Don't tease Draco. (closed to Urooj)

Brandi still refused to talk to anyone or get out of bed. She especially was pushing away Nikki. She had betrayed her at the highest level. She knew that going to class or anywhere was going to get her teased. She didn't mind the teasing. She minded how cruel Draco was being. She rolled onto her back and looked up at the dark ceiling. She felt the tears welling up again, and she cursed. She had to get over this. Make him understand somehow. Yeah, right, like that will happen. He can fuck as many girls as he wants, and nobody cares, but hot damn, don't tell anyone that you liked to suck dick. She sighed and rolled over again.

Brandi knew she had to do something. She sighed and put her robe on. She had to get something to eat. So she put on a grey sweatshirt along with the matching sweats. She took a deep breath and walked out to the common room. She ignored everyone, including Draco and walked out to go to the great hall to get something to eat before going to bed for the night.
Draco sat up and followed Blaise back down to the common room. "hey mate, I think you should go check on her." Blaise said quietly, "I miss staring at those boobs" he added and Draco raised an eyebrow, "Why the fuck should I go and check on her. She was the one that wanted me to interrogate her. She got what she wanted. She asked for it." he said and sat down. He smiled at a group of 3rd years and chuckled as they started giggling. Damn, they are all too easy, he thought and looked around the comon room.

He saw Brandi walk down and raised his eyebrow. Her eyes were puffy and you can tell she was crying. "Malfoy you git." Blaise hissed, "She is even more covered than before" he added. Draco took a deep breath, "look blaise, the whole damn house knows she likes me. Give it time, she will strip down willingly. I mean every girl wants a piece of this" he said as he flexed. He noticed the group of 3rd years staring at him and shot them a look.
Brandi managed to get something on her stomach. She looked around and seen some Slytherin boys walk up to her. Before they could say anything she looked at them. "No, I'm not going to suck your dick. If I was going to, I probably would have done so by now." She said as she got up and went back to the common room. She was tired of being in bed, so she decided that she would endure the teasing of Draco and everyone else for awhile. Then Brandi thought of something. She just didn't care what Draco thought. Oh well, he doesn't know what he's missing. She smirked. She had an idea that might just work.

Brandi went up to her dorm and took her sweatshirt off. She put on a black bra, and a black short sleeved shirt that didn't show any tits whatsoever she kept her sweatpants on, just because she didn't feel like changing them. She grabbed her books and sat at a table and started to catch up on her homework. She didn't give a fuck about what Draco would say or do. He want's to be that way, then he can be a miserable git by himself.
Draco watched Brandi come into the common room and head upstairs. "looks like she is ignoring you Draco" Blaise muttered as Draco's eyes followed her. "Yeah, well.. I have plenty more where that came from." he smiled at a 6th year and watched her cheeks heat up. "Being a Malfoy has its advantages" Draco said and laughed as Blaise rolled his eyes. Draco looked around and sighed, "Great, now that the excitement is over for the day... I'm going to go sleep." he said but stopped when he saw Brandi come down.

Blaise smirked, "Well she is a little more exposed than before." Blaise said and smirked. Draco chuckled, "What do we have here?" Draco said loudly, "Why are you covering up now?" he asked and smirked. "Did i hurt your feelings?" he sneered and looked at her. He noticed her eyes were still puffy and smirked, "did I make you cry?" he asked with a smiled and smirked as he heard laughs break out around the common room.
Brandi sat down to start her homework. She seen Draco get up and sighed. Good. He's going away. She thought. But all too soon she heard his voice taunting her. Just ignore it Brandi. You can do this. She said to herself. Finally she had had enough of his mouth. She got up, pulled her wand and pointed it at Draco. "Would you just shut the fuck up you git, Silencio!" She said as she seen her spell hit Draco. She the walked over to him and pushed him back down on the couch. "Now listen up you spoiled brat. I don't care what you made me do, and I don't fucking care that I set myself up." She said. "But I do care when you drag this shit through the mud." She said. As she pushed him to the couch, her hair tie came loose from the tie, and her long blonde hair started to fall over her shoulders. "So from now on if you have something to say to me, why don't you grow some fucking balls, and tell me to my face?!" She yelled. Then she seen Nikki walk in. She turned to face her, her eyes still bloodshot from crying.

