had to say. This should be good. She thought to herself.
Draco raised his eyebrows as she spoke. Impulse my ass, he thought and chuckled. He stared at her lips as she bit them and smiled. Damn she looks hot when she does that, he thought as he looke into her eyes. Draco tried hard to fight the urge to pin her on the couch and kiss her again. "I tempted you? Well then.." he said as he pinned her down on the couch and brought his lips inches away from hers, "Consider this temptation" he whispered before pressing his lips on hers.

Draco let his hands explore her body and squeezed her boobs as he deepened the kiss. He felt her push him off and smirked as he sat up. "Not bad" he said and smirked. Draco smiled at the look she gave him and stood up. "Sleep on that" he said before heading up to his dorm.
Brandi watched as he raised his eyebrow. She smirked. "Mmhmm, impulse, and it was the perfect opportunity to do it." She added. Then she watched as he seemed to be holing himself back. She looked at him and wondered what he was thinking. Then she seen him pin her to the couch. She gasped and smiled. He was yet again inches away, but this time he kissed her.

Brandi was mesmerized by his kiss, feeling his hands on her as they kissed, then finally stopping at her boobs. She couldn't help but let out a small moan as he squeezed them. Then all to soon he stood up. She smiled as she heard talking. Then she watched as he went and headed up to his dorm. She sighed. If only is could have lasted longer. She thought getting up and going to her dorm.
Draco smirked as he headed up to his dorm and laid down on the bed. He waited for Blaise to walk in, and when he did, Draco sat up. "I kissed her" he said and chuckled as Blaise looked at Draco with wide eyes. "Are you fucking serious Draco?" Blaise asked and looked at Draco carefully. "Did you kiss her?" he asked and rolled his eyes when Draco shook his head. "Figures" Blaise muttered and laid down on his bed.

Draco woke up early the next morning and cursed as he got up. He dragged his feet to the prefects bathroom and got into the tu not even bothering with the lock. He closed his eyes as he soaked in the tub and drifted away into a deep sleep.
Brandi woke up early the next morning. She decided that a soak in the prefect bathroom sounded nice. So she grabbed her stuff, and her towel, and headed to the bathroom. She paid no attention to the door not being locked. She knew that if it was unlocked, then it was empty. So she went in and started to the tub.

Brandi stopped dead in her tracks, as she gasped. There laying in the tub, was Draco. She tried to back out slowly, as not to have him notice her. But she failed as she slammed into the door, making a loud thud. Brandi closed her eyes and braced for the hex she knew was coming. "Oh gods Draco I didn't know you were in here! Honestly. The door was unlocked!" She said, seeing him look up towards her and the door. Brandi made sure she looked at the floor, not wanting to piss him off anymore than he already was.
Draco was startled when he heard the door slam and looked up to see Brandi. He smirked and looked at her as she braced herself for a hex that was not coming. He couldn't help but smile at how she freaked out and avoided his eyes. Draco held back his anger and cleared his throat. Dumb bitch, he thought and chuckled as she shivered. Draco raised an eyebrow, "I honestly didn't think that you were going to take it this far. You are obsessed Brandi" he said and shook his head as she denied it.

"Look, It's clear that you are in love with me." he said and held his hand up to silence her as he spoke, "But if you did want to sneak in on me, then at least be more quiet. I'm sure you think that kissing me in my sleep is the only way you can get some Draco action, and you are probably right" he watched her stare at him with wide eyes as she stretched and smirked. "Well, you have two options. Get in or get out" he said and watched to see what she would do.
Brandi finally looked up when she heard Draco talking. Her eyes widened as he told her she was obsessed. "Right, because I'm the one who left the door unlocked." She said rolling her eyes. Then she went to protest, but she didn't. She stood there, crossing her arms under her boobs, pushing them up slightly, making them look even bigger. She waited for him to continue.

Brandi eyed Draco as he told her that she was in love with him. She didn't say anything, but let him finish. Her eyes widened when he said to get in or out. Brandi knew better than to just run over there. So she smirked at him. She began to lift her shirt off, but just as she got to getting it over her boobs, she stopped, pulled it back down and looked at him. "Yeah, like I'm really that stupid. I smell a set up." She said looking at him. "If it isn't, then I say, prove it." She told him. She wasn't about to strip down and get in, then have him call her a whore again. Brandi stood there looking at him, see what he would do. She turned to leave, seeing if he would stop her. If he didn't then so be it, but she really hoped he did.
Draco shrugged, "Mistakes happen, plus you are the only other prefect that uses this bathroom" he said and added, "Ever thought that maybe I unlocked the door on purpose?". He laughed and watched her lift her shirt off. He raised an eyebrow when she stopped and pulled the shirt back down. "A set up? " he asked and rolled his eyes, "You girls think too much. This tub is big enough for two. I'm not asking you to strip down and give me a show. Although I wouldn't mind" he said and laughed as she looked at him.

Draco watched her stand there and look at him, "Look, I've said it before. Get in or ger out. I don't want to have you towering over me" he said and smirked. "I won't call you a whore this time." he added and smiled. At least not here, he thought.
Brandi looked at Draco. Was he really saying what she thought he was. "Hm, maybe." She said watching him close. Then she smirked. Think too much huh. Well I'll just show him think too much. She said, but listened to what he said. Brandi felt her cheeks heating up at the last comment. "Really now?" She asked him, walking over to the tub. So you wouldn't mind seeing me strip." She added. Her eyebrow raised. "Why the sudden change of heart Draco?" She asked.

Brandi thought about it. "Oh, to hell with it." She said walking over. "So you want a show huh?" She asked as she put her feet in. She looked over at him, watching him. "Mmhmm, not to my face, but wait until you get back to Blaise. You'll be calling me one then." She said looking at him. "But I really don't care. Call me what you want, you offered, so I'm talking you up on it." She said as she started again to pull off her shirt.
Draco smirked, "What can I say? You grow on me" he said and chuckled at his own comment. No bitch, I just want a new pussy, he thought and watched her walk up to the tub. Draco raised and eyebrow and stared at her boobs. Damn she's hot, he thought and fixed his eyes on her boobs. Draco ignored her talking and focused on every inch of her. His eyes widened when he saw her get into the water. "Didnt think you were going to come" he said and smirked.

Draco raised his eyebrows, "A show? By all means, go ahead" he said and leaned back against the edge of the tub. "And I said i was not going to call you a whore here. I'm willing to look the other way if you join me" he said as he stared at her. He smiled as she agreed to join him and watched her start to pull her shirt off.
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