Brandi walked over to Nikki wand drawn. "Silencio." She said hitting Nikki with it too. "And you! We are done. I'm through with you. Don't talk to me, don't look at me, and don't ever ask me for anything ever again." She told her. Then Brandi looked up at the common room. "Anyone else want to take a shot at me? Cause I'm right here." She said looking at them. Nobody did anything. She turned on her heel and walked to her dorm, shutting the door and sitting on her bed. She was sick of the drama, and the school year just started.
Draco narrowed his eyes and glared at her as she muttered the silencing charm on him. This bitch did not just mutter a curse on me, he thought and felt his anger grow as she spoke. He smirked as she pushed him to the couch and raised an eyebrow. Is she really going to have me here?, he thought and shook that thought out of his head. Fuck I could care less, he thought and waited for her to shut up. He was distracted and tuned out her voice a he saw her hair fall down her shoulders. Draco smirked as she continued to yell at him and insult him.

When Brandi directed her attention towards Nikki, Blaise quickly muttered a spell and Draco stood up and walked up towards her. He smirked, "Well, it seems like the only way you can get your word in is when the other person can't talk." he said and smirked. He grabbed her arm and pulled her close, "Why are you getting so worked up. You seem to enjoy insulting others, but when it comes to hearing other's opinions you lose it." he turned towards the underclassmen, "What the fuck are you looking at?" Draco hissed and smirked when they all ignored Draco and Brandi. "Well you have fun shutting people up in order to get them to listen to you." he said and went up to his drom to sleep.
Brandi looked at Draco. "Hearing others opinions?" She said looking at him. "I don't know what you think opinions are, but all you were doing was taunting and insulting me." She told him. When Draco pulled her close her eyes got wide. "No, I don't, but..." Brandi got lost in his blue eyes. She sucked in a deep breath, and smelled his cologne, she lost it. She felt herself getting wet. She couldn't believe how turned on she got by him. She pulled her arm away, and looked into his eyes again. Then she turned and went to her dorm. She sat on her bed, and shook her head. "What the hell just happened?" She asked herself. Did Draco just do that to her, or was it every woman? Brandi was confused. Why was she feeling like this for that git? She shook her head again. No matter. It was over with. Hopefully Draco didn't notice.

Brandi sighed and laid down. She really wanted to talk to Draco. To see if that would happen again. But she was acting the fool and losing her calm, maybe it was too late? Maybe she could just talk to him. She laughed. Yeah right Brandi. Like that's going to work with him. She rolled over and fell asleep. She would figure it out tomorrow.
Draco smirked as he stripped down to his boxers. He never realized how blue her eyes were until he gazed into them. He shook his head and frowned. What the fuck am i doing?, he thought as he sat on his bed. Sure she was hot, but that's all she was. Draco smirked as he thought about how wide her eyes got when he pulled her close. He knew he had her right where he wanted her. One thing Draco knew for sure, she was just another pussy he wanted to fuck.

Draco watched Blaise walk in and smirked, "So what just happened out there?" he asked and sat down on his bed. "I thought you were going to hex the shit out of her for using a spell on you. As a matter of fact everyone expected that." he said and looked at Draco. Draco shrugged, "I didn't feel like it at the moment. Plus I'd rather hit her where it hurts her the most." he said and smirked at Blaise,"she claims to be a virgin right? Well then.. I'll find out when I sleep with her" he said and smirked before closing his eyes and going to sleep.
Brandi woke up the next morning and got up. She put her feet on the floor and instantly pulled them back. "Shit that's cold." She said. She looked out the window and saw the snow falling. Wow, that time already? She thought as she went and pulled out a a navy blue sweater, and black jeans. She put her bra back on, and slipped into her clothes. She grabbed her robe and put it on, but didn't button it. Brandi grabbed her bag, her books and her wand, and headed out the door. She didn't do her hair today, she just combed it and let it hang loose. She walked out into the common room. She set her bag down and started her homework. It was only 7 am. She had a few hours. So she wrote out Professor Snape's homework. By the time she was done, her wrist hurt. She was massaging it, not even noticing the common room filling up.

Nikki gave Brandi a few days to herself. She walked up to her while she was rubbing her wrist. "So are you done being mad at me?" She asked. "Nope." Brandi said as she got out her Defense Against the Dark Arts book. She ignored Nikki and wrote out the homework she had for it. Then she packed up her books and got up. "You want me to be happy again, then fix this mess you got me into." She hissed at Nikki as she left to go eat.
Draco woke up the next morning and sighed when he realized he still had two hours until class. He slowly got up and stretched. He grabbed his clothes and headed down to the prefects bathroom. He took his time bathing and relaxed. He had yet to think about Brandi, and the incident in the common room. Draco got out of the tub and dried himself off before putting on his black pants and black button up shirt. He fixed his hair and walked out to see Blaise waiting for him in the common room.

"About time" Blaise muttered and followed Draco to the Great Hall. He smirked as he sat down in front of Brandi, "I see you're still covered" he teased and smirked when she looked up at him. "I never expected you to take the weather into consideration when you get ready" he added and turned towards Blaise, "So about quidditch.." he said and smirked when he noticed Brandi watching him, "we need to hold tryout for a new replacement seeker, and our first game is 2 weeks away." He raised his eyebrow and looked at Brandi, "I'm sorry, but I don't remember you being a part of this conversation" he sneered.
Brandi looked up when she heard Draco talking to her. She wanted to say something rude back to him, but she didn't. "Mmhmmm, I don't like the cold. It bugs me." She told him. She went back to eating, but found herself looking back up at Draco. He noticed and said something. She looked at him. "Oh, sorry Draco." She said. She got up and left. As Brandi was leaving she seen a couple Slytherin boys walk up to her. She kept walking, but as she did, she looked at them, "Keep dreaming boys." She told them and seen the looks of disappointment on their faces. She smirked as she headed to Potions early. She seen Professor Snape. "Morning Professor." She said as she sat down and took out her homework and started to look it over.

Brandi seen Draco walk in. She looked up and smiled. She didn't even realize that she was smiling at him. Then Snape cleared his throat and started class. Brandi listened as he explained the potion that they were to make. They needed a partner, and she sighed as she seen Nikki. She was still mad at her, but unless something happened, she would have to be her partner.
Draco smirked and watched her walk away. "Take it easy mate. " Blaise said as he ate. Draco looked over at him and shrugged, "I don't plan on throwing myself at any female Blaise." he said and continued to eat. Maybe I might have a little fun playing with her, he thought as he looked over at Blaise. "I'm going to go to class" he said as he stood up. Draco walked into class and raised his eyebrows when he noticed Brandi smiling at him. This is too easy, he thought as he sat down in his seat.

Draco smirked when Snape said they needed to find a partner for the potion. He glanced at Blaise and watched him nod and walk up to Nikki. Draco smiled as he got his things and sat by Brandi. "Well.. since you don't have a partner and Blaise seems to be taken with your friend might as well." he said as he looked at her. "Next time if you want to be slick about it." he said and laughed at the look she gave him. "You.. smiling.." he said and raised an eyebrow. He grabbed his book and started to measure the ingredients. "Well are you just going to sit there and stare at me or are you going to get to work and stare at me." he asked and chuckled.
Brandi looked at Draco as he came over. She looked at him. "Hm, I was just smiling and you walked in." She said. "Besides, I'm in a good mood." She added. Then she got to work on the potion. She looked up and seen Snape looking at them. She shrugged and continued preparing the ingredients. When class was over, she bottled up some potion and took it to Snape's desk. Then she went back to the table and started to clean up, and put her stuff away. She looked at Draco. "See you in our next class." She told him and smiled as she walked out. Brandi got to her next class and sat down. She got ready and waited for class to start.

As she waited she seen Nikki walk in and sit a few seats form her. She sighed. "I forgive you but not totally, so get over here." She said pointing to the other side of her. "Next time you want to help, make sure the help is wanted before you do okay?" She told Nikki. Then she seen Draco from the corner of her eye, but didn't look directly at him. She smiled and looked at Nikki. She shrugged. "I dunno." She told her knowing she was curious as to weather Draco was interested on her. Brandi cared, but wasn't going to let Draco know. Not yet anyways.
Draco sat back as Brandi bottled the potion, "I'm sure Snape would rather have you bring the potion to him." he said and watched her head up to Snape's desk. Draco noticed that Snape was watching them during the duration of the class. He chuckled and shook his head. Probably thinks we've hooked up since yesterday, he thought and watched Brandi walk back to him. He grabbed his things as he watched her head to transfiguration.

Draco smirked as he stood by Blaise, "She's smiling. Shouldn't be hard to get her into my bed." he said and smirked at Blaise's reaction. They walked into transfiguration and Draco stopped in front of the girls, "Seems like the two of you have made up." he said and smirked. "That's great. Nikki I would appreciate another heads up if Brandi decides to do something else." he walked away when she shot him a look and sat down behind her.
Brandi looked up and seen Draco walk in. She smiled and then quickly looked away. But Draco came over and asked Nikki to give him a heads up on anymore of her schemes. "Not really, but she's hard to get rid of." Brandi told Draco. She watched as the cat on the deck transformed into their teacher. She listened to her drone on about turning an animal into a goblet. finally class was over and she headed out to the greenhouses for herbology. She got there early as usual and took a seat.

Brandi had he head in her hand, elbow on the table. Just then everyone walked in. She didn't even realize that Draco and Blaise had walked in. Then Professor Sprout talked about some plant that they had to pick. She looked up and saw Draco looking at her. She raised her eyebrow but didn't say anything.
Draco smirked at waved her off as he sat down and waited for class to start. Transfiguration was not something he enjoyed. He glanced over at Blaise and rolled his eyes, "This class is too boring" he muttered and watched Blaise hold back a laugh, "Well Malfoy, maybe you can stop by Brandi's room and get some head. Bitch knows what she is doing." he said and looked away when Draco shot him a look. They watched Professor McGonnagal transform and Draco rolled his eyes, "Why does she keep doing that?" he muttered and straightened up when she looked at him. Draco stared at the back of Brandi's head while McGonnagal went over the lecture.

Once class was over, Draco walked with Blaise to herbology and smirked as he joined Brandi. "I see you saved us a spot" he said as he stood in front of her. He looked at her and watched her raise an eyebrow. "Oh don't flatter yourself, Just because I look at you doesnt mean I want you." he said and watched her look down. He felt Blaise elbow him and shot him a look. "What?" he snapped and rolled his eyes and Blaise pointed to the plant in front of them. "We have an assignment mate" he said and the two of them got to work.
Brandi sat down and waited. She seen Draco sit by her. She didn't say anything, just raised her eyebrow and he still made a stupid remark. Brandi rolled her eyes. Either he wanted her to shut up, or is she raised he eyebrow she was flattering herself? She just kept quite and work on the assignment. She wasn't to fond of herbology, but it was something she had to take. Brandi finished up with the assignment and cleaned up. Then when class was over, she picked her things up and headed to lunch.

Brandi headed to the great hall. She walked at her normal pace. She got to the doors of the great hall and she stood outside them waiting for Draco. She had something to tell him. Then she would let him consider it. It was a shot in the dark, but she wanted to prove it somehow. Just as she was getting sore from leaning against the wall she seen him. Brandi took a deep breath, then slowly let it go. "Draco can i talk to you for a second?" She said seeing his eyes roll. "Just hear me out. Then you might just be rid of me." She said looking at him.
Draco made a face as he pulled the plants out and held them out arms length in front of him. "If my father knew I was sent here to do muggle work..." he said and stopped when Blaise shot him a look, "What is it Zambini" Draco said and looked to see Professor Sprout near him. He closed his mouth and continued to make faces as he went along with the assignment. Draco cursed when he tipped the fertilizer on his robe. "Fuck, I don't see the point of coming to this class. I know I'm never going to be be using this anytime in the future." he muttered and looked at Blaise as he laughed. "Oh you think this is funny dont you?" Draco asked as he threw the fertilizer on Blaise and watched him make a face. "Stinks doesnt it" he said and smirked.

After class ended, Draco brushed the dirt off his robe, "This is unnecessary" he hissed as he took his wand out and cleaned his robes. He turned to look at Blaise and scowled, "I hate that class" he said as the two of them headed down to the Great Hall. Draco raised an eyebrow as he was stopped by Brandi. "What is it?" he snapped and pulled out of her grasp. He watched Blaise smirk and mouth "get some" before walking towards the table. Draco chuckled and looked at Brandi. "What do you want?" he asked.
Brandi couldn't help but laugh. "Now look who's getting all worked up." She told him. She seen him glare at her. "You want me out of your way? Never to talk to you again, or bug you or look at you?" She asked him. "Then try me. If I am lying to you, I'm gone, I'll fade away and never bug you again." She told him. "I do believe you said you wouldn't mind." She added. "Think about, if I'm lying, you'll never have to see or hear me again." She added as she walked away.

Brandi ate and then went to Defense against the dark arts. She sighed and sat down at an empty seat. She knew that Draco was probably have a good laugh over what she said, but fuck it. Something had to give. She got out her homework and book and was double checking it when class started. She didn't look up, because it seem that every time she did, Draco was walking in the door. So she just sat there tapping her quill waiting for class to start.
Draco glared at her and smirked, "Try you? Brandi.. keep dreaming... I have no intention of ending up with some muggle disease. I am a Malfoy. I have standards." he said and smirked as she narrowed her eyes. "But if you really are that desperate to sleep with me, then I might just thinkk about it." he said and smirked as she walked away. Draco walked up to Blaise and told him what happened. Blaise started laughing. "Are you fucking serious? Well mate? You going to fuck her?" he asked as he ate. Draco smirked and looked at Blaise, "I said I would think about it" he said and started to eat.

Draco started thinking, should he fuck her? I mean she is hot, he thought and shook the thought out of his head. "If my parents found out i slept with.. a whore, I will be degraded" he muttered. Draco worried too much about his image, and wasnt sure if sleeping with Brandi would ruin it. He went to defense against the dark arts and smirked when he saw Brandi. "Hiding from me?" Draco asked as he passed her and sat behind her.
Brandi looked at Draco. "It was just a thought." She said. Brandi laughed. "I promise you won't get some weird disease." She told him. "I mean look at Blaise, he's still here and alright." Then as an afterthought she turned back to him as she was leaving. "Plus I think muggleborns should know their place in our world, they are below purebloods, and should be treated as such." Then in Defense against the dark arts she she heard Draco make a comment. She turned around to face him. "No, Draco I'm not hiding. I'm right here." She told him. "You know, you worry to much about what others think of you." She told him. "Why don't you loosen up and smile for once, of course it doesn't have to be at me, but shit Draco." She told him.

"I know your going to take that the wrong way, but really almost no one cares about image anymore." She added before turning back around. She needed him to lighten up and stop being so aristocratic. Everyone knew he was rich, and everyone knew he was a Malfoy. But she shrugged and waited to see how much damage was done.
Draco raised an eyebrow, "Yea, but you were hiding when i walked into class. What's wrong Brandi? Didn't want me to catch you looking?" he said and smirked. He recalled her comments about muggles from earlier and smirked, "mudbloods maybe below purebloods, but purebloods should never consider themselves as equals to them. " he said as he gave her a look, "If you are a pureblood, you don't seem to be proud of it" he added and smirked.

Draco raised an eyebrow, "Well, that is easy coming from you. I would be upset if people were calling me a whore." he smirked and saw her blush. "I like that look on you. Adds color to your face" he said and chuckled when she turned a deeper red. Draco winked at her and saw her turn as class started.
Brandi looked at him. "I may have been." She said. "Of course not. Purebloods are whats going to keep the wizarding world going. Keep it pure I say." She said with a smile. "Oh I'm proud of it. I just show it in my marks and magical superiority." She told him. Then he started to talk about how she didn't care about being called a whore, and she turned red. Then she got even redder when he told her it looked good on her, and hew eyes went wide when he winked. She silently cursed as class started. She got through it and headed for the next class.

When Brandi saw Draco walk in, she turned red, but didn't look away. She gave him a small smile. Then she went about getting ready for the next class. She didn't want Draco to think she was throwing herself at him anymore. So she quit with the clothes and decided to stay away from other guys. Just in case anything happened. She wanted to prove it to him once on for all. But she just had to stop turning red around him now.
Draco made a face as time went by slowly. Once class was over, he stood up and slowly gathered his things as he watched Brandi speed out. Damn she must be eager to see me walk in, he thought and chuckled as he walked out of the classroom. Draco walked into class and smirked when he saw her turn red. "Someone's glad to see me walk int" he said as he sat behind her. Draco noticed her smiling at him and smirked.

Draco noticed a change is Brandi. She seemed to cover herself up more. She stopped showing her tits and her body in general. Draco fought back his laugh when he heard Blaise complain. "I asked her for some head and she said no. What the fuck is wrong with that bitch. First she tells me that she wants me to stop by, and when I do she says no." Blaise ranted. Draco shrugged and smiled when he noticed how he could easily make her go red.
Brandi smiled as Draco walked in. She turned red when he reminded her of being red around him. If he would only trust me. I really am not a whore. Maybe if she kept dressing conservative, she might just be able to convince him. But she wasn't going to do anything anymore with anyone. Even when Blaise stopped by, she refused. She knew it pissed him off, but she didn't care.

Brandi looked at the class and still seen guys looking at her. But she didn't care now. Soon they would stop. Especially when they heard the word from Blaise saying she refused. Then class started and she waited for lunch to come. She was hungry and then she was going to finish studying for the test that they had later that day. Although she knew she would pass without studying.
